Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 326: Burn the Boats

The guard stood there in shock, not daring to move.

The thick night made Pei Chong's face look cold, but there was a hint of a smile, slowly escaping from the corner of his lips.

"Go, kid."

The north wind was howling, and outside the gate of the mansion was the sound of metal fighting caused by close combat. From time to time, there was a scream, thick smoke rose to the sky, and the fire seemed to illuminate the sky.

Ji You rushed over, "My king, it's too late if you don't leave now."

The people sent by Li Zongxun had the intention of killing, and they fired rockets as soon as they came up. At this time, most of Pei's mansion had been burned.

The flames soared into the sky, reflecting in Pei Jue's eyes, which were extremely murderous.

He asked Pei Chong coldly.

"Do you want me to die here with you?"

Pei Chong looked at his expression of majesty without anger, and showed a relieved smile.

"Feng Shier Niang is far away in Andu. If you die, what will happen to her?"

Are you still in the mood to tease him?

Pei Jue snorted coldly, took a step forward slowly, stared at Pei Chong, "Rather than letting you die in the sea of ​​fire, or fall into Li Zongxun's hands to threaten me, it is better to kill my father with my own hands."

With a loud bang.

The beams of the main hall collapsed in the flames with a loud noise.

Pei Chong turned his head suddenly, and was absent-minded for a moment.

This is his house, where he and his beloved wife have every bit of each other. But all of this will be swallowed up by the fire demon in a blink of an eye...

The Pei Mansion is gone, and he will also be buried here, with his wife for a long time...

Almost at this moment, Pei Jue saw the opportunity, took a step forward, strangled his arm, and signaled Zuo Zhong——

"Bring the rope."

Pei Chong came back to his senses, frowned, "You dare!"

Pei Jue didn't look at him, tied him up in two or three times, with a wooden expression on his face, as if he didn't realize that he was committing a crime of rebellion. He tied Pei Chong up and ordered Ji You in a cold voice.

"I will cover you, lead the people to fight out, and escort the old general to Xijing."

Ji You clasped his fists and responded, "Yes."

Zuo Zhong: "My king, what about you?"

Pei Chong looked back at the Pei Mansion, which was half engulfed by the fire, wrapped the spirit tablet on the table with brocade cloth, and stuffed it into Pei Chong's arms.

"Let's go."

The battle at the North Gate was fierce, and the soldiers of the North Yong Army were fighting a bloody battle with a group of elite imperial guards.

The city was full of dragon-like torches, and the soldiers' running footsteps were deafening.

Li Zongxun was still dispatching troops to come to the rescue.

Pei Chong took the lead and led the guard camp to the North Gate.

The imperial guards guarding the city gate were stunned when they saw Pei Chong coming.

Didn't they say that King Yonghuai went to the Imperial Garden?

Why did he come back to the city gate?

It was unknown whether the offensive of the Beiyong Army led by Helian Qian was too fierce, or whether Pei Cong was caught off guard by the divine soldiers that descended from the sky and defeated the morale of the imperial army.

In just a quarter of an hour, the defense of the North Gate was broken by Pei Cong.

Pei Cong: "Open the gate!"

The heavy iron gate was opened with a clang.

Helian Qian led the Beiyong Army's cavalry and rushed in shouting.

Seeing Pei Cong, the Beiyong Army roared at the top of their lungs, and their faces were full of excitement and joy after a bloody battle.

Helian Qian pulled the reins and shouted, "King, hurry up, I'll be the last one."

Although they broke through the North Gate, as a veteran on the battlefield, Helian Qian knew very well that with the garrison situation in Zhongjing, it would be difficult for more than 10,000 people to take down the city. It was a blessing in disguise that they could retreat unscathed...

However, Pei Cong had no intention of leaving.

"Northern Yong army, listen to my orders."

He rode on his horse and said in a deep voice:

"Li Zongxun has committed atrocities, abused power and violated etiquette, confused the royal bloodline, and disrupted the government. Today, we will enter the forbidden garden and swear to seek justice for the King of Qin and the Northern Yong army!"




The shouts were like a tsunami, and they echoed far away in the night sky of Zhongjing City.


Ten miles outside the city, Shi Kui drew his sword and stood on his horse. He stopped with a sound of the chariot, looked at the fire in the city for a moment, and slowly raised his hand to stop the large army from moving forward.

"What a big fire!" The lieutenant rode to his side and took a breath of cold air, "Looking at this situation, the city is probably in chaos. The Northern Yong army has entered the city, and the group of pampered straw bags in the imperial army are no match."

He frowned and suddenly showed an excited expression.

"This is the perfect time for our Tiger Guards to show their might and make great achievements. General Shi, let's go into the city and rescue the emperor."

"What emperor?" Shi Kui smiled, "His Majesty has passed away."

The lieutenant general was stunned, and had not yet heard the hidden meaning of Shi Kui.

Then he heard the messenger behind him shouting: "Report--"

A figure ran up to Shi Kui quickly, panting:

"General Shi, a small group of Beiyong troops were found fleeing towards Xijing..."

Shi Kui raised his head and took a look at the burning Zhongjing City, his eyes slowly narrowed.

"Let them go."

The messenger was surprised.

The lieutenant general also looked at him blankly.

"General Shi..."

Shi Kui stood still for a moment, and slowly put the knife back into the sheath.

