Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 319 Great Business

In Yunzhuang, Chunyu Yan was leaning on the newly built fire bed. There were fine wines and delicacies on the dining table, but he had no appetite.

This is his ninth year outside.

Everyone said that Prince Yunchuan was the richest man in the world and had a house wherever he went. But he, who had countless houses, was now homeless.

New Year's Day is the time when people are most likely to feel homesick, family, and the past, and he has nowhere to think about it.

A loner.

Chun Yuyan raised his neck, drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, and the curtain was opened.

Xiang Zhong smiled tiredly, but before he could say anything, he was stabbed in the eye. His expression immediately stiffened and he handed over his hand to report.

"Your Majesty, Changmenzhuang has sent someone to invite you."

Chun Yuyan said lazily, "Who is here to invite?"

Xiang Zhong said: "The building manager."

"Not sincere." Chun Yuyan lowered his eyes, looking very unhappy.

"Then... the villain refused on behalf of the Crown Prince?"

Before Xiang Zhong's voice fell, Chun Yuyan had already laid down and put on his boots, "Bring me your cloak."


Compared with the deserted Yunzhuang, Nagato is very festive, with red lanterns hung all the way, and the window grilles with the words "Fu" in full bloom. Everyone who comes in has a sincere smile on their face, and an inexplicable sense of happiness.

Chun Yuyan suddenly turned back and looked at Xiang Zhong while walking.

"Go ahead and tell me that from tomorrow onwards, everyone will smile for me."

Xiang Zhong was stunned for a moment, then showed a nervous yet embarrassed expression, "I understand, I understand, and everyone laughs."

Feng Yun and Wen Xingsu were sitting and talking to each other.

People are at the table, wine is on the table.

The words are all in the wine.

There was no one else in the hall, but from time to time the laughter of the beauties in the next hall could be heard. They also got together today, making some preserved meats and wine and food, and from time to time they burst into joyful shouts. It could be said that there were no rules at all.

Wen Xingsu smiled and said, "Do you really want to keep them all?"

"Stay." Feng Yun disagreed, "My rule is to work and eat. As long as they are willing, they can stay as long as they want."

Wen Xingsu moved his lips but said nothing more.

With so many carefully selected beauties staying by her side, any mistress would feel uneasy and would definitely try every means to get them away.

Feng Yun readily accepted it, and the beauties were also willing to follow her. This was originally an incredible thing with unknown risks.

"Don't worry, brother." Feng Yun knew what he was worried about, so he winked and joked, "Or, which one do you like and want to take back to Xinzhou?"

Wen Xingsu lowered his eyebrows and said, "Don't talk nonsense."

After a pause, he glanced at Feng Yun, his face much more serious than before.

"Does King Yonghuai have a letter?"

Feng Yun shook his head.

"Heavy snow has blocked the road, so the news may not be that fast..."

No news came from Zhongjing, and she couldn't settle down.

Wen Xingsu wanted to comfort her, but Feng Yun didn't show any sadness at all, and said calmly:

"The situation in Beijing is beyond your reach and it is useless to know. It is better to take care of the present. The most urgent task is how to survive the winter? Once the Northern Yong Army and the imperial court are separated, we will have to fend for ourselves..."

As soon as she said this, Alou's voice came from outside the door.

"Prince Yunchuan has arrived."

Feng Yun and Wen Xingsu exchanged glances, stopped talking, and stood up with smiles, greeting each other with courtesy.

"Your Majesty."

"General Wen."

Chunyu Yan cupped his hands and said hello to Wen Xingsu first. The corners of his lips curled up slightly, and then he turned his attention to Feng Yun.

"You're celebrating the Chinese New Year, what do you want from me?"

He took off his cloak and had an expression that said, "Just tell me if you have anything, I'm very busy." His words and actions showed a great deal of impatience.

"Your Majesty, please take a seat." Feng Yun invited politely with a smile.

After saying that, he turned around and saw a slender and graceful figure walking in front of him. The purple skirt was like flowing water waves, swinging past Chun Yuyan's eyes.

Chun Yuyan's movement towards the food table paused slightly.

Wen Xing looked back.

Chun Yuyan slowly sat down.

On the food table, there are marinated meats and a few side dishes, which are not as exquisite as those in Yunzhuang. The eight chefs in Yunzhuang were specially invited by Chun Yuyan. They know how to cook various kinds of delicacies, so it can be imagined that they are more delicious than here.

But it's strange, he feels extremely comfortable sitting here.

The aroma of wine and vegetables, mixed with the fragrance of beauty, permeates the air to the nose.

It is obviously an ordinary dish, but when it comes to my mind, it has a unique New Year flavor.

"That's right." Chun Yuyan was astonished when he opened his mouth, "How many days can I use the chef at your village? Will I pay it back to you after the New Year?"

Feng Yun was startled, then put down his chopsticks and said, "That's easy to say. I'm inviting the Crown Prince to come over today. Besides the reunion, I have one more thing I want to ask."

Chun Yuyan snorted, "I know you, Feng Twelve, are not attentive to anything. Tell me, how many more people do you want to recruit to my village?"

Feng Yun waved his hand and said with a smile: "This time I won't stuff people, just stuff things."

She raised her wrist lightly, clapped her hands and said, "Send it up."

The way the two people talked was different from others, almost every sentence was thorny, but Wen Xingsu felt a little uncomfortable when he looked at it. Chun Yuyan and Sima Zhao's heart, needless to say, he knew what kind of intestines were in his stomach, but his waist and waist He didn't stay out much, and he made some jokes between men and women, but she didn't get angry...

