Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 335 Regardless of the consequences

Chun Yuyan's voice was calm. If it weren't for the sudden flash of coldness in his eyes, someone might think he was joking...

After all, if you drop it on such a high slope, you will die.

"This brother, is he the crown prince of Yunchuan?" Several second-generation ancestors saw the Yunchuan native approaching with a sword. They were stunned for a moment before anyone spoke up.

It was the boy in purple, the Prince of Danyang County from the Princess's Mansion.

They may not know what Chun Yuyan looks like, but they have all seen the masked Crown Prince Yunchuan on certain occasions in Zhongjing.

Hearing Pu Yangzong's greeting, Yuan Keng also came back to his senses.

He smiled as if he suddenly understood: "I just said, how can Andu County have such a graceful and stunning beauty? It turns out to be the prince's person, disrespectful and disrespectful, please forgive me..."

Chunyu Yan's black eyes swept over deeply and asked Feng Yun.

"Are you wronged?"

Feng Yun asked doubtfully: "Do you think I'm wronged?"

Chun Yuyan:......

As long as she expresses her grievance, isn't it justifiable to kill or behead her?

"I really owe you." Chun Yuyan secretly gritted his teeth and glared at her, turned back and waved his hand, and said casually:

"If you don't throw it away, why are you standing there?"

Sang Jiao responded expressionlessly. Xiang Zhong got a little anxious and stepped forward and said:

"Your Majesty, this is the Prince of Danyang County from the eldest princess's family, and this is the Marquis of Qinghe County..."

He reminded them specifically because he was afraid that Chun Yuyan would not recognize the people and think that these were the sons of ordinary officials' families, causing a misunderstanding.

Unexpectedly, Chun Yuyan laughed as soon as he heard this.

"It doesn't matter what princes or princes he is, if they make me unhappy, throw them away."

"Your Majesty..."


Xiang Zhong was speechless.

Sang Jiao and Yin You looked at each other and called the guards to come forward.

In fact, Chun Yuyan only brought a dozen people with him, and with Feng Yun's entourage, the number was comparable.

But there is no way to prevent him from going crazy, crazy.

Once a person becomes crazy, no one can suppress it, and all that will be left is fear.

Puyang Zong was a little annoyed when he saw this demonic, cold and ruthless man facing them so calmly, as if he didn't even notice.

"Prince Yunchuan, are you not showing any kindness at all?"

Only then did Chunyu Yan turn his head and look at him.

He has a slender figure and is very tall. He looks slightly more upright than those of Yuan Keng...

"Tell me, why don't you tell me?" Chun Yuyan said calmly.

Puyang Zong immediately relaxed his expression, cupped his hands and said with a smile: "We are frivolous. We should not be rude to a beautiful woman in front of the Crown Prince. We also asked the Crown Prince to give him a lot of money. If you forgive me..."

Chun Yuyan waved his sleeves and robe, and smiled lazily. Those two lips opened and closed very beautifully.

"It is because of my kindness that I have to help the eldest princess clean up the house and educate an unfilial son like you! Sang Jiao, Yin You, do you want me to do it myself?"

Everyone was shocked.

Yuan Keng became anxious: "Chun Yuyan, how dare you make a mistake?"

Tsk tsk tsk! Chun Yuyan looked at his innocent and stupid look and felt a rare sympathy.

"Is there anything in this world that I, Chun Yuyan, dare not do?"

After saying that, he glanced at him contemptuously, "Don't say that the imperial court in Zhongjing is in shambles, and the royal family members are like bereaved dogs. Even in the past, how could I have been afraid of this?"

Yuan Keng's face darkened slightly when he heard him say "lost dog". He wanted to say something, but swallowed it back and said incoherently:

"Your Majesty Su Wen is generous and tolerant. Even if we make mistakes, we should apologize. If we hold on to you any longer, it's your fault..."

Chunyu Yan glanced at his overindulged face sympathetically.

"I am saving you, Lord Qinghe, don't be ignorant of good and evil."

Puyang Zong was slightly shocked, "What does the prince mean by these words?"

Chunyu Yan said: "If you throw it down the hillside, you will be disabled at most, but not fatal.

I am much more compassionate than Pei Manke. "

Pei Ran?

What does it have to do with Pei Ran?

Chun Yuyan looked at their completely unaware stupidity and did not expose Feng Yun's identity. He lazily raised his hand and almost laughed.

Sang Jiao got the order and rushed forward to catch Yuan Keng.

Seeing this, the guards on both sides rushed towards him, pushing and shoving him.

People on both sides glared at me, and I glared at you, and scolded them all.

"What are you doing? Don't bully others too much."

"Stop talking nonsense. Everyone has their own business, but it depends on their ability."

Ye Chuang yelled a few words and drew his sword in a blink of an eye. Ye Chuang had already become impatient and looked at Feng Yun eagerly.

Feng Yun raised his chin slightly.

After receiving the order, the guards were overjoyed and rushed forward with a roar.

This mountainside fight ended with Yuan Keng being carried and thrown down the slope by two people. The remaining second-generation ancestors from Zhongjing were injured and rolled down the slope. Finally, they dispersed like birds and beasts with their guards.

Chunyu Yan hummed with satisfaction and asked Feng Yun lazily.

"Feng Twelve, are you enjoying yourself?"

Feng Yun asked: "What?"

Chunyu Yan said, "You could have revealed your identity directly to avoid trouble, so why didn't you say it?"

Feng Yun asked instead, "I also want to ask the prince, why did you come down from the mountain when you were clearly going up the mountain?"

Chunyu Yan said nothing and clapped his hands.

I saw two servants walking over carrying a shoulder chariot.

Chunyu Yan lazily motioned to Feng Yun, "Sit on."

