Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 325: All defeated in one day

Faced with Li Zongxun's angry stare, Tang Shaogong remained calm, without even frowning, and said with his hands clasped:

"There is only one possibility, the prime minister's intelligence is wrong."

Li Zongxun frowned, "What did you say?"

Tang Shaogong said: "I think Pei Jue got the news from us a long time ago, and he is not in the general's mansion at all. As for the soldiers who attacked the forbidden garden, from what I saw, it is impossible for Pei Jue to have so many people in the city, maybe it was a feint attack..."

Li Zongxun stared at his eyes, "According to what Shaogong said, what should we do now?"

Tang Shaogong said: "Retreat to advance. The prime minister is not If he first took the prince and the queen mother away from the imperial garden, established Prince Yuanshuo as the new emperor, and then announced to the world that Prince Yonghuai had rebelled and forced the emperor to abdicate. By then, the matter would have been settled, and Pei Zhuo, who was in charge of Zhongjing, could only be a rebel..."

"Bah!" Li Zongxun's old face was solemn, and he looked at Tang Shaogong coldly and said, "At that time, the one who had settled the matter was Pei Zhuo. The one who sat on the throne was Yuan Shangyi, and the one who defected was me!"

Tang Shaogong was slightly surprised, "Why did the prime minister say that?"

Before Li Zongxun could speak, Li Sangruo raised her eyebrows, turned her head and snorted.

"I really can't see through Uncle Shaogong's calculations. It was you who said that Pei Zhuo was the remnant of the Xie family. It was also you who came forward to provide evidence. In other words, it was Uncle Shaogong who forced Pei Zhuo to rebel step by step. Now that Pei Zhuo is here, it is you who asked us not to resist and to abandon the city and flee..."

She looked at Li Zongxun lazily.

"Father, do you understand Uncle Shaogong's plan?"

Tang Shaogong frowned. He could tell that Li Sangruo was taking the opportunity to instigate him in order to avenge his hatred for him. He smiled bitterly and bowed his head.

"I do things based on whether they are beneficial to the Prime Minister. I have a clear conscience. Please understand, Prime Minister."

Li Zongxun looked at him without saying a word, his eyes looked gloomy and cruel under the night light.

After a long while, he said in a low voice: "Shaogong, go to the next hall to rest. I have my own ideas about Zhongjing's affairs."

Li Zongxun looked at him deeply, brushed his sleeves and went out, called his follower Li Shen, and gave him a deep voice.

"Pass the order down, be sure to guard the gate of the forbidden garden, and don't let Pei Jun break in..."

A loud rumble came, as if there were thousands of troops.

Li Shen wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, bowed his hands in response, hesitated again, and looked back.

"My lord, Pei Cong is coming with great force, and the Beiyong Army is best at attacking cities and fighting tough battles... Prime Minister should make plans early."

Li Zongxun sneered, his eyes narrowed gloomily, "It is better to die in glory than to live in disgrace. Pei Cong wants to support Yuan Shangyi to sit on the throne? Don't even think about it."

Seeing Li Shen's eyes full of worry, he said in a deep voice:

"If necessary, it's okay to fight to the death and destroy the whole city?"

"Prime Minister!" Li Shen was shocked and looked at him with fear in his eyes, "Think twice!"

Li Zongxun looked coldly, "There is no turning back."


Li Zongxun was not the only one who felt that there was no way out.

In the camp outside the capital, the Beiyong Army quickly assembled on the parade ground after receiving the news.

They were a well-trained army. The soldiers had just been pulled down from the battlefield. They were used to life and death and blood, but they had never seen such dirty means.

They fought desperately with the Qi army outside, while the officials in the court were eating, drinking and having fun. Now, they wiped out their merits with just one word "rebels". There is no escape, no retreat. The new king will definitely not let them go, so why not fight a bloody way for yourself and make a name for yourself?

Helian Qian stood on the stage with a sword in his hand, looking at everyone.

"Brothers, the news of tonight's events has spread like wildfire. Even if I, Helian Qian, didn't tell you, you must have heard about it. Yes, everything you heard is true! That old man in Zhongjing City who is doing nothing but sitting on his laurels said that the general is the leader of the rebellion and we are the rebels who are helping the tyrant! Brothers, tell me, are we going to surrender or not!"


"Yes, we are going to surrender! We are almost going to be surrendered to death. The dog prime minister probably forgot who supported his grandson to sit on the throne, who stopped the rebellion in the inner court and stabilized the government? And who led the troops to fight against the northern barbarians, killed the Southern Qi, and protected the peace of the Great Jin Dynasty and our wives, children and parents?"

"It was the general, it was King Yonghuai!" The soldiers below roared like thunder.

"Yes!" Helian Qian's eyes were fierce, he put one hand on his waist, looked up at the snow, and shouted in pain, "This is the country we fought hard to defend, this is the dynasty we guarded all our lives. Brothers risked their lives for it, but now they have become rebels, are you willing?"

"No!" The soldiers raised their swords and guns and responded loudly.

"The general was asked about treason, are we willing to do it?"


"The country has failed us, are we going to rebel?"


