Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 317 Under the Avalanche

Feng Yun quickly got up and changed his clothes, and ordered people to light torches. The entire Zhuangzi tribe and guards were dispatched, lighting torches and running towards the mountain.

After leaving the village road, I met Yang Shichang on the road. He gathered a group of villagers and followed him, shouting.

The people in Huaxi Village were very united. After receiving the news, the young people didn't care about anything else. They just put on their clothes and went out.

Feng Yun called Ge Guang and ordered: "You have fast feet, just go forward. You only have a quarter of an hour to save people. You have to be fast, you have to be fast, you have to be fast. Of course, you must also pay attention to your own safety."

Ge Guang responded, waving his arms and shouting loudly.

"Come all to me."

The Sun family has two elders and two children, a total of six people in the family, as well as Alou... If they are all covered in snow, it will be a disaster.

In the dark night, the torches are connected in a line.

Feng Yun walked forward with a sullen face, his shoes soaked by the snow.

Xiao Man felt distressed, "The girl is just waiting for news at home, why bother going there in person."

Feng Yun said: "It's okay. I'll just walk slowly. I'm not at ease waiting at home."

She was usually very talkative, but she was also stubborn. Xiaoman couldn't persuade her, so he had to accompany her as she walked deeper and deeper.

The farther away from the village road, the thicker the snow, and the more difficult it is to walk...

"Feng Twelve, you are also really stubborn."

A neither gentle nor serious voice came from behind.

Feng Yun turned around and saw Chun Yuyan sitting on the chariot.

The wind and snow were so strong, but the prince was very comfortable. He was carried by two servants and the chariot on his shoulders was covered, giving him a sense of leisurely leisure.

"What is the prince doing here?" Feng Yun frowned.

Chunyu Yan pressed his palm down, and the servant took the order and let him down.

"If I don't come, I'm afraid you'll freeze to death in the heavy snow." His tone was not very patient, his voice was light and indifferent, and no emotion could be heard, but he walked over.

His long body stood on the snow, his masked face tilted slightly.

"Sit on it."

Feng Yun:......

Everyone was busy rescuing people, so she went over in a chariot, so it was better not to go.

"No need." Feng Yun said: "Your Majesty, you should go back and rest early...Ah, what are you doing?"

Before her voice fell, her waist fell into Chun Yuyan's palm. Before she could refuse, she rose from the ground and was held tightly in his arms.

Xiao Man reacted quickly. Just as he was about to bully him and grab someone, Yin You and Sang Jiao stopped him.

Without saying anything, Chun Yuyan carried Feng Yun to the chariot and sat down. He pulled the straps on both sides to buckle her, and thoughtfully picked up the snow hat on the side and tied it on her head.

"If you walk faster, you won't miss anything."

Feng Yun refused to admit that she could not walk as fast as others carrying her, but it was indeed the case. The two porters carried her and walked on the snow like flying without any pressure.

Xiaoman felt good about it, and said with a smile:

"Girl, please accept the prince's kindness."

Chun Yuyan turned to look at Xiao Man, gave her a friendly look, and then lazily mocked Feng Yun.

"Look at you, you are not as sensible as a little girl."

Feng Yun was silent.

She never considered herself to be a person of noble character, let alone selfless. Since she could pass by comfortably, the risk was reduced. She didn't even feel like struggling, so she lay down lazily, feeling refreshed. Looking at Chun Yuyan's appearance, he suddenly felt a little angry.

Feng Twelve is really easy to anger him.

But it's a little funny to be angry.

On a cold day, I ran out to find fault. Who can blame me?

The further you go, the cooler the temperature becomes.

Feng Yun wrapped his clothes tightly and didn't speak until he saw the fire in front of him.

"Stop right here."

She didn't want the villagers who were busy rescuing people to see her appearing in a chariot, but Chun Yuyan didn't care much. He looked at Feng Yun slowly and hummed.


Then he sat on it by himself.

"Move forward."

Feng Yun had no time to pay attention to him. He looked around at the avalanche situation, then approached to ask about the rescue situation.

Ah Lou climbed out on his own.

He was buried very shallowly on the edge of the collapsed snow. Before Ge Guang arrived with the rescue team, he had already dug out Aunt Sun and Sister Sun next to him.

When Feng Yun passed by, Ah Lou was wrapped in a quilt and tremblingly gesticulating where to bury him.

"When we left, Uncle Sun was still convincing the two elders of the Sun family that we should stay in their room."

At that time, Alou told them Feng Yun's explanation. As soon as Uncle Sun and Aunt Sun heard this, they were busy packing their things and preparing to go to Nagato. However, the two elders of the Sun family were reluctant. No matter how they tried to persuade them, they refused to go anywhere else to celebrate the New Year. Stay at home.

