Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 308 Princess Yonghuai

Mrs. Chen was very upset for a while, crying until her eyes were red and swollen, and her voice was hoarse.

Feng Ying was calmer than her mother.

She had been using the Golden Boudoir these days, and she found that her skin was indeed much more delicate, but it seemed that her skin had become thinner, and it was easy to get red and rash when exposed to wind and heat, and the same was true when she was emotional.

She took care of her face and suppressed her anger, and sat with Chen for a cup of tea. When her mood calmed down, she asked Ningxiu to take the tortoise-shell eating utensils and take them to the palace.

She didn't go to find Daman, but waited outside the door.

She found out Xiao Cheng's daily schedule from Ping'an. Sure enough, after waiting for a while, Xiao Cheng came from the camp and saw her entangled and wandering there.

Xiao Cheng paused.

The entourage stopped immediately.

Feng Ying turned her head, bowed slightly, and saluted.

"I see your majesty."

Xiao Cheng met her eyes.

"No need to be polite."

His eyes were calm, as if there was a layer of hazy and indifferent smile, no different from the past.

He was the same to everyone.

Feng Ying's worries disappeared immediately.

How could Xiao Sanlang be obsessed with vulgar things like Daman? If Feng Yun really came back, she might have to be a little cautious. If she turned against her third brother for a fake like Daman, it would be more trouble than gain.

Feng Ying was in a complicated mood, forced a smile, and motioned Ningxiu to bring the things over.

"I raised a kitten some time ago, named Daimao, which was very cute. Madam Huaman also liked it when she saw it, and specially sent Ban Gonggong to catch it. They left in a hurry, and I didn't have time to pack Daimao's things. I was afraid that it would be unfamiliar and unaccustomed, so I specially brought it over."

She spoke softly and was considerate everywhere.

The grievance seemed to be revealed but not revealed, and the affection was deep but restrained.

This is the kind of wife Xiao Cheng needs, and it is a necessary condition for the road to the queen. Feng Ying learned it in the boudoir, and she is very familiar with it. There is no trace of it on her face. By the way, she complained to Daman.

Xiao Cheng looked at her.

He stared at her for a long enough time.

It was so long that Feng Ying's heartbeat accelerated. He slowly waved his sleeves and said lightly:

"Come in with me."

Daman has been living with Xiao Cheng these days, which is also the evidence of her favor in the harem.

When Daman was here, Feng Ying came to pay respects and send food, but Jixiang blocked them all.

Since Daman was brought back by Xiao Cheng, this is the first time Feng Ying has entered his bedroom.

It looks no different from the past, plain and elegant, clean, with more women, but no trace of women's fragrance.

Feng Ying breathed a sigh of relief.

It didn't take over the magpie's nest, and it didn't make him lose his mind.

Xiao Sanlang is still Xiao Sanlang, he will not be fascinated by women.

Daman is in the inner courtyard.

Xiao Cheng did not ask her to serve like a servant, but she knew her own limitations. Living under someone else's roof, she was a humble servant, and the emperor loved cleanliness, so she worked harder and more efficiently to make a living.

Especially today, she stole Feng Ying's cat, and she was afraid that Xiao Cheng would blame her, so she found a hidden room to put the cat down. Just as she was about to clean, she was called over by Xiao Cheng.

When she entered the room, she saw Feng Ying following Xiao Cheng.

"Your Majesty..."

She stepped forward and saluted, then reached out to take Xiao Cheng's cloak, very naturally and familiarly, without saluting Feng Ying, or even looking at her, and not caring about Feng Ying's expression or what she would think.

These were not worth her thinking about.

As long as she served the master well and had someone to back her up, who cared what she did?

But she didn't know that in Feng Ying's eyes, this looked like she was spoiled and arrogant.

Feng Ying was a little annoyed, but she couldn't get angry, so she stood quietly to one side.

Xiao Cheng glanced at Daman.

"What did you do today?"

Daman's heart became lively when she met Xiao Cheng's smiling eyes.

