Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 309 Guanlan Pavilion Talk

The pier was filled with people standing in groups of twos and threes, stretching their necks and looking around. It was very lively.

Xiaoman also saw Daman and stood on tiptoes excitedly and shouted.

"Sister, sister, here..."

When the boat docked, Daman didn't wait for the palace people to help him, but he rushed out of the boat first and hugged Xiaoman.

Mrs. Chen snorted when she saw this scene in the cabin.

"Things that are not worthy of publicity have no rules."

Feng Jingting looked at the shore and pretended not to hear. Feng Ying's eyes darkened slightly. She took the curtain hat on one side and tied it on her head, quietly and dignifiedly.

The maid in front of Mrs. Chen quickly praised her, "Sister Thirteen is still steady and not chaotic when things happen."

Feng Jingting wanted to say something, but when he met Mrs. Chen's eyes, he couldn't say anything.

"Let's go, don't keep people waiting."

Daman was held tightly by Xiaoman, patted her back gently, and said with a smile: "Okay, okay, you and I will talk about it later. I haven't had time to say hello to Madam yet."

Xiaoman cried with joy.

She missed Daman so much that she refused to let go at all, so she turned around to see Feng Yun.

"You can no longer call me madam, you have to call me princess. Our girl is Princess Yonghuai."

Seeing her proud look, Daman smiled softly, his eyes filled with joy, "I know, I know."

Feng Yun was probably the most promoted woman in the Jin Dynasty. She went from being a prisoner of war to being a princess, then became a general's wife, then a first-class lady, and now she is the prestigious Princess Yonghuai.

Not to mention Xinzhou City, where can you go without being looked down upon?

It was this contrast that made Mrs. Chen unbearable.

The stepdaughter who was cautious in front of her at first relied on her family for everything and acted based on her expression. Now, in this world, I am afraid that Pei Madan is the only one who can control her...

As long as Pei Madang is willing to support her, who is she afraid of?

Even the emperor can deny face.

Mrs. Chen felt jealous in her heart. Thinking of her mother who had died long ago, her feet seemed to be unable to move. She didn't want to look at Feng Yun's current scenery.

Feng Jingting walked a few steps to see if she was still, then turned back.

"What are you doing standing still? Let's go."

Mrs. Chen looked gloomy and snorted from the wings of her nose.

"She doesn't regard me as her biological mother anyway. Having you as her biological father is enough. It doesn't matter whether I go or not."

Feng Jingting frowned.

Mrs. Chen used to be so versatile and considerate of everything, why did she become more stingy as she got older?

He didn't say much, and there was inevitably a hint of complaint in his tone.

"Meeting the in-laws is a big deal, so don't break the rules."

Mrs. Chen saw his dissatisfaction, so she kept silent, and got off the boat coyly, surrounded by a group of maids and maids.

On the other side, Feng Yun and Daman were already chatting happily, and called her to Wen Xingsu again.

"From now on, the eldest brother will have another sister."

Wen Xingsu smiled slightly and saluted Daman, "Father, have you given me a name for my sister?"

Daman was a little flattered.

She didn't dare to face the eldest husband in the house before, but when his identity changed, he suddenly became different. She was excited and worried.

"I've met my brother." Daman returned the gift, hesitated for a moment and then smiled: "My father hasn't given me a name yet, so I probably have to wait until my birth mother's affairs are settled."

There is actually no etiquette required for raising a concubine. The problem is that this concubine has a teenage daughter, who is Feng Jingting's biological flesh and blood. Although it does not need to be entered into the family tree or genealogy, the elders in the clan must inform the eldest aunt. Letting go is a process.

Feng Jingting walked over and happened to hear the conversation between the brothers and sisters, and said with a smile:

"As a father, I have already made up my mind. I just want to go out to meet my in-laws today, so I won't tell you yet."

Several people looked at it, all curious.

Daman had resentment towards Feng Jingting, but in front of Chen and Feng Ying, she insisted on acting like a loving father and a filial daughter.

"Thank you, Father."

There was hope and desire in her eyes, with light.

Feng Jingting looked at it, feeling uncomfortable and sighing at the same time.

Feng Yun's name was chosen by Lu Sanniang. It has profound implications, a clever combination of nature, restrained brilliance and all-encompassing nature.

Feng Ying's name means Mrs. Chen. I want her to shine and dazzle everyone.

When Feng Liang and Feng Zhen were born, the head of the family was already the eldest brother. The names of the two children were given by the eldest brother. None of his four children were named by themselves.

Last night, he really thought about Daman's name.

Therefore, looking at everyone's gaze, he didn't hesitate for a moment and spoke with a smile.

"How about the word Hui? Hui Xi is awe-inspiring, and the Nanshan Mountain is facing the sky. It means that my son is talented, elegant and rich. It matches your sisters well."

Yun, Hui, Ying.

Daman had lived for more than ten years and had just received a proper name. She looked happy and thanked her father sincerely.

The father and daughter were talking and laughing when suddenly they heard a loud bang coming from the board of the boat, which seemed to make the water surface shake.

Everyone turned around and saw Mrs. Chen standing there, Feng Ying holding her arm, and the wet nurse holding the two little ones beside her, with an extremely ugly look on her face.

Feng Jingting's heart tightened.

"Madam, what's going on?"

Mrs. Chen is smiling but not smiling.

