Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 321: Wine Does Not Intoxicate

Heavy snow blocked the road into the village, making it inconvenient for bullock carts and pedestrians to travel, but the New Year's Eve dinner at Changmenzhuang was still full of energy.

Chun Yuyan was shamelessly "invited" to Zhuangzi to celebrate the New Year. To show his sincerity, he lent his eight chefs. They showed off their simple chicken, duck and fish dishes with different flavors, and A variety of beautiful and delicious snacks.

The entire sky above Zhuangzi seemed to be filled with fragrance.

When the food and wine were served, Feng Yun was still reading books in the study.

After discovering that there was a graphite mine in the mountains of Andu, she was a little ready to take action.

What was originally supposed to be done when spring started, the road from Andu to Yunchuan was repaired, and the graphite was shipped out, was at least half a year ahead of schedule. She was a little excited. In the past two days, she held the books left by Lu Sanniang and started to read them.

Before the New Year's Eve dinner, Xiaoman happily called her.

"Girl, it's just you."

Feng Yun buried his head in the book without raising his head.

"You guys eat first."

Xiao Man made a sound and stepped forward to pick up the oil lamp.

"You are the head of Nagato. If you don't show up, who would dare to use chopsticks?"

Feng Yun thought about it, put down the book, stood up, let Xiao Man tie a cloak for her, and went to the living room.

There were many people in Zhuangzi, so the tables were divided.

On one occasion, in addition to Feng Yun, Chun Yuyan, and Wen Xingsu sitting in the inner room, men and women also sat separately on the table outside, but there was no screen in the middle, a large round table with long stools. Such a decoration, Everyone is used to it. Adults and children take their places and enjoy the New Year together in a lively manner.

This was the most festive year since Chun Yuyan could remember it. After two glasses of wine, his eyes became a little red.

"Feng Twelve, brother Xingsu." He raised his glass, his voice a little low and hoarse, "I respect you."

Feng Yun smiled slightly, raised his wine cup to salute him, and said nothing.

Wen Xingsu noticed that he was in a mood, so he didn't ask any questions and casually said:

"Is Yunchuan busy during the Chinese New Year?"

The corners of Chunyu Yan's cool lips curled up, but he thought of something and slowly fell down again.


And added.

"Very lively."

Yunchuan is a small country where people from all over the world live together. Everyone is there, but they also attach great importance to the New Year. It becomes lively as soon as the twelfth lunar month enters. New clothes are bought, New Year's goods are sold, and big red lanterns are floating in the streets and alleys. From the palace of the King of Sichuan to the private sector, the festive atmosphere is very strong...

Unfortunately, not everyone has the joy of celebrating the New Year.

Chun Yuyan didn't seem to want to say anything about this. When he saw Wen Xingsu finished drinking the wine in his glass, he filled it up for him with his own hands.

"How does General Wen drink?"

Wen Xingsu rolled his lips and said, "I don't drink well. If you know who you are, there is no harm in drinking."

Of course the confidant he mentioned was not Chun Yuyan, but Chun Yuyan was the best at climbing up the pole.

After all, Wen Xingsu was Feng Twelve's eldest brother, and he was the key to the roundabout tactics.

Wen Xingsu introduced himself as a confidant, why couldn't Pei Wanzhi step aside?

The corners of Chun Yuyan's mouth secretly raised, and it seemed that he could feel his smile through the thick mask.

"Come. I respect Brother Xingsu."

Wen Xingsu raised his hand politely and said, "Your Majesty, please."

The two of them went back and forth, but Feng Yun was ignored.

During the dinner, servants kept serving food. When a dish came, Feng Yun urged Wen Xingsu to drink less and eat more food.

He knew that his eldest brother would not let Chun Yuyan lose face, so he had to accompany him.

But the strange thing is that the person who was originally in mood was Chun Yuyan. After three glasses of wine, Wen Xingsu's cheeks were slightly red and he seemed to be a little drunk. He didn't even refuse Chun Yuyan's persuasion to drink.

"Ahem!" Feng Yun thought for a while, then spoke abruptly, interrupting them.

"I've been worried lately. If something happens in Zhongjing and disaster affects Andu, what should I, Nagato, do to deal with it?"

At this point, he sighed.

"Nagato has a weak foundation and is far less wealthy than the prince. If the world is safe, there is still porridge and food to support him. If the world is in danger, he will be in danger..."

Chunyu Yan held the cup in his hand and narrowed his eyes at her.

"Feng Twelve, speaking out is a virtue."

Feng Yun pondered slightly and said seriously: "I want to use graphite for ordinary people to cook and keep warm, instead of firewood and charcoal. I can give it a try when the graphite on Huaxi Mountain is mined..."

"Cooking rice with graphite?" Wen Xingsu was slightly shocked after hearing this, "How can this be possible?"

Chunyu Yan slowly filled the cup, licked his lips, and said with a slight smile:

"Graphite is extremely toxic when burned, and is mostly used for smelting. Is it too boring to use it for cooking?"

Feng Yun smiled widely, stared at Chunyu Yan and said:

"If I have a way to improve it and turn graphite into briquettes that can be burned, will the prince be willing to cooperate with me?"

Chunyu Yan: "How to improve it?"

Of course, Feng Yun would not tell her directly about such confidential technology.

The process of making briquettes is not complicated, but to expand the business, there is nothing better than to cooperate with Prince Yunchuan, who has connections all over the world.

She smiled lightly and said: "The technique is complicated and I can't explain it in a sentence or two. But I guarantee that once the briquettes are made, it will not only reduce the toxicity of graphite, but also allow the graphite to be fully burned, with a higher utilization rate, which is better than charcoal. To At that time, ordinary people could afford it, and no one would freeze to death in winter.”

