Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 327 The world is in uproar

On the tenth day of the first lunar month, King Qin proclaimed himself emperor in Xijing and changed his name to Tianshou. His adoptive mother, Princess Duan, was honored as the empress dowager.

The Empress Dowager sat in Xijing, and the first decree she issued was to capture the Prime Minister Li Zongxun.

It is said that he formed a clique to seize power and usurped the throne through false edicts. After the incident was exposed, he set fire to the imperial city of Zhongjing and destroyed the foundation of his ancestors. He fled to Yecheng regardless of his shame and colluded with Ge Pei, the governor of Xiangzhou, to rebel against the imperial court. He was actually a national thief and a human being. People get it and kill it.

The second edict was to commend Pei Madang, King of Yonghuai, for serving the king with troops and escorting him out of the capital. His merits were in the country. He chose a day to add the gift of nine tins. He also said that the emperor was still young and he was not familiar with court affairs. He sincerely requested King Yonghuai to serve him. The little emperor assists the government.

Almost at the same time, Li Zongxun supported Yuan Shuo, the son of King Runan, and proclaimed himself emperor in Yecheng. He changed Yuan Chunde to the throne, honored Li Sangruo as the empress dowager, and called himself "Chengxing Hedi Datong". At the same time, he also issued two edicts.

One decree called Xijing a "pseudo court" and Pei Madang a "rebellious minister and traitor" who ignored the Jin Dynasty and coerced the prince to raise a flag to rebel. Sima Zhao was determined to clean up the rebellious parties and unify the Jin Dynasty after the old ministry was purged.

The second purpose was to call on the old troops of the Jin Dynasty to come to help, promising high-ranking officials and generous salaries, and waiting for "everyone to return to their hearts and fight against the traitor Pei Mad".

One country and two courts, each speaking its own words.

Two little emperors, each in his own way.

When the news came out, the whole world was in uproar.

Qi was naturally more happy than worried about the internal strife in Jin. The split of Jin into two was a good opportunity for the internal development of Xiao Cheng's court.

The streets and alleys of Taicheng are lively with the sound of firecrackers day by day. The people are beating gongs and drums and jumping for joy. In the court hall, there are countless words of happiness, and everyone is waiting to show off their talents.

At the same time, the voices of punishing traitors and killing villains spread throughout the Northern Yong Army. The people under the rule scolded the Li family's court as "having no integrity and no virtue", but they put gold on their faces.

Everyone thought that Pei Madang would attack Li Zongxun in one go.

Unexpectedly, after he had settled down the imperial court in Xijing and garrisoned troops, without taking a moment's rest, he led 50,000 elite troops to the northwest to defend against the invading Beirong tribe.

Pei Madang's letter arrived at Andu ten days late, and was brought here by Zuo Zhong himself.

When Zuo Zhong arrived at Andu City, Feng Yun was sitting in Yutangchunli, listening to the discussions of the diners outside through a curtain.

"King Yonghuai is really impressive. The 10,000 Northern Yong Army defeated the 100,000 Imperial Army, forcing Li Zongxun to defeat Yecheng. He had to kneel down and beg his cousin-in-law Ge Pei, whom he had even looked down upon before..."

"Shame on you, shame on you."

"Li Zongxun was completely defeated this time. From now on, we Andu will be able to survive the crisis safely..."

"That is, Andu County has always been regarded as a thorn in the flesh by the Li family. If the puppet emperor he supported actually ascends the throne, there will be no way for us to survive. Sooner or later, we will have to fall into his hands..."

"It's so good, it's so good."

"Brothers, you can have a few more drinks to celebrate the new king's enthronement."

"I would like to advise you, brothers, not to be too happy. Looking at it, there is still a large area of ​​land adjacent to Yecheng that is under the actual control of Li Zongxun. This old boy is a wise man, and Ge Pei is not a thing in the pool. People join forces, they have land and soldiers, just wait and see, the good show is yet to come..."

"So what if we have land and soldiers?"

"With the land and soldiers, and with the empress dowager and the young emperor in his hands, Li Zongxun can be said to have secured the title of Jin Dynasty. Who is more orthodox, the Xijing court or the Yecheng court?"

"Which is orthodox? Fists speak for themselves. The Northern Yong Army is not a vegetarian. King Yonghuai can force Li Zongxun to leave Zhongjing, or he can kill him in Yecheng and force him into Huangquan Road..."

"Then the Xijing court must be united. Haven't you understood? Even though the Xijing court still has the surname Yuan, the six-year-old emperor is still a puppet even if he puts on a dragon robe. The real master of the Xijing court is Yong Yong. King Huai, what is the difference between him and the Yecheng court?"

"Brother, you can eat what you want, but you can't say what you say? King Yonghuai protected the lifeline of the country and did great things, but for you to say it out of selfishness, be careful of what comes out of your mouth!"

"A slip of the tongue, a slip of the tongue..."

The sounds outside were getting louder and louder.

When people talk about their excitement, they foam at the mouth and want to climb on the table and convince each other...

Feng Yun was sitting upright and had just picked up a piece of bamboo shoots when Ge Guang hurried in and whispered:

"The left guard is here."

Feng Yun raised his head: "Where are the people?"

Ge Guang responded respectfully: "Tie the horse outside."

