Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 331 Good News

The sky gradually darkened, and every household in Huaxi Village lit up the lights, and the stars twinkled.

At night, few dogs could be heard, and the whole world seemed to be surrounded by endless silence...

Without the sunlight of the day, the cool breeze gradually pierced the bones.

Feng Yun waited for a long time without Wen Xingsu, and smelled the fragrance of the food on the stove, and went to the door to look...

Accompanied by Yansheng, Feng Liang took Feng Zhen and walked out swaggeringly.

"Isn't dinner ready yet? I'm hungry."

In the afternoon, in order to avoid closing the firewood room, he bit the bullet and went to the village school. As a result, the person who attended the class today happened to be Ren Rude. He wanted to turn a blind eye to this young man from the Feng family, but Feng Liang started to make a fuss after sitting for less than a quarter of an hour.

He said that others had charcoal stoves, but he didn't.

He wanted to change his seat and sit next to the charcoal stove.

Ren Rude felt sorry for Xuzhou Feng Shi, but he didn't give in. Feng Liang continued to make a scene, and was punished. In the middle of winter, he was hit twice on the palm of his hand. He came back crying. The maid coaxed him for a while, and then he came out to look for food.

Feng Yun certainly didn't spoil him.

"Your father hasn't paid the tuition and food expenses yet, who gave you the courage to urge him to eat?"

Feng Liang's eyes widened when he heard it, and he said angrily: "Is my father not your father? Sister, crows know how to repay their parents, and those who are unfilial to their parents are worse than beasts!"


He learned to talk quite well.

Feng Yun was happy, "Alou, before the Feng family sends money, Feng Xiaolang's food and drink should be followed by the servants."

Feng Liang changed his face when he heard it, and shouted loudly.

"Feng Shier Niang, you dare!"

Feng Yun ignored him, and Yan Sheng also changed his face.

A Lou asked, "What about the little girl?"

Feng Yun said calmly, "As long as she is well behaved and doesn't make trouble, I will treat her to good food and drink. Of course, I will keep a record of the bill and let the Feng family pay for it."

A Lou agreed.

Feng Liang was extremely angry. He took out a stone from somewhere and threw it at Feng Yun.

"Shameless bad woman, I will beat you to death..."

No one would have expected him to attack suddenly. The little boy actually had a lot of strength. When the stone was thrown, Feng Yun slightly dodged and flew straight to the door.


The sound of a horse neighing came from outside the door.

After a moment, Wen Xingsu rode over.

The stone hit Wen Xingsu's horse leg squarely.

Wen Xingsu frowned, and Feng Liang immediately became scared.

"Big, big brother..."

Wen Xingsu got off the horse without saying a word, handed the reins to the guard Pinshu who was traveling with him, and glanced at Feng Yun.

"Why is Aliang here?"

Feng Yun smiled slightly and said nothing.

Feng Zhen liked this elder brother, and rushed over to grab the corner of his clothes, as if she had found someone to rely on, and stuck to him.

"Big brother, it was our father who sent us here to study."

Feng Zhen was born soft and cute, and Wen Xingsu's face looked a little better. He patted her head and said to Feng Yun:

"You shouldn't have accepted it and caused trouble for yourself."

Feng Yun smiled and said, "I'm not that stupid not to make money. Let's go in, wipe your face and wash your hands. It's time to eat. The food has been ready and is waiting for you."

A group of people walked in while talking, and Feng Liang followed with his head down.

Feng Yun turned his head, "Alou."

Alou trembled, "Yes, my lady."

Feng Yun really meant what he said. Even if Wen Xingsu was here, he would not give him any face and let someone drag him down.

Feng Liang was almost mad. He had everything he wanted in Feng's family, and everyone was pampering him. How could he bear the setbacks here?

"Feng Shier Niang, you wait and see. A tiger in a low position is bullied by a dog. I will make you suffer someday..."

The fighting power of a ten-year-old child cannot be underestimated. The roar was earth-shaking. He was carried by his subordinates and couldn't even put his feet on the ground, but he was still cursing and roaring.

"I want to go home! Father, mother, I want to go home! Feng Shier Niang, send me home, I order you, immediately, right now!"

Feng Yun was unmoved and smiled, "From tomorrow on, no one is allowed to serve him."

Feng Zhen was so scared that her face changed, and she pulled the corner of Wen Xingsu's clothes: "Brother."

Wen Xingsu frowned and sighed.

"He should be disciplined."

Feng Yun smiled at him, said nothing, and turned to ask Xiaoman:

"Where is the prince? Didn't you send someone to invite him?"

Chun Yuyan sat in the flower hall, looking at this young lady who didn't notice him at all, his mouth was like eating coptis, and he sneered.

"Feng Twelve is treating us, how can this prince be late? I have been waiting for a long time."

He stood up and bowed to Wen Xingsu.

"Brother Xingsu, long time no see."

"Hello, prince." Wen Xingsu hurriedly returned the greeting.

The two greeted each other and sat down. Feng Yun thought of Wen Xingsu's experience of being drunk last time, glanced at the wine pot beside the table, and signaled the maid to remove two of them, which happened to be seen by Chun Yuyan.


Feng Yun raised his eyebrows, without any expression.

Wen Xingsu smiled knowingly.

"We have to get up early tomorrow to go to the Andu camp. I dare not drink. You can drink by yourself, Prince."

He was the deputy general of the Beiyong Army. He almost took over all the affairs of Helian Qian in the army. He was usually very busy.

