Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 315 Undercurrent

"You're welcome, one of our own."

Feng Yun smiled lightly, glanced at Kong Yunn'e, and saw that her cheeks were slightly red, and he knew it.

During these days when she was away, Jin Ge must have taken good care of her, an old childhood friend.

Jin Ge bowed respectfully.

"I wonder why the princess summoned the villain here?"

Today, Feng Yun asked Ge Guang to send a happy greeting to Ren Rude. In fact, he didn't say anything specifically. He just left Kong Yun'e behind at nightfall, and Jin Ge understood.

Feng Yun likes to deal with smart people, and his eyes are much softer.

"Sit down and talk."

Jin Ge agreed and sat down not far away from them, with his hands on his knees and his shoulders straight. He could tell at a glance that he was a trained person.

Feng Yun smiled.

"Is Mr. Ren's hometown in Jinyang?"

Jin Ge said: "Yes."

Feng Yun asked again: "Why didn't he go back to his hometown to celebrate the New Year?"

Jin Ge shook his head, "There seems to be no one at home."

Feng Yun looked at him and smiled, his eyes a little strange, as if he were asking, more like probing, but his tone was unusually sure.

"How many of you are lurking in Andu County?"

Jin Ge's eyes dimmed, and the fingers on his knees slightly retracted reflexively, then quickly flattened, and hesitantly told Feng Yun.

"There are five hundred men and horses, distributed in various industries, at Mr. Ren's disposal. But I don't know the specific list, only Mr. Ren knows."

Five hundred people?

Feng Yun was mentally prepared, but was still shocked by the number.

Xiao Cheng is a man with eight hundred tricks.

At such a delicate moment in the situation in Jin Dynasty and Beijing, how could he miss the opportunity to show off his talents?

In Feng Yun's heart, although Xiao Cheng was not very good as a person, he always had a clear mind when doing things.

If the Jin State allowed that woman Li Sangruo to rule the court and dictate terms, Xiao Cheng would swallow her up sooner or later.

She thought about it and muttered carelessly.

"Recently, many people from aristocratic families have taken advantage of the Chinese New Year to go south and leave Andu. Mr. Ren's contribution is indispensable, right?"

Jin Ge was silent for a moment, then slowly raised his head and looked directly at Feng Yun.

"The princess may not believe what the villain says. In fact, Mr. Ren doesn't completely believe me, especially after the First World War in Bingzhou, there are many things that the villain cannot participate in... As far as the villain knows, Mr. Ren has a lot of friends and a wide network of contacts. I get together with friends from time to time, and what I say is difficult for outsiders to know..."

Feng Yun heard that Jin Ge had reservations.

After all, he is a person trained by Xiao Cheng's family. Even if he has no choice but to switch sides, it is normal for him to still have a desire to protect the original master...

She smiled and said nothing more.

Knowing that Xiao Cheng has deployed a lot of people here, I understand.

If Andu is like this, other counties and counties, including Xinzhou, will also be indispensable.

Jin Ge left in the heavy snow, and Kong Yun'e sat for a while and talked to Feng Yun for a while.

After a clothing workshop was opened in the village, she worked with Ying Rong, and her temperament was much more cheerful than before. Many single men in the village wanted to ask a matchmaker to arrange marriage, but she declined.

Before leaving, she left a gold bracelet wrapped in brocade and forced it into Feng Yun's hand.

"I didn't have a chance to congratulate you on your wedding. This is for you."

When they were childhood sweethearts, the two imagined what it would be like at each other's wedding.

But Kong Yun'e got married that year, and Feng Yun happened to be leaving Beijing with his father to take up a post in Andu. At that time, the relationship was also estranged, so he only sent someone to deliver gifts, but no one showed up.

Feng Yun got married in Bingzhou, and Kong Yun'e had no chance. This time when Feng Yun came back, she melted her own gold jewelry and made this bracelet.

This is the best thing she can get now.

"Why are you being polite to me?"

