Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 306 Tiger Seal

Li Sangruo had seen Feng Yun tidying up his clothes.

He was tall, so he was afraid that she couldn't reach him, so he would lower his head, like a docile big dog, and let her do whatever she wanted.

That was the scene that Li Sangruo had thought of when she was a girl.

She was with Pei Jue day and night, playing the piano and drinking tea, watching him wield swords, sweating all over, and then coming to him with a radiant face, lowering his head in front of him, letting her wipe the sweat and change clothes, his eyes bright and happy...

"King Yonghuai."

Li Sangruo raised her face slightly, with a graceful posture, looking at Pei Jue standing in the palace.

Her blood was burning, and her eyes were full of expectation.

I couldn't be his wife in this life, and I couldn't change his clothes and put on his hat for him day and night, so I could just take it as a kind of compensation.

"I will do it myself."

Pei Jue raised his hands and glanced at the envoy who was delivering the imperial edict.

"Let's skip the empty ceremony."

The envoy held his breath and was stunned.

Li Sangruo's smile slowly withdrew, and her face became very ugly.

It took a long time for her to calm down under the gaze of the ministers, and handed the crown and clothes to Pei Jue.

"That's good."

The light and shadows in the hall were floating.

The ministers did not dare to say much, and Li Sangruo was speechless.

Their eyes were focused on Pei Jue, and they watched him tie the crown and belt calmly, with no expression on his face, but he was elegant and proud of the world.

Li Sangruo stared at Pei Jue, her throat tight.

In front of so many people, she couldn't get off the stage.

"King Yonghuai refused to accept my courtesy, is he dissatisfied with me?"

The hearts of the ministers were lifted.

After finally pacifying Pei Jue, was Queen Mother Li going to make a big fuss over a small matter?

It was just that Pei Jue didn't let her tie the crown and belt by herself, was it worth it?

"I neglected it."

Pei Jue bowed to Li Sangruo, his eyes were obscure.

"I am just deeply indebted to the Emperor, and I have fulfilled my duty. I dare not trouble the Empress Dowager."

Courtesy and restrained, sounding impeccable.

Li Sangruo knew that he was just avoiding her and refused to let her touch him.

Not even a hair.

This man...

She hated him to the extreme, and was thirsty to the extreme.

Li Sangruo was silent for a moment, easing the pain in her heart.

"Pei Qing is overthinking. You assisted me, defended the Jin Dynasty, and repelled the Qi army, making great contributions. If you can afford the Nine Gifts, what else can you not afford? The Emperor is young, and the invaders are eyeing us covetously. In the future, we orphans and widows will have to rely on Pei Qing."

In the hall, all the ministers lowered their heads, feeling embarrassed.

How did the Nine Gifts come from? Everyone knew it, and it was better to keep face if they didn't say it.

Queen Dowager Li's words sounded like she was submissive, but every word was unwilling.

This expression is like questioning a heartless husband...

Pei Jue frowned and said nothing. The envoy who delivered the imperial edict was a little anxious.

He was sent by Li Zongxun, who repeatedly told him to keep Pei Jue stable and not to let the queen mother ruin the big thing again.

"Your Highness the Queen Mother." He cupped his hands and reminded Li Sangruo, "Tiger seal and ribbon."

Li Sangruo was unwilling to accept it. His eyes were swollen with anger. He looked into Pei Jue's eyes and slowly drew a sad smile at the corner of his lips.

"The general split the land and made himself a king, and gave him nine gifts, leading the world's troops. Why don't you come forward to receive the tiger seal and ribbon?"

"I accept the gift."

Pei Jue held the imperial edict and the golden tiger seal in his hands, saluted the queen mother, and then bowed in the direction of Zhongjing.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

The envoys congratulated in unison, praising King Yonghuai as the backbone of the country, but they were privately uneasy.

The Queen Mother of Jin had not yet told everyone openly about the young emperor's serious illness. She only asked the eunuch to come and report at dawn today. She said lightly, "Your Majesty has caught a cold and is not feeling well. You are all preparing to return to the capital."

But which minister is not from a noble family, and which family does not have its own sources of information?

Everyone has their own channels, and almost all of them learned about the young emperor's illness, which is far from being as simple as "catching a cold".

The world has been turbulent for too long, and the slightest disturbance will make people nervous.

At this juncture, the general who claimed to be "in poor health" complied with the Queen Mother and accepted the nine gifts. His intention can be said to be undisputed.

Whether this is a blessing or a misfortune for the country is still unknown.

But no one will come out to oppose it.

His willingness to accept the gift is also a blessing in disguise. It is much better than going to war, trapping them all in Xinzhou, and forcing the young emperor to abdicate.

Because once it comes to that, Xiao Cheng will definitely not miss such an opportunity. Taking advantage of the civil unrest in Jin, he will tear up the alliance and lead his troops into Jin.

A little delay is a little delay.

All the ministers breathed a sigh of relief.

In an era where the strong are respected, Pei Jue has reached the pinnacle of power at this moment, which is invaluable.

Whether he will have the heart to become emperor in the future, whether history will be rewritten in Pei Jue's hands, everything will have to wait until the army returns to the court, and then see how the court changes.


Back in the inner hall, Li Sangruo sat down dejectedly, covering her face and crying.

In the face of war, killing, and disease, life and death, what can she do even if she is the queen mother?

She cried for her powerlessness, Pei Jue's ruthlessness, the early death of the previous emperor, her son's young age, fear of loneliness and helplessness. At the moment when Pei Jue turned around resolutely, she felt as if she had lost everything.

