Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 333 Urgent

After a few days of busy work, the fields in Zhuangzi were almost plowed. Feng Yun took a look at the condition of the paddy fields and prepared to raise seedlings first.

On the day when the seedlings were being raised, several chiefs happened to come over to discuss matters and came over to watch.

Feng Yun did not put the seedlings in the field for cultivation. Instead, he arranged a greenhouse specifically for the rice seeds. He put up several layers of bamboo shelves, placed mud from the field on top, sprinkled the rice seeds evenly, and used charcoal to keep the room warm. , airtight, and then send someone to add water on time...

Sister-in-law Xu was also there, dumbfounded.

"When Madam asked someone to clean up the house, I didn't know what it was used for. Oh, Madam, it turns out it is for Daozi to live in."

Everyone laughed.

Yang Shichang asked: "Madam Li Zheng, if you scatter the rice on the bamboo mat, can it be done?"

"It can be done." Feng Yun said: "Grow the seedlings first, wait until the seedlings germinate, and when the weather warms, put the whole seedlings together with the bamboo mats in the nursery to raise them. When the seedlings grow to about 20 centimeters in May, they will be transplanted to the paddy fields. "

Everyone, look at me, and I'll look at you.

"What is this? Why bother?"

Anyone who has ever worked in the fields knows that rice is thrown directly into the paddy fields for sowing. Doesn’t it bother Mrs. Li Zheng to do this?

Feng Yun also learned it from books.

Those explanations will be unclear to them for a while.

She only said: "There are at least three benefits to doing this. One is to keep the rice seeds warm, speed up the seedling cultivation, and make up for the lost farming time due to the snow disaster. The other is that the fields are not occupied when cultivating seedlings, and some vegetables can be grown in the fields, as well as those seeds. The winter wheat fields can be harvested in May and then pruned. The land utilization rate will be high. Third, when the seedlings are grown to a certain size, we can only transplant those that grow well. The bad ones will be eliminated, and the yield will be much better than direct sowing..."

The villagers have been farming all their lives and have never heard of such a statement.

Although Mrs. Li Zheng is very capable, those who look at her delicate skin and tender meat are not people who have cultivated the land. They do not believe that Feng Yun is better than the craftsmanship passed down from generation to generation in their own family.

After watching for a long time, he left with a smile.

He didn't say anything, obviously he didn't believe it.

Of course Feng Yun would not persuade him.

Sowing seeds is a big deal and cannot be done reluctantly. What's more, it was her first time trying to use the seedling cultivation method instead of the live broadcast method, so she had no experience. If the harvest is lost, wouldn’t that be harming others?

After a busy morning, Feng Yun was so tired that his back ached.

In fact, she is patient and likes to do these things, but she can't help but feel that her body is not strong enough and she feels weak after being slightly tired...

At this time, she felt a little sad that there were not enough people.

The stall is too big and people are needed everywhere...

Feng Yun sat in the study for a while, then called Xing Bing and asked him to select a few more useful people from the team and train them.

There will be more places to employ people in the future, and just a few of them will not be able to turn a spinning top.

Xing Bing agreed wholeheartedly.

Feng Yun just thought of something.

"Where's Dalang? Why is he nowhere to be seen?"

Xing Bing smiled and said, "It seems that there are few people signing up for the mine. I am worried and thinking about how to lobby door to door..."

Feng Yun's eyelids twitched, "Find him here."

The fifteen-year-old boy frowned and was called to Feng Yun by his father. His face was serious and he looked like a young adult.

"Madam." Xing Dalang looked at Feng Yun, curled his lips, and then handed over the booklet.

"Only five or six people registered their names. How can this be a good thing?"

Life in Huaxi Village is now better than in other villages, and the people in the village have more choices, so they cherish their lives even more. Knowing that the mine was life-threatening, not many people wanted to go...

"These are the names on the booklet that were written down out of sentimentality..."

Feng Yun took a look at the booklet, counted the number of people, and put it down calmly.

"That's good."

Xing Dalang was stunned for a moment, as if he was anxious.

"Are you confused, madam? We are about to go up the mountain and can't find anyone. How can we survive?"

Feng Yun said: "I didn't intend to use people from my village in the mine."

For risky matters, try not to use villagers. Once something goes wrong, it's not easy to argue. But if we don't call the villagers, we are afraid that they will feel that Nagato's wealth is flowing to outsiders, and they may have objections in their hearts, which will affect neighbor relations.

"There is poisonous gas in the mine, and the news that people often die in the mine was spread by people."

