Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 328 Time flies

In the first year of Tianshou in the Jin Dynasty, there was a heavy snowstorm, which lingered for two months. It was not until early March that the weather gradually became warmer.

The sun has risen in the sky, and the snow on the fields and ridges of Huaxi Village has not yet melted away.

Feng Yun came out of the village with Xiao Man. Looking around, he saw a vast expanse of ice and frost.

"Ms. Li Zheng, are you going to the city?"

The person who called her was Sister-in-law Wang of the Yao family. She had a snow shovel in her hand and was clearing the snow on the path outside the house.

Feng Yun responded with a smile and asked her: "Are you ready to dig the ground?"

Sister-in-law Wang said, "Isn't it? Our head said that if you don't start plowing early in the spring, your face will turn yellow from hunger after autumn. After noon, they dragged out the whole family and prepared to dig the land. By the way, I'll lend you my wife's hoe. Two wielders? We needed two from the farm tool shop last time, but we don’t have enough now.”

Feng Yun naturally agreed, and then said: "When the weather clears up completely and the trade routes are open, the farm tool shop will start working. Then let the old craftsman pick two handy ones for you."

Sister-in-law Wang thanked her with a smile, covered her eyes with her hands, and looked to the sky.

"Is it going to be sunny this time? If the snow continues like this, spring plowing will be delayed."

On the day when it first snowed last year, many people looked at the snow falling like salt on the ground and said that "the auspicious snow heralds a good harvest." Who would have thought that there would be a big snowstorm that has not happened in a century?

"Fortunately, the weather has cleared up, otherwise, God would have taken our lives."

Extreme weather affects people's livelihood the most, and the people suffer the most.

Not only does it delay spring plowing and affect harvests, snow disasters have countless more far-reaching impacts.

Roads are impassable and trade is damaged. Except for wealthy merchants and aristocratic families who have the habit of hoarding food and goods, ordinary people cannot even meet their basic needs at home. Every household is short of firewood, rice, oil and salt, making life extremely difficult.

Feng Yun chatted with Sister-in-law Wang for a while, then saw Nan Kui and Chai Ying walking over from the other end of the village road.

The two of them wore curtain hats and talked as they walked. Their bodies were filled with sunshine and smiles, and their steps were brisk.

Seeing Feng Yun, Nan Kui called out.


Feng Yun smiled at them, "How did you come back? Didn't you wait for the bullock cart?"

Nan Kui smiled and shook his head, "I got on the ox cart at the gate of Andu City. We sat all the way to the village school, and Ying Niang and I just walked over."

On those days when it snowed heavily, everything stopped, but the village school in Huaxi Village started after the Lantern Festival.

In the past, studying was a matter for wealthy families, but children in Huaxi Village can go to school equally, which is the envy of countless poor families.

Even the wealthy families in the city heard somewhere that the arithmetic learned in Huaxi Village was unparalleled in the world, so they asked people to send their children over.

Feng Yun did not refuse. The children in Huaxi Village had little Shu Xiu, or the poor ones were exempted from Shu Xiu. If a big family came and their household registration was not here, they would have to charge a high price, either by spending money or using food. Cloth or other resource replacement.

In short, Feng Yun must be satisfied.

Unexpectedly, Feng Yun opened his mouth and paid a high price, but there was still an endless stream of people who wanted to come to the village to learn.

If you have connections, trust someone.

There is no way out, just ask people in a roundabout way.

Feng Yunxin hired his husband and vacated two idle rooms in the farm tool shop, but the supply still exceeded demand.

Nan Kui had just heard praises from the village school, and when she saw Feng Yun, her eyes lit up, as if she couldn't get enough of her, full of admiration.

"Madam, why do you think you are so powerful? Yupu County, Wanning County, and even further places all want to come to our village to study... If the new emperor doesn't give you an official position, it's just like It’s a waste of talent.”

Feng Yun was dumbfounded, "You are the only one with a poor mouth."

In Huaxi Village, she didn't allow others to call her princess, and everyone gradually got used to it. Saying "upright lady" was more cordial than anything else.

But precisely because of the lack of distance, these little hooves dared to tease her casually.

After joking for a while, Feng Yun said: "I thought you would come back in the afternoon, or simply stay in the city, and join Wen Hui tomorrow."

Nan Kui's face darkened as if she thought of something.

"Today the government sent out porridge for an hour."

Feng Yun asked: "What? There is no food in the governor's warehouse?"

Nan Kui shook her head, her eyes darkening slightly.

"I don't know this. But I see that there are a lot more refugees in Andu City than before. They come in groups of three to five, with families and children as high as their knees brought out to beg for food. They have big noses and runny noses. They look very pitiful. "

Catastrophes are followed by catastrophes, and natural disasters are often accompanied by man-made disasters.

Without enough food to fill their stomachs, people had no choice but to go out to earn a living. A few years ago, there was no shortage of refugees in Andu County, but the New Deal was stopped long ago after the war. Those who come now will not receive resettlement allowance, land allocation, or naturalization.

Refugees can only be refugees.

Feng Yun thought about it and asked, "What did the governor say?"

Nan Kui frowned, looking at the lady's indifferent expression, seeming a little helpless.

"I haven't seen the governor before. I only got the news that porridge will not be distributed starting tomorrow. I thought I was going to Mingquan tomorrow, so I came back with Yingniang first."

Chai Ying nodded upon hearing this, "That's what the official said."

Nan Kui and Chai Ying had experience in serving porridge in the past, so these days they went to the city to help.

The governor they were talking about was He Xia.

After the young emperor Tianshou ascended the throne, he generously rewarded meritorious ministers and also made some changes to the administrative divisions.