Tang Shaogong had a blank expression on his face, as if he could not see her pity.

"It's not time to be sad yet. Is it too early for Your Highness to cry now?"

Li Sangruo whimpered and buried his face into the soft brocade pillow, his shoulders shaking. He couldn't hold back the tears, which slid into his temple hair like crazy, soaking it all.

Tang Shaogong looked at the back of her head with cold eyes.

"Your Majesty's condition is unknown. At this time, the Queen Mother should take heart and make early plans."

Li Sangruo looked up with tears in his eyes, crying and laughing at the same time.

"What are you planning? Now that the matter is over, what else can the Ai family plan?"

Tang Shaogong was silent for a moment and reminded her in the calmest and most ruthless voice.

"If His Majesty dies unfortunately, who will sit on this throne?"

Li Sangruo trembled, clenched his handkerchief in disbelief, and asked through gritted teeth.

"Uncle Shao Gong, are you so careless? I, Mr. Li, treat you well, but you actually said such treacherous words?"

Tang Shaogong bowed his head and bowed.

"It is precisely because Prime Minister Li treats his servants well that he speaks out. Once His Majesty passes away, how can the Queen Mother control the court? Who should be chosen as the new monarch in the clan to protect the inheritance of the ancestors? Loyalty is hard to hear. I urge the Queen Mother to think deeply. "

Li Sangruo looked at his cold and ruthless face, first sneered, smiled and then started to cry.

Because every word of Tang Shaogong's life was filled with imminent difficulties.

The secret report said that her Kuang'er had a sudden illness and it was difficult to get rid of...

The late emperor actually had several princes, all of whom died young, with the oldest one less than nine years old.

In addition to Yuan Kuang, the late emperor also had a son named Yuan Shangyi, who was a descendant of the former empress Jiang. He was frail and sickly since he was a child, and he was raised miserable. It is not known how long he can live.

If something happens to Kuang'er...

Li Sangruo felt chills all over his body when he thought of this.

The man who promised to protect Kuang'er found out that Kuang'er was seriously ill and accepted Jiuxi's gift without expression. Can she still expect him to turn the tide like last time?

Li Sangruo closed his eyes.

"When will it be my turn as a woman to take charge of the country, the country, and the country?"

She glanced at Tang Shaogong again and smiled mockingly.

"Uncle Shao Gong, doesn't he always say that my father has made his own decision? Also, as Uncle Shao Gong said, Pei Madang has undying love for me until death, so where is it? Uncle Shao Gong, it's time. "

Tang Shaogong was never moved by her sarcasm and said without changing his expression:

"Your Highness, please gather yourself and prepare to return to Beijing. The rest of the matter will be decided by the Prime Minister."

He left without looking back.

He didn't leave any face to Li Sangruo.

Li Sangruo was so angry that her head was buzzing. With tears in her eyes, she gritted her teeth. She put all her murderous energy into the pillow and threw it with all her strength. She roared in a suppressed voice.

"Get out! Get everyone out of here."


The subtle changes in the Jin Dynasty did not escape Xiao Cheng's eyes.

Pei Madang split the earth and made him king, and gave him nine tins, which made the already chaotic world situation even more confusing. Jin, Qi, Yunchuan and even the small country of Fujian and Yue, aristocratic families and warlords, and nobles all turned their attention here, covertly or covertly.

But in any case, the chaotic situation in Shinshu lasted for a few days and then came to an end.

The envoy of Jin could not wait to return to Beijing as if he had been given a new lease of life.

The meeting between the Pei and Feng families was scheduled for noon the next day at Guanlan Pavilion in Xinzhou City.

It is close to Huaishui Pier and has convenient transportation, making it easy for both parties to travel.

When the in-laws met, his son-in-law had just been crowned King Yonghuai. Feng Jingting was cautious, fearing that his lack of etiquette would offend the Pei family. On the one hand, she was afraid that the etiquette would be too thoughtful, so Mrs. Chen gave him a look.

Unexpectedly, Mrs. Chen was more proactive this time. She considered the gift list again and again, and even let him see it. Even Feng Ying was very interested in this interview.

Feng Jingting just breathed a sigh of relief when he was called by Xiao Cheng.

Knowing that their whole family was going to the banquet, Xiao Cheng smiled lightly, said congratulations, and then called Daman out.

"You can go with Mr. Feng."

The blessed body salutes, the waist is bare, and the graceful bow is made.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

She has a pair of extremely beautiful eyes, and it is also the face that most resembles Feng Yun. Bright and charming, delicate in every way, and smiling slowly, it seems to be full of lingering amorous feelings, which makes people imagine endlessly.

Feng Jingting didn't dare to look directly into those eyes, his face froze slightly, and he raised his hands and asked Xiao Cheng.

"Your what capacity do you take her there?"

He wondered.

Xiao Cheng has always been indifferent to women. There are several ladies in the palace, all of whom are daughters of aristocratic families. They are all as beautiful as flowers and jade, but they are not favored. Feng Ying is considered to be pretty and charming, but he is still not moved by her. Even Feng Yun was not taken into his heart at first.

But this one is so full...

I don't know if I got pleasure from sleeping on the bed, but since I slept on the imperial ship that day, and stayed by my side every night for a few days, I became the emperor's favorite overnight.

Feng Jingting thought Xiao Cheng wanted to take the opportunity to give Daman a status and give her a prestigious title.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Cheng spoke lightly.

"Feng Gong's daughter, the girl of the Feng family." (End of chapter)

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