Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 314 Return to Huaxi

After such a long time, Feng Yun returned to Huaxi Village. When he took a quick look, he saw that the silver-covered village looked a little strange.

Every household is hung with bright red lanterns, and new peaches are replaced with old charms, which is full of New Year flavor.

In those places where she was still making adobe when she left, houses had already been built. The ridges were covered with snow and no crops could be seen. Chickens and dogs could smell each other in the houses, smoke curled up from cooking stoves, and solid ice formed on the ponds.

Several children ran out of the hut, their faces flushed by the cold wind. When they saw Feng Yun looking at them curiously, they shouted in surprise after a while.

"Ms. Li Zheng is back!"

I don't know who yelled and ran to tell each other.

The village suddenly became lively.

This house opened its doors, and that house popped its head in. Soon everyone ran out happily, greeted them warmly, and followed the carriage into the village.

Xing Bing, Han Apo, Ah Lou, Kong Yun'e, Ying Rong, Wen Hui, Aunt Xu, Lu Dashan, all the familiar faces are full of joy of reunion.

Yao Ru's sister-in-law Wang squeezed in the front. Before the carriage stopped, she ran over, followed by Yao Ru's trembling parents. When she saw him getting out of the car, her eyes were red.

"I'm back now. I thought you guys wouldn't be able to make it in time for the New Year's Eve dinner."

Seeing his wife's mood, Yao Ru felt a little embarrassed. He bowed his hands to Feng Yun and others, stepped forward to help his parents, and took her home.

Wang turned around as he walked and called Feng Yun loudly.

"Ms. Li Zheng, I will bring you glutinous rice cakes later."

Yao Ru corrected her in a low voice.

"You can no longer call me Madam Lizheng, you must call me Princess."

"Princess? Why is this?"

There was no news in the village, and no one in Nagato specifically mentioned this matter. This was the first time Wang heard about it, and she immediately screamed in surprise.

"Ms. Li Zheng has become the princess!"

A word is like a stone thrown into the middle of the lake.

Everyone was talking a lot, asking questions and asking questions.

In order to avoid unnecessary speculation, Xiaoman smiled and not only told everyone that Pei Madang was crowned king, but also solemnly talked about Feng Yun being crowned the First-Rank Lady.

The crowd immediately exploded.

Feng Yun and Pei Ran got married in Bingzhou, and the village knew about it.

I also knew that Feng Yun had used General Pei’s betrothal gifts to build an embroidery workshop in the village, sewing winter clothes for General Beiyong Army, and also allowing the women in Huaxi and neighboring villages to earn a little money for work and food during the New Year.

But these rewards are completely unknown.

For a moment, everyone's eyes turned to the long motorcade behind Feng Yun.

"The contents inside are all rewards, right?"

Feeling envious and happy at the same time, the villagers changed their names. Under the leadership of the corps commander and the chief, they imitated the appearance of the nobles in the city and bowed and changed their names.

"Your Majesty, your Majesty, please accept your obeisance."

Villagers are free-spirited, and Feng Yun doesn't want to change because of himself.

She curled her lips and smiled, "Don't be too polite, fellow villagers. How you called me in the old days will still be called in the future. In Huaxi Village, I am just a decent lady..."

As soon as they heard this, someone asked.

"Then will the lady go to Zhongjing in the future?"

"If you leave, will you stop being a decent lady?"

If you marry a chicken, follow the chicken, if you marry a dog, follow the dog, and if you marry a king, you will naturally follow him.

Everyone thought so, and Feng Yun didn't say much, just smiled casually.

"Your Majesty is very busy. He won't be able to take care of me for a while."

Soon, people from the village came over with gifts, saying they were gifts for Feng Yun's wedding. There were chickens, eggs, noodles, and vegetables. He was polite and approachable. Feng Yun asked Alou to put copper coins in a box, and every household returned the gift.

It was lively again, the crowd dispersed, and then it became quiet.

There was great joy in Zhuangzi.

Feng Yun was so tired that he almost collapsed.

There was a floor stove burning in the room, which was very warm.

Ao Zai lay next to her, licking his paws.

It has grown up a lot and is no longer the same "cat" as when it left Huaxi Village. Many people in Zhuangzi were a little frightened when they saw it. Even Ah Lou didn't dare to approach it.

Grandma Han, on the other hand, as always, carefully touched Ao Zai's head and looked at each other face to face, as if looking at her own child, feeling both complaining and happy at the same time.

"Go out and see how big you have become. Look at these big paws. If you slap me with a slap, grandma is afraid that she will have to meet the King of Hell in advance."

Feng Yun heard what she said was funny, tilted his head and leaned on her shoulder.

"Grandma, did you miss me?"

Grandma Han's face was full of kindness and she touched her forehead.

"Grandma is almost going to die thinking about it. Do you think you want to or don't you want to..."

"No nonsense." Feng Yun wrinkled his nose and looked at her, "Grandma has lost weight."

Grandma Han smiled with wrinkles all over her face.

"Isn't it because you miss my wife?"

After winter, her old cold legs broke down, so Feng Yun asked her to keep her in the village and not allowed her to go out for running around. Grandma Han was a little resentful about this.

"I heard that your father and stepmother have also arrived in Xinzhou, and they have tormented you a lot, right?"

When she talked about the Feng family, she became extremely angry.

"Thanks to their thick skin, otherwise they would be so embarrassed that they would be embarrassed to death. How could they have the nerve to come to their door and recognize their in-laws?"

