Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 336: No continuation of marriage

Feng Yun went back to wash up, changed into clean clothes and came out. The yard was already quite lively.

Many villagers gathered around to see the prey they had brought back.

Going up the mountain today, some of the attendants took advantage of Feng Yun and the craftsmen to explore the stone and soil layers, and followed Uncle Sun to become hunters in the mountain.

Uncle Sun was a hunter from his ancestors, and he was very skilled. There were already traps he had dug on the mountain, and everyone gained a lot from this trip.

In addition to small animals such as wild rabbits and pheasants, there is also a muntjac and a fox.

A group of people gathered around and watched with smiles. Ao Zai also lay in the crack of the door and looked out, licking his mouth constantly. Now that the cub is getting bigger and bigger, Feng Yun is afraid that it will scare the villagers and attract criticism, so he keeps it in the house when there are many outsiders.

Looking at such a well-behaved cub, Feng Yun's heart almost melted.

She walked closer and touched Ao Zai's head, "You can eat it later."

When Feng Yun walked out, Grandma Han asked: "What do you want to eat, ma'am? Grandma, can I make you a chicken soup? Stew pork bones, chicken and duck bones first to get the flavor. When the color is white and milky, add green vegetables and cook together... "

"Grandma will take care of it," Feng Yun said, "Just leave the internal organs to Ao Zai."

Grandma Han smiled with wrinkles all over her face, "It goes without saying, there is no need to explain, grandma has already been thinking about it."

Feng Yun responded and said, "Brother, did you say you would come over today?"

"Is the eldest man coming?" Grandma Han didn't know about this at all. She thought for a moment and suddenly sighed, "You said they crawled out of the same mother's belly. How could there be such a big difference? What if the young man has If you know everything, you don’t have to worry so much.”

Feng Liang had been punished by Feng Yun several times in the past few days, and he had restrained himself a lot. However, the temper he had developed since childhood could not be changed in a short while, and he could always do annoying things.

Just today after Feng Yun went up the mountain, some villagers came to Changmen to complain, saying that Feng Liang had beaten his children.

We were both attending classes at the village school. Feng Yun advocated equality and friendship, and there was no distinction between students. However, Mr. Feng didn’t think so. Everyone was a lowly villager...

The first thing Feng Yun did when he came back was to lock Feng Liang in the woodshed.

At this moment, outside it was full of excitement watching the prey, inside Feng Liang was kicking and beating, and howling like thunder.

Feng Yun just pretended not to hear and responded to Grandma Han with a smile.

"Maybe the Feng family's seeds are not good."

Grandma Han glared at her, "Nonsense, then why are you so good?"

Feng Yun smiled, "That's my mother, it has nothing to do with Feng Jingting."

Grandma Han burst out laughing.

As he was talking, Ge Guang's voice came from outside.

"General Wen is here."

The weather is nice today during the day, but a bit cold at night.

When Wen Xingsu entered the door, he was wearing a wide-sleeved coat. Feng Yun was just about to say why he wore so little when he saw Puyang Ripple coming out of the carriage behind him.

Puyang Yi happened to be wearing Wen Xingsu's wind cloak.

Feng Yun was startled for a moment and saw Pu Yangyi blinking at her.

"Won't Princess Yonghuai welcome me here?"

Feng Yun smiled and shook his head, jokingly saying: "I almost didn't recognize him when he put on these clothes and combed his hair like this."

She looked at Wen Xingsu again and asked, "Why are you here with eldest brother?"

Before Pu Yangyi could speak, Wen Xingsu hurriedly said: "I came from the camp and met the Lord of Pingyuan County on the way to Huaxi Village..."

He didn't want Feng Yun to misunderstand, and Pu Yangyi also saw his intention, looked at him with a smile, and said with a smile: "The sun was still shining brightly when I went out, so I dressed a little thinly, but the temperature dropped as soon as the sun went down. ...Well, it's a good thing I met General Wen, otherwise I would have been frozen."

Wen Xingsu smiled gently and said, "The county gentleman is joking."

Pu Yangyi took Feng Yun's arm and walked inside, "Mother Yun, I'm here to apologize to you."

Feng Yun knew it well, pursed his lips slightly, and just smiled without answering.

After welcoming the two of them into the room and sitting down, and waiting for the maid to bring the tea, Puyang Yi stood up from behind the table, held the teacup in both hands, and bowed to Feng Yun.

"Take tea instead of wine to apologize to Yun Niang on behalf of my incompetent brother."

Only then did Wen Xingsu know what happened on the mountain today.

His gentle eyes turned cold and he said nothing.

