Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 316 The prince is useful

When Ah Lou passed by, a group of villagers followed him and rushed forward. Their cries tore through the New Year atmosphere, and everyone looked very solemn.

There was a vague conversation.

"Collapsed, crushed. One died..."

"Poor thing, I didn't even have a bite of the New Year's Eve dinner."

Feng Yun leaned against the wall of the car, his body was cold, and he hugged the hand stove tighter and tighter.

After a while, Alou came back panting.

"Girl, a house collapsed in front of me, crushing people to death."

The families living in that place were all refugees who had settled in Andu County.

At that time, He Qia promulgated the New Deal. Although they all had housing expenses, they were short of money and wanted to make things easier. Most of these people's houses were not built solidly. Some simply found wood and thatch in the mountains to have a roof over their heads. .

Without a heavy snowfall, the houses could survive the winter, but the heavy snowfall continued, crushing the huts and causing dozens of families to fall down in one piece.

Feng Yun asked Alou to bring a few tribesmen over to help, snatch things out of the house, and send the injured to Dr. Yao for treatment. Those who had nowhere to go, freed up two guest rooms in Changmen for them to rest temporarily.

"Ms. Li Zheng's house is really warm."

"Let's burn the kang..."

"No wonder. How much charcoal will it take to burn it? If we burn it in one winter, it won't be enough to boil all the bones of my family..."

"Where can ordinary people get such enjoyment? Just for cooking, they have to save firewood."

Everyone was talking, envious and sighing.

Looking out the window again, the wind and snow are getting heavier and heavier, and I feel even more sad.

"It's snowing so much, will it never stop..."

“I’ve had a good year this year, but I don’t know how I’ll get through next year.”

"Why don't we also work at Madam Li Zheng's house. We will have wages, food and clothing, and a warm bed to sleep on..."

"Not everyone in Changmen Village is in demand, and Mrs. Li Zheng doesn't raise lazy people. Look at you, if you had listened to what Chang had told you and followed others to dig adobe and build two adobe houses, would the house collapse? "

"You thief bitch, what stupid things are you saying? Don't talk about the adobe house. I still want to live in a brick house. Do you have the money?"

"Don't make any noise, don't make any noise, I don't know where tomorrow's rations are?"

"What are you afraid of? Madam Li Zheng is kind-hearted and won't leave us alone..."

Feng Yun walked past the door and heard the chatter inside. He frowned and stopped, letting the two men carry hot tea in and then turned around and left.

A sergeant and several corps commanders were waiting in the living room.

When they saw Feng Yun come in, their heads were drooped and their faces were a little gray.

"Sit down." Feng Yun asked someone to serve tea, and sat upright and said, "I called you here to discuss how to solve these people's winter problems."

Yang Shi took a long look at her.

Before coming to Zhuangzi, he was still thinking that only Lady Li Zheng in Huaxi Village could come forward to resettle these people.

Others have intentions, but they are powerless.

But now I hear what she wants, are you not going to take care of it?

He immediately panicked and said, "Mrs. Li Zheng, these are all foreigners. When they settled in Andu, they didn't have any relatives or friends to take refuge with. The house collapsed and there was nowhere to go..."

Feng Yun said: "Then find a way to rebuild the house and get through this winter anyway..."

Yang Shichang said: "Repairing and building a house is not something that happens overnight. What's more, it also requires money, and it coincides with heavy snow..."

As he spoke, he glanced at Feng Yun.

The implication was that Feng Yun had to help these people.

There are more than ten households, with dozens of families and families. Food and drink are not small expenses. Some people have prepared some rations themselves, and some people only have a pair of clothes and a quilt to keep out the cold.

Feng Yun pondered for a moment, "To tell you the truth, since last year, my village has taken in many people one after another. People from poor families with small homes have a heavy burden..."

Seeing Yang Shichang's expression becoming embarrassed, she paused and suddenly said:

"There is not only a big family in Huaxi Village, Changmen. Across Huaxi, isn't there the prince from Yunchuan who lives there? Why don't Chief Yang take a few of the chiefs and corpsmen to visit him? Just ask the prince to help each other. A helping hand.”

Only then did everyone realize that Feng Yun had laid the groundwork so much because he wanted Prince Yunchuan, who was the richest in the world, to show some love and shoulder some responsibilities.

Yang Shi thought for a moment and realized that was indeed the case.

Prince Yunchuan's family has a great cause, and he can solve problems with just a flick of his finger, and it can also win him a good reputation, so why not?

"Thank you, Madam Rizheng, for your advice."

Several people left in a hurry.

Feng Yun took people to check around the village. Because it had been repaired years ago, her house had no problems. However, the snow on the stables and cowsheds had not been cleared in time, and some places were leaking, which looked unsafe...

Xing Bing took his troops to cut down bamboo, put in wood, reinforce what needed to be reinforced, and got busy.