The five counties of Andu, Yupu, Wanning, Shiguan, and Lianjiang were merged into Xinzhou, but the state government was located in Andu. The original Xinzhou was changed to Xinyi County, and the government was located in Xinyi City.

He Qia was promoted to the governor of Xinzhou and took charge of Xinzhou affairs.

The rest of the people who followed Pei Madang were also promoted, and received rewards. There were even some who were promoted to three levels in a row, from soldiers to generals in one step.

It is said that heroes emerge from troubled times, and many people's achievements were attributed to this coup.

The futures and destinies of countless people have also changed as a result.

What hasn’t changed is Feng Yun.

In addition to the title of Princess Yonghuai, she is still the head of the village, neither an official nor a official, and does not need to be appointed by the court.

She has no interest in being an official.

The official position given by the emperor can be taken away at any time. Anything obtained without relying on one's own strength is not reliable.

What she has to worry about is Nagato's village school and spring plowing, Yutangchun's business, the farm tool shop, the garment shop, the shops in Mingquan Town and when the sugar cane will be planted, and when the sugar factory will open.

Also, she is more concerned about the graphite mine on the mountain. When can it be mined? What preparations should be made?

And how to store food and survive the disaster years with so many people...

Food is the top priority in disaster years.

He Qia will not stop serving porridge for no reason.

In addition to the increasing number of refugees, the reason why the good deeds stopped was probably because the governor's family had no surplus food.

"No matter what, we have to hurry up and plant this season's food."

Yao Ru is right. If you are not busy with spring plowing, you will starve to death. Spring plowing is too important for ordinary people.


The next day, Nan Kui and Chai Ying went to Mingquan Town. The more than 200 acres of land they bought there and the shops in Mingquan Town needed someone to take care of them. Feng Yun put this burden on young Nan Kui. On Aoi.

When Nan Kui first learned that she had been entrusted with the important task, she couldn't believe it.

At first, she only volunteered to deliver porridge to the general's mansion, which made Twelve Niang take a second look. Now after several months of experience, she thought she didn't have that ability yet, but Feng Yun was ready to let her take charge of it alone.

"Madam, why don't you consider other people? In my opinion, Sister-in-law Xu is pretty good..."

The Sister-in-law Xu that Nan Kui was talking about was Xing Bing's wife.

Feng Yun laughed when he heard it.

"I agree, but Xing Bing still refuses to agree. Do you want me to divide my time and work at such a young age? When Azhou loses his younger brother and sister, why won't he settle the score with you?"

Nan Kui's face turned red with embarrassment.

"But... I still feel that compared to Sister Wenhui and Sister Ying Rong, I am younger and have not seen much of the world. I am afraid... of screwing up."

Feng Yun laughed, "What are you afraid of? If anything happens, I'll take care of it for you. What's more, you see, Azhou is younger than you in Zhuangzi. He is only fourteen years old and is already the deputy general manager. Why can't you do it?"

Nan Kui was also a former Lao Yutang Chun. She came from a flower house and knew a few words. When she was idle in Zhuangzi, she also learned arithmetic. Her brain was also flexible and she was more capable than most women.

However, even in this troubled world where there are not so many restrictions on women going out, the superiority of men to women still exists. Most people will take it for granted that men should take the decision in major matters...

Feng Yun challenged ethics again and again.

From Wen Hui, Ying Rong, to Nan Kui, for every woman she trusted, she would support them without reservation, train them, and make them stronger.

When Nan Kui and Chai Ying left, Feng Yun stopped Chai Ying again and warned her.

"A Ying, you are A Kui's deputy now, you have to stand up on your own. Sisters back to back can get twice the result with half the effort."

Chai Ying was so excited that his wife valued him beyond words.

"Thank you, madam. I will definitely learn from Akui."

Nan Kui scolded her, "What should you learn from me? I'm not as good as you, I just have a sharper mouth than you."

"You have quick hands and feet," Chai Ying said with a smile.

The two of them got on the bullock cart laughing and joking. When they looked back at Feng Yun, their eyes suddenly became wet.

The lady stood on the wind, wearing a plain cloak, with a smile on her face, warm and pleasant, as if she had everything in mind and no difficulties would be difficult for her.

It is her indifferent demeanor that pushes them out of the fire pit at critical moments time and time again, making them better and better. She is their noble person.

Nan Kui and Chai Ying both bowed towards Feng Yun.

"I bid farewell to you, madam."

Feng Yun pursed his lips and smiled and waved.

"Go ahead and finish your errands."

The two beauties quickly agreed. Ge Yi waved his whip, smiled and held his hand towards Feng Yun, "Don't worry, madam, I will send them to Mingquan Town safely."

Feng Yun nodded and waited for the ox cart to go away before returning to Zhuangzi.

Once the sun comes out, it gets warm by noon. This winter was so long that Feng Yun couldn't walk when the sun came out. She had people carry tables and chairs to the yard, put tea on them, and sat down to chat with Grandma Han and bask in the sun.

Grandma Han was a worried person, and she began to sigh as she spoke.

"It must be bitterly cold in the northwest at this time. King Yonghuai has not received a letter for such a long time, and I don't know how the war is going..."

Feng Yun comforted her with a smile, "It's so far to the northwest. If you send a message, it will break a horse's leg. Why send a message if it's not a big deal? If there is important military information, it will be sent to Xijing. Pei Lang is pragmatic. No news is good news."

When she said this, she turned her eyes and her face suddenly became dark.

Outside the gate, a carriage stopped.

The family logo hangs on the front of the car.

She's very familiar.

From the Feng family.

Sisters, happy Lantern Festival! Reunion, happiness and happiness!

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