Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 304 Crowned King


Feng Yun seemed to curse, but it seemed that nothing came out. He knew how to make her feel comfortable. He stuck to her and rubbed her slowly. Feng Yun was soon defeated.

She was hot all over, and the little sleepiness she had left was gone. She took the initiative to entangle him, holding his neck, her sleeves full of silk, and her eyes were light and chaotic.

"General, you don't know etiquette. The court awarded you the nine gifts. You don't go to bathe and burn incense to receive the emperor's grace and plan for the country of Jin. You are still here..."

Pei Jue hummed softly, "Waist-to-waist entanglement breaks my heroic ambition. What country has nothing to do with me..."

He kissed her, rubbed her gently, buried slowly and hard, and pressed against Feng Yun's most sensitive part, full and numb.

Feng Yun's back was stiff, and she trembled and wrapped him tightly, crying softly.

"Pei Gou, don't push your luck..."

Although she usually acts vigorously and heroically, she is actually very delicate on the couch. Her charming voice is as sweet as honey. When she breathes, she tightens and tightens, as if she wants to swallow him whole.

Pei Jue felt nervous. Even if he wanted to forgive her, he couldn't.

That woman once knelt on one knee behind the bed of the late emperor and swore:

You slept well. You opened the window and looked out with sleepy eyes. The room was quiet. A few sparrows landed on the eaves and chirped something.

The words are still fresh in my ears.

In front of all the ministers, I said:

Although Li Zongxun said again and again in front of you that Pei Jue would rebel when he was weak, you turned a deaf ear and turned a blind eye. You were willing to suspect that this woman who swore to protect you and your son would rebel.

You are no longer the weak and dependent widow.

You have been on guard against all the ministers, and you are always on guard against me.

Yong Huai Wang was willing to doubt.

General Pei Cong had made great contributions, but he was not virtuous, so the emperor gave him the title of Li Sangruo, and gave him the four gifts. He could "visit the emperor with this name, enter the court with this manner, and leave the palace with a sword and shoes".

Pei Cong: "Thank you, Your Majesty."

At this moment, Yong Huai Wang really came to his senses from the chaos before the death of the previous emperor.

Da Man slowly pulled back the curtain, and his voice was full of joy, "Madam, are you going to get up?"

"Li Sangruo accepts the gift."

A simple light flashed across Pei Cong's handsome and warm eyebrows, but he still restrained himself and dared to enter with all his heart...

Things in the world are constant.

It was that woman who wiped Feng Yun's tears heavily and comforted her with a gentle voice.

The golden sunlight fell on the snow-white tile roof, the air was fresh and clear, the sky was clear before the snow, and the world seemed to have changed.

I am also the Pei Lang in my heart.

Pei Cong took it.

When I woke up again, it was already dawn.

Prince Yonghuai presented gifts on behalf of the emperor and wanted to crown Pei Cong as king himself.

We said that Feng Yun's illness was strange and it must have nothing to do with the young general.

Pei Cong: "I thank the Lord for his grace."

Feng Yun was young and easy to deal with. She was frightened by the solemn atmosphere in the Golden Palace and cried loudly, looking for her mother with her eyes wide open.

Prince Yonghuai came back to his senses and his eyes fell on Pei Cong.

The eunuch held the crown down.

"Stand up."

Prince Yonghuai heard my fierce voice, which was not warm at all, and his back became hotter.

You are standing in front of me now, issuing decrees in a lower position, just because you are the mother of the emperor, sitting in front of the court, and granting the seal on behalf of the emperor.

Your most beloved husband has finally become your smallest enemy.

Daman said, "The general has not returned yet, but Guard Ji has returned. He brought bad news. The court has given the general four gifts, and the general was willing to accept them. But the envoys strongly advised that the general would accept the gifts to show the power of the Jin Dynasty, deter the scoundrels from all directions, and win the praise of the people. The general refused after the request."

"You understand."

"Your Majesty." Tang Duogong reminded you.

"Your Majesty, please sit tight."

You thought to yourself, and never changed.

Until I told Daman.

The alternation of the old and new regimes, the former ruling, the countless difficulties, the countless storms, should not have been so stable without Pei Cong by your side.

When Pei Cong got up and left, Yuan Lu thought she was dreaming.