Forced to have no choice, Uncle Sun could only ask Aunt Sun to take his two children and valuable belongings and follow Alou to Nagato, while he stayed with his parents...

Who could have expected that an avalanche occurred not long after Alou and the others walked out.

Feng Yun asked about the situation, found Ge Guang and Yang Shichang, and told them.

"Instruct us to go down, don't make any noise, and keep your voice as low as possible. After a quarter of an hour, regardless of whether we find anyone or not, we must leave quickly..."

Yang Shichang asked: "Why is it a quarter of an hour?"

Feng Yun said: "After a quarter of an hour, the buried people will have no chance of survival. But if we dig out the snow to save people, it is likely to trigger a second avalanche..."

When everyone heard what she said, their expressions became stern.


Many people came to participate in the rescue, and the farm tool workshop in the village also made a lot of iron farm tools. Those who came to rescue people all brought tools. Even those who didn't have tools were not afraid of the cold and dug with their bare hands.

Everyone was in full swing, digging hard in the direction pointed by Sun's son...

The pit was getting bigger and bigger, Feng Yun was nervous and checked the terrain from time to time.

"It's my father's! That's my father's." Sun Xiaolang's voice came, and everyone found that Lu Dashan dug out a corner of clothes. Everyone rushed over excitedly and quickly pulled Uncle Sun out.

He was lucky to have a long life. He had fainted. He drank two sips of hot water and wrapped himself in a thick quilt. He soon came to life.

Unfortunately, the stubborn Sun family didn't have such good luck.

When everyone dug them out of the snow, they were no longer breathing.

"Dad, Mom——"

Uncle Sun and Aunt Sun burst into tears, and Sun Xiaolang and his sister couldn't help it, and tears flowed down.

Feng Yun saw the situation and said solemnly:

"Evacuate, don't delay."

Everyone had just been reminded by her, so they ran out when they heard the sound. The snow was too thick, and it was easy to sink into it if they stepped in. You pulled me, I pulled you, a group of people held torches to help, and just as they evacuated the old house of the Sun family, a loud "bang" sounded from the mountain.

"It collapsed again!"

Everyone held their breath, as if they had survived a disaster, with a chill on their backs.

After a long while, they exhaled a foul breath.

"Fortunately, there is the wife of the village head..."

"The wife of the village head is really a lucky star."

Feng Yun wrapped up the half-wet clothes on his body and sneezed.

"Ge Guang, Yang Shichang, count the number of people and see if everyone has come out."

The two responded, holding torches and shouting.

"Everyone, take a look to see if the brothers who came with you are all here."

There were many villagers coming, and it was a mess. More villagers were rushing here one after another. They all wanted to do their part. When they learned that the two elders of the Sun family had died, they sighed and lamented the fickleness of fate.

Back to Changmen Courtyard, Chunyu Yan left at some point.

Feng Yun didn't care about him and called Alou.

"Help take care of the affairs of the two elders of the Sun family. If there is anything missing, just withdraw it from the account."

Alou's eyes showed a hint of surprise, and then he was moved.

"If it weren't for the girl's reminder in advance, the Sun family would not have survived tonight..."

Feng Yun shook his head indifferently, and then ordered: "Find a few people, notify every household, and let the villagers check their houses, and reinforce those that need to be reinforced, don't try to save trouble..."

Alou wrapped himself in clothes and went out.

The candles in the village were burning brightly.

The whistling sound intensified in the middle of the night, and the wind and snow swirled in the air, as if to break the eardrum.

Feng Yun couldn't sleep.

She hadn't thought about her past life for a long time.

This snowy night, she was restless, and began to slowly think about what happened in the twelfth month of the third year of Xinghe.

That year, it was also snowing heavily, and countless people died of freezing and starvation. She followed Pei Cong back to Zhongjing, and soon heard that an avalanche had occurred in Andu County. After the New Year, there were natural disasters one after another. People's livelihood was even more difficult than before the war. People exchanged their children for food, and people often starved to death...

Because of this, bandits plundered everywhere, warlords robbed and robbed rampantly, and not long after the beginning of spring, many villages in Andu County were looted by bandits. So three months later, the war between Jin and Qi broke out again, which lasted for a long time and lasted for a full three years...

Many things have changed in this life, but the weather will not change.

Then, the blizzard will continue...

And at this moment, Zhongjing must have been in chaos.

While mourning for the emperor and welcoming the new emperor to the throne, how could they care about people's livelihood and the snow disaster?

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