Feng Yun murmured, paused for a moment, and then put the bamboo shoot slices into his mouth.

It was soaked in dried bamboo shoots and still had a fresh and tender texture. She chewed it slowly and squinted her eyes slightly, feeling very comfortable.

When Zuo Zhong walked in, he saw her looking slow and leisurely. She didn't do anything, and he started to feel guilty.

"This subordinate has met the princess."

He thought of what Pei Madang had told him before leaving, that he must not make the princess unhappy, and his mouth suddenly felt dry. He thought of all the words he could say, but when they came to his mouth, he couldn't use them at all.

Obediently, he handed over Pei Madang's letter with both hands, leaving only one sentence in his mouth.

"The king's letter, please have the princess read it."

Feng Yun said oh and glanced at the table.

"Leave it alone."

The princess refused to let anyone pick her up. Zuo Zhong paused in embarrassment, lowered his head and slowly stepped forward, placed the sealed letter on the table, secretly twirled his fingers, straightened up and said:

"The king led his troops to the northwest and told his subordinates to come back and tell the princess that there is no need to worry and wait for the good news."

Feng Yun smiled when he heard this and called Xiao Man.

"The left guard is tired from traveling and traveling. You have to take him down to have something to eat and rest for a while."

Xiao Man responded with a blush on his cheeks. He raised his eyes and looked at Zuo Zhong, who was covered in iron armor, feeling like a deer scurrying around in his heart.

"Brother Zuo, follow me."

Zuo Zhong opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but finally lowered his head, bowed to Feng Yun and left.

After being apart for so long, and with such a big change happening in Zhongjing, he thought Feng Yun would have a lot to ask him, such as what happened that night, how Pei Cong forced Li Zongxun to burn the palace and destroy himself, and led the remnants to flee Zhongjing.

For example, why did Pei Cong lead his troops to the northwest at this critical moment, instead of pursuing the victory and killing Li Zongxun and his daughter...

It's so weird.

Zuo Zhong couldn't help but tremble for Pei Cong when he thought of Feng Yun's smiling face.

Xiao Man noticed it and turned sideways.

"Is Brother Zuo cold?"

Zuo Zhong was startled, "No."

Xiao Man frowned, "You are wearing so thin and riding such a long distance on horseback, how can you not be cold?"

Zuo Zhong forced a smile and said nothing more. His mind was all on Feng Yun's attitude, worried that he had not done the job assigned by his master.

Xiao Man's mind was all on him. She invited him into the elegant pavilion, asked the waiter to bring food from the stove, turned around and went to the backyard, brought a sample winter coat made by Ying Rong for the garment workshop, and stuffed it into Zuo Zhong's hand with a blushing face.

"Put it on later."

The shyness of the little girl was written all over her face.

Zuo Zhong was also a little uneasy, "Thank you, Xiao Man."

"You're welcome. Eat quickly, there's more on the stove if it's not enough." Xiao Man said, lowered her head and left with a blushing face.

Zuo Zhong looked at the swaying curtains, and turned back after a long while, eating in a hurry.

When Xiaoman came back, the letter on Feng Yun's desk had not been opened yet. She was still eating carelessly, as if she was not in a hurry at all.

"Princess, can the maid open the letter for you?" Xiaoman looked at the letter lying there, feeling uncomfortable all over, and all her pores opened up in such an atmosphere.

She volunteered, but got a cold look from Feng Yun.

"Brother Zuo, have you finished eating? Why don't you go and take care of people? Why are you caring about my letter?"

Xiaoman was almost embarrassed to death by what she said. She looked coquettishly and lowered her head, looking like a young girl in love, coy.

Feng Yun hooked her lips, stopped teasing her, finished her meal, took the letter and left.

She didn't need to open it to guess what Pei Jue would say. It was nothing more than telling her not to worry, that the Beirong tribe was vulnerable and would be able to return to the court soon.

But in fact, which war was not dangerous?

The last time she left Andu, she thought she would be separated from Pei Jue, but she didn't expect that this separation would be so long...

They were a couple, so it's not like she didn't miss them at all.

But she was very calm, without the worries that Zuo Zhong had, and without the reluctance and sadness of a young lover.

Because the development of the whole thing had far exceeded her best expectations...

Pei Jue and the Li father and daughter had cut ties.

The future will also be a long-lasting hostile relationship...

The hatred of the previous life has at least been avenged.

At this moment, Li Sangruo should be crying in Yecheng, right?

That's what she should cry, but Feng Yun is not in a hurry to laugh.

The long winter has not passed yet, and she has to face the first disaster year of the new dynasty, and there are still many things to do. What's more, now that she is no longer bound, it is a great time for her to vigorously develop the long gate, expand the troops, and enrich her flesh and blood...

There is no better time than this.

Feng Yun: Finally it's my turn to go on stage. I'm so pent up.

Chunyu Yan: Humph, I don't even have a name. Did I say anything? Right, mother-in-law.

Ao Qi: Shameless. I'm working in Xijing. I didn't even have a full meal during the New Year. Did I say anything? Unlike some people who eat and drink for free and act helpless.

Xiao Cheng: It seems that I shouldn't say anything? Well, then I wish Twelve Niang a happy new year and think of me every day.

Pei Jue: Get out of the way upstairs.

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