Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 323: Plotting Rebellion

For a time, the news spread throughout Beijing.

Si Tianjian divined, and it was a bad omen for Beirong to raise troops.

The Queen Mother of Jin was panic-stricken and urgently summoned the princes and ministers to discuss matters in Taiji Hall.

"The Northern Rong are robbing, plundering, extorting and harassing bandits in the northwest border of Jin Dynasty. Do you have any good ideas?"

There was a lot of discussion in the court.

The war with Southern Qi had just ended, the emperor had died, and the court was in chaos. At this juncture, the Beirong invaded, which simply added fuel to the fire.

All the ministers were condemning and scolding Beirong, adding insult to injury.

Li Zongxun petitioned, "Thousands of miles of land cannot be succeeded by anyone. In order to deal with the urgent military situation, I would like to appoint the young prince as the new king."


Pei Ran retorted on the spot, "The former emperor's legitimate son is still alive, so how can the adopted son inherit the throne?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the court fell silent.

When Li Sangruo suddenly adopted the son of King Runan, Li Zongxun's plan was already a clear move. Beirong's harassment only accelerated the pace, opening the conflict between Li Zongxun and Pei Mad to the public.

There were whispers in the main hall, everyone expressing their opinions.

Li Zongxun was entangled with many members of his party, and Pei Mad was a lonely man. Except for two or three generals who were gentlemen, he angrily accused Li Zongxun of ignoring the imperial court, and no one came forward to speak.

The rest of the people either stay in peace or remain silent.

Li Sangruo looked at the dispute in the court and suddenly felt that this scene was very familiar.

When her Kuang'er ascended the throne, many people recommended King Yuan Shangyi of Qin because he was the son of the late queen and two years older than Kuang'er. At that time, the situation got out of control, and the well-dressed ministers were quarreling and noisy. Foaming at the mouth.

It was Pei Ran who stood up and ended the controversy.

Today, three years later, Pei Madang is standing on the opposite side of her.

Li Sangruo said: "Pei Qing said three years ago that the King of Qin was too sick to be king. Why did he change his words today?"

Use the words he said when he helped Yuan Kuang rise to power to seal his mouth.

The court suddenly fell into an awkward silence.

"The King of Qin has recovered from his illness." Pei Madang responded calmly, "In those days, according to the late emperor's decree, it was not up to me to decide who would inherit the throne."

It wasn't up to him to have the final say back then...

Is it up to him to have the final say now?

This sentence was not spoken, and one could see that his features were full of arrogance.

The atmosphere was tense.

Li Zongxun snorted and raised his hands to the ministers.

"The late emperor's will was there back then, and it is also there today."

The ministers looked at each other in shock and did not come back to their senses.

Ao Zheng asked: "Where did the emperor's decree come from?"

"The late emperor prepared for a rainy day, and his holy heart is all contained in his edict."

After Li Zongxun finished speaking, he suddenly took out a piece of yellow silk from his sleeve and said loudly:

"The late emperor's decree was announced to all ministers."

There was silence in the hall.

For a moment, looking at Li Zongxun holding the imperial edict high, all the ministers knelt down to listen to the edict.

Only Pei Ran stood upright.

Li Zongxun glanced at him and read disapprovingly.

Emperor Xifeng's posthumous edict stated that the heirs were declining, and King Runan and his brother had a deep love for each other. They were the king of the dynasty. If something unexpected happened to the young emperor, he could adopt King Runan's son to rectify the throne.

This edict came unexpectedly. The ministers either accepted it or refused to accept it. They knelt on the spot and only looked at each other with their eyes.

"False edict!"

Pei Madang said two words coldly and walked away.


The unhappy separation in the court was like a huge stone weighing on people's hearts.

Luo Yue leaned against the door of the small courtyard with a big belly. She waited and waited before seeing Wei Zheng walk in with a sullen face.

She quickly took the oil umbrella from the maid's hand and went forward.

"Master Husband, how is it?"