Feng Yun met her humble eyes, was stunned for a moment, and then smiled.

"I accepted the things. Don't be so lavish in the future. Hengyang is still small, and there will be many places to spend money in the future, so you have to save some money."

Kong Yun'e smiled slightly.

"In Nagato, I have nothing to use money for..."

People in Zhuangzi take good care of their orphans and widowed mothers. Kong Yun'e is also capable. Apart from embroiderer Ying Rong, she is the best embroiderer in Zhuangzi. What's more, she is a girl from a wealthy family. She knows a lot and loves to help. Everyone knows that she is Feng Yun's handkerchief, and she is loved and respected very much. Housing, food, and daily necessities are all provided by Zhuangzi. Hengyang also studies at Zhuangzi's home. She really can't spend much money on her own. .

The more important change is not in life, but in spirit.

In Nagato, everyone has something to do. As long as they don't violate the rules set by Feng Yun, they can live a relaxed and self-sufficient life. There is no discrimination or comparison, and there is rarely even a sense of superiority or inferiority...

The biggest master, Feng Yun, was kind to others and followed his example from top to bottom. There was no intrigue. The time Kong Yun'e spent here was the most comfortable in his life.

It was also here that she discovered that women can actually have a different way of living.

Like Wen Hui, Ying Rong, like Nan Kui Chai Ying...

As she is now.

Feng Yun didn't like to take advantage of others. He took a gold bracelet, turned around and opened his jewelry box, signaling to Kong Yun'e.

"Just pick whatever you like."

How dare Kong Yun'e want it?

Feng Yun couldn't help but pick out a finely crafted walking stick and inserted it into her head.

"It looks good. It's perfect for the Chinese New Year. It's very festive."

Kong Yun'e's eyes flashed with excitement, she smiled and touched her temples with her hands.

"Thank you, Yun Niang."


The next day, the heavy snow had subsided, and Huaxi Village was full of people going to Andu to do New Year shopping.

Several bullock carts were full of people, and there were many men carrying burdens, holding their wives and children, and going out together.

Zhuangzili started preparing half a month ago.

Ah Lou came to the door happily and showed Feng Yun a list of new year's goods.

Feng Yun didn't sleep peacefully last night. His head hurt. He glanced at it and shook his head.

"The boss of the building makes the decision, don't ask me. I just eat."

The sound of "General Manager of the Building" made the young Alou's cheeks turn red and he became embarrassed.

"The girl is laughing at me again."

He still called him by his old name and couldn't change it.

Feng Yun smiled and asked: "Are you going to the city to do some New Year shopping today? I'll go with you."

Ah Lou suddenly became happy and went down to arrange manpower.

Xiao Man also became happy. She took out the fox fur collared wind cloak from the box and wrapped it around Feng Yun. The master and servant went out talking and laughing. When they arrived at the gate of Zhuangzi, they saw two ox carts. Pass by the door...

At a glance, the person sitting on the carriage looked familiar.

Feng Yun narrowed his eyes and turned around to ask Xiaoman.

"Is that person Yin You from Prince Chunyu's side?"

Xiaoman didn't see it clearly, shook his head, and saw Xiang Zhong in a blink of an eye.


She raised her finger and said, "Look, it's Mr. Xiang."

Another bullock cart slowly drove over, and Xiang Zhong sat on it. When he saw Feng Yun folding his hat, he bared his teeth, smiled, and waved his hands in greeting.

"The villain has met the princess."

Feng Yun moved his eyes back and looked at the loaded ox cart.

"Why are you here, Eunuch Xiang?"

Xiang Zhong wiped his forehead with his sleeve and said with a kind smile: "The new year's goods that the prince asked the villain to bring are just here."

He took it for granted, and Feng Yun remained silent for a while.

Ah Lou, on the other hand, suddenly realized something and said with wide eyes:

"Did the Crown Prince buy that village by the river?"

He saluted Xiang Zhong and said, "That's right."

