Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 329 Sending money

Feng Yun narrowed his eyes.

The sun was very strong, and she was facing the light. It took her a while to see clearly that the person stepping out of the carriage was Jin Zhitong, the steward of Feng Mansion.

Xiaoman also saw it and screamed in surprise.


At the end of the words, the tone dropped.

"How did you come?"

Jin Zhitong did not come alone.

He ignored Xiaoman, bowed to Feng Yun and said hello, turned around and lifted the car curtain, and took out the two children from inside.

Feng Zhen, Feng Liang.

Next to the car, there was another child, Xiaoman's younger brother, twelve-year-old Jin Yansheng.

Daman restored the surname Feng, Xiaoman followed Feng Yun all year round, and his two sons had already married. Currently, Jin Zhitong only has one child, Yansheng.

What are you going to do if you bring your son here now?

Feng Yun watched expressionlessly without saying a word.

Xiaoman looked at his father walking over with his three children, nodding and bowing. His expression was messy and embarrassed, and he wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl in.

"Father, why did you bring them here?"

Jin Zhitong glared at her.

"What they, they, these are the ladies and gentlemen of the master's family, no matter how big or small!"

It was natural for him to reprimand his daughter, and he didn't even think about it for a moment. This was Feng Yun's place. Should he reprimand his maid? Should he or not...

Xiaoman's eyes turned red with grievance.

When her father cruelly offered her filial piety to Feng Jingting, he said it was to protect Feng Twelve Niangs, but who knew what she was thinking in her heart?

After leaving that home, Xiaoman lived a better and freer life than before. Although he would suddenly think of his parents' cruelty towards him when he dreamed about it at midnight, he was simple and straightforward, and he forgot about it when he woke up.

But he couldn't stop his father from scolding him.

The habit developed by Nagato made her unable to resist talking back.

"They are not my master's family. My master's family only has one wife..."

Jin Zhitong looked at her in disbelief, "You evil beast, what nonsense are you talking about?"

Xiao Man was stared at by his father, his shoulders were shaking slightly, and he didn't dare to say anything anymore.

Grandma Han's face changed with anger, she pointed at Jin Zhitong and scolded him.

"Shameless thing, you used your power to bully others, and you actually bullied Twelve Niangs..."

Jin Zhitong did not dare to bully others, so he held his hands in a low voice and said:

"Don't dare, I don't dare. I'm just following my orders. Please calm down, madam."

Feng Yun smiled and raised his eyebrows, "Manager Jin, didn't you understand? Then let me repeat for Xiaoman. She is no longer a slave of Feng Mansion. Who gave you the courage to point fingers at my people in front of me? ?”

Jin Zhitong was shocked.

He is Feng Jingting's loyal servant.

He is very respectable and respected in the Feng Mansion.

Not to mention Xiaoman, even the former Feng Twelve Niang had to behave in front of him.

However, the current Twelve Niangs are no longer what they used to be.

Jin Zhitong cursed secretly in his heart, bent down, and kept begging for mercy.

"I don't know how to speak. Madam, please forgive me."

Feng Yun saw that Xiao Man was about to cry or not, so she didn't embarrass her father anymore. She glanced at Feng Zhen and Feng Liang and asked lazily:

"Steward Jin will not come to the Three Treasures Hall if there is nothing to do. If you have anything to do, just tell me."

Jin Zhitong put on a smile and took out the post and presented it to Feng Yun.

"This is a letter from Mr. Fu to your wife."

Feng Yun took it and put it on the table without looking at it.

Jin Zhitong's cheek muscles twitched, and he smiled with a smile on his face: "The master heard that Huaxi Village School is accepting students, and asked me to bring the girl and the young master over to visit the eldest sister, and learn arithmetic from the eldest sister..."

Having said this, he pulled his son again and mentioned Feng Yun's name as if he was not a human being.

"The dog is the young master's long-term attendant. He comes to accompany the young master."

I have to say that Jin Zhitong is really loyal.

He willingly dedicates his children to the Feng family like animals, without any complaints.

Feng Yun smiled slightly.

"Well, please ask Manager Jin. If I accept foreign students here, how many cultivators will I accept?"

Jin Zhitong's expression changed.


Do you want your younger brothers and sisters to be disciplined and cultivated?

Where does the logic come from?

He didn't dare to say what was in his heart and smiled awkwardly.

"This... the prince didn't mention it when the villain came. I really don't know about it."

"That's easy to say."

Feng Yun smiled softly and said beyond everyone's expectations:

"Leave the person behind, you go back and tell my father. Nagato's rules cannot be broken. It's okay to leave Feng Zhen and Feng Liang to study, but the two of them must double the amount of others' training."



Jin Zhitong had long heard that those wealthy families did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to send their children to Huaxi Village to study, just to learn the wonderful arithmetic that allowed Feng Yun to defeat Yan in Mingquan Town and win the first prize in one fell swoop.

