Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 313: Returning to Beijing in mourning

As soon as Pei Jue left, Feng Yun followed everyone back to Chunyin Pavilion.

Knowing that his uncle had given the Sun and Moon Talisman to Feng Yun, Ao Qi seemed a little uneasy. He rode in front, holding the reins in the wind and snow, looking deeply at the road ahead, his face full of indescribable youthful vigor.

Ye Chuang and Lin Zhuo followed the carriage with the guards.

The whole team was extremely silent.

In the carriage, Xiaoman was also listless, looking at Feng Yun's calm face with his eyes, feeling lost.

"Why are you unhappy?" Feng Yun looked up at her.

Xiaoman lowered her eyes and pursed her lips.

"Why doesn't the princess go to Zhongjing with the king?"

Feng Yun smiled softly, "It seems that you can't bear to leave your brother Zuo. No wonder you've been giving me a cold shoulder since morning..."

Xiao Man got angry when she heard this, her face full of shame, "How could that be? Even if I have the guts to do it, I dare not lose my temper with the princess. That's right, I just feel it's a pity. We haven't been to Zhongjing, and it's almost the New Year, how can the princess bear to be separated from the king?"

Feng Yun laughed.

"What's there to be reluctant about? It's better if he's not here."

This section of the road at the dock is always used by vehicles carrying goods, and some potholes are uneven. After a few days of wind and snow, the road surface is slippery, and the wheels are moving, making a creaking sound.

Feng Yun lifted the curtain and took a look.

"Brother, is the snow falling harder?"

Wen Xingsu rode a few steps and walked to the side of the car.

"It has been snowing for so many days and it has not stopped. It is a bit long."

Auspicious snow indicates a good harvest, but if it snows for too long and the snow is too heavy, it is no longer a good omen, and it may become a disaster. Moreover, in such weather, some people may not survive the winter and die before the New Year.

Wen Xingsu said: "This is the biggest snow in the history of Xinzhou City."

Feng Yun said: "It is also snowing in Andu."

She glanced at Wen Xingsu and said: "I will go back to Andu tomorrow. Will you go to Andu to celebrate the New Year or go to Bingzhou?"

When the Feng family left yesterday, they suggested that they go to Bingzhou to celebrate the New Year. Feng Yun declined, but I don't know how Mrs. Chen told Wen Xingsu.

Wen Xingsu hesitated: "Today is the 27th day of the twelfth lunar month?"

"Yes." Feng Yun nodded, "In two or three days, it will be the New Year. Grandma sent several letters asking me when I will return home."

Wen Xingsu was silent for a while, "I will come on the 29th."

Feng Yun responded, "Okay."

This matter was settled.

After noon, Feng Yun ordered people to prepare luggage in Chunchu Pavilion, and he took Ge Guang, Ge Yi, Ye Chuang and several guards to Mingquan Town.

The sugar factory had stopped working on the first day of heavy snow.

Cong Wentian returned to Tujiawubao with several apprentices, leaving only a few servants hired locally.

The shops on Yiguan Street were also closed.

Chai Ying, Nan Kui and Jiang Yin had packed their luggage and were ready to follow Feng Yun to Xinzhou, and set off together to return to Andu tomorrow.

Because the guards of Yiguan were all subordinates of Wen Xingsu, Feng Yun did not arrange any more people to guard the shop, and directly handed over a few big red envelopes containing five-zhu coins, asking them to help look after it.

The distance of dozens of steps was very convenient.

The guarding lieutenant received the red envelope and smiled from ear to ear.

After counting the shops, Feng Yun took a few beautiful girls back to the city.

As soon as she arrived at the gate, she saw Ao Qi riding a horse, with a cold expression on his handsome face.


A shout came, and Ao Qi turned over and dismounted.

Feng Yun was wearing a thick cloak, standing under the eaves, looking back at him, and her heart tightened.

"Why are you here at this time? Is there something urgent?"

Ao Qi saluted her, looked around, and said softly:

"His Majesty has passed away."

The voice was not loud, but it hit Feng Yun's heart like a heavy hammer.

She had never seen the little emperor Xinghe, of course not because of affection or tears of sympathy for Li Sangruo, but this matter was too unexpected for her...

This little emperor was not a short-lived person in his previous life.

When Feng Yun passed away in the Qi Palace, he was still alive and well in Zhongjing...

Why did he suddenly pass away?

The change of major events made Feng Yun uneasy.

"Is the news accurate?"

Ao Qi said, "It must be. My uncle and his party got the news as soon as they arrived in Andu County. It is said that the queen mother fainted on the spot, and the envoys all fell to the ground, crying and wailing, and all returned to the capital in mourning..."

The two were speechless.

The recent changes, one after another, hit people's hearts.

Feng Yun was silent for a long time, "Let's go, go in and have some hot tea, and talk slowly."

The ground was full of snow, and it was inconvenient to talk at the door.

Unexpectedly, Ao Qi bowed his hands to thank him, but refused.

"There is something else in the camp. I came here to inform my aunt that I will leave tomorrow and go back to Andu with you."

Feng Yun did not fully understand the military deployment arrangements of the Beiyong Army. Ao Qi said this, it must be that Pei Jue had arranged it long ago.

She nodded and said, "Okay. See you at the dock."

"See you at the dock."

