Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 320: Coming with Fierce Force

The weather is cold and the world is not peaceful, but we still have to celebrate the New Year.

A heavy snowfall has just passed in Zhongjing City, and the roads are slippery, but the streets are very lively.

The vendors squeezed in the endless flow of people and suppressed their shouts.

A child on the street was about to light a firecracker when he was restrained and pulled away by his family elders.

After the emperor passed away, there was no entertainment. The puppet show and lion dance lanterns that were used during the New Year disappeared. They were replaced by silent crowds, like a flowing painting. On the paper, there were shadows under the prosperity of Beijing.

If you open the history books, you will find that this was the most complicated and turning year in the history of the Jin Dynasty, which affected the fate of the entire dynasty.

But the people who are there at this moment have no idea what will happen next, and are still waiting for the new emperor to ascend the throne.

"A country cannot live without a king for a day."

From the court to the people, there are undercurrents.

The "Auspicious Auspiciousness" of White Horse Temple has spread throughout China and Beijing.

King Qin is the legitimate son left by Emperor Xifeng, and his name is justifiable.

Maitreya Buddha has another auspicious Kirin, and King Qin is destined to sit on the real dragon throne.

On New Year's Eve, more people go to White Horse Temple to offer incense than in previous years.

There were so many people at the incense burner in front of the seated Maitreya statue that they couldn't squeeze in to place the incense. The impatient ones argued endlessly about it...

At night, wind and snow enveloped Zhongjing.

In the biting cold wind, a group of fast horses ran through the woods in the city wall, running towards the quaint White Horse Temple.

The sound of horse hooves accompanied by the long roar of wind and snow penetrated the sky.

At the door of the monastery, a man who looked like a chamberlain was waiting anxiously.

The wind lamp flickered, illuminating his eager face. Suddenly, his eyes lit up.


In the wind and snow, a group of three people walked in. The leader was a tall man, wearing casual clothes and a black cloak. The whole person was covered in the hood of the cloak. Most of his face was covered, only his cold lips were exposed. With a slight sip, the cold air seemed to be blowing along with the cold wind, making people shiver.

"King Yonghuai." The chamberlain bowed and saluted.

"Eunuch Jiang, there is no need to be polite." Pei Madang said in a low voice, "Where is the concubine?"

"I've been waiting for you for a long time." The waiter looked around and saluted: "Please come in."

Pei Ran paused slightly and whispered to his left and right.

"There is an informant."

Zuo Zhong responded, "I understand."


In the Zen room, the candles were still burning brightly at this moment.

The five-year-old King Yuan Shangyi of Qin sat neatly next to Princess Duan. He was probably very sleepy. His head was like a chicken pecking at rice. He opened it a little, then a little, twice, and took a careful look. Take the concubine, and then continue with the next round of dozing.

The door creaked open.

Through the curtain, the voice of Gao Pei, the chambermaid, could be heard outside.

"Taifei, King Yonghuai has arrived."

Concubine Duan sat up straight.


Concubine Duan naturally became a concubine after the young emperor Xinghe ascended the throne, but she was actually not very old and was only twenty-six years old.

In the past few years, she had been raising a little prince who was not her own. She couldn't eat well, couldn't sleep, and lived in fear, fearing that he would die unexpectedly one day.

She was melancholy and thin, her face had lost its shape, and her figure was extremely thin.

While waiting for Pei Man to appear, her body was already stiff, and when she heard his footsteps, she became even more nervous and trembling.

She doesn't have that big ambition, she just wants to survive.

Being an emperor is not easy. Concubine Duan doesn't understand it completely, nor does she understand it at all.

At this moment, she was like a quail held on fire, a trapped person in the swamp, unable to advance or retreat. She had to either resign herself to fate or leave her life to others...

The curtain moved slightly, and Pei Ran walked over against the light.

There is a kind of person who is born cold. Concubine Duan didn't even see Pei Man's face clearly, and her whole body felt like falling into a cold cellar.

"General, I've arrived. Is the journey going smoothly?"

Pei Ran didn't respond, nor did he stop walking. He walked to Concubine Duan and then bowed.

"I have met His Highness King Qin and Princess Duan."

His voice was low and calm, not as cold and ferocious as the legend said, but it scared Yuan Shangyi soberly.

His face was full of panic, and he clenched Princess Duan's sleeves tightly.

Pei Madan granted him the title of king with a different surname, but Yuan Shangyi was the real son of the dragon and his grandson, and he must be in an honorable position. However, the man in front of him was very oppressive. The young Yuan Shangyi was indifferent to him. He stared hard, curled his mouth, and almost cried.

"King Yonghuai doesn't need to be polite."

This is what Princess Duan taught him.

The little King Qin finished speaking in a tearful tone, but he did not shed tears after all.

Only then did Pei Ran withdrew his gaze, looked around, and said:

"I have wronged the concubine and His Highness the King of Qin."

Concubine Duan shook her head, "To tell you the truth, I have been worried a lot in the past few years, so staying in the White Horse Temple Zen Room is the most practical thing."

Pei Madang was noncommittal and said nothing.

Concubine Duan looked at him and smiled sadly.

"Ever since the queen's sister passed away and King Qin took care of me, I haven't had a full night's sleep. I don't know when this kind of life will end..."

Pei Ran asked: "Does the concubine believe me?"

Concubine Duan's eyes were wet and she smiled bitterly.