"The paddle fell and almost hit my foot."

Feng Jingting was startled and hurriedly came back to help her, "Are you okay?"

Mrs. Chen felt an unknown fire in her heart. She glanced at Feng Jingting and said with a half-smile, "I cannot afford the care of my master."

This strange anger made Feng Jingting feel dizzy and whispered: "I know you are angry, but no matter how angry you are, it has to be the occasion. When I meet my in-laws today, my eldest brother has told me not to make any mistakes..."

Mrs. Chen sneered at her.

"You regard them as your in-laws. Do they take your father-in-law seriously? Don't be sentimental."

With that said, she threw away Feng Jingting and walked in front.

Feng Jingting's face was full of embarrassment.

Pei Ran did not come to the dock to greet him, but Feng Yun had just said that Pei Chong had difficulty with his legs and feet. Pei Yuan had a tantrum with Ao Zheng two days ago and left Xinzhou with her children. Pei Madang had something to do in the camp and could not spare time...

It's excusable, but when Mrs. Chen said this, Feng Jingting inevitably felt slighted.

The carriage drove straight to Guanlan Pavilion. Ao Qi pushed Pei out and rushed out to greet the guests. Ao Zheng accompanied him, but Pei Ran did not arrive.

Mrs. Chen sneered secretly, feeling a little more comfortable inexplicably.

This General Pei didn't value Feng Twelve Niang that much.

No matter how beautiful she is, she will not be able to live for a few years. Looking at her being rejected by Pei Madang and being driven back to Southern Qi like an abandoned woman, she should cry and beg her family for protection...

Pei Chong prepared a big gift for today, saying "father-in-law" and "mother-in-law" in a thoughtful and decent manner.

He apologized face to face for Pei Madang's absence.

"Tomorrow the Queen Mother will return to the capital with all her ministers. Quanzi has arranged to stay as a guard and did not come to greet Lao Taishan. She specially asked me to apologize to my father-in-law."

Feng Jingting was polite and said it was okay three times before asking another question.

"Are you going back to Beijing tomorrow?"

Pei Chong smiled and said, "Yes. The two countries have formed an alliance and the world is at peace. It's time to go back and celebrate the New Year."

Feng Jingting frowned hesitantly, with a hint of probing.

"I heard that the little emperor of your seriously ill?"

Pei Chong glanced at him and said calmly: "Your Majesty is still young, so colds and colds are unavoidable. I have countless good doctors in the Jin Dynasty, and your Majesty has the body of a real dragon, and he recovered quickly."

Feng Jingting smiled, lowered his head to drink tea, and said as if unintentionally: "My good son-in-law broke the earth and became the king, and received the gift of Jiuxi. The Jin Dynasty now has strong ministers and weak masters. When he returns to Zhongjing, it will be difficult not to cause trouble... …”

There is truth in what he said.

If you are an in-law, you can talk about state affairs as a daily routine. But they work on their own, and they will delve into every word, not knowing what the other person means.

Pei Chong immediately responded: "My father-in-law's words are serious. Quanzi seems to be good at fighting and has a large army, but in fact he is not good at management. He has a shallow foundation in the Jin Dynasty and is not a strong minister..."

Seeing that he refused to say more, Feng Jingting hesitated and asked:

"Then Mr. Pei wants to return to Zhongjing together?"

Pei Chong nodded without hesitation.

"That's why I'm so anxious to make an appointment with my parents-in-law."

After saying that, he apologized to Feng Jingting: "Their youngest son and daughter got married in a hurry in Bingzhou. There was no time to prepare the wedding ceremony. It was the Pei family that had wronged Twelve Mothers. My idea is that we both sit down and discuss how to make up for them."

Feng Jingting said: "Isn't it a bit rushed in terms of time?"

The man intends to compensate, but the woman has no reason to refuse. After all, the Feng family will not suffer if they give a big gift.

Mrs. Chen couldn't hear Feng Jingting's tone, so she laughed and interjected.

"Mr. Pei is too polite. How can I blame you for this? If you want to blame, we can only blame our Feng family for not being strict with their daughters. They married themselves without a name, no status, and no idea that they would be high-ranking. They really don't understand the rules..."

She wanted to take the opportunity to get back the property that the Feng family had set up in Andu. She tried hard to suppress Feng Yun and pointed out her misconduct.

Feng Jingting frowned upon hearing this, embarrassed but did not dare to say a word...

Unexpectedly, Pei Chong would immediately become angry.

"My mother-in-law comes from a well-known family. She grew up in fine clothes and fine food. She has never been exposed to war, and has not seen any bones. She must not know life and death in the end of the war. All etiquette and rules must be ignored. Our generals only talk about how to survive, not the rules."

After another pause, Mrs. Chen looked coldly at her with tiger eyes.

"Moreover, life and death were uncertain in front of the two armies. If they informed Madam, would Madam dare to take a sip of the wedding wine?"

Pei Chong was a famous general in the north and south at that time. He did not go to the battlefield for many years after being disabled, but his momentum was still there. He said a few words that were neither light nor serious, which made Feng Jingting feel ashamed.

"Women have no knowledge and do not know what to say. Mr. Pei does not need to be as knowledgeable as her."

Mrs. Chen was embarrassed and speechless.

Pei Chong saw this and signaled to Ao Qi.

"Go and ask if the food and wine are ready. Can we sit down?"

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