Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 334: Small branch households

The wind was strong on the mountain, and the snow melted, making the mountain road slippery and difficult to walk on.

From time to time, there were a few long and shrill cries of birds in the sky, which made people feel cold.

Especially after entering the mountain, it was inconvenient for horses to pass, so the group slowed down.

Feng Yun specially prepared boots to wear when entering the mountain, but they still slipped down from time to time when stepping on the mountain road in the forest.

Chun Yuyan frowned, and when he came to a slope trench, he jumped over and turned to spread his palm to Feng Yun.

Feng Yun stood there, not moving.

Chun Yuyan's hand was always stretched out, and the atmosphere was a little awkward.

"I can do it." Feng Yun said slowly, stretching his hand to Xiaoman.

Xiaoman liked the girl's dependence on him. Relying on his kung fu, he was lively and agile. He jumped forward and rushed across the trench, turned back to drag Feng Yun, and helped her over with a force.

She was proud for a while, and she turned back and gave Chun Yuyan a smile.

Chunyu Yan's hands were empty, and his eyes were as sharp as a knife as he stared at Feng Yun. In the servant's stiff smile that could not be maintained, he put away his hands, brushed his cloak, snorted, turned his head, and walked up the slippery mountain road, as if walking on flat ground, walking faster and faster, and soon he disappeared.

Xiang Zhong looked at him, ouch, stamped his feet, and followed a few guards to chase after him.

Xiaoman was stunned for a moment.

"Madam, did the maid offend the prince?"

Feng Yun glanced at Uncle Sun who was at a loss and the two old craftsmen who stayed behind, and smiled slightly.

"Why would the prince be angry with you? I think he went to explore the way ahead. We will catch up slowly..."

The mountain wind whimpered, blowing the sleeves of people's robes bulging, but Feng Yun walked out sweating.

"Uncle Sun, what's the name of this mountain?"

Uncle Sun turned around and pointed to the mountains in the distance: "Look, Madam Li Zheng, the farthest one is Jieqiu Mountain. This mountain is actually a mountain range of Jieqiu Mountain. The locals call it Xiaojieqiu, and we mountain people generally call it Laohukou."

Feng Yun was slightly surprised, "Why is it called Laohukou?"

Uncle Sun said: "The col here, from Jieqiu Mountain, looks like an open tiger's mouth. At night, the col is windy, like the king of the mountain roaring..."


She stood on the hillside, following Uncle Sun's instructions to observe the mountains, and asked Xiaoman to take out paper and pen, put them on the stone, and draw with the pen.

Uncle Sun was amazed.

"Madam Li Zheng is very talented."

Feng Yun smiled and did not answer.

There are too many things in my mind, and a good memory is not as good as a bad pen.

"Madam." Xing Bing suddenly came over from behind and whispered, "Someone is climbing up the slope on the left, and there are quite a few people."

Feng Yun looked up and saw that there were ten people including Uncle Sun.

She put the mountain map in the box and turned back to wink at Xing Bing.

Xing Bing nodded knowingly and asked Ge Guang and Ge Yi to guard the intersection.

Ye Chuang also brought two guards with him today, one named Xie Jin and the other named Shi Jiu, both of whom were picked by Pei Cong from the guard camp for Feng Yun. They had seen many strong winds and waves, and their faces were not panicked, but their expressions became solemn.

In this kind of weather, except for hunters, ordinary people would not go up the mountain.

And it is rare for hunters to travel in such a big way.

"In this damn weather, running to such a desolate mountain, what kind of old crime have you suffered..."

Several young masters led a group of servants and walked up the hillside in a mighty manner.

The man in the front was not very old, about eighteen or nineteen years old, with a thin and long face and a hooked nose. Probably because his nose bridge was thin and fleshless, his nose bone was very prominent. At first glance, it seemed that his whole face was a nose, which made him look very mean.

They did not seem to expect that there were people on the slope. When they saw Ge Guang and Ge Yi, they stopped immediately.

"Whose watchdog is so unruly? Blocking the middle of the road, and not getting out of the way!"

His tone was overbearing, his expression was arrogant, and he looked down on people.

Before he finished speaking, he looked up and saw Feng Yun in the mountain breeze.

In order to go up the mountain today, Feng Yun dressed simply, without a woman's bun, and her hair was tied up like a man, but that bright and beautiful face was obviously a woman's. Especially on such a barren mountain slope, the snow-white skin and jade-like face are like a lotus flower that suddenly jumped out of the gloom, and it is impossible to ignore it...

"Oh! I was wondering why she was so arrogant, it turns out that the mistress is so beautiful?"

Just as Ge Guang was about to speak, Feng Yun smiled and took over.

"The mountain road is so wide, we can stand wherever we want, is it your business?"

The young men were dressed gorgeously, and it was obvious that they were from noble families.

But Feng Yun searched in her mind and couldn't remember which family in Andu had such a person.

Without a clue, she was not in a hurry, and spoke lazily.

The group of people exchanged glances, and said hey, looking at Feng Yun's expression, adding some subtle ambiguity.

"Which girl are you, so arrogant?"

Without waiting for others to speak, Feng Yun spoke.

"The He family in Andu."

Several men looked at each other.

"I've never heard of the Andu He family."

One said, "I think it's some small branch family, not worth mentioning."

