Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 332: The Recruitment Date

That day, the whole Huaxi Village was full of joy. Farmers who had worked hard all day would go around Changmen to say a few words of congratulations to the wife of the village head.

And ask politely.

"When will the king return to the court?"

Most of the villagers did not understand state affairs. The victory of King Yonghuai in the far northwest had limited actual impact on them. Asking this casually was like asking about today's weather, either for gossip or out of concern.

Feng Yun responded with a smile, "Soon, soon."

A letter from Pei Jue was sent back with the victory report.

"It's spring, but the border is still cold. Yun Niang is weak and afraid of the cold. Don't work hard, live a peaceful life, and be safe."

The words are few and concise, just like him, who is taciturn and does not talk about missing. The iron-painted and silver-hooked handwriting does not even show much of the difficulties of the war frontier, but the sloppy handwriting has exposed the writer's thoughts.

In that kind of place, food supply is not available, and it is common to suffer from cold and hunger.

He did not say anything.

The general had been in the army for half his life, and the journey was long. His horse's hooves had trampled thousands of mountains and rivers. He had long been accustomed to the days of eating and sleeping in the open air.

But even if he had a heart of stone, it was inevitable that he would be soft for a moment.

Therefore, at the end of the letter, he wrote a few words neatly.

"I miss you so much, and I am happy in my heart."

There was nothing new in the village. The heat of this matter lasted for two days. Ge Yi came back from Mingquan Town and brought back Jin Zhitong and his group.

The ox cart was full of boxes and barrels. Many people came to watch. Jin Zhitong did not speak. In Feng Yun's eyes, he directed two servants to move things in with a sullen face.

Feng Yun called Ge Yi to the inner room, "What's going on?"

Ge Yi smiled, took out a small bag from his arms, handed it to Feng Yun, shook it, and whispered:

"Silver, and jewelry. Look, my lady."

The revenue of Mingquan Town had been counted before the New Year. It has just opened, so there is no way there is so much.

Ge Yi said: "Madam Chen came to Mingquan and secretly gave it to me. She asked me to take good care of the young master and the young lady."

Feng Yun opened the package and saw that it was indeed a large ingot of silver, and there were two or three pieces of jewelry, which looked worth a lot of money.

Buying people's hearts?

Feng Yun said: "What do you think?"

Ge Yi shook his head quickly: "I have food and shelter in Changmen, so I don't need these, but Madam Chen is thoughtful, and I think it's okay to take it. It just so happens that Changmen has many places to spend money."

This style of behavior is completely learned from Feng Yun.

"Besides, my lady wouldn't really treat the young master and the young lady badly. It's not a bad thing to take the money."

Feng Yun glanced at him and said, "You are smart."

She stuffed the cloth bag back into Ge Yi's hand and said, "Take it."

Ge Guang's face changed immediately, and he felt that the bag was hot. "If my lady feels it's not right, I will return it to General Manager Jin and ask him to take it back to Madam Chen."

"Silly, you gave it to him, but he didn't take it." Feng Yun looked at Ge Guang and said, "You and your brother are both old. You may have a suitable marriage one day. You have to start a family and need money. This is what you earn by your own ability. Take it yourself."

What is this called relying on ability?

Ge Yi blushed and stuffed it into Feng Yun's hand. His face turned red with anxiety.

"My parents passed away long ago. We have no home and no business. Changmen is where we live. We will have to rely on you to help us find a marriage in the future. I can't take this money. If you don't accept it, I will return it..."

The tug-of-war was not good, so Feng Yun saw that he insisted, so she smiled and accepted it.

She went out again to count the gifts Jin Zhitong received, including cloth, food, and silver. She asked Xing Dalang to come and count them and put them in the village school account. Jin Zhitong was so nimble that his teeth were almost broken.

"Twelve Niang, this is what the Lord and the Lady have spent a long time to collect. In the future, the young master and the young lady will be in your house. I hope you will take care of them..."

Feng Yun: "Don't worry. I am a person who pays attention to rules. Xiaoman, from now on, Feng Xiaolang does not have to eat with the servants anymore."

What? Eat with the servants?

Jin Zhitong's eyes went dark and he almost fainted.

How to report this to the Lord and the Lady?

Wouldn't he be so angry that he would die?

Feng Twelve is so cruel.

Feng Yun counted the money and things without changing his expression and asked Xiaoman to see the guests off.

Xiaoman bowed his head and responded, but Jin Zhitong did not move. His eyes were wide open and he stared at Feng Yun with hatred.

Feng Yun smiled and said, "Why, General Manager Jin, do you want to stay for dinner? It just so happens that my king won a victory in the northwest. Tomorrow the village will arrange a buffet. If General Manager Jin doesn't mind, please stay and have fun with us?"

Is this showing off or threatening?

Jin Zhitong left with a flick of his sleeves. Before leaving, he glared at Xiaoman fiercely.


On the third day after receiving the good news, a buffet was set up in the village.

At the time of the shortage of food, the land was desolate, the crops were all frozen to death, and food was a rare commodity. When the wife of the village head arranged the buffet, the whole village came.

There were many people, and the table was just the simplest five large bowls. Fried tofu with oil, a layer of meat on top, stewed tofu, meat buns, fried vermicelli, and a bowl of chicken soup with a strong aroma. Although there were few pieces of chicken in the soup bowl, it was real chicken soup. Drinking a bowl of it warmed my stomach. Many people celebrated the New Year like this.

