Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 307 Impure Purpose

Feng Jingting went back tremblingly, sitting alone in the room for a long time, waiting for Chen to come back, but he hadn't figured out how to talk to her.

Chen led her son Feng Liang to the door, taught the nurse and the maid, and walked in with her sleeves brushed and her waist twisted, looking very proud.

"What does your majesty want to tell Alang?"

Feng Jingting didn't dare to look at her face, picked up the teacup, and looked away.

"Your majesty asked me to take Daman to Xinzhou."

The air in the room stagnated slightly.

Chen smiled happily and bent down to refill his water.

"Isn't that a great thing? Aying hasn't smiled since that dead girl came here... Humph, she looks like a fox, I thought it would last a long time, but after a few days, your majesty got tired of it..."

As she spoke, she saw that Feng Jingting's expression was getting more and more strange, and she raised her eyebrows as if examining him.

"Why are you looking like that? People who don't know the truth would think you're reluctant to send her back."

Feng Jingting's scalp was numb as Madam Chen stared at him.

"Your Majesty wants us to recognize Daman..."

Chen looked at Feng Jingting with a gloomy face.

Feng Jingting also looked at her.


The two looked at each other in silence for a long time. With a clang, Chen's knees softened and suddenly hit the low table. Her sleeves swept towards Feng Jingting's teacup...

The tea flowed all over the floor.

Feng Jingting hurriedly supported her, "Madam?"

Chen looked at him with a cold look.

"Do you know something?"

Feng Jingting hesitated for a moment, and the palm of his hand on her arm tightened slightly.

After a long while, he nodded tiredly.

"Daman said that she is A Ling's daughter."

Chen sneered secretly and looked at him with resentment.

"You are still thinking about that slut, right or wrong..."

Feng Jingting forced a smile, his elegant and handsome face was full of embarrassment.

"No. I have no feelings for A Ling..."

"Isn't that ruthless and ungrateful person born out of cracks in the stone?"

Feng Jingting remained silent, looking at Mrs. Chen, not knowing what he was thinking about, with a look of loneliness that could not be concealed.

"At that time, Sanniang was angry with me... I was young and aggressive, and refused to bow my head. I drank alone in Tingxuexuan and got drunk... That's why, that's why this happened. Later, my mother found out and sent her away for fear of ruining my reputation... It's been so many years, I don't even remember what she looks like..."

Chen sneered.

"Anyway, it's all someone else's fault. You drank and had fun, and molested the house prostitutes, but you are the most innocent one?"

Feng Jingting had no way to defend himself, and kept begging for mercy.

Chen was extremely angry.

But she didn't just know about this matter today, she had already passed the most uncomfortable time.

After scolding, the matter still needs to be resolved.

"So, Daman, this slut, wants to rely on the support of His Majesty to seek a future for herself?"

Feng Jingting sighed.

Chen asked: "Then what are you going to do?"

Under Chen's aggressive gaze, Feng Jingting lowered his eyes uncomfortably, cleared his throat, and said: "Madam, it's not up to me to decide what to do now, but I can only do this, and I have no say..."

"What does she want?" Chen stared at him with resentful eyes and a ferocious face.

Feng Jingting looked at her and said hesitantly:

"She said that Ah Ling is in Madam's hands? She wants me to clear Ah Ling's name and take her as a concubine..."

"What?" Chen stared at him in disbelief, "If you take a concubine now, isn't that a slap in my face? No! Don't even think about it."

"Madam, Madam, don't get excited." Feng Jingting held her arm and motioned her to sit down, "Daman said that as long as she has a status, her mother will not enter the Feng Mansion."

Chen stared at him fiercely, "What's the difference?"

Feng Jingting said, "There is only one mistress in the mansion, no one else. It's just giving her a status, and she is just a concubine..."

Chen looked at him and asked coldly, "What if I don't agree?"

Feng Jingting sat there and looked at her silently for a moment, his expression solemn, his eyes revealing the coldness of deep winter.

"Daman is currently favored by His Majesty. In my opinion, His Majesty wants to give her the identity of the daughter of the Feng family first, and then raise her status..."

He glanced at Chen and stopped talking.

But how could Chen not hear the hidden meaning?

If she didn't give the emperor face, it would not be Daman who would be offended, but the emperor.

"Madam..." Feng Jingting shook her hand, "Calm down, just do this favor to His Majesty. I have informed my elder brother about this matter, and he also has this intention."

"I understand." Chen looked at him with a fake smile, "So you two brothers have already discussed it? I have to agree whether I agree or not?"

Feng Jingting sighed, "Why do you care? These years... Daman has not had an easy time."

From a certain perspective, Daman's identity is actually much cleaner than Feng Ying's.

Her biological mother was a concubine in the mansion. The child born by the concubine and the male protagonist, no matter how noble her status was, was not considered immoral. Feng Ying was born from the affair between Feng Jingting and Chen. Adultery was immoral, and it was shameful to rape and marry her.

It's just that social status determines moral standards. No one would mention Feng Ying's background. She was the legitimate daughter of the Feng family and was respected by everyone, while Daman had been a slave for more than ten years.