She talked funny, and Feng Yun also laughed.

"Aren't you just going to admit it shamelessly? By the way..."

She raised her head and glanced at Alou, "You prepare a gift and send it to Feng Mansion in Bingzhou, saying it's my filial piety."

Ah Lou responded yes, but Grandma Han's face darkened.

"Prodigal son, what gift are you giving them? It's time to deny this relative..."

If you don’t recognize your relatives, how can you watch the jokes up close?

She still had to watch them kill themselves.

Feng Yun couldn't tell Grandma Han about these things, so she just smiled and said, "Grandma understands the truth, but the world doesn't. They will only say that I am unfilial, and don't care how much I have been wronged..."

Grandma Han thought about it and snorted.

"Then you just pretend, no need to send a big gift."

Feng Yun hugged her arm and coaxed her, "I know, I know."

Grandma Han smiled, "What do you want to eat tonight? Grandma will make it on the stove."

Feng Yun thought of what Ao Qi said, and was afraid that he would come over soon, so she smiled:

"Let's have leek dumplings, with more meat, all meat."

When Grandma Han heard this, she hugged her and looked around, feeling distressed.

"My poor Twelve Mother, can't you eat meat outside?"

Feng Yun said, "I can't eat it, I can't eat it at all. Especially what Grandma cooks, I can't eat it anywhere."

Grandma Han smiled and patted her.

Everyone laughed.

They were all happy.

Making dumplings requires fine flour, and leeks are rare in this season. Fortunately, the farm had stored some in winter, and the stove was told to hurry up and make them.

Feng Yun took a break and called Ge Guang.

"Go to Mr. Ren's house and give him some noodles. It's the New Year, and it's the students' intention."

Ge Guang responded and went down.

At night, Ao Qi really came on horseback.

Andu Camp is a distance away from Huaxi Village. In order to eat this dumpling meal, Ao Xiaolangjun was beaten by the wind and snow. Feng Yun saw that he was covered with snow marks, so he quickly let him into the house and said with a smile:

"The dumplings are freshly made, waiting for you to put them in the pot."

Ao Qi shook off the snow on his body, turned his red cheeks, and his eyes were shining.

"Thank you, aunt."

He didn't say that he would come today, but Feng Yun went to great lengths because of his words and really made leek dumplings.

Ao Qi felt warm in his heart, and felt that the dozens of miles of snowy road were not in vain.

Feng Yun seemed to see through him, and smiled and turned to A Lou.

"General Ao's horse should be fed with the best hay, so don't treat the hero badly."

Ao Qi scratched his head embarrassedly and laughed.

A Lou looked at him and smiled and replied: "Don't worry, girl, the stable is full of good hay, so we can't treat it badly."

Ao Qi followed Feng Yun into the house, and Ao Zai slowly rubbed over, leaned against Ao Qi, and rubbed his big head hard on his legs.

Ao Zai is not a clingy person. Apart from Feng Yun, he is the closest to Ao Qi. Even the few people who take care of him around Feng Yun can't touch his head or pinch his face like Ao Qi.

Ao Qi felt very warm in his heart, lowered his head and put his face close to Ao Zai, and like a magic trick, he took out a piece of mutton wrapped in oil paper from his arms.

A large piece, raw, and still oozing blood.

"For the baby."

Aozi took it into his mouth and went to the side to enjoy it.

Feng Yun sat down and asked him with a smile: "How is the camp? Are the soldiers okay?"

The news of the death of the little emperor must have spread throughout the camp. It was the New Year, so it was inevitable that the army was in turmoil at this time.

Ao Qi nodded: "It's okay. I have to go back after eating dumplings."

Feng Yun looked at him in surprise.

"It's snowing so hard, why don't you leave tomorrow morning?"

Ao Qi glanced at her from the side, and his dark eyes were full of tenderness and attachment. "It's okay. I came here to tell my aunt that I won't come on New Year's Day. Don't miss me."

Feng Yun looked at him.

After a moment, he nodded slightly, "Uncle has added a burden to your shoulders. It's right to pay more attention."

Ao Qi curled his lips and smiled softly. He wanted to say something, but fell silent again.

In the middle of the night, the wind and snow were even stronger, and the demons were dancing wildly.

The cold wind rolled up the curtains, and the room was empty.

Feng Yun hugged Aozai and sat on the platform to warm himself by the fire, and Kong Yun'e sat beside her. The two chatted casually. Feng Yun was not sleepy, and his posture was relaxed and smiling. Kong Yun'e's hands under her sleeves were gently twisted from time to time, and her eyes could not help but glance at the window.

After an unknown period of time, the window was gently knocked.


Feng Yun pulled the latch.

A figure jumped in flexibly.

Tall and serious.

After looking at Kong Yun'e, he walked to Feng Yun and bowed.

"Jin Ge greeted Princess Yonghuai."

Feng Yun: The first day that Pei Gou was away... I didn't miss him at all.

Pei Jue: It seems that there is no need for an antidote?

Ao Qi: I ate dumplings with chive filling.

Chun Yu Yan: I also want to spend the New Year in An and be the old Wang next door.

Xiao Cheng: It snowed in Bingzhou too, and it was very heavy. My heart was frozen.

Wen Xingsu: I am still the best. No matter who Yaoyao is thinking about, she will spend the New Year with me.

Feng Yun: It is strange. I am not RMB, why do men like me?

Reader: Because you were born in a good place, in Erjin's keyboard.

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