This was the first time that Changmen had a proper feast.

There were not enough tables in the whole village, so each household brought their own tables and chairs. If there was anything they needed, they would say something and someone would bring it.

Everyone said that this was the blessing that the wife of the village head asked for for her husband who was away fighting…

Therefore, no one came empty-handed. Even if they took two eggs from the chicken coop, they had to wrap them in red paper and bring them to Feng Yun to say a few festive words.

Feng Yun had told his servants not to accept gifts, but he couldn't resist the enthusiasm of everyone. After several rejections, he was very polite before sitting down to eat.

The emotions that had been suppressed for so long by the heavy snow in winter were rarely relaxed.

Sitting in the sun, eating and talking, it was so lively.

Feng Yun certainly didn't invite guests for nothing. After the meal, in front of everyone, he reiterated the rules of Huaxi Village, and then talked about the farm tool workshop, the garment workshop and the mining on the mountain.

"Opening a workshop in the village will definitely delay the farming season. So, everyone should think carefully and go to only one place. Both the farm tool workshop and the mine are physical work, and in principle only men are recruited."

"Young and strong people who are interested, go to Xing Dalang after dinner to register your name."

"You must discuss with your family before coming, especially the mine, which can make money, but the risk is also high, so you can't force it."

Villagers are given priority for things that can make money.

Everyone was grateful to Feng Yun, but when they heard about the risks, they hesitated again.

The saying that someone's relatives heard someone's relatives die in the mine became more and more common, and few people asked Xingzhou to register their names...


The good news reached Xijing almost at the same time.

The new court was excited, and the people were also happy.

Many people in the court did not have Feng Yun's worries. They were used to General Pei winning battles, and winning became a normal thing, which was taken for granted.

For the new dynasty, nothing was more important than such a victory.

Stopping the invading enemy for the Jin Dynasty is the most powerful evidence for the orthodoxy of the Xijing court.

Who can tell which desk Li Zongxun forged the "last emperor's edict" from?

While the Xijing court celebrated the victory, the Yecheng court was "recruiting soldiers and buying horses" and making money crazily.

The newly enthroned Chunde emperor was just a decoration, and the queen mother Li Sangruo was still a puppet, living a life of drunkenness and dreaming, paralyzing herself in wine, meat and men.

Ge Pei, the governor of Xiangzhou, had some talent in leading troops, but he was brave but not strategic enough, and the power of the government was almost monopolized by Li Zongxun.

When Li Zongxun fled Zhongjing, he took a group of officials with him, but due to the emergency, many people's families and subordinates did not have time to leave and stayed in Zhongjing.

As a result, a large number of vacant official positions became hot commodities...

Many wealthy families, who had money and food but not necessarily official positions, saw that the fortunes had changed and it was my turn this year, so they scrambled to buy official positions.

One by one, they asked for favors and bribed people, almost breaking their heads.

Li Zongxun was in great need of money and people at the moment, so he was too lazy to turn a blind eye. He simply found a way to collect money himself and sell official positions at a clear price, not letting any middleman make the difference...

The most significant effect of this move was that it accumulated a lot of money for the empty treasury of the new dynasty in Yecheng in a very short time.

Li Zongxun was ruthless and sinister.

When he had sold almost all the positions, he thought about it and set up an entry barrier for the purchased official positions, giving them an interesting name, called "competition for office".

In other words, whether the purchased official position can be taken up immediately depends on whether he can compete with others...

Those who are capable will stay and work hard for the Li family.

If you don't have the ability, then just keep a title of a casual official, without real power and salary. You can put on airs and act like a master in front of your relatives and friends. It's useless except for entertainment.

This trick is vicious. People in Yecheng are everywhere cursing Li Zongxun.

Some people who are anxious even burn incense and pray at home, hoping that Pei Cong will quickly enter Yecheng, unify the Jin Dynasty, and kill Li Zongxun, the rotten man...

Li Zongxun ignored all these complaints and was calm and composed.

"The capable should take the position, it is natural and right."

If you have the ability, you can go up. If you don't have the ability, you can't go up. Who can you blame?

Feng Yun heard these things in the manor and smiled. He actually felt that Li Zongxun's trick was very decisive.

It can be said that there is nothing wrong with it...

Don't you want an official? One hand is money, and the other hand is goods. It's not that they didn't give it.

After all, what you bought is an official position, not power.

Everyone got what they wanted, so what is there to complain about?

"It enriches the national treasury and strikes down local gentry. Although it's a bit ugly, it's really a good way to kill two birds with one stone. This dirty trick can't be done without twenty years of experience in doing evil."

Xing Bing, Alou, and the Ge brothers were all beside him, nodding their heads when they heard the voice, but Xiaoman didn't understand.

"Wouldn't he offend all the noble families?"

"No." Feng Yunqian took a sip of fragrant tea and said lightly: "The noble families who can cover the sky with their hands don't need to buy official positions. The new dynasty has to curry favor with them, win them over, and promise them official positions. Those who spend money to buy official positions are precisely those who have a lot of money, but can't reach the status and identity. This part of people is the best to harvest... What if I offend them? It's just a few complaints. Without troops and power, can they turn the world upside down?"

In the face of absolute power, anger is incompetence.

"Li Zongxun is a man who should not be underestimated."

The second update is still in the evening, babies~

Love you...

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