Another said, "Could it be the governor's house? No, the governor's family only has sons, no girls."

They didn't take the unknown family seriously.

After confirming that it was not the girl from the He Qia family, several young men smiled and their tone became unscrupulous.

"Why did the young lady lie? Could she be a bandit from some mountain?"

"Looking at her eyebrows and eyes, maybe she is the wife of someone's family?"

This was indeed said frivolously, and a group of people burst into laughter.

The young man next to the hooked nose frowned and whispered: "Brother Keng, don't bother. Let's go quickly."

The hooked nose who was called Brother Keng was obviously not a person who would listen to advice.

"The young lady is charming. I have the chance to meet her. How can I not get to know her?"

Feng Yun was born very charming, but that was when her expression was gentle. At this time, her face was as cold as frost, and her face was stern, which was very dignified. At a glance, you can tell that she is a girl from a good family.

He said this, simply because he believed that Feng Yun was of low birth and fearless.

Seeing him take a step forward, Ye Chuang frowned and drew his sword.

Feng Yun stopped him.

The other party brought a lot of servants, a total of more than 20 people, each of them was strong and powerful, holding sharp weapons. If they fought, even if they didn't lose, they would probably suffer some losses...

She didn't want her people to get hurt, even if it was a minor injury.

Before she knew the other party's details, she could tolerate it.

"Make way." She spoke calmly.

The other party was scared when she heard it.

"The beauty knows the current situation, which makes people feel distressed."

People often take advantage of the situation. With such thoughts, their eyes look vulgar, except for the purple-clothed young man next to the hooked nose. A pair of wanton eyes fell on Feng Yun, as if they wanted to eat her alive.

"Young lady." When he came to Feng Yun, he raised his eyebrows, "Does she have a promise?"

Such presumptuous words can be said to be extremely rude.

Feng Yun frowned slightly, "What does it have to do with you?"

The man laughed softly, with a dashing and romantic look, which made him even more arrogant.

"My lady is so beautiful, which husband can match her? I am thinking about you, why don't you follow me..."

"My lady has crossed the line." Feng Yun frowned, "We met by chance, I have already given way, why do you have to be so aggressive and flirt with me?"

"Tsk, so the young lady also knows how to flirt? That's great, we are just in love..."

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows: "I wonder which family's etiquette taught such a frivolous person?"

"Fraudulent?" The hook-nosed man looked back at his companions, "The beauty said I was frivolous, doesn't it mean she has feelings for me?"

Several companions laughed and followed suit.

"Brother Keng, why don't you take the lady home and be frivolous for once?"

The hook-nosed man was in a good mood, stroking his chin and looking at Feng Yun.

"I have seen countless beauties, but I have never seen such a beauty. I really didn't expect that such a peerless beauty could be hidden in this small and broken place of Andu..."

He sighed as if talking to himself, and asked Feng Yun with a smile.

"If you are willing to say a soft word to me, I will marry you as my first wife, how about it?"

The more he talked, the more outrageous it became.

These people are used to teasing decent women, as if it were a common occurrence, and no one stopped them.

Feng Yun chuckled, "Why don't you introduce yourself first, so I can see if I can afford you?"

The man was happy when he heard it.

"The Yuan family of Pingcheng."

After saying that, he turned back to look at his companion, the tallest man in purple.

"This is the Prince of Danyang. Have you heard of him?"

Feng Yun knew what was going on.

It turned out that he had met a group of second-generation rich people.

The Prince of Danyang was named Puyang Zong, who happened to be Puyang Yi's second brother.

This man with a hooked nose who claimed to be from the Yuan family of Pingcheng must be a royal relative.

Because of Li Zongxun's burning, Zhongjing was severely damaged, and many royal relatives and aristocratic families left.

Some took the route to Xijing, some returned to their ancestral home in Pingcheng, some went to live temporarily elsewhere, and some of their families followed Li Zongxun to Yecheng, and they tried every means to go to Yecheng.

If you want to borrow the road to Yecheng, An Du is indeed very convenient.

About 200 miles away from Shiguan, it is the jurisdiction of the Yecheng court. Xinyi County is like an open enclave because it signed a city alliance with Qi State. It is more convenient to leave by boat than other places.

Feng Yun was not sure whether they wanted to leave or what they wanted to do.

Facing the fiery gaze, he seemed to smile.

"Your family is very high, I can't afford to marry you. Please don't make it difficult for me."

"It's okay. You can't marry high, but I can marry low..." The guy laughed, his eyes almost fell on Feng Yun, and his tone became more ambiguous, "Follow me, no matter what kind of poor family you are, you will have a backer in the future, isn't it good?"

Feng Yun raised her eyebrows, and the sneer in her eyes was almost unable to be concealed.

But obviously someone was more angry than her.

"Where did you get the dog's guts to speak wildly..."

The thick sarcasm came from the bottom of the slope.

It was Chunyu Yan who had gone back, but he was obviously walking up, why did he come from below?

Feng Yun was about to ask, when he saw Chunyu Yan jump up.

"Sang Jiao." Chunyu Yan's sleeves fluttered slightly, and he really didn't have a good temper, "Throw these bastards down from here."

It's too late to go home today, I'll make up for it tomorrow. Three more tomorrow. Everyone come tomorrow, hug!

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