Feng Jingting didn't say anything, but his tone was slightly dissatisfied, as if he was saying that she was not satisfied.

Mrs. Chen was arrogant and domineering when she was in her natal family. How could she bear this?

She immediately covered her face and went into the house, crying sadly.

Feng Ying learned about this a little later. She came over with a gloomy face, took Madam Chen's hand, cried with her, and said some comforting words.

Feng Jingting felt sorry for his daughter the most.

Seeing her and her mother crying, he could only sigh.

"Don't be sad, mother." Feng Ying gently stroked the sobbing Chen, "It's just that there are more girls in the mansion. A Ling gave birth to a child for her father, and others will say that mother is generous..."

Madam Chen listened to her daughter's words and burst into tears.

"My son, this is hurting my heart. Haven't you seen it yet? Why did the Twelve Lady send Da Man to Bingzhou? Her purpose is not pure, it is clearly calculated to embarrass us mother and daughter..."

As she said this, she glared at Feng Jingting fiercely, gritting her teeth.

"If you want to give that slut a status, you might as well divorce me first."

"Madam, why do you force me..."

Feng Jingting closed his eyes and sighed.

At this time, a cat suddenly cried in the courtyard.

Feng Ying tilted her head to listen for a moment, and motioned Ningxiu to go and see what was going on.

Ningxiu went out in response, and soon came back with a pale face.

"To answer Madam. Yes, it was Ban Gonggong, who was beside Madam Huaman, who brought people here. He said that Madam Huaman liked the tortoiseshell in our courtyard very much. He wanted to catch it and let Madam Huaman raise it.. ."

The name given to Daman by people in Madam Huaman's palace.

It came from Xiao Cheng's words, "Light rain passes through Huaman Ferry".

It happened that there was a word "Man" in Daman's name, so the name "Huaman" was given to her.

And tortoiseshell was a kitten that Feng Ying picked up after coming to Bingzhou. The three-color stripes were very distinctive. Feng Ying originally wanted to raise it in the palace. Later, Ping An told her that His Majesty was very clean and did not like to raise cats that shed their fur. She was afraid that it would cause displeasure to the emperor, so she reluctantly sent hawksbill turtle to Feng Jingting's residence.

Hearing that Daman had sent someone to catch her kitten and take it back to the palace to raise, Feng Ying's whole body tensed up, blood rushed to her head, and her eyes were red with anger.

"Did you tell him that the tortoise shell is not a wild cat, I raise it, and I like it very much..."

Ningxiu didn't dare to look at her cold eyes and lowered her head.

"The servant said. Eunuch Ban didn't listen. He said that if Madam Huaman likes something, not to mention a wild cat, even a tiger, Your Majesty would find a way to get it..."

"How unreasonable!" Madam Chen couldn't listen anymore, and she didn't care about crying. She stood up while wiping her eyes.

"This slut is too bullying. She ran to my house to catch a cat. I'm going to ask Your Majesty to judge..."

She was in a hurry and rushed out like an arrow.

Feng Ying was stunned for a moment, rushed up and hugged her, "Mother, don't do that!"

She knew Madam Chen's temper, and there would definitely be nothing good to say if she went there.

Xiao Cheng is not a person who will just accept it. If she gets angry, isn't she the one who will suffer in the end?

"Mother, for the sake of your daughter, you have to bear it... You have to bear it first, we will discuss it in the long run..."

Feng Ying's tears fell down Mrs. Chen's back, and Feng Jingting also stepped forward, bowing and bowing.

"Madam, calm down. Today's Majesty is not yesterday's Xiao San. You must not be presumptuous in front of the emperor."

"She did it on purpose, she did it on purpose."

Mrs. Chen trembled all over, and her voice was filled with anger.

"It must be that little goblin Feng Yun who instigated her, or it must be that pig-headed man, how could he do such a bold thing..."

She looked at her daughter with a sad face, and then at Feng Jingting who was helpless, and she was even more angry.

"Don't pretend here. Your daughter is favored by the majesty, are you satisfied in your heart?"

Feng Jingting's heart was choked and he couldn't speak.

Neither he nor Feng Jingyao expected that Daman would be so favored by Xiao Cheng.

But there is one thing that Mrs. Chen said is not without reason.

For the Feng family, although they would rather Feng Ying be favored by Xiao Cheng, what if they have no choice?

Xiao Cheng favors the daughter of the Feng family, which is much better than his favoring the daughter of the Zhang family and the daughter of the Xie family.

The emperor is scheming and has deep intentions. He joined hands with the Feng family to seize the throne of Xiao Jue. Now that he has the country in his hands, will he be willing to let the Feng family hinder him?

The world is bustling for profit, and the happiness of a daughter is too light.

"Alas!" Feng Jingting heard a lot of resentment and curses, and his patience was exhausted.

"Madam, don't worry about this matter. My eldest brother said that he would let my eldest sister-in-law take care of it, and you can just ignore it. Rest early, you still have to go to Xinzhou tomorrow."

Before the voice fell, he had already left with a wave of his sleeves.

Mrs. Chen was stunned for a moment, looked at Feng Jingting's back, screamed, and burst into tears while hugging Feng Ying.

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