Tens of thousands of soldiers roared in unison, shouting like crazy.


"Rebel the fuck out of him!"

Helian Qian looked at everyone with red eyes, his tall figure paced back and forth on the stage, as if he was thinking for the last time, for a long moment, suddenly stopped, raised his arms and shouted.

"It was the traitor Li Zongxun who pushed us into a desperate situation. We rebelled against him!"

"Kill Li Zongxun, establish the King of Qin as the new king, and vindicate the Northern Yong Army."

Helian Qian shouted loudly, and tens of thousands of people responded in unison.

"Kill the traitor, establish a new king, and vindicate the Northern Yong Army."

The blood was surging and the cold wind could not extinguish the passion.

The whole earth seemed to be shaking in the roar, and a scene of swords and guns was shaking on the training ground.

Retreat, there is only one way to go.

There is still a glimmer of hope in the war.

Tens of thousands of soldiers from the Northern Yong Army poured into the North Gate of Zhongjing.

The trebuchet was moved under the city wall, and the rubble roared and screamed.

Helianqian mounted his horse, waved his saber, and commanded the soldiers behind him.

"Brothers, break into Zhongjing City and rescue King Yonghuai. Break into the Forbidden Garden and kill the traitor Li Zongxun!"

"Kill the traitor Li Zongxun and establish a new king."

High-pitched roars surged over Zhongjing City.

In the city, fireworks lit by an unknown wealthy family to celebrate the New Year shot up into the sky from unknown corners, illuminating the cold night with a different kind of scenery.


In Pei Mansion, the only place that was quiet amid the sounds of fighting was Tinglan Courtyard.

This is Mrs. Pei’s favorite pavilion and waterside pavilion during her lifetime.

Her grave is also located here.

Pei Chong is a stubborn and eccentric man.

He buried his wife in the backyard and lived there alone, guarding her every step of the way and not allowing others to come near her.

Tinglan Courtyard is full of loneliness, as if it is not in the bustling Zhongjing City.

At this moment, standing by the waterside pavilion in the courtyard and watching Pei Chong drink, was Pei Madang wearing a battle armor and a tasseled crown.

He stood quietly under the snowy night, waiting for Pei Chong to drink the last drop of wine in the flask, then he slowly approached with his knife in his hand.

"Father, it's almost time, it's time to go."

Pei Chong did not raise his head, shook the wine bottle, and put it down again.

"No more wine."

A firework flew overhead.

Pei Ran looked up and frowned slightly.

"You come with me, and I'll buy the wine. You can drink whatever you want."

Pei Chong then raised his drunken eyes, looked at him and said, "Your mother is here, I won't leave."

Pei Ran's eyes were silent, and his tone was cold and powerful, "In Zhongjing, I only have fifteen thousand people. How long does father think that fifteen thousand people can withstand one hundred thousand forbidden troops? There are also tigers and dragons, who must be here by now." Quickly return to defend Zhongjing..."

Pei Chong listened to his cool voice and fell silent for a moment.

"Li Zongxun will not surrender and let you break into the Forbidden Garden. Once the Forbidden Army makes a crazy counterattack, the situation will be unfavorable for you..."

After a pause, he asked: "Where is King Qin?"

Pei Ran: "It has been sent to Xijing. If nothing else happens, he will proclaim himself emperor in Xijing in five days."

Pei Chong was slightly startled.

In fact, not only did Li Zongxun fail to understand Pei Madang's next move, but even he, the father, did not expect that Pei Madang did not want Zhongjing, but set his sights on Xijing.

"You have your own plans, so don't worry about it as a father." Pei forced a smile on his indifferent face, looking at his tall and mighty son, "Xijing is too far away, and a disabled man like me, as a father, can't do it." No more trouble."

Pei Madang said: "Xiao Qi has picked up my sister and will be waiting for my father in Xijing."

Pei Chong nodded and laughed hoarsely.

"That's your arrangement, I won't leave. I'll stay here with your mother."

Pei Madang asked, "Does my father not want to be a rebel because he is afraid that the Pei family's reputation will be ruined in one fell swoop?"

Pei Chong frowned, shook his head, and smiled bitterly.

"From the day I brought you back to the Pei Mansion, my father knew that this day would come sooner or later, and the Pei family would not be able to avoid it..."

Another long sigh.

He said: "It's up to them to decide whether to rebel or not. If I bury my loyal bones here, I will be worthy of the ancestors of the Pei family."

In the darkness, Pei Ran's brows furrowed and relaxed, relaxed and wrinkled again, and he only whispered one sentence for a long time.

"take away."

The two words were cold and emotionless, but also fell like thunder, full of deep affection between father and son.

Pei Chong saw the two guards striding towards him, his thick eyebrows raised, and he gave a deep drink.

"Whoever dares to come here, I will spill blood on the spot and make you bear the name of patricide!"

Second update, good night sisters.

Feng Yun: Even if you don't let me out to beat the villain for a long time, why don't you let me say a few words?

Erjin: Okay, tell me.

Feng Yun: ...Forget it, I wish all my readers good looks, money, luck and blessings.

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