Feng Yun felt sorry for him, "It's cold, drink a little to warm up your body, and sleep until noon before leaving."

Wen Xingsu looked at her with a dignified and upright manner and said, "Come back later to drink."

Feng Yun's eyes lit up, "Are you coming back?"

Wen Xingsu laughed.

"Of course I have to come back. I will take a five-day break and should stay in Huaxi for two or three days."

"That's great."

Feng Yun smiled with eyes curved, sweet as spring water, Chun Yuyan felt sour in his heart.

"General Wen rarely has the opportunity to come here, today I must catch you to drink a few cups, don't find excuses to refuse wine..."

Wen Xingsu responded with a smile, looking at Feng Yun from time to time.

Feng Yun also looked at him, his face soft, "Drink, as long as you don't get drunk, it's okay."

Chun Yuyan's teeth were almost broken in the interaction of their eyebrows and eyes.

The wine and food were served, Feng Zhen was afraid of Feng Yun, but he was very well-behaved. Under the service of the maid, he buried his head in eating without saying a word, and left the table after eating a few bites.

Feng Yun raised his face, his eyes passed over Wen Xingsu's face, smiling.

"Brother, do you think I am narrow-minded and willing to kill a child?"

The relaxed atmosphere suddenly became solemn.

Wen Xingsu shook his head, his face gentle and handsome, and smiled faintly.

"To indulge a child is like to indulge a tiger, to spoil a child is like to kill him. If they had disciplined him earlier, he would not have developed such a temper and suffered such hardships. It should be so."

The ordinary family dinner became extremely warm.

The lights in the countryside were silent, and the light and shadows swam in the long wind. There was no music, but the aroma of wine and meat was particularly mouth-watering.

Feng Yun, Wen Xingsu, Chun Yuyan...

The three of them talked and chatted, recalling the past and talking about the present. The wine went down their throats, and the light circle of the night light gradually transformed into countless shadows...

The first drunken man in the ice pot beast furnace, Feng Yun was in a good mood and slept until dawn.

The next day, the sun rose, and it was another sunny day.

Wen Xingsu left before dawn.

The whole village was busy turning the soil and rushing to sow in spring.

In the sun, farmers can be seen bending over and busy everywhere in the fields.

Feng Yun drank a few more cups last night. Sitting in the study, he had just made tea when a sudden noise came from outside.

The sound of horse hooves came from the village school.

"Good news--"

"Good news--"

After two long shouts, the farmers in the fields raised their heads and looked at the officials galloping on the village road, with joy on their faces.

"The general won the battle!"

"Not the general, but the Prince Yonghuai, the regent..."

"Yes, yes, they are all the kings."

"There is a princess living in our village."

"If you didn't tell me, I would be so confused that I almost forgot about it. I often see the village head's wife grinning and leaving without greeting or kneeling... Do you think the village head's wife will take it to heart?"

"That's just what you think. The village head's wife is so generous, how could she care about a peasant woman like you? If she is as petty as us, she will not be able to accomplish anything big."

"Yes, yes..."

"Have you seen the notice posted under the old locust tree? Changmen is looking for temporary workers to dig coal in the mountains... One hundred coins a day, isn't it better than working in the mud in the fields?"

"They said that the recruitment notices have been posted in Andu City. Are they recruiting refugees to dig mines? Refugees are cheap, just provide food."

Everyone was talking about the victory news.

The south door of the study was pushed open at some point.

Feng Yun leaned against the window and looked out, watching the warm spring sun, her heart trembling unconsciously.

The expeditionary didn't know when, the beacon fire illuminated the old city.

She met the postman without saying a word, just looking forward to the cavalry under her command.

She had waited too long for this belated victory report...

In the previous life, there was no division of the Great Jin, and the Beirong tribe did not invade. This was a war that was completely off the original track. In fact, Feng Yun's heart was always hanging.

The terrain in the northwest is complicated. Even if you are a victorious general, you can't say what you will encounter when you go there...

"My wife, my wife, victory report! The victory report is here--"

Xiaoman thought she didn't hear it, and stepped on the courtyard with both feet and ran over.

Feng Yun walked out with a calm face, "Why panic, there will be plenty of such victory reports in the future."

Xiaoman laughed.

The official came over and presented the victory report.

"Inform the princess that the army of King Yonghuai has passed Cangyan Mountain. The Beirong tribe set a trap and attacked in Cangyan Mountain, but the king saw through it and pursued them. The Beirong tribe's coalition forces fled in panic and fled to the hinterland madly..."

Feng Yun: "Where is King Yonghuai?"

The official scratched his head and grinned, "If the villains offend me, I will definitely beat them back to their hometown in one go. Princess, don't worry, the king will be able to return to the court soon!"

Feng Yun hummed and smiled, "Alou, take the official to rest and eat something."

The official did not stop along the way and was really exhausted. Seeing that the princess was so polite and gave her food and money, he smiled so hard that his mouth could not close. He said a few words of comfort before going down.

Feng Yun was in a complicated mood and could not calm down for a long time.

The Beirong controlled a large area of ​​land outside Cangyan Mountain in Yunzhou, with high sky and vast land, and extremely long depth. Although the weather is bad and the land is barren, there is no production, but the terrain there is complex and it is difficult for the army to find a breakthrough.

In this case, it is a contest between the powerful dragon and the local snake. It is hard to say who will take advantage and who will suffer.

Therefore, after passing Cangyan Mountain, it will be a real challenge. (End of this chapter)

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