Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 310: Sharpening the Knife

The Pei family set up several tables in Guanlan Pavilion.

The wine and food were the most decent in Xinzhou City at the moment, and they were presentable, grand and lively.

After a brief exchange of greetings, they were invited to take their seats.

The men sat at the main table, toasting each other.

Pei Chong was cold and indifferent, and he was not the same kind of person as Feng Jingting. He did not talk about state affairs and had nothing to say. Ao Qi and Wen Xingsu sat with him, but they were juniors and it was not convenient for them to interrupt. Fortunately, there was Ao Zheng, so the wine table was not dull.

The women sat behind a screen. Mrs. Chen was the elder, so she sat in the main seat as a matter of course. On the left was Feng Zhen, and on the right was Feng Ying. She showed the momentum of the mistress of the house and had to suppress Feng Yun.

Feng Yun smiled lightly.

"Daman, come sit next to me."

Daman bowed and smiled.

"I was just thinking about having a private talk with my sister."

She sat down and pressed close to Feng Yun, laughing without manners.

"Yesterday I got a new kitten. It looks so pretty and has a crisp voice. His Majesty couldn't help but praise it for being lovable. I brought it to my sister today. You can keep it in your room so that it can accompany Aozai..."

Mrs. Chen's face changed. She was about to get angry, but Feng Ying held her thigh and suppressed her.

"Mother, it's rare for a family to be together. Don't hurt the harmony over a small matter."

Daman seemed to have just thought of something. He covered his mouth and whispered, "I forgot to tell my sister that this kitten was originally raised by Mrs. Feng. I thought it was a wild cat... Later, His Majesty saw that I liked it, so he gave it to me. Otherwise, I don't know what to give to my sister as a gift today..."

Mrs. Chen's eyes were almost sparking.

But Feng Ying held her hand tightly. After all, she took a deep breath, suppressed her anger, and put on the airs of an elder.

"Let's start the banquet."

The younger generation cannot eat first if the elders don't move their chopsticks.

This is an unshakable rule.

But before Mrs. Chen finished speaking, Daman stood up and put the dishes on Feng Yun's plate like a servant waiting on his master.

"My sister likes it."

Feng Ying was slightly startled and looked at her coldly.

Mrs. Chen's face turned from green to white, and her lips trembled with anger.

Daman seemed to be unable to see them. Without waiting for Feng Yun to ask, she shyly and coquettishly talked about her life in the palace of Qi State.

She looked like a concubine who was in power.

He stabbed Mrs. Chen and Feng Ying again and again.

"I knew that the young master was beautiful since I was a child, but I didn't know he was such a good-tempered person..."

"My sister, look at the clothes I wear, all of which were awarded by His Majesty."

"And what about Begonia rice paper and Huizhou ink, how can I understand those? Cow chewing peony, there is nothing bad. I will have someone send it to my sister later..."

Mrs. Chen slapped her chopsticks and couldn't eat the meal anymore. She left the table with the help of the maid, using the excuse of changing clothes.

Feng Ying pinched her thighs under the table until they were bruised. She managed to calm down, poured wine and smiled.

"It's rare for you and me to get together. Ah Ying pays respect to the two sisters and wishes them to have children soon and prosper the family business."

Daman glanced at her, hummed while holding his sleeves, raised his eyebrows and picked up dishes for Feng Yun, just like a villain who had succeeded.

Feng Yun glanced at her and raised his cup to toast Feng Ying.

"I also hope that Madam Feng will give birth to a prince soon to expand the royal family of Daqi."

Puff! Daman couldn't help laughing, as if he thought of something funny. He ignored Feng Ying's cup beside him, leaned close to Feng Yun's ear, and whispered with a low laugh.

Feng Yun raised his head slightly and asked in surprise: "Really?"

Daman nodded, with a smile in his eyes.

Feng Yun slowly turned his head and looked at Feng Ying up and down.

Feng Ying's face changed immediately.