On the contrary, he, the elder brother, always adheres to the etiquette.

Ah Lou presented the green cloth bag that seemed to be stone black to Chun Yuyan.

"Your Majesty, please take a look."

Chunyu Yan took a look and asked Feng Yun, "What does this mean?"

Feng Yun asked: "Is this graphite?"

Chun Yuyan nodded, "Yes, where did you get it?"

Feng Yun told him about the graphite that Uncle Sun picked up in the mountains, and then said: "Can you please help me hire two masters to go up the mountain with me and have a closer look?"

Yunchuan is an expert in this field. How to prospect, how to mine and process, Chunyu is the master of Yandu Sect.

But he is not someone who helps for free.

"Okay, according to the old rules, the profits will be shared."

It’s really not a loss at all.

Feng Yun said with a smile: "If outsiders came to mine Yunchuan graphite, the prince would be reluctant, right? This graphite mine is not as good as the business in Mingquan Town. It must depend on the court's wishes..."

Chunyu Yan said: "Why do you have to be so polite about Pei Wang's words?"

Feng Yun smiled softly, "The Crown Prince did not understand what I meant. The Crown Prince also knew about the changes in Zhongjing. No one can tell what will happen after the New Year. But no matter who is sitting in the Jinluan Palace, Crown Prince Yunchuan, Or Prince Yunchuan..."

Chunyu Yan's eyes darkened slightly.

"Feng Twelve, you want to plot against me again?"

"No." Feng Yun smiled brightly, with a warm face, and a hint of cunning in his beautiful dark eyes, but his voice sounded very sincere, "Since graphite was found on the mountain of Huaxi, it is the treasure of the people of Huaxi Village. What benefit will it bring to the people of Huaxi if it is handed over to the imperial court? As an upright person, I naturally have to consider the villagers."

Chunyu Yan's spine felt slightly chilly.

This Feng Twelve is so courageous and ambitious.

When ordinary people get such news, they will definitely report it to the court to get some benefits from it...

And she wanted to take it for herself...

Chun Yuyan looked at her clear and innocent eyes, and suddenly felt that she might want more than just this graphite mine...

This woman wants too much, too much...

The most annoying thing is that she wants everything but him.

Chun Yuyan snorted loudly, "Do you want to use my hand to cover up others' eyes and take the mine?"

Feng Yun said: "The prince is wise."

"Ha!" Chunyu Yanpi said with a smile, "Why, is Pei Wanzhi inoperable? Do you want to use my reputation as an idle prince?"

Feng Yun sighed softly, "How many people in Zhongjing are staring at him? He cannot be the one to intervene in this matter."

snort! The stunning face of Chunyu Crown Prince's mask was not visible at all, but his eyes were as sharp as lightning.

"I said you were so kind to invite me here and greeted me with good wine, good food and good business. It turned out to be the Hongmen Banquet."

"Your Majesty, what you said is wrong." Feng Yun stretched out his hand, "The wine my eldest brother brought from Xinzhou, the beef I braised myself, the goose I marinated... the only thing I missed was that I didn't fry the dishes myself. If this table was a Hongmen Banquet, there would be no other place in the world. There is no such thing as sincerity.”

When she heard that she had done it herself, Chun Yuyan's expression became much better.

He raised his eyebrows, looking proud,

"Pei Wang has a noble character and does not take advantage of the imperial court. I, Chun Yuyan, am a deceitful person who steals my reputation, commits all kinds of bad things, and occupies the mines?"

"The prince misunderstood."

Of course Feng Yun didn't care about Pei Madang's reputation, he just didn't want to alert the enemy.

Mines, salt and other materials are the lifeblood of the imperial court. The Jin court can give it to Chun Yuyan, but it will never give it to Pei Mad, who has a "disobedient heart".

Seeing that Chun Yuyan didn't answer, she smiled and shook her head, "This is a good business with huge profits. It's not an exaggeration to say that every day we make a fortune, that's why we found the prince. Since the prince is not interested in making money, then just treat me as the prince." I never said, come, have some wine, have some wine.”


Chunyu Yan was speechless and his teeth itched with hatred.

Only then did he realize that Feng Twelve, whom he had never been able to figure out, knew him very well.

If you don't make money, you bastard. Why not gather the wool of the Jin court?

At this juncture, those in the Jin court would definitely beat them to death for the dragon chair in the Jinluan Palace. How could they care about a graphite mine far away in Andu? There is indeed an opportunity. It is indeed more convenient for him to come forward than Pei Ran at the cusp of the storm.

After all, everyone in the world knows that Crown Prince Yunchuan is only interested in profit.

Countless princes and ministers in the Jin court, including Li Zongxun, took advantage of him.

This matter was not difficult for him.

Chunyu Yan had made up his mind, but he didn't want to give Feng Yun a clear answer.

"When the snow stops, I'll send someone up the mountain to have a look. People are lazy in heavy snow days. If this year is uncomfortable, I might go back to Yunchuan at the beginning of the new year and not do this business..."

The third update cannot be done today. The second update will be updated, but it will be a little later. Sisters will come and see it tomorrow. I originally planned to write more today, but Erjin’s cat suddenly became ill last night and became critically ill when he was sent to the hospital. He suffered from cardiogenic pulmonary edema and is still being treated in the oxygen chamber. I don’t know if he can survive it. The first three Every day is a dangerous period. From last night to now, Er Jin has barely slept a wink. I apologize to everyone. I will make up for the three missing updates later...

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