Ao Qi turned his horse's head and soon disappeared in the wind and snow.

Feng Yun stood for a moment with half-closed eyes, lifted the hem of her skirt and walked in.

"Everyone has his own destiny, let's have a good New Year first."


The next morning, Feng Yun said goodbye to Wen Xingsu and set off with everyone.

When he went to the dock, he saw Ao Qi waiting at the intersection. Behind him were warships carrying troops, one after another, as if connected to the river.

Feng Yun took a look and joked, "Are you all going back to Andu to celebrate the New Year?"

Ao Qi had a gloomy face, which was rare and serious.

"The Red Armor Army was dispatched to the Andu camp."

This was Pei Jue's strategic arrangement. Feng Yun didn't ask much, smiled, and politely invited Ao Qi to go to Changmen to celebrate the New Year after he was done.

The two elders of the Ao family and Pei Jue had left, and Ao Qi was left here alone. As her aunt, she should ask.

Ao Qi readily agreed, "I want to eat dumplings stuffed with leeks, with more meat, all meat."

Feng Yun was stunned, and thought of Ao Qi's greed for eggs on the day he first entered the camp, and couldn't help but laugh.

"You can't miss that."

The two talked and laughed, and Ao Qi escorted Feng Yun to the boat and left directly.

When she saw him again, it was Shiguan Wharf.

Feng Yun couldn't help but be a little surprised. How come this kid is always faster than her?

Ao Qi was waiting for her at the wharf, "Aunt. I won't send you back to Huaxi. You and I will say goodbye now."

Feng Yun said, "You go and get busy, don't worry about me."

Ao Qi smiled, looked at her eyes, flickered faintly, and then drooped.

"What are you talking about? If you don't come to greet your aunt, you are too ignorant of etiquette as a nephew."

Feng Yun:...

This kid is insincere and sarcastic.

But he really took time out of his busy schedule to come here because he was worried about her safety.

Ao Qi smiled at her, got on his horse, and left in a hurry.

Also waiting at the Shiguan Wharf were He Qia and the officials of Andu County.

They all changed into mourning clothes, wore mourning hats, and tied hemp ropes around their waists. Compared with the indifference of Xinzhou City to the death of the little emperor, Andu's mourning ceremony was much stronger.

Of course, this is also related to the dispute over the ownership of Xinzhou.

It has only been a short time since the peace agreement that Xinzhou belongs to Jin State...

He Qia came up, bowed his hands, and showed a gentle smile.

"The princess is finally here."

Feng Yun returned the greeting, "Thank you, Mr. He, for coming to greet me. We are one of our own, so there is no need to be so polite."

He Qia said, "The general has given instructions, and I dare not disobey."

During the emperor's mourning period, He Qia spoke very cautiously. He wanted to make a joke, but he didn't dare to laugh. His expression seemed a little stiff and distorted.

Feng Yun heard it and curled his lips, "Mr. He, please."

He Qia raised his hand, "Princess, please."

The carriage went to Andu. On the road, we saw countless people with their families, braving the flying snow. There were also some servants of noble families, driving animals carrying goods and pulling flatbed carts, walking on the snowy road with one foot deep and one foot shallow.

Feng Yun was very confused.

"Where are they going?"

Xiao Man said, "Going home for the New Year?"

The master and servant put their heads against the car window and looked out for a while, and Feng Yun shook his head.


When they arrived at Andu City, this phenomenon not only did not decrease, but increased, and the snow was full of car tracks and footprints.

He Qia sent them to the city gate, and then he explained Feng Yun's doubts.

"These people are migrating to the south."

Feng Yun was slightly stunned, "Didn't Jin and Qi just sign an alliance? Why are they migrating to the south?"

Generally speaking, where people migrate to is where the people think they can settle down.

What is the reason that makes them think that Andu County is not a good place and they want to go to the south?

He Qia wanted to say something, but quickly shut up and changed his words:

"Andu was originally inhabited by Qi people, and it is common for people to think about Qi. There were wars before the New Year, and it was inconvenient to travel. Now that the two countries have signed an alliance, it is a good time to move the whole family."

Feng Yun nodded and didn't ask more questions.

But he felt that this reason was untenable, at least, not entirely because of this.

There is another reason that He Qia is not convenient to say.

The young emperor of Jin died, and there are many uncertainties in the future.

Qi was different. Xiao Cheng had a good reputation. After he became emperor, he abolished the harsh old system, reduced taxes and exempted labor service, which was very likely to stabilize the people's hearts and seek their submission.

Many factors combined would make many big families consider and choose to move south. Once the big families move, the common people will follow suit and move south...

At the city gate, Feng Yun and He Qia bid farewell.

Because it was the emperor's mourning period, everyone spoke in a low voice and had no expression, but Feng Yun found that He Qia did not think this matter had any impact.

Feng Yun was very uneasy.

For Andu County, which was in need of reconstruction, the departure of the noble families and the people was a great hollowing out.

"He Jun, goodbye."

When he lowered the curtain of the carriage, Feng Yun paused slightly and glanced at the crowd of onlookers.

A man wearing a felt hat and looking like a peddler quickly turned around and squeezed into the crowd of onlookers without attracting anyone's attention.

Feng Yun lowered his eyes and lowered the curtain.

"Let's go."

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