Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 324 Pei Jue Rebellion

It was snowing heavily at night, and the guard held an oil-paper umbrella and pushed Pei Chong towards the backyard.

The wheelchair left two lines of traces on the snow, and the squeaking sound of boots made the snowy night cold.

This winter is extremely cold.

The guards had placed the food and wine on the stone table in the pavilion in the backyard.

To keep out the cold, two additional charcoal stoves were provided.

When they were about to hang up the wind curtain for the pavilion, Pei Chong raised his hand to stop them.

"Everyone, go down."

The guard agreed and went down silently.

Pei Chong sat alone in the pavilion in the wind and snow. When he saw the frozen lake, he smiled bitterly for a long time.

"Aruo, come have a drink with me."

He filled the glass with wine, placed one cup on the opposite side, held the other cup in his palm, and drank it with his head raised with a smile.

Pei Chong usually doesn't drink. No matter what happens, his expression remains unchanged even when Mount Tai collapses in front of him. But tonight, he seemed to be full of sadness.

"You let go, and you feel at peace. You left me alone, raising a son and a daughter, and surviving for these years. That's enough, it's enough, there is nothing to regret..."

After saying that, he filled another glass with red eyes.

When people reach a certain age, they start to think about many things.

If he could exchange his life's fame and wealth for his beloved wife, he would be willing to stay with him for another year, a month, or even a day.

Without the person who can stand side by side and share the fame and fortune, even if the eyes are full of prosperity, it will only be a failure.

He has gone through many years of despair alone, and he is not afraid that he will not be able to wait until the spring flowers bloom.

"I woke up from a nightmare last night. Ah Ruo, I haven't dreamed of you in years. You entered my dream and you came to scare me..."

Pei Chong's voice was a little smiley and calm.

"It's almost time for you to pick me up?"

He lowered his eyes, shook his head, and poured wine again.

"My children and grandchildren will have their own blessings. I can't care about it, and I don't want to care about it. From now on, I will accompany you. If you want to plant vegetables, you can plant vegetables. If you want to plant flowers, you can plant flowers. If you don't think about anything, I will accompany you to listen to the rain and drink tea... "

It was raining and snowing.

The air seems to be filled with the smell of firecrackers set off during the New Year.

On the street, the sound of "cracking" can be heard from time to time, continuing the excitement of the New Year.

Pei Chong listened sideways and sighed, "You are destined not to have a good birthday."

The sound of messy footsteps came through the wall.

The door of Pei Mansion was knocked heavily from outside.

"The Queen Mother issued an edict, and Pei Chong accepted it."

Pei Chong frowned and looked at the guard not far away.

"No one is allowed to approach Tinglan Courtyard."

The guard responded from afar but did not come over.

Pei Chong heard the sound of the sword being unsheathed, and looked at the way the flying snow slanted into the corner of the pavilion and landed on the wind lantern. He chuckled, and the anger in his eyes gradually dissipated.

"Ignore it, let's have a drink."

From the day when the Pei family's army changed its name, removed the word "Pei" and was called the Beiyong Army, Pei Chong expected that one day the Pei family would offend the imperial court for holding a large number of troops.

It doesn’t matter what method or what crime, what matters is when...

The situation in the world is divided and combined, and this is generally the case.

He was mentally prepared, but still very unhappy.

Today is his late wife's birthday, and they came at the wrong time.

After a while, a knock on the door was heard.

"Pei Chong colluded with the enemy leader, harbored the remnants of the enemy's army, recognized the thief as his son, and should be killed according to the law. The Queen Mother thought that he had meritorious service, and he could be exempted from death penalty, but he could not escape from living crime. Pei Chong did not hurry up to accept the crime."

The guards were shocked to hear this and hurried to Tinglan Courtyard to report.

"My lord, it's not good. The Queen Mother gave the order, say, say, say..."

He didn't dare to continue, but he heard the old general sneer.

"I heard them all, let them roar. You guys, take the rest of the people and leave from the backyard without confronting them."

The guards were shocked, "Lord...what about you?"

"Me?" Pei Chong narrowed his eyes slightly, "Drinking and having fun with my wife."

He finished speaking calmly, poured himself a glass of wine calmly, touched the full glass, and said softly: "They, even if they kill people, they refuse to tell the truth. It’s ridiculous to try so hard to find so many excuses, as if they really care about the country and the people.”

Then he looked at the dark night of infinite emptiness, and said softly: "When I brought Ah Ran back, you fell in love with him at first sight, right? Who could abandon such a sensible child? "

Speaking of this, his tone was full of gratitude to his wife.

"It doesn't matter. Ah Ran has grown up and has full wings, and Ah Yuan is safe now. We don't need you and me to take care of her. We can live our lives with peace of mind."

The sword flashed and the sharp blade was unsheathed.

The guards said in unison: "I will follow my lord to the death. We will not leave."

There was a thunderous roar outside the gate, but it was unusually quiet in Tinglan Courtyard.


"Quick! Keep up, keep up!"

