Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 312: Together we become the sun

The little emperor is critically ill, and the situation in Beijing is unclear. Victory class teacher, year-end report on work, and sending his disabled father home...

Pei Madang had to go no matter what.

It is also true that the future is uncertain.

This time when they went to Beijing to negotiate peace, Prime Minister Li Zongxun acted as his agent. Li Zongxun must have been the first to know about the illness of the young emperor Xinghe, and he would not sit idly by.

Maybe China and Beijing have already laid out a plan...

Feng Yun's eyes were half closed, thinking about the incident in Zhongjing, with no expression on his face. Pei Madang's big hand twisting her hair tightened slightly, which hurt her, and then he hissed and turned around.


Pei Ran looked at her without saying a word.

Quietly, until his hair was half dry, he whispered her name.



"Want to go back to Beijing together?"

"No." Feng Yun's cheek was almost pressed against his chest, and his breath was full of his scent. He couldn't bear the itchiness of his hand and couldn't help but poke it. His voice was so gentle that it seemed to have ripples.

"I have a lot to do and I don't want to go."

Pei Ran was slightly startled.

It was obvious that he was surprised.

Feng Yun smiled and said, "My Zhuangzi has just started. Everything depends on me. What are you going to do when you go back to Zhongjing? Leave Nagato's group of people behind and become the harem of the general's palace?"

There was no mockery in her voice, but Pei Madang could hear disdain.

"Now that you're gone, I feel at ease."

Feng Yun said with a faint smile, thinking of his previous life.

She was so nervous that she couldn't sleep at night when she learned that she was going to return to court with Pei Ran's teacher.

Zhongjing, the capital of the Jin Kingdom, was a distant and unfamiliar place to her, and the General's Mansion was only an unknown future. The people and things she had to face made her fearful and anxious for no reason.

Later, it turned out that Zhongjing had a conflict with her, which caused constant trouble as soon as it passed.

In this life, she met the Pei family in advance, without the fear and anxiety in her previous life, but what she wanted became the sea, and even if she was given a pond, she would not be happy...

What's more, Zhongjing is currently a whirlpool of power struggle. Pei Madang and Li Zongxun are at odds with each other, and there are many dangers. She has not lived enough yet, and staying in Andu County, where she can advance or retreat, is the best thing...

Pei Madang's eyes were dark.

I should have been relieved for her consideration, but instead I felt inexplicably solemn because she chose to stay without any hesitation.

Seeing his silence, Feng Yun took his hand and laid his head on his knees.

"When you come back, it will definitely not snow again."

The windows were closed tightly, but the cold wind still blew in from unknown gaps.

The night is as cool as water, and in the incense burner with tangled branches, a faint fragrance curls into the nose.

On the candlestick, the wick flickered, and the subtle crackling sound, filled with the silence of the snowy night, filled the space between the two of them.

Pei Ran didn't speak for a long time. His fingers ran through Feng Yun's long hair and slid down his shoulders.

After taking a shower, Feng Yun wore loose silk pajamas. The color of licorice made her already fair skin look as radiant as a begonia in spring.

Half-drunk but still drunk, Feng Yun gradually fell into a trance leaning against him like this...

In the previous life, when Pei Madang sent her to Andu, was the relationship with Li Zongxun as tense as it is now?

She thought for a long time, but couldn't remember.

Love is the most tiring thing, and she was in the back house all day long. She didn't have many contacts, so she had no idea about the situation in the world or the situation in the Jin Dynasty.

But one thing she knew.

In his previous life, because of his great achievements, Pei Ran deliberately concealed his edge in the court and acted modestly and prudently. There was no vixen like her around who tried every means to alienate...

Therefore, the Li family should not feel that the status of the young emperor is threatened, and will not deliberately target him. Of course, he will not rebel, so there is no such thing as now, in order to protect her safety, they let her go to Andu. …

At that time, you were just tired of her, right?

The abandoned past is like a thorn in the flesh. Even after a lifetime, it still hurts to think about it.

Feng Yun slowly straightened up, his smile not reaching his eyes.

"Since you have to get up early, don't delay and go to bed."

Pei Ran hummed, but instead of going to clean the room, he took out something from his body, pulled her close, and hung it silently around her neck.

"I'll be back to pick you up soon."

It was a piece of crescent gold woven and strung together with red rope. The length of the rope just reached the bottom of the collarbone. It was quite beautiful.

Only then did Feng Yun understand that Pei Ran thought she was in a bad mood because she was depressed because she could not go to Zhongjing, so he specially sent gifts to comfort her.

"The king still loves people." She blinked and looked down at the crescent gold weapon, "What is this? Does it have a name?"

"You can take one if you like."

She likes to name names and never tires of naming various things.

Pei Madang had doting eyes and lowered his body to coax.

Feng Yun received the generous gift and returned the favor with a smile.

"Let me think about it..."

She took the goldware and looked at it, took a bite, and saw its exquisite workmanship. The more she looked at it, the more she liked it.

"Let's just call it Tsukimi?"