"We are soldiers, not imperial guards. Chasing and arresting criminals is not our business."

The people around him were all his confidants.

When they heard this, they fell silent.

No one can see through the situation in Zhongjing so far.

Today's fighting is a mess, and who will sit on the throne tomorrow is not something they can intervene in.

Rather than standing on the wrong side and dying without a burial place, it is better to retreat to the next best option, watch from the sidelines, and patiently wait for the icing on the cake...

The people around put down their weapons.

Shi Kui stroked his beard and sighed.

He borrowed winter clothes last time, and this time he did a favor for Pei Jue. He should be fair to Pei Jue, right?

If he gets into trouble one day, won't Pei Jue show mercy?

The lieutenant general asked: "General Shi, what should we do now?"

"Stop the war and rest." Shi Kui didn't say what was in his mind, but said: "A good man will not suffer a loss in front of him. Wait and see the situation of the war before making a decision."


The cold wind swept across the long street, and the hawk rushed into the sky filled with fire, making a shrill cry. Pei Jue rode on the horse, the corners of his clothes fluttering, looking at the direction of the city gate, and a flash of light flashed in his dark eyes, like the bloodthirsty Biyong, and the warmth of the cuckoo.

"I will remember this favor of Shi Kui."

Helian Qian said: "The king is still very smart, and he guessed that Shi Kui dared not declare war on the Beiyong Army head-on..."

Pei Jue didn't speak.

Helian Qian said again: "There is no time to lose, why not give up fighting for the city gate and lead the army into the Forbidden Palace..."

Shi Kui and his Tiger Guards stood aside and watched, and Helian Qian felt that there was no better opportunity than this.

Pei Cong said: "Don't be reckless, act according to the plan."

Yesterday, when he went to the Beiyong Army camp, he and Helian Qian made a plan for today.

While Li Zongxun sent troops to encircle and suppress, the General's Mansion played an empty city plan and transferred all the private soldiers in the city to the outside of the Forbidden Palace to ambush. When the fire started here, Pei Cong led the city to feint and attack, so that Li Zongxun would lose his composure. Helian Qian took the opportunity to lead the Beiyong Army to attack the north gate and cover the women, children and the elderly in the mansion to leave...

But today's situation is very different.

The chaos in the city has alarmed the people. On the first few nights of this year, more and more houses were innocently set on fire by the imperial army's rockets. The fire was burning all over the sky. The flying snow could not put out the fire. In a short time, the fire had already illuminated half of the sky. There was thick smoke everywhere, shouting, and Zhongjing City was like a purgatory on earth...

When Helian Qian heard Pei Cong's obstruction, he was a little dissatisfied.

"What are we waiting for? Time is running out..."

Pei Cong glanced at him, "The Beiyong Army fought bloody battles for a breath, not the throne."

"Your Majesty!" Helian Qian was stunned for a moment, but soon understood.

The army's morale is a flag. To seek justice, you can suppress that breath and lean to one side, and fight to the death for Pei Cong, but if you really fight for that dragon throne, it is hard to guarantee that he will not think of him and the army's morale will be shaken.

At this moment, the imperial army in the city is several times more than theirs.

Don't take it lightly and fall into Li Zongxun's trap.

Helian Qian: "I understand!"

Zhongjing has changed, Li Zongxun will not have no tricks. Pei Jue's feint attack can confuse the guards for a short time, but it can't fool Li Zongxun.

He knows how many people Pei Jue has, and how many he has...

The chess pieces are all on the table, but what Li Zongxun didn't expect is that he can't wait for good news from the Hu Ben Army outside the city for a long time.

"Is Shi Kui being held back by the Beiyong Army?"

Li Zongxun murmured in confusion, and turned around to see Li Sangruo with tears on her face.

"Why are you crying?"

He shouted loudly, and Li Sangruo's tears fell heavily.

"Father, haven't you woken up yet? We were wrong, we were wrong from the beginning, we believed Tang Shaogong's words and regarded Pei Jue as an enemy. We pushed him to this path..."

"It's you!" Li Zongxun didn't give her any face, "If it weren't for your lust, you ruined my plan again and again, how could I be here today?"

Li Sangruo blushed and said in a trembling voice: "Now that things have come to this, let's accept it. If he wants to make Yuan Shangyi the emperor, let him do it. Anyway, no matter who is the emperor, I am still the empress dowager..."

"Stupid! A useless thing." Li Zongxun was about to scold, when a huge cheer suddenly came from outside, and then someone came to report.

"Prime Minister, Shi Kui's army stopped ten miles outside Zhongjing City and stopped moving forward. The defense of the north gate was taken over by the Beiyong Army, and the west gate was falling. The imperial guards were no match for the Beiyong Army. Pei Cong personally led his troops to the Imperial Garden..."

"Father!" Li Sangruo was so scared that his voice trembled and he stood up. "You should make a decision quickly. If you delay, it will be too late."

Li Zongxun walked to the window and looked up at the sky.

The snow had not stopped, and the wind was even stronger. The whole city seemed to be in a sea of ​​fire.

He closed his eyes, "Tang Shaogong's words came true."

"Father...what should we do? Sit and wait for death?"

Li Sangruo's voice became more and more nervous, and the attendants around him looked at him eagerly.

It's time to make a decision.

Li Zongxun was lost and thought for a long time before saying: "The only way now is to burn the boats!"

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