Feng Yun looked at him in surprise and didn't move. "I'm here to do things. I don't need this."

Chun Yuyan suddenly became angry.

"Look at your shoes, they're soaked."

Feng Yun: "So what?"

Chun Yuyan turned his head and whispered in her ear, "Have you forgotten what evil medicine you were poisoned with? Aren't you afraid of the recurrence of the old disease after your feet are wet?"

Feng Yun raised her eyes and met a pair of eyes that seemed to be about to reveal her secret, and her heart was chilled...

"Threatening me?"

"What do you think if I tell Pei Jue?"

Feng Yun: "Do you think I care?"

Before the voice fell, Chun Yuyan's cold and thin laugh came to her ears, sounding very impatient.

"Pei Jue is not around, if the poison breaks out, won't you beg this prince? I don't want to give in."

Perhaps because her privacy was peeped, or perhaps because the breath falling on her ears was too hot, Feng Yun's ears were red, her face was shy, her snow-white skin was slightly red, and she added a little anger, and her delicate appearance was moving.

Chun Yuyan almost wanted to laugh.

Seeing the calculation and thinking in Feng Yun's eyes, he hugged her around the waist and sent her to sit on the shoulder sedan chair.

Just like last time, he leaned over to tie the belt for her, and said lightly:

"I am not interested in you, why do I have to be so cautious? I just don't want you to be slow and miss the important things."

After that, he swept his eyes over her coldly, stepped back two steps, and lazily instructed the servant.

"Keep your feet steady."

The servant immediately responded, "Yes."

Feng Yun did not argue.

She was too lazy to argue with the madman.

After all, he was kind-hearted.

Besides, that sentence also successfully threatened her.

Although she hadn't had an attack for a long time, she was afraid of the worst. She didn't want to embarrass herself in front of Chunyu Yan.

The road was very difficult to walk on after the heavy snow, and it was even more difficult to walk in the mountains. Fortunately, Uncle Sun was indeed a strong man in the mountains who knew the way. He took them directly to the cave where they picked up graphite last time without any detours.

It was a long and narrow stone cave that went straight down.

Feng Yun followed the old craftsman to observe the stone layer and the color of the soil outside.

When they went down to explore the cave, they were stopped by Chun Yuyan.

"Stay up there."

Feng Yun was a little tired, so he didn't argue with him this time.

Chun Yuyan followed the old craftsman down by himself. Feng Yun discovered for the first time that when doing things, Chun Yuyan was not a person who only sought enjoyment, but was very pragmatic.

After about half an hour, the group slowly came up.

Feng Yun asked, "How is it? How much is the volume?"

Chun Yuyan's face sank, "Why don't you ask me how it is?"

Feng Yun looked at him from head to toe.

His brocade robe and fur coat were slightly dirty, his hair was slightly messy, and the only thing on his body that was meticulous was the mask.

Feng Yun curled his lips, "The prince shouldn't have dressed like this to go up the mountain. If he had changed into a tight suit, he wouldn't have been so embarrassed. Going into the mountains to explore for minerals, you dress like this, is it necessary?"

Chun Yuyan was like a fishbone stuck in his throat, unable to speak.

Several attendants looked away, pretending not to hear the embarrassing words.

Before going up the mountain, Xiang Zhong advised the prince to change his clothes.

But the prince was particular about appearance, so he had to sacrifice this expensive dress.

The old craftsman was a down-to-earth person. He did not notice his master's mood. He smiled and replied to Feng Yun with a bow.

"Congratulations, princess, congratulations, prince. In my opinion, this mountain is rich in minerals, and it will not be a problem to mine for decades."

Feng Yun was overjoyed, "Thank you for your good words."

After that, she took the old craftsman to walk around nearby, discussing where to dig a well, where to install a windlass, the depth and width of the kiln well, and how to transport. The two talked about it in detail and focused, and completely forgot about Chunyu Yan.

On the way back, Prince Chunyu had a sullen face, like a creditor who was owed money and did not pay it back.

Feng Yun realized that he had been ignored, and when he arrived outside Changmen Manor, he dismounted and bowed deeply to him.

"Thank you for your help today, Prince."

Chun Yuyan raised his eyebrows and said lightly:

"Don't worry about thanking me, you will be in trouble later."

Feng Yun said: "What do you mean by that?"

Chun Yuyan hesitated and said: "The princess is petty and protective of her children. If she offends the Prince of Danyang today, I'm afraid she will get into trouble."

Feng Yun's brows sank, and he heard him say: "But if someone asks, just say it was me who did it, it has nothing to do with you."

Feng Yun bowed slightly, "Prince, it's righteous. But, the matter was caused by me, I dare not trouble you to take the blame."

Paused, then smiled again, "Besides, I may not take such a villain seriously."

Originally, she sincerely didn't want to trouble Chun Yuyan, so she said it so decisively, but these words fell into Chun Yuyan's ears, as if saying that he was meddling in other people's business and that they didn't need him at all.

"Oh." Chun Yuyan raised his lips, with a hint of sarcasm, "I actually forgot, you are not an ordinary girl? You are the Princess of Yonghuai, how could you be afraid of such a villain?"

He said and left with a wave of his sleeves.

Feng Yun was extremely helpless.

Unexpectedly, Chun Yuyan suddenly stopped again and looked back at her.

"Distant water cannot quench nearby fire. Prince Yonghuai is far away in the frontier, so the princess should not be careless. The eldest princess is not an ordinary villain. Whether it is the Xijing court or the Yecheng court, I am afraid it is not easy to offend her now."

Feng Yun understood the weight of these words and bowed her head.

"Thank you for your advice, my prince."

Chun Yuyan wanted to say something, but looking at that polite and indifferent face, he turned his head and left. (End of this chapter)

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