Chun Yuyan raised his eyebrows and looked at her, "If ordinary people can afford it, how else can it be a good thing?"

"Your Majesty, what you said is wrong." Feng Yun smiled, "One person wields a bow, but his power is limited. Ten thousand people wield a bow, and no one can stop him. In this world, the most numerous people are not princes and nobles, but ordinary people."

Her eyes became sharper and she added: "Benefiting the people, no one can stand in its way. Prince Chunyu, why worry about not being able to make a fortune?"

Chun Yuyan didn't think for too long. He stared at Feng Yun with his eyes, as if he had grown hooks to see through her.

"It doesn't hurt to try. I want to see how many tricks you, Feng Twelve, have in your mind."

At midnight, a group of people went to the entrance of Zhuangzi to light firecrackers.

The sound of firecrackers was deafening, and there were faint sounds of horse hooves in the barking of dogs.

Feng Yun was standing in the courtyard with several beauties, watching a group of people setting off fireworks happily.

Brilliant fireworks soared into the sky, piercing the dark night like lightning, blooming like blooming flowers.

Tonight's fireworks were brought from Tujiawu Fort and provided by Prince Chunyu. Everyone was very happy to light them.

“It’s so beautiful!”

"I have never seen such beautiful fireworks!"

There was endless admiration. It was not until the sound of horse hooves reached the courtyard gate that everyone realized that the person coming was He Qia.

"He Jun?" Feng Yun looked at the familiar face under the hood, was slightly startled, and went to greet him, "Why is He Jun here at this hour?"

It was freezing cold, He Qia wrapped himself tightly, jumped off the horse and took a breath, pulled a package from the horse and presented it to Feng Yun's hand.

"Zhongjing Post. The road is blocked by heavy snow. The postman arrived at Andu at this time and said that he had a package from Zhongjing for the princess. I was afraid that the princess would be impatient, so I sent it over quickly."

Feng Yun thanked him and said with a smile: "No matter how anxious I am, I don't dare to bother Mr. He to make this trip in person on New Year's Eve. Come on, sit inside and have a few sips of wine before leaving."

"No, no, no." He Qia waved his hand with a generous smile, "My wife and children are still waiting at home, so I don't dare to delay. The princess is interested, and He will come to bother her some other time."

It’s really hard to keep people around on New Year’s Eve.

Feng Yun glanced at Xing Bing and said with a smile: "Then I won't force He Jun to stay. Brother Xing, take two people and bring He Jun to Andu safely."

Xing Bing handed over his hand.

He Qia quickly waved his hand and declined, but despite Feng Yun's kindness, he was really worried that he was traveling alone on a snowy night, so he would be sent away anyway.

Everyone was having fun with Prince Yunchuan's fireworks. The flames flashed across brilliantly, blooming in the night sky, and the sound of laughter and laughter could not be heard.

Feng Yun asked Xiao Man to return to the backyard with the package and "close the door."

Seeing her seriousness, Xiaoman responded and suddenly stopped smiling.

Feng Yun sat down casually, her face calm, but the speed of opening the package still revealed her excitement.


When the package was opened, her face froze.

Everyone thought it was sent by Pei Ran.

Unexpectedly, it was Luo Yue.

Inside was Luo Yue's New Year's greeting gift to Feng Yun, including embroidery, jewelry, a five-element plate, and two books.

The letter said: "My sister loves books. I found two orphan books. I don't know if they are useful or not, so I brought them together."

Feng Yun turned the letter over and over again and found nothing unusual. He stood up and put it on the stove to heat it slowly.

Only then did the charcoal-colored handwriting gradually appear, which was still the invisibility method that Luo Yue was good at.

There are few words in the letter, just one line.

"There is a sudden change in Zhongjing. The King of Qin and the King of Runan are in the same position. The prime minister wants to do something weird and assassinate the general."

Xiaoman still didn't know, so he turned to his face and asked with a smile: "What did the general say?"

Feng Yun didn't answer. He put the paper on the fire and burned it. Watching the flames licking him, he said softly: "Let's set off the fireworks."


The weather was severely cold, but the enthusiasm of the people in Nagato to set off fireworks did not diminish.

Chunyu Yan hadn't seen Feng Yun come out for a long time and was bored. He glanced at Xiang Zhong and stood up lazily.

"There's not much excitement to see. Go back."

Xiang Zhong responded yes and sighed secretly in his heart.

The prince's expression completely depended on Feng Twelve's mood.

Just now, Feng Twelfth Mother was happily watching the fireworks, and there was a smile in his eyes.

Feng Twelve Niang received the baggage from Zhongjing and quietly returned to the house. The prince's face fell.

If things go on like this, what will happen?

Feng Yun was not in the house. As soon as he went out, he saw Pinshu and his servants carrying water to the wing.

After asking, I found out that General Wen had drank a few too many drinks and was feeling unwell.

After hearing these words, how could Feng Yun still be in the mood to go outside and watch the excitement?

She followed the book to Wen Xingsu's residence, and saw him frowning, lying softly on the couch, with a handsome face, sharp eyebrows and narrow eyes, and sweat on his forehead. He seemed to be a little drunk, and the stove was burning. It was so hot that he didn't wait for the book to come to him, so he loosened his clothes, revealing his strong chest, half-opened and half-closed his eyes, and murmured in his mouth.

"Waist waist..."

Sorry, there is only one chapter today, two chapters will be resumed tomorrow.

Wait for me to adjust the situation, thank you sisters...

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