When the two of them were together in private, Xiao Cheng would not be so friendly to her.

Isn't this clearly to embarrass Feng Ying?

She raised the corner of her mouth and glanced at Feng Ying lightly, "I saw a kitten this morning and liked it very much, so I asked someone to catch it. I want to keep it in the yard. When Your Majesty is not here, it can also accompany me..."

Xiao Cheng asked: "Do you know that it is Mrs. Feng's cat?"

Daman looked at him in surprise, covering her mouth in astonishment, and shook her head.

"I don't know. I saw that its fur was dirty and thought it was a wild cat that no one wanted. What should I do..."

She spoke only to Xiao Cheng in a coquettish tone, and her eyes were fixed on him from beginning to end, not caring about the "sufferer" Feng Ying at all. Feng Ying was embarrassed for her with her pretentious appearance, and she didn't believe that Xiao Cheng would fall in love with such a thing.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Cheng just sighed.

"This won't happen again."

After saying that, he turned his head in Feng Ying's expectant eyes.

"I've already taken it, let her keep it. If you like it, you can raise another one later."

This sentence stabbed Feng Ying's heart like a knife.

Feng Ying's eyes were red.

Isn't this clearly partiality?

Her chest was filled with anger, she almost couldn't control it, and her voice was trembling.

"Your Majesty... Is Daman favored by you because she looks like my elder sister?"

She made up her mind that even if it was useless to alienate her, she would disgust Daman and let her know that she was just a substitute for Feng Yun.

Unexpectedly, Daman turned her head without caring, and said to Xiao Cheng with a very happy smile:

"Your Majesty, she also thinks that I look like my elder sister..."

Xiao Cheng smiled faintly, "Yes."

The heart of the king is unpredictable.

Xiao Cheng had no patience to bother with this matter. He waved his hand to signal Feng Ying to leave, and then looked at Daman, his black eyes darkened a little.

"Follow me, wait for me to bathe."

Daman glanced at Feng Ying, smiled, and followed Xiao Cheng inside, as if Feng Ying did not exist, her voice was like an oriole.

"I brought a kind of lotus fragrance from Huaxi Village, which is very elegant and most suitable for your majesty to bathe and drink tea..."

The two figures passed the curtain, and the footsteps gradually disappeared.

Feng Ying looked through the veil, and her heart was blocked as if she couldn't breathe.

The servants standing by all lowered their heads.

They pretended not to see her embarrassment, but Feng Ying felt ashamed...

On the wooden table by the window, there were several small porcelain bottles, covered with velvet, revealing a corner, with the three words "Golden Boudoir Guest" pasted on it.

She asked the eunuch, "What is that?"

The eunuch took a look and said, "Madam Hua Man's cream. It's here, and I haven't had time to collect it yet."

Feng Ying was slightly stunned.

Dama was favored by Xiao Cheng, could it be because of the golden boudoir guest? In addition to the face, it must be used on the body...

The clean room was filled with hot air, and the white gauze curtain fell. Dama walked in properly, put Xiao Cheng's bathing towel and scented soap in place, and then lowered her head and slowly retreated.

"Dama." Xiao Cheng suddenly called her.

Dama's heart skipped a beat.

Xiao Cheng hadn't touched her for so many days, so she certainly wouldn't be so self-indulgent as to think that he was in the mood and wanted her to sleep with him.

So, she was a little nervous.

"Your Majesty..."

She lowered her head, very respectful.

Xiao Cheng's eyes fell on her forehead, and his voice was low and mellow.

"Don't be smart."

Dama looked up and looked at his expressionless face, not knowing what Xiao Cheng was thinking for a moment.

Xiao Cheng and Pei Jue are two completely different people. Pei Jue's face is full of "keep away from strangers". You can feel his coldness from ten feet away. Xiao Cheng is very secretive. He is not angry, indifferent, gentle, and even easy-going. However, the sense of distance he brings to people makes people feel ashamed, as if it is engraved in their bones...