Although she didn't hear a word clearly, she felt that Daman had learned from Xiao Cheng that she had married into the Xiao family but had not consummated the marriage, so she couldn't wait to tell Feng Yun.

If she didn't sleep with the emperor, who would she give birth to a prince with?

They were laughing at her and mocking her.

"Two sisters, enjoy your meal."

Feng Ying's emotions were on the verge of exploding, her whole face turned red, and she pinched the table hard and stood up and left.

Feng Yun looked at the slender and graceful back and smiled slightly.

In fact, Daman didn't say anything, just laughed a few times.

"You can't hold your temper now?"

Feng Yun called Daman to sit by the window, dismissed the servants, and then asked.

"Is it going well?"

Daman nodded, "It's going better than my sister expected at the beginning. The king misses my sister and hopes that my sister will change her mind. He indulges me in everything, so indulgent that I often feel anxious..."

Feng Yun laughed, "Why are you panicking?"

Daman slowly poured Feng Yun a cup of tea and sighed.

"First, the king is so handsome and charming, I am afraid I don't have enough self-control. Second, this person's mind is unfathomable, I can't see through him at all..."

Feng Yun lowered his head and laughed, "You are good at talking."

Daman smiled, glanced at the direction where Feng Ying went out, and smiled: "I didn't stay with my sister for these days in vain, I learned a lot."

She called her sister all the time, and she was very fluent.

Feng Yun looked into her eyes and smiled back.

"Congratulations, you got what you wanted, the girl of the Feng family."

Daman laughed softly, "The concubine of the Feng family."

The two shook hands, and Daman suddenly let go, hugged Feng Yun with both arms, and hugged her tightly, very hard and for a long time, and then said softly:

"I will remember your kindness today, sister."

Feng Yun raised the corner of her mouth slightly, "I help you, not without selfish motives. Madam Chen and I are no different."


Daman knows the difference.

But Feng Yun was unwilling to face her with an attitude of doing a favor, but she wanted to humble herself in an attitude of repaying the favor.

This is the noble person between her and her mother, the driftwood that saves people from drowning.

Daman said: "How Feng Ying bullied Sister in the past, Xiaoman and I both saw it. Tortoiseshell is just the beginning. If she takes away from Sister, I will help Sister take it back, tooth for tooth, eye for eye." Pay back an eye..."

From a slave to a "favored concubine", my teenage life has not been long, but because my mother was controlled by others, I have seen enough rolling eyes, and I am used to being bullied. I am very familiar with the way of bullying others.

If it weren't for Feng Yun, she would have stayed in the gutter all her life, a hopeless ant, trampled on by others.

She got all this today because she turned around in time and made the right choice.

She firmly believes that this is God's guidance and care...

And such a life can be superior to the love between men and women. Women are self-reliant, like Sister A, standing up on their own. It doesn't matter which man is, and love is just an embellishment.

You must not be like Mrs. Chen or Feng Ying, living like a rat in the ditch, which is disgusting...

She had a goal and her expression was bright.

I wish I could kneel down and kowtow to Feng Yun.

Feng Yun looked sideways slightly and smiled.

"Where are you now? There is no need to worry, you will repay your kindness when you have time."

Through the windless curtains, the waves of the Huai River come into view, as if filled with a sour emotion filling the chest...


It was Qu'er's cry.

It was her helpless cry before Qi Gong died tragically.

The voice entrenched in the nightmare emerged before his eyes.

Like a sharp arrow stuck in my heart, I can't pull it out, there is no end...

The breeze lifted her black hair at the temples.

She seemed a little tired, and wanted to lean back on the soft pillow, but the moment she fell down, she realized that this was Guanlan Pavilion, not Chunyu Pavilion, and there was no condition to lie down anywhere.

"Sister, lean on me."

Daman was the first to hold her up, relying on the hard wall, and lowered his head to ask her.

"Sister, her face looks very bad, but what's wrong with her?"