The original owner of that Zhuangzi moved his family south long before the war and moved away. Later, someone bought it and started looking for craftsmen to repair, expand and build houses. People in the village were curious and asked about it. They only knew that the owner came from Yunchuan...

But no one expected that it was Prince Yunchuan.

Feng Yun didn't know what to say for a moment, so he smiled and said nothing.

Xiang Zhong was probably also embarrassed for his master, so he smiled indifferently and found a place for him to get off the stairs, "The snow is very heavy this year and the roads are blocked. The prince can't go back to Yunchuan, so he has to Come here. Huaxi Village is lively, hey, lively.”

He lowered his head and bowed his hands.

"You little man, go ahead. Princess, take your leave."

Xiang Zhong jumped onto the bullock cart and walked away in despair.

Xiao Man looked at the butt of the car, pursed his lips and hummed.

"Why does the prince's ghost linger so much that he has to follow the girl?"

Feng Yun glanced at Zhuangzi, who was only separated from Changmen by a stream and woods, and it was hard not to think of what Chun Yuyan said back then...

Because this person was often not serious, Feng Yun never took his ridiculing words to heart. However, from Chunyu Pavilion to Huaxi Village, Chun Yuyan's intentions were written on his face and told to the world.

She frowned, "Let's go."

When he entered the city gate of Andu by car, he met several groups of people who were moving their families. It was not so conspicuous in the bustle of the New Year, but Feng Yun felt as if a big stone had sunk in his heart, and he was not so relaxed.

Yutang Chun was still open for business, so Feng Yun went to the market for a walk, bought some New Year goods, and brought people over for dinner.

There were not many diners in the store, and Wen Hui was talking to two waiters.

Charcoal is burning in the stove, which is very warm, making the temperature outside the room even lower.

Wen Hui came up to me with a sweet smile, "Sit inside. It's such a cold day, I thought you wouldn't be able to come."

Feng Yun smiled and said: "When are you going to close your business?"

Wen Hui said: "There is no business in the store today. I will make preparations to close after noon. I will reopen on the fifth day of the new year."

Feng Yun nodded.

While eating, the snowflakes outside the house gradually became denser and floated in the air like goose feathers. They did not stop for a moment because of the New Year.

The children were very happy, playing in the snow and having a great time.

But as he watched the snow getting heavier and the temperature getting lower and lower, Feng Yun's uneasy feeling became stronger.

She asked Wenhui Yutang about the food in the spring warehouse, and then whispered to Alou.

"All the money in the account should be exchanged for food and cloth. Don't waste a moment. The more, the merrier."

People who have been hungry are obsessed with food.

A huge stone cellar was built in Nagato, dug to the second underground floor, and was specially used for storage.

These days, Alou has never relaxed about storing food. When he listens to Feng Yun's instructions again, his heart becomes tight again.

"Is there going to be another war?"

It's just that the war is okay, but Feng Yun is afraid of adding insult to injury and causing natural disasters during the war.

Seeing the New Year celebrations in the house, she didn't say much.

“Be prepared.”

The lunch was very sumptuous. After the meal, Wen Hui began to settle wages for the shop assistants and let them go home for the New Year.

Since Feng Yun took over Yutangchun, she has not bought any slaves. These people who come to work are all free people with no restrictions or contracts. They just earn a salary to support the family, because Yutangchun has good food and high wages. They were afraid of being replaced by others in the new year, so they all expressed that they could stay and guard the store.

Wen Hui smiled and refused.

"We are all going back to celebrate the New Year. We will open on the fifth day of the first lunar month. Remember to come to Yingmao."

Everyone left with great gratitude.

Wen Hui wanted to stay and take stock, but Feng Yun didn't wait for her and got in the car first to go to Huaxi Village.

Just as I arrived at the entrance of the village, I heard a lot of crying, with curses against God. Some people cried so hard that it was painful for anyone to hear.

Feng Yun winked at A Lou, "Go and see what's going on."

My dears, the second update will be late, I'm afraid we'll be stuck in traffic~~

I love you guys!

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