In the dark night, a group of forbidden troops held torches and walked in disorder, surrounding the general's palace. The leading general Luzo even raised his arms and shouted, hoarse.

"The Queen Mother issued an edict to kill King Yonghuai for his rebellion."

The crowd roared and banged on the door.

Rockets poured with tung oil flew into the high courtyard wall like raindrops.

In an instant, the house burst into flames, and the majestic General's Mansion, against the backdrop of a sheet of snow, suddenly fell into a sea of ​​flames, with thick smoke billowing, and the whole world seemed to be shaken.

When Lu Zuo saw that it was a big deal, he suddenly pulled out his sword and raised his arm with all his strength.

"Bash the door! Kill King Yonghuai for rebelling against the Party."

With a clang, the heavy door opened with a bang.

Lu Zuo shouted, "All the officers and men are listening to the order. King Yonghuai kidnapped the prince and plotted rebellion. He should be punished for the crime. All the people in the palace will be executed without mercy, and no one will be left alive."

All the soldiers said in unison, "Here."

Lu Zuo is Li Zongxun's man, and he is very excited at the moment.

This was definitely the craziest and most exciting thing he had ever done in his life.

It is also the most exciting and brilliant murder situation designed by Prime Minister Li.

Set fire first and then kill people. As long as Pei Mad is trapped and killed in the house, the charge of "rebellion and execution" will be confirmed from now on. Don't look at the fact that there are still some princes and ministers standing on Pei Mad's side to speak for him. Once a person dies, The tea is getting cold. Tomorrow morning, there will be only one sound in the court room——

"Welcome the new king to the palace."

So what if the Pei family has grievances?

Go to the King of Hell’s Palace to defend yourself.

"Kill!" A group of people rushed into the general's mansion like wolves and tigers. Soon they found that there was no one in the yard, and there was a fire in the house and no one ran out of the wing.

Luzo was shocked.

"Not good. Withdraw!"

His subconscious reaction was quick enough.

Unfortunately, it's still a step too late.

Blood spattered out, and a huge stream went straight into his eyes.

The archers who were waiting in ambush in the general's mansion had already drawn their bowstrings, waiting for them to rush in and fire silently and indiscriminately.

In the courtyard with flames soaring into the sky, these flesh-and-blood bodies who thought they had a chance to win had no time to escape and fell to the ground after being hit by arrows.

Luzzo was shocked, held down his helmet and ran.

"Quick! Rush up and kill the rebels in the General's Mansion..."

While shouting to kill the rebels, he exited the crowd waving his waist knife.

He wanted to escape from the arrows.


There was an arrow that seemed to have eyes, passing over the Forbidden Soldiers and shooting straight at him...

flutter! Luzo's eyes suddenly popped out, and he screamed without any words. He groaned and fell to his knees, blood flowing out of the corner of his mouth.

"Pei Ran...rebellious."

No one could hear his gibbering voice before he died.

On the snowy night, one after another, the screams resounded through the General's Mansion, earth-shaking and deafening, as if they instantly penetrated the layers of wind and snow and spread to the entire Zhongjing City, accompanied by the strong smell of blood, straight into the inner city...

"King Yonghuai rebelled!"

"Oh no, Pei Man has led his troops to the Forbidden Garden!"


Before he could shout, a blade of light passed across his throat, and blood spurted out and splashed all over him.

The man fell to the ground with a sound, eyes wide open and deflated.

The Forbidden Army, which was further away, was coming with men and horses to kill the general. When they saw Pei Madang coming on horseback in the bloody light, they were stunned, screamed and backed away.

"Quick! Report to the Queen Mother and Prime Minister that King Yonghuai has rebelled!"

The cold wind roared past, picking up flying snow and remaining leaves, and poured them into the gate of the Forbidden Garden.

A servant rushed into the inner hall in a panic. Before he could speak, he knelt on the ground with a pale face, panting heavily.

"Report, report..."

"Report to the Prime Minister, the Queen Mother... King Yonghuai, rebelled... and led the army to the Forbidden Garden..."

Li Sangruo's eyes widened, he sat upright, opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, then slowly leaned back, sat down slumped, and looked at Li Zongxun with a stern smile.

"So, father is satisfied?"

Li Zongxun snorted coldly, his eyes full of anger, "Where did he get the chance to rebel?"

Before his voice fell, he looked sharply at Tang Shaogong, his eyes extremely gloomy.

"One hundred thousand troops of the Northern Yong Army are stationed outside. The fifteen thousand people who returned to Beijing with Pei Madang are all in the camp on the outskirts of Beijing fifty miles away. How can he withstand the siege of three thousand forbidden troops with more than one hundred guards in the camp beside him? ? What's more, we are fully prepared to set fire to the enemy, so no one can escape..."

He stared angrily at Tang Shaogong.

"Shao Gong, tell me, how did Pei Ran escape from the mansion and lead his troops to the Forbidden Garden? Could it be that he has three heads and six arms?"

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