Feng Yun frowned and thought about something. Suddenly he was startled and called Alou to ask.

"Do the Sun family still live at the foot of the mountain?"

Ah Lou nodded.

The Sun family of Orion hunters were good people. When Feng Yun first arrived in Zhuangzi, they would bring whatever good things they hunted to Feng Yun in exchange for grain, and they often gave each other extra. Those who come and go, move around more than other villagers, and are more familiar with them.

Ah Lou smiled and said, "I still live there. Before the heavy snow closed the mountain, the young man from the Sun family brought hares, turtle doves, and more than ten kilograms of venison. I heard from him that they have a lot of reserves this year, so there is nothing missing."

He thought Feng Yun was going to send food to the Sun family, but Feng Yun said:

"You are going to inform the old Sun family and ask them to move out their valuables and food and live in Changmen for a while."

A Lou asked suspiciously: "Why?"

Feng Yun frowned.

She vaguely remembered that in her previous life, there was a heavy snowfall and an avalanche on the mountain, but she didn't have a deep impression of where it happened and whether there were any casualties.

"Just tell them that many houses in the village collapsed. Seeing that the blizzard is getting bigger and bigger, they live at the foot of the mountain. If something happens, it will be difficult to take care of them. Anyway, they can't hunt anything in winter. It's better to move out first and go back after the New Year..."

A Lou was a little embarrassed.

The Sun family is a respectable family. It's the New Year's Day. I'm afraid they won't be very willing to ask them to come out and trouble others with their whole family.

Feng Yun smiled, "It depends on how you, the manager Lou, use your three-inch tongue."

A Lou was shy again.

He called an attendant, carrying a lantern, and went to the mountains together.

In a blink of an eye, it was dark.

Yang Shichang came back with a smile and reported the good news, saying that Prince Yunchuan was merciful and let the people in the village who had nowhere to go to his "Yunzhuang".

But there was a condition, food and accommodation were free, but work was required.

After obtaining the consent of these people, Yang Shichang took everyone away.

Xing Bing breathed a sigh of relief, "The girl is smart and pushed the hot potato away."

At the beginning, everyone had the same resettlement fee, and many families had already built new houses in Huaxi Village. At the very least, they would reinforce the houses themselves so that they would not collapse easily.

So, he believed that these were all lazy people.

Feng Yun smiled, "Just think of it as a big gift to the prince. He is short of manpower."

Xiaoman followed with a smile, "The prince is still useful."

After eating the night meal, Feng Yun was lying on the couch with a stove burning on it reading a book, and the doorman came to tell him.

"Prince Chunyu asked to see him, saying that he came to give a thank-you gift."

Thank-you gift? Feng Yun narrowed his eyes, slowly put on his clothes and stood up.

"Go and have a look."

A familiar figure stood in the corridor, tall and straight, wearing a gorgeous red robe, which looked very elegant and beautiful in the snowy night. He turned his head when he heard the voice, and the silver-white mask shone coldly under the night light, adding a bit of solemnity to the stunning appearance.

Feng Yun saluted, "Meet the prince."

Chun Yuyan looked at her and didn't speak for a long time.

Feng Yun's cheeks made his eyes slightly hot, and she smiled softly.

"The prince came to the door, are you here to ask for punishment?"

Chun Yuyan's mouth corners slightly hooked, indicating Xiang Zhong to pick up the food box in his hand, and his voice was soft and vague.

"It's been a long time since we last met. Feng Twelve knows how to think about me. If I don't invite him to thank me in person, wouldn't this prince not know the etiquette?"

How could it be a long time since we last met?

Feng Yun walked forward slowly, let Ge Guang take the food box, and bowed with a smile.

"Then I would like to thank you, my lord."

Chun Yuyan saw that she was polite and unfamiliar, and looked like she was going to chase him away, so he asked in a light tone:

"Would you like me to come in and sit down?"

Feng Yun said: "It's late at night, it's inconvenient, I hope you can forgive me."

Chun Yuyan said: "At least let me congratulate you in person, Princess Yonghuai."

The two looked at each other, Feng Yun saw a smile in his eyes, and her heart suddenly moved.

This prince has his feet on the Three Kingdoms, maybe he knows something, anyway, she has to wait for A Lou to come back, and she won't sleep for a while, so it's not bad to deal with him.

"Then it's better to obey than to be respectful, lord, please."

Feng Yun let Chun Yuyan go to the brightly lit guest room, Chun Yuyan squinted his eyes and sat down lazily. Feng Yun ordered the servants to serve tea, but before they could exchange pleasantries, there was a sudden commotion outside the village.

Then, several torches jumped into the village gate.

"It's bad, wife of the village head, the mountain collapsed and buried the Sun family..."

I will update it on time today, so I won't say much.

One word: Thank you for your support.

Feng Yun: This is not a word, thank you, my dear mother.

Er Jin: ...

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