"I was wrong."

Daman rushed to apologize and corrected his identity.

"I will go to Xinzhou to see my sister tomorrow. I think she likes these things. The tortoise is very smart and beautiful, so I want to bring it to her..."

I don't know if Xiao Cheng believed it or not, and walked towards her.

The two of them were closer.

He looked into Daman's eyes.

Daman was flustered by his stare, but she was very calm about bullying Feng Ying and Chen. She was nervous but not afraid.

"Don't test my feelings."

Xiao Cheng lowered his eyes slightly, with a lazy look, and the cool breath around him seemed to be covered with a layer of careless coldness.

He said: "You are not Ayun. I will not look for her existence in you. I indulge you because this is what Ayun wants, nothing else."

Daman was stunned and nodded.

"I understand, and I never dare to dream."

Xiao Cheng's eyes were dark, and he gestured to her.

"Go out."

"Yes." Daman slowly retreated, and then listened to him add, "When there is no one in the future, I allow you to call me brother-in-law."

Daman looked back at him, not quite understanding.

Xiao Cheng said slowly: "When you see Ayun, you know what to say, right?"

Daman hesitated, "Yes, brother-in-law."


From Bingzhou Camp to the banquet, the Feng family took the waterway. When they landed at the dock, they could see frequent ships in the surging river, and the ships were full of goods, many of which were going to Mingquan Town.

Chen was even more heartbroken when she thought of the hundreds of acres of land that Feng Yun had bought.

She looked at the gifts brought on the boat and whispered to Feng Jingting: "When you find a chance, remember to ask Twelve Niang to spit out the property of Andu."

Feng Jingting had some unpleasantness with her yesterday, but he was soft-hearted. When he learned that his sister-in-law had spread the news that she had taken A Ling as a concubine, he couldn't bear to be cruel to Chen.

"It's inconvenient for me to come forward on this matter. Why don't you let Daman go and talk?"

Daman has been acting like a favorite concubine of the emperor since she got on the boat today. She is accompanied by more than a dozen eunuchs and palace maids, wearing gorgeous clothes. She sits alone on one side and doesn't greet Chen. She only gives a little good face when she sees Feng Jingting.

Chen gets angry when she talks about her.

"You count on her? Humph, I said she is a spy sent by Twelve Niang. If you don't believe it, wait and see. You will suffer a loss."

Feng Jingting sighed and shook his head.

"Women's opinions."


Chen was about to explode when a servant reported from outside.

"My Lord, the ship has docked. Princess Yonghuai and General Wen are waiting for you at the dock."

Chen swallowed the words that were about to come out of her mouth.

She looked out with the crowd.

This sight made her heart burn with anger.

It was enough that the slave girl Daman was showing off in front of her, but Feng Yun on the dock was even more so...

In silence, the river breeze was blowing gently.

A group of soldiers from the Northern Yong Army wearing iron armor and holding sharp weapons stood neatly at the dock, and it looked like there were at least a hundred of them.

The war horses were silent, and the carriages were gorgeous. Feng Yun stood in front of the crowd with a gentle and peaceful smile on his face, and his whole body exuded an indescribable nobleness and grace.

This noble man is unparalleled, she married the right man.

Chen's heart sank, and Feng Ying's eyes were slightly hot.

However, Daman was so surprised to see Feng Yun and Xiaoman that he waved and shouted.

Feng Yun: They all think I married the right man, but they don’t know the suffering I endured, the torment I felt every day and the grievances I felt every night…

Pei Jue: ... Which day is torment, which night is grievance?

Chun Yuyan: I have heard it so many times, it is true, I did not marry the right person, I should marry the old Chun Yu family next door, it would be right.

Wen Xingsu: The family next door is surnamed Wen.

Ao Qi: The family next door is also surnamed Ao.

Xiao Cheng: Ah Yun, it is time to turn back, come to your husband's arms, bathe, burn incense, and wait for you with an empty pillow...

Feng Yun: ? ? ?

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