Seeing her joy, Pei Manang raised the corner of his mouth slightly, hummed, stretched out his arms to hold her in his arms, and tied her tightly.

"Keep it well to ensure safety."

Feng Yun lowered his head, smiled and stroked the curved tip of the moon, "Does this work? Which holy master has given it the light?"

Pei Ran: "My father."

Feng Yun pursed his lips and smiled, raised his head and looked at him with a smile.

"Okay. Your Majesty, please take care of yourself before leaving."

Pei Ran hummed, caressing her back with his palm, and his chest shook as he breathed, as if he had a thousand words to say. However, Feng Yun looked at him with his ears raised for a long time, but he didn't say a word.

She sighed secretly, pushed him away, turned around and lifted up the gauze curtain, reclining on the couch, leaning back casually on the soft pillow.

"The night is too short, so rest early."

Pei Ran looked at the smile in her eyes, pinched her cheek lightly, and said calmly:

"I'll be back as soon as possible. I won't leave you alone for too long."

He said this as if she couldn't live without her...

Feng Yun rolled his eyes at him and yawned.

"Anyway, I won't be able to come back in time for the New Year. I just follow the king's arrangements."

Now Feng Yun can face anyone and any parting calmly.

Too lazy to wonder.

Pei Madang didn't seem as relaxed as she did. After bathing, he hugged her under the quilt and talked for a long time, talking about the situation in Beijing, the country, the country, the emperor's critical illness, and the six wedding ceremonies. His expression was still serious and cold, but Tonight, there were obviously more than usual.

Feng Yun asked him to say he was sleepy. His handsome and muscular man was actually yawning non-stop.

"Your Majesty is in a good mood today. It seems that he is going back to the capital. He is leaving his useless wife behind and enjoying himself. He is inexplicably excited."

Pei Ran lowered his head and said in a deep voice: "Mother Yun, say it again?"

Feng Yun: "We have been together for so long, and the king is probably a little tired of me. When he returned to the capital this time, he flirted with Queen Mother Li as expected. He is also a minister of great merit. When he returns to the capital, it is rare for someone to take advantage of the situation and offer a beauty. If I’m not around, your Majesty will just enjoy it..."

Pei Ran muffled, opened the quilt to cover her, took off her pajamas two or three times, and pressed her into his arms, "It seems that I haven't served my husband well, so Yun Niang has these thoughts..."

There was an uncontrollable hoarseness in his voice, as if he had been trying his best to endure it for a long time. Without any hesitation, he wrapped his arms around her waist and pressed his hot body against hers. He was familiar with the journey.

He understood all her sensitivities, and the intensity was neither light nor heavy but just right to drive her crazy...

Feng Yun gasped and patted him.

"I'm talking nonsense, I shouldn't be talking nonsense..."

Pei Man pressed her wrist, lowered his head and turned, his breath fell on her ear, with a bit of gritted teeth, the candlelight fell on his eyelashes, making his eyes sharp and deep.

"Before I leave, I'll feed you to avoid trouble!"

The tall bridge of his nose touched hers, and he rubbed it gently twice just like Feng Yun usually did when teasing Ao Zai. He slightly changed his angle and stared at her, his Adam's apple rolling...

The two of them had done it so many times that they knew what it meant just by looking at each other.

"General..." Her breath tightened, and he pressed against him so hard and heavy. She couldn't help but tighten her body and call out the familiar title.

"What did you call me?" he asked in a low voice.

"Pei Gou." Feng Yun knew what he wanted to hear, but he didn't say it.

Pei Man's eyes were dark, and he kissed her fiercely, with a fiery kiss, ranging from light to heavy, falling on her lips, neck, and collarbone. His breathing was hot and rapid, like a thick slurry of burning flames. It passed by inch by inch, bringing out a piece of numbness.

"Dog man..."

Feng Yun whined, and without even having a chance to explain that it was just a joke, he was suppressed. He helplessly raised his arms, climbed onto his body, and responded enthusiastically.

The curtain is deep.

At first, Feng Yun heard the curl of silk bamboo in the courtyard next door and knew that Chun Yuyan had not fallen asleep yet. He bit his lower lip nervously and did not dare to make too much noise.

Pei Madang seemed to be completely unaware, pressing in and rubbing tyrannically, hard and ruthlessly. When she was in love, she was like a little animal falling into a trap. Finally, her throat lost control, and her voice came out like a whimper...

It's not just desire that's exciting, it's also the emotion of parting that bites people's hearts.

When everything fell silent, there was no sound at all next door.

Feng Yun was so tired that he collapsed on the bed, suspecting that it was just a hallucination.

Except for the sound of the wind, there is still only the sound of the wind.

Pei Man came back after scrubbing her in his arms, looked down at her blurred eyes, and pecked her forehead lightly.

"Mother Yun, go to bed first. I'll have a few words with General Wen."


On the day when the Jin delegation left Beijing, heavy snow fell again in Xinzhou City.