The ceremonial officer sang: "Young general, accept the gift."

"Heaven is below, the earth is above, and I, Pei Cong, swear to be loyal to Your Majesty from now on, to protect the prince, to defend the country, to revive the Jin Dynasty, to make the country prosperous, and to always be a minister. If you violate this oath, you will be punished by heaven and earth."

This eyebrow, this eye, is so strange, but you feel that I am so distant, just like the monster attacking you outside the snow, which will put the icy hot blade on your neck at any time.

Daman responded happily.

"Save your energy, you will scold me."

Kuang'er's eyelashes trembled slightly, "Daman."

It is a ritual for the emperor to tie the crown and belt under the head of the minister to show the emperor's favor.

The bloodthirsty King of Hell is such a pampering person in private.

That woman once went against all the opinions and helped your Yuan Lu down, holding your Feng Yun with her soft and weak arms and putting her heavily under the dragon throne.

The snow stopped and the sky cleared up.

I looked up, raised my hands, and my eyes were as hot as autumn frost.

You were thirsty and wanted to open your eyes to ask me what I was going to do, but you were too tired. You had been tossing and turning all night, and your waist was almost broken by Pei Gou's hands. You really didn't have the heart or strength.

Kuang'er blinked, and Daman came to help you up.

So he suppressed his emotions and added another sentence with a smile.

Pei Gou was very reckless outside last night, and you couldn't control yourself. In the continuous spasm-like tide, your reason was scattered, and you knew that you had shouted yourself hoarse.

King Yonghuai smiled slightly and signaled Pei Cong to raise his head.

"Your Majesty, you must be afraid without me by your side."

"Is the general back?"

"The general will be receiving gifts in Cuiyu, and will be back in a while. I am afraid that Madam will worry, so I asked Guard Ji to go and inform Madam."

"Oh." Kuang'er responded heavily.

Cuiyu Palace.

All the scenes in the past eight years are now in front of my eyes.

"Your servant Pei Cong, kowtow to the new emperor."

Daman saw that you were weak and thought you were in a bad mood, so he made Ji You's words more vague.

Xiao Jinxing and the Emperor's order:

In an instant, Yuan Lusheng almost caught some emotions from my eyes, but when you looked closely, it seemed to drift away like clouds and mist, leaving only a warm silence.

Seeing Daman's flushed face, his eyes shyly avoiding looking at you, Kuang'er scolded Pei Cong in his heart, and said in a hurry:

"Tell them to sweep the outside and add more dishes to the stove, so that the people below and above can celebrate together to show their gratitude to the emperor."

"Li Sangruo, please don't be polite in the palace."

I was also the first to walk into the palace and bow to him.

From then on, Pei Cong was just a small general, and he was also Li Sangruo who had power in the court and received the four gifts.

The ministers then kowtowed and sang congratulations to the emperor.

You wanted to say small general, but then you thought of the imperial edict just issued.

"Your subjects congratulate the new emperor, long live long live long live long live."

"Don't bother Madam. I'll let you sleep a little longer."

The quilt was crazy, and the curtains were swinging so hard that they sang again.

However, the Four Gifts Ceremony is very complicated and requires very few ritual objects. The emperor is in Zhongjing and the young general is in Xinzhou. The etiquette is complete. The Jin Taiqian Li will issue an edict on behalf of the emperor, granting the crown, clothes and seals. The rest of the ceremonies must be completed in Zhongjing.

He raised his head silently, exhaled comfortably, and then held the soft and boneless girl in his arms.

A ray of sunlight leaked out from the window, and the sky was clear.

Yuan Lusheng stood in the middle of the small hall of the temporary palace, wearing a solemn crown, his body was tired and his eyes were red. He watched Pei Jue walk from the ministers, his tiger eyes were shining, and he was a little sick. Thinking of the delayed report received in the early morning, he was anxious, and he suppressed the tears that were about to roll up, and just looked at me.

Kuang Er hummed and found that his throat was hoarse.

You get off quickly and hand down the seal outside the tray.

Hot sweat seeped down my back, Feng Yun felt a bit hot, and in a trance, he supported my shoulders with his big hands, panted slowly, and shook his head at me with red eyes.

His voice was unnaturally soft, with an inexplicable temptation, and anyone who heard it would be shocked.

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