Wei Zheng glanced at her with dark eyes.

Luo Yue had dressed up specially today, with a layer of powder on her face. Her face was fair and clean, and she had applied red lipstick, which made her look festive and beautiful.

Wei Zheng's temper is not very good.

"Who asked you to come out? Get in."

Luo Yue was shocked, feeling that his attitude was unusual. She curled her mouth and lowered her head.

"I am guilty, please be punished by my husband."

She knows how to show weakness. With her aggrieved voice and her bulging belly, how can a woman who leans against the door and looks at her husband make people feel cruel?

Wei Zheng looked at her, "Do you care about Pei Ran that much?"

Luo Yue raised her lips and gave him a look, "So it's because of this that I'm unhappy. Stupid husband..."

She raised her hand and patted Wei Zheng's arm gently and deftly, looking coquettish.

"If it hadn't been for the general and Feng Twelfth Mother, I, Luo Yue, wouldn't be where I am today. I must repay my kindness... If my husband treats my concubine well, I will also work for him in the future."

Those eyes seemed to be able to speak, which made Wei Zheng calm down.

"Don't think I don't know about the little tricks you did behind my back." He waved his hand to signal the servants to step back, then stared at Luo Yue and whispered: "I'm warning you, don't be clever."

After saying that, he reached out and touched her bulging belly.

"It doesn't matter if a horse kills an ox or an ox kills a horse, we don't want to get involved in this kind of thing. In this way, no matter who wins or loses, they can still sit back and relax. Otherwise, making a mistake will be a major crime against the nine tribes... "

"Is this, is this so serious? I didn't know that I almost got my husband into trouble..." Luo Yue fell into Wei Zheng's arms, feeling that she was almost hopeless. She kept learning, and the more she learned, the more pretentious she sounded. It was so weak that she felt sick even hearing it.

"However, I went to the camp alone at that time. If it weren't for Feng Twelfth Mother to take care of me, how could we have such a good marriage... She treats me like a sister. I know that someone wants to assassinate her husband, but I will do nothing. From now on... …How can I still be a human being?”

Her tears fell down as if they were free of money.

Wei Zheng felt heartbroken when he saw her, and quickly hugged her over and wiped her tears, "Don't cry, don't cry, you are pregnant, don't cry the baby out."

I bother! What a crow's mouth.

Luo Yue scolded the dog man in her heart, her face filled with sadness.

"Master Husband, please think of a way... think of a way."

Wei Zheng's face turned violent and he said with a stern face, "What can I do? Li Zongxun wants to assassinate Pei Ran, should I put a knife on his neck to stop him?"

Luo Yue's eyes lit up, "This is feasible."

Wei Zheng took a deep breath and glared at her fiercely.

"You woman, I think you want to be a widow. Which one can I afford to offend, Li Zongxun or Pei Ran?"

Luo Yue carefully pulled the hem of his clothes, "Master, please think of a solution quickly?"

Wei Zheng sighed and forced her to lose her temper.

"I have reminded you that King Yonghuai should have his own opinion on what to do."

"Ah?" Luo Yue was stunned.

Wei Zheng glared at him, "Do you think you are the only one who can write secret letters?"

He pinched her nose lovingly again.

"Your little tricks are not enough in Tiqisi's eyes. If I hadn't taken care of you, your skin would have been stripped off long ago."

A layer of cold sweat broke out on Luo Yue's back. She wrapped her arms around Wei Zheng and buried her head in his arms to hide her change in expression due to surprise.

"I will rely on my husband for the rest of my life."


The sky was dark and filled with flying snow.

It was clearly noon, but it was like dusk before night, and the earth was covered with gray.

Pei Ran galloped past on horseback, preparing to leave the city to garrison the garrison. Just as the horses were about to rush out of the city gate, the heavy iron gate suddenly closed.


The sound of arrows piercing the air broke the tranquility of the long street.


The arrow feathers falling from the sky were densely packed.

Amidst the noise, a sharp roar pierced the sky.