A biting cold wind carried snow flakes through the city. The door of the Spring Palace was open, and several carriages were parked outside. The guards were carrying luggage, which was busy and lively.

Wen Xingsu stood beside Feng Yun, silent and with deep eyes.

When he came back from Guanlan Pavilion yesterday, he was very drunk and had a drink with Pei Ran around the fire in the middle of the night. The two men talked for a long time. Feng Yun had not been able to convince his eldest brother, but Pei Ran did.

Wen Xingsu agreed to lead Deng Guang to leave the Orange Crane Army to defend Xinzhou.

At the same time, he also served as the deputy general of the Beiyong Army.

Also staying with Wen Xingsu were Ao Qi, Shi Yin, Yu Zhong and others.

In other words, the most elite Red Armor Army, Lan Ding Army, Zidian Army, and the Orange Crane Army under the Bei Yong Army were all retained by Pei Ran, which is equivalent to taking most of the main force of the Bei Yong Army. Distributed in Xinzhou, Andu and Wanning lines.

It is to guard the border.

It is also convenient for scheduling.

Pei Madang's intentions were almost obvious to Li Zongxun.

The most surprising thing is that Wen Xingsu became the second-ranking figure in the Northern Yong Army overnight.

General Ningyuan had a reputation as a Confucian general in the past, but some people still inevitably say that he relied on "nepotism".

However, King Yonghuai kept his word and used the power of appointing officials to the extreme. General Pei had no objection to this. Even if others had any ideas, they had no right to make irresponsible remarks.

Especially now that the situation is tense, for the Jin envoys, fleeing Xinzhou and returning to Beijing safely is the most urgent idea.

When the Jin envoys set off, the streets of Xinzhou City were extremely lively. Wherever the chariots and horses of the imperial army passed, there were seas of people standing on both sides, looking on tiptoe. Everyone was crowded and crowded.

Pei Madang took the lead, his black cloak fluttering in the snowy wind. Zuo Zhongjiyou followed closely with the guard battalion. The black flag with the word "Pei" painted in gold was like an eagle flying high in the wind and snow. It is spectacular, and the majesty can be seen across a long street...

Feng Yun, Wen Xingsu, and Ao Qi took Pei Ran to Xinzhou Pier with their attendants.

Everything that needed to be said was said last night.

Before leaving, the two looked at each other and seemed to have nothing to say.

Pei Ran: "Wait for me."

Feng Yun was silent for a moment, looked at him, and smiled.

"Have you decided yet?"

Pei Ran: "It's decided."

The two people were playing riddles, their eyes facing each other, their voices calm, and they did not avoid anyone deliberately. But no matter who was standing next to them, even if they could hear every word clearly, they would not know what they said.

It was as if it was just a private chat between the couple about family matters and nothing else.

The wind was strong by the river, and Pei Madang's cloak was blown up by the drums. He looked at Feng Yun, and his dark eyes seemed to be covered with a hazy halo.

"I am leaving."

Feng Yun nodded lightly.

"I'm going to pack up and go back to Huaxi."

She could already smell the flames of war. It didn't take much to think about what the accomplished King Yonghuai would face when he went to Zhongjing.

Whatever the outcome, she had to be prepared.


Pei Madang held her hand tightly and pointed at her chest.

Feng Yun nodded and smiled, "I understand."

The whistle sounded, and Pei Madang turned around and left.

Everyone waved their arms and said goodbye in silence.

Until the building boat left the shore, Ao Qi turned around and saw Yue Jian held tightly in Feng Yun's palm. His face changed and he showed an expression of extreme surprise.

"Uncle gave this to you?"

Feng Yun glanced sideways: "What is this?"

Ao Qi was even more surprised.

"You actually don't know?"

Feng Yun narrowed his eyes, looked at him without saying a word, and shook his head.

Ao Qi pulled her to one side and motioned for her to tuck it into her collar. Then she lowered her voice and said, "This is the Northern Yong Army soldier talisman, also known as the sun and moon talisman. When divided, it becomes the moon, and when combined, it becomes the sun. The master will hold it." , the whole army can be seen and those who carry out the moon order should protect them with their lives."

In short, this is half a Northern Yong Army soldier talisman. Although it cannot command the entire army to fight a life-and-death battle for it, it can allow the generals of the Northern Yong Army to protect each other with their lives.

Feng Yun held the moon pendant on his chest, his eyes filled with moisture, and he remained silent for a long time, unable to make a sound.

The cold wind was biting on the river, the building and the boat were getting further away, and she couldn't see Pei Mad's figure.

You can't see his tall and stern figure standing on the deck, with a yong tied around his waist and a hunting cloak, looking at Xinzhou in the distance.

The second update is late, but the word count is long, equivalent to two chapters~~

Well, a new volume will be released tomorrow, and this book is equivalent to half of it.

I hope that in the new year, the Year of the Dragon, I will continue to receive support from my sisters.

ps: Today is the fifth day of the Lunar New Year to welcome the God of Wealth, plus the New Year’s Day buff. May all the sisters who read books have both wealth and good luck.

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