Feng Yun said it lightly, and Xing Dalang was so surprised that he couldn't close his mouth.

The person who dares to undermine him behind his back is his own master, right?

Seeing that Feng Yun had already made plans, Xing Dalang asked bitterly: "Then we need someone in the mine, where can we find him?"

Feng Yun said: "Go back to the governor and get a list. There are many people."

The risk factor of mining is high, and Feng Yun doesn't want farmers to take risks, so Xingzhou calls a few people who signed up to be trained in Zhuangzi, so that they can work as small stewards in the future.

The most dangerous job underground, the first thing she thought of was the people Hecha had on hand - the Xinzhou prisoners.

There are currently five counties in Shinshu, and there are endless killings and arson incidents every day. The new dynasty is in ruins, and the laws and regulations are still in chaos. It is not necessary to kill these people, or not to kill them. No matter whether they are punished with sticks or exiled, it is a very headache for He Xia.

Most of the people who take this path are homeless, homeless, and their crimes are not worthy of the death penalty. Just beat them up and let them go. They will come out to do evil again in a few days.

After all, it’s all about filling your stomach, no matter what you do...

When Feng Yun came to the door, He Qia was overjoyed just by mentioning it.

"I was worried that I had no place to deal with these people. The princess has solved my urgent need."

He Qia said that he was going to take Feng Yun to pick up someone. Feng Yun saw his anxious look and smiled.

"There's no rush. The governor will have to take care of it for a few days. When I know something about it, you can send it to me."

He Qia relaxed and tightened his brows, nodded, stroking his beard and sighed.

"The granary is not full and disasters are everywhere. Life is difficult this year."

Speaking of which, he lamented that Li Zongxun was shameless, openly selling his official position to make money, and ruthlessly scooping up a handful of money from a wealthy family. Feng Yun saw his frown and suggested with a smile.

"The Governor can also try this strategy. It's no big deal. Just take advantage of the enemy's strengths to make up for your own weaknesses."

He Qia screamed and his eyes widened, "Then what's the difference between me and Li Gou?"

Feng Yun didn't say much and changed the topic with a smile.

Unless it is absolutely necessary, there is really no need to imitate Li Zongxun and take risks and ruin his reputation. But it has to be said that if we want to quickly replenish the national treasury and benefit people's livelihood, evil tactics are also good ones. Because there is another hidden benefit in this matter. By offending these big households and making the common people happy, Li Zongxun actually suffered no loss.


The next day, the mine craftsmen Chun Yuyan found from Yunchuan arrived in Huaxi.

Feng Yun first took them to the farm tool shop to see the mining tools being forged, and then made an appointment to go up the mountain for exploration.

Chun Yuyan was listening, raised his eyebrows, and asked Feng Yun.

"You want to go up the mountain?"

Feng Yun nodded, "The snow on the mountain has melted. Uncle Sun said that with him leading the way, we can find the cave straight away without going around."

Is it a problem that cannot be found?

Chun Yuyan sneered, looking at her tender and unsympathetic look, "Stay at home. Where are you needed?"

Huh? Feng Yun half-squinted his eyes and looked at him with half disgust and half laughter, "Your Majesty, just be your master of Yunzhuang. I have no shortage of masters."

These are tough words.

Chunyu Yan felt resentful in his heart.

Isn’t this little lady incapable of hearing a good word?

"The road to mountain climbing is wet, slippery, and full of dangers. Whoever wants to go can go, but I won't go anyway." Chun Yuyan flicked his sleeves and turned away.

Looking at the back, the monk Feng Yunzhang was confused.

My dear husband, is this too stingy? He keeps showing off at all times, and if it's not useful, then he won't be bothered to tolerate his shortcomings.

When Feng Yun returned to Zhuangzi, he prepared clothes and boots for traveling.

It's not that she is stubborn and has to follow up the mountain, but mining is no different than other mining operations. She has to see the topography and mountain trends with her own eyes to compare with what she has learned in the book...

She wouldn't feel at ease if she didn't see it with her own eyes.

The next day was a sunny day. Feng Yun got up early and packed up. He rode on the pony brought by Xing Bing and waited for the craftsman. Unexpectedly, when he turned around, he saw Chun Yuyan riding a horse and Shi Shiran walking over.

His eyes were still calm and he looked impatient, but he looked like he was ready to go up the mountain with her.

"Your Majesty, are you going to travel together?" Feng Yun asked in confusion, "Didn't you say it's wet, slippery, and full of dangers?"

Chun Yuyan glanced at her lukewarmly.

"I love taking risks. How about that?"

Feng Yun:...(End of chapter)

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