Feng Yun pursed his lips, shook his head, and thought for a moment.

"That day, I told you not to have any delusional thoughts about Xiao Cheng, because I was afraid that you would be self-defeating and lose your life. Xiao Cheng is a suspicious person, and the city is very deep. If you are too proactive, he may not notice..."

Daman nodded, "I know that my sister will be careful in her words and deeds after all her hard work."

Feng Yun stared into her eyes, "But if he is interested, it's all up to you whether you want to have anything happen to him. As long as it doesn't ruin my business, I don't care."

Da Man laughed.

"Your Majesty has no shortage of women, and he is very disciplined. Since he asked me to call him brother-in-law, he will not lose his sense of proportion."

"You're worrying too much." Feng Yun sneered, "The title brother-in-law can't restrain a man, it just adds more fun. He even married Feng Ying, why would he care about this?"

Daman looked at her and was silent for a long time.

"Sister, do you still have feelings for your Majesty?"

When I was a young girl, I had been in love with her for so many years and had been husband and wife for several years. Xiao Cheng was not always kind to her. If it weren't for the tragic end of his previous life, it would be really difficult for Feng Yun to escape calmly...

"No more." She slowly raised her eyes, her eyes calm, like a frozen lake melting under the scorching sun, leaving a layer of faint ripples, extremely cold.

"Half of my attachment is gone."

Daman stared at her without saying a word, but he didn't dare to believe it.

After having close contact with Xiao Cheng, she understood the charm of Young Master Xiao...

Elegant and noble, as clear as a god. What girl wouldn't want to have it as her own?

Feng Yun saw that Daman was distracted and reminded: "I don't object to you wanting to sleep with Xiao San. After all, it's not a bad idea to sleep with him. But if you are infatuated, I advise you not to be stupid. No one will fall in love with him. Good ending."

She said it so bluntly that her ears turned red.

But she thinks Feng Yun doesn't fully understand Xiao Cheng.

This person was cold-hearted and cold-hearted. He had seen through her from the first day she appeared, and it was impossible for him to have the slightest affection for her.

"I remember it all."

Feng Yun smiled slightly and looked to the horizon.

The sunshine had withdrawn at some point, and it was gloomy outside the window, with clouds accumulating, and a cold wind blowing along the Huai River, as if it had a chilling atmosphere.

In the distant Zhongjing, the city gate slammed open.

Two fast horses galloped through the cold wind, crossing the vast land, heading straight for Xinzhou——

The news of the rise of the Jin Dynasty and the death of the little emperor will soon spread throughout the land of China, causing an uproar throughout the world.

There was an emergency at the northwest border, and Fan Guo, who came to Beijing to celebrate the New Year, turned around resolutely and sharpened his sword. The Jin Dynasty was full of chaos and the political situation was in turmoil. The magnificent territory and the dream of the Celestial Dynasty drawn by Emperor Xifeng himself were about to face a heavy blow.

But at this moment, in Xinzhou City, people are still immersed in the joy after the alliance, waiting for a peaceful New Year, and looking forward to good weather in the coming year.

Feng Yun: We are also celebrating the New Year. The author’s mother, can you celebrate the New Year well? There will be no more flames of war, it’s just... very tiring. During the Chinese New Year, the love between children is still comfortable...

Chun Yuyan: If you want an antidote, you need an antidote. Why do you say it so beautifully? Isn’t that right, mother-in-law?

Feng Yun: Mom, don’t listen to the nonsense of Mr. Wang next door, I’m not that kind of person. If you don’t believe me, ask Pei Lang…

Pei Madang: I am just a selfless antidote deliverer. I am full of righteousness. Wherever there is fire, there is me.

Ao Qi: My uncle goes to the battlefield with peace of mind, and my aunt has me.

Wen Xingsu: Yaoyao, rabbits can actually eat grass on the edge of their nests, so you're welcome.

Xiao Cheng: Wait for me, fly over here and give me the antidote...

Feng Yun: Get lost——

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