At that time, Feng Jingting and Mrs. Chen had already figured it out.

They send their children to study, how can the elders ignore them?

If others pay high prices, don't they make a lot of money?

Who would have expected that if Feng Yun opened his mouth, it would double...

"Madam, my family doesn't have such an explanation."

Jin Zhitong finally plucked up the courage to bargain, but Feng Yun was smiling and didn't look angry at all.

"Manager Jin is right. You don't have to be polite to my family. It's not easy for me to run this village school. I spent a lot of money inside and outside. I'm short of money. It's my family's time to help."

"Then how can we charge double the amount? Isn't this differential treatment?"

"Of course it's double. When other people come to study, I don't care about food and drink, let alone education. When my family comes, I have to take care of food and drink. They are not doing the right thing. As the eldest sister, I have to beat and scold them. Right? Doesn’t it take effort? You don’t have to pay for it!”

What and what?

Send it to her to be beaten and scolded, and you have to give her money?

Cold sweat broke out on Jin Zhitong's forehead.

Feng Yun stretched his waist.

"The sun is so festive today. Someone is giving money in broad daylight. Let's just leave it at that..."

When she said this, she turned to look at Xiao Man.

"Bring your brother and the young master in, and arrange a place to live. Don't wrong them, they are still children."

She spoke seriously, with no hint of a smile. Of course, no other emotions could be seen, which gave people a feeling of being completely unpredictable.

Sweat dripped down Jin Zhitong's back.

But now...

The master’s errands are half done, right?

"Xiao Man!" He raised his hand to stop his daughter from saying something, but he saw Feng Yun squinting over with a cold face, smiled in embarrassment, and said kindly:

"You, please remember to take good care of Yansheng, the girl and the young master."

Xiaoman responded in a low voice.

Jin Zhitong then waved his hand and called several serving maids to come over.

"Quick, follow me. Take good care of the two young masters."

The servants and maids all agreed.

Feng Yun's face slowly turned around at this moment.

"With so many people coming... we have to pay more."

These servants are all old members of the Feng Mansion. It can be said that they are very familiar with Feng Twelve Niang, but they look strange to the person in front of them, as if they are not the same person at all...

Feng Yun just pretended that he couldn't see those scrutinizing eyes, and asked Xing Dalang to bring a pen and paper, roughly calculated the expenses for Shu Xiu and Feng's family to go to Nagato, wrote it on the bill and handed it to Jin Zhitong.

"Go back. No more sending."

Jin Zhitong carefully put it into his arms, feeling chilled in his heart...

Why do you think Fu Jun made a mistake again this time?

Isn't this taking your children as hostages and pushing them into a pit of fire?

Jin Zhitong drove away in a carriage.

Xiaoman was in the room, feeling depressed and crying.

After not seeing each other for so long, his father didn't bring her anything, didn't ask her if she was okay, and didn't even say sorry. There was only harsh criticism and reprimands for her, without any tenderness.

"I am her daughter, do I inherently owe him something? Is it unfilial if I don't obey him?"

"You don't owe him." Feng Yun walked in, looked at her and said, "It is their need to give birth to you, not yours. People who only give birth to children but do not support them are not worthy of filial piety..."

Xiaoman, who was already in a state of emotion, whimpered when he heard Feng Yun's voice and cried even harder.

Feng Yun held her in his arms and comforted her for a moment. After Xiaoman stopped crying, he patted her and called Ah Lou back.

"Go and invite the prince to come over and talk."

Ah Lou responded and went down with a smile.

These days Chunyu Yan always comes to the village to "eat and drink". Everyone has become familiar with him, and they are not as afraid of him as before.

This is especially true for Alou.

When he went to Huayue Stream, he was beaten so hard by Chun Yuyan that his skin and flesh were bruised. In the past, he would have walked away when he saw the uncertain Prince Yunchuan, but now he dared to speak in front of him with his shoulders straight.

"Your Majesty, our wife invites you."

Chun Yuyan raised his eyebrows slightly, his arrogance unchanged, "It's so late at night, what are you asking me to do?"

One word after another, the servants Xiang Zhong and Yin You looked at each other, their eyes full of words that were difficult to express, and then they followed the prince's instructions and forced out a smile that was not a smile but a smile.

"Your Majesty, since my wife is interested, why not take a look?"

Chunyu Yan was satisfied and stood up slowly.


Chun Yuyan: It’s considered me to be on the stage, Lao Wang next door is not easy to do, others celebrate the New Year, I can only celebrate the fifteenth...

Feng Yun: If the prince doesn’t want to...

Chun Yuyan: Fifteen is good, the moon is full, people are round, everything is going well, and Lao Wang next door is also happy.

Ao Qi: Dream!

Pei Madang: Looking for death!

Xiao Cheng: Stupid!

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