"Protect King Yonghuai."

Immediately afterwards, the sound of horse hooves sounded, and a group of Beiyong Army guards rushed over from all directions, heading straight for the tower with murderous intent. The archers who fired cold arrows were quickly subdued before they had time to react.

Some people were so frightened that they jumped off the tower and died on the spot. Some people had their necks slashed with a knife because they resisted.

The man fell on his back and his horse fell over.

Amidst Leng Rui's killing cry, there were screams again and again.

The soldiers who were carefully deployed to assassinate Pei Ran were captured by the guard battalion in just a quarter of an hour.

Zuo Zhong threw the person at Pei Ran's feet.

"Your Majesty, how should we deal with it?"

Pei Ran: "Tie him up and send him to the Prime Minister's Mansion."

Zuo Zhong and Ji You looked at each other, both puzzled.

These are all evidence that Li Zongxun conspired to assassinate King Yonghuai. By sending them back, isn't it condoning him?

Ji You said: "At least all civil and military officials must see Prime Minister Li's true face."

Pei Madang looked at him, "Do you think the civil and military officials don't know?"

There is already a clear chess piece on the chessboard, let's see who is more shameless.

Li Zongxun is indeed even more shameless.

That night, Empress Dowager Li summoned the ministers into the palace again to discuss the posthumous title of the little emperor and the establishment of a new king. However, Li Zongxun hurriedly read Pei Ran's book and impeached King Yonghuai for supporting his own troops and holding the King of Qin hostage. The late emperor left an edict and asked Li Sangruo to immediately issue an edict to make the young prince Yuan Shuo the new king.

Li Sangruo understood and sighed tiredly, "That's right."

Pei Ran did not enter the palace and was not present.

All the ministers looked at each other and were silent for a moment.

A hero who broke the soil on the battlefield and was crowned king was convicted of several serious crimes by Li Zongxun out of thin air and became a rebel bandit before he could receive the gift of nine tins.

Ao Zheng hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth, and walked out of the queue.

"Your Highness the Queen Mother, I have objections."

Li Sangruo frowned, "My dear, please speak."

Ao Zhengdao: "I am lucky enough to be favored by the late emperor and appointed as Yushi Zhongcheng, to supervise all officials and to be responsible for impeachment. It is my duty to share the worries of His Highness and to benefit the Jin Dynasty. I really can't bear that such a thing that confuses right and wrong happens in front of my eyes. "

Li Zongxun snorted loudly, "Does the Taiwanese leader want to excuse your brother-in-law by saying this?"

Ao Zheng looked at him sideways and said, "Prime Minister Li, I have never said anything false in the court. Although King Yonghuai is my brother-in-law, he and I have never dealt with each other. Who in the court doesn't know? The Prime Minister is Do you want to convict your subordinates of being a traitor to the party?"

After saying that, he turned around, bowed to the ministers present, then turned to face Li Sangruo and said:

"I think that King Yonghuai has made great contributions to the country, but if he returns to the throne after victory, his achievements will be wiped out and he will become a bandit. This may hurt the hearts of the soldiers in the world. If there is another situation -"

He paused and then said: "Your Majesty is dying and the Beirong are attacking. At this juncture, removing a general who can lead troops into battle for the new monarch is tantamount to cutting off one's arm."

Li Zongxun sneered, "According to the wishes of the stage master, a minister with meritorious service can disobey the late emperor's will and seek to usurp the throne?"

Ao Zheng stopped smiling and cast a contemptuous look at him.

"I dare not believe the words of the Prime Minister and his family. For the serious crime of rebellion, you must give sufficient reasons, right?"

Someone among the ministers nodded.

Li Zongxun lowered his face and made a "hmm" sound in his nose.

"Pei Ran is a remnant of the Xie family army in Southern Qi. He kidnapped the prince and plotted a rebellion. Is this reason enough?"

Second update.

Good night, thank you sisters for voting, reading, and subscribing. I wish you health, safety, and good luck...

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