"I don't know King Yonghuai, but I believe in Abbot Yuan of White Horse Temple. If he hadn't come personally to come up with this good plan, King Qin and I might have died of illness long ago."

Pei Madang said: "Does the concubine know why the abbot did this?"

Concubine Duan thought for a moment, glanced at the ignorant Yuan Shangyi, and said softly: "The abbot is compassionate and cherishes the blood of the late emperor. He couldn't bear the murder of King Qin by the Li family and his daughter, so he came to help..."

Pei Ran said: "I asked him to do this."

Princess Duan was shocked.


When the late emperor passed away three years ago, Pei Madang supported Li Sangruo's son to ascend the throne. At that time, everyone, including Princess Duan, regarded him as a member of the Li family and Li Sangruo's subordinate.

Shouldn't it be better for him to hope that King Qin will die unexpectedly? Why should we help each other?

At that time, Yuan Shangyi, the legitimate son of Emperor Xifeng, was a thorn in the side of the Li family and his daughter. Concubine Duan was in panic all day long. At this moment, the abbot of the White Horse Temple came to her door and said that King Qin's illness was caused by an injury. If you are injured by evil spirits and lose one soul, you must go to the temple every three months to do some cleansing to ward off the evil spirits.

In fact, Princess Duan knew very well why Yuan Shangyi was frail and sick...

That's the illness carried in the mother's womb.

When the first queen was pregnant, someone plotted against her, causing her to give birth prematurely.

If the son is born and the mother dies, becoming the queen is just an innocent ghost in Li's scheme.

White Horse Temple is a government-run temple, and the abbot is highly respected and authoritative. The abbot summons the little prince's soul every three months, which invisibly protects the little prince's life.

It is impossible for a prince with all three souls and six souls to become an emperor.

Concubine Duan burst into tears of gratitude to her husband...

But she never expected that behind the abbot was General Pei.

"No wonder..." Princess Duan said calmly, her mind a little dazed.

After a long while, he forced a weak smile and said, "No wonder the abbot said that tonight is waiting for the noble..."

The "noble man" she thought was because he fell out with Li Zongxun, so he tried to protect the King of Qin from ascending the throne. He was no different from Li Zongxun, he just used them as chess pieces, props to set up on the chessboard to make waves...

Unexpectedly, he was the one who saved his life three years ago.

Concubine Duan was excited, yet frightened, and her voice was timid.

"Why did King Yonghuai do that back then?"

Pei Ran looked at her lightly and said, "Just treat her as a bloodline of the late emperor."

Just treat it as...

That's not it.

Concubine Duan did not dare to ask, so she was silent for a moment and then said, "I wonder what King Yonghuai wants me to do?"

Pei Ran said: "The concubine doesn't need to do anything. She will keep an eye on Your Highness and wait for the enthronement ceremony."

He spoke categorically, but Princess Duan was taken aback.

"How to deal with Prime Minister Li and the Queen Mother..."

"Concubine, there is no need to worry." Pei Madang stared at the small Buddha statue on her desk and said in a cold voice, "Tomorrow, the abbot will announce to the public that with the auspiciousness, King Qin will regain his soul and recover from his illness."

The scent of sandalwood in the temple was very strong, and the light from the lights reflected on Pei Man's body, casting a long shadow.

Concubine Duan's throat was tight and she didn't dare to look at Pei Man's face. She stared at the shadow and opened her mouth.

"Everything depends on King Yonghuai. King Qin and I will rely on His Highness from now on."


That night, Queen Mother Li, who rushed back to Beijing without stopping, met her biological son in the east hall of Tai Chi Hall.

He was lying in the coffin wearing a dragon robe. His little face was as white as a piece of paper and had already become stiff. Fortunately, the temperature had been low in the past few days, so she was able to rush back and see the child's face clearly.


"My Kuang'er!"

Li Sangruo was anxious on the road, his eyes were swollen from crying, and he was extremely weak. When he saw his son's remains, he still couldn't believe it...

The child who was fine when she left was gone.

When Li Zongxun rushed over, he was coldly invited over by Li Sangruo as soon as he reached the door.

"The daughter has something to ask her father."

Li Zongxun walked to one side with a cold face and motioned for the servants to step back.

"Kuan'er is gone, so don't think too much and cheer up your father..."

"What are you doing to cheer up?" Li Sangruo curled his lips and sneered, "Waiting for King Runan to ascend the throne, to be a royal sister-in-law who is not embarrassed or embarrassed? Father..."

She took a step closer to Li Zongxun, "How did Kuang'er die?"

Li Zongxun lowered his face and stared at her coldly.

"You still have the nerve to ask me? Why don't you ask yourself what ridiculous things you did in Xinzhou to push Pei Mad to the edge and have your son operated on..."

"No!" Li Sangruo's expression changed and he shook his head, "It can't be him."

Li Zongxun snorted heavily, turned away, and said in a deep voice: "The White Horse Temple had auspicious signs yesterday, and today it was announced that King Qin had recovered from his illness. Before he recovered, the young prince met Pei Madang without seeing anyone... Tell me, why? What a coincidence?"

Li Sangruo's legs went weak and he said in a hoarse voice: "It can't be him, it can't be. He personally carried Kuang'er to the Tai Chi Hall and made him sit on the dragon chair to be worshiped by the ministers. How could he do this... "

Li Zongxun sneered, looking at her with a cold look on her face.

"My father has already decided to adopt King Runan's eldest son into your name. In this way, you will have another son." (End of Chapter)

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