Puyangyi wanted to talk to him several times, but he ignored her.

Still the same face, still the same smile, still the elegant general who would take off his clothes to protect her from the cold, but Puyang Yi could feel that something was different.

With such indifference, one can imagine how much he dislikes Puyang Zong.

Puyang Yi sighed secretly, and there was a little loneliness in her black and white eyes.

"My brother is good at everything, but he makes careless friends and is blind. He always hangs out with those guys like Yuan Keng..."

Feng Yun didn't say anything more. He took a sip of tea and said with a smile:

"What are the noble men doing in the mountains instead of enjoying the happiness in their mansions or finding a flower house to drink wine?"

Pu Yangyi pouted and glanced at her.

"What else could it be? I'm full of food and exhausted, but I'm too busy..."

"Oh?" Feng Yun raised the tea cup, greeted Pu Yangyi, and waited for the next words.

Wen Xingsu glanced at her one more time and frowned instantly.

Ah Yun is not usually such a nosy person. She must be suspicious of something to get to the bottom of it.

Puyangyi didn't notice the probing in Feng Yun's words at all, and he didn't put her on guard. When talking about her second brother Puyang Zong, she talked endlessly, and her words were full of complaints.

"There was an incident in Beijing that night. The eldest princess's mansion was fine, but it also suffered a disaster. It was affected by the fire next door, and most of the mansion was burned down..."

That night, fires were set all over the capital, and no one came to save them. The fires continued and could not be extinguished.

"My mother-in-law was very saddened by the internal strife in the clan, and she bluntly said that she felt ashamed of her ancestors..."

As she spoke, she glanced at Feng Yun.

"Before the accident, Prime Minister Li sent someone to move our family and flee with him to Yecheng to establish a new dynasty... but my mother scolded me."

Feng Yun said: "The eldest princess has sharp eyes. The puppet court in Yecheng will not last long. If the eldest princess is gone, it will be laughed at and scolded by the people of the world. How can I explain it in front of my ancestors?"

Puyang Yi sighed.

"My mother said the same thing."

Feng Yun asked: "Then why did you come to Andu?"

She didn't mince words and asked directly: "Are you going to borrow Xinyi from Andu and then go to Yecheng?"

"No, no." Pu Yangyi denied it, hesitated, and then frowned: "Even if my mother is willing, I will definitely not agree. I can't live a good life. Why go to Yecheng to endure hardship..."

Feng Yun smiled and didn't ask any more questions.

Puyang Yi glanced at Wen Xingsu and smiled.

"I suggested that my mother come to Andu to stay for a while."

Although Pu Yangyi's selfishness is hidden in this, it is still a choice for the eldest princess.

Xijing was in dire straits, and the current situation was chaotic. She didn't want to get involved and wade in the muddy waters, especially in Yecheng. In addition, many cities were either unsafe, or had powerful forts and warlords.

In comparison, Andu is the best choice.

"We decided to take refuge in Andu, and many of the royal family members from Zhongjing City also came with us. All the families you met on the mountain today who are familiar with my second brother are here."

She looked at Feng Yun and said: "But Andu is no better than Zhongjing. There are less troubles. They are new here and they don't have much fun. I don't know where I heard someone say that there is a treasure on Xiaojie Hill, so a group of people went up the mountain with great interest. Went on a treasure hunt..."

"Treasure hunting?" Feng Yun smiled and glanced at Puyang Yi casually, "Has the county gentleman heard about my plan to dig a shaft and mine in Xiaojieqiu?"

Puyang Yi shook his head, "What kind of mining? Mines are not all mines..."

She stopped herself at this point.

The imperial court was the previous imperial court, and now Andu has returned to the new dynasty.

When King Yonghuai was regent, what was the point of Feng Yun opening a mine?

Puyangyi's expression suddenly became awkward.

The first time she came to Andu, Feng Yun was still a useless concubine, and she was the daughter of the eldest princess and the queen of Pingyuan County given by His Majesty...

In the blink of an eye, things have changed, people have changed, and the situation is different.

Pu Yangyi said: "I don't understand these things. Then again, my second brother is just a brainless person. He follows Yuan Jian and those gangsters and is always full of whims and wants to do something big. In reality, Apart from giving birth to feces, I have never done anything serious. I have no talent, no ability, no virtue, and I think very highly of myself..."

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows.

For belittling her family like this, firstly, Puyangyi's apology was sincere, and secondly, what she said was indeed the current situation of that group of people.

They were born into a wealthy family and relied on family protection to know nothing. However, this did not prevent them from thinking that they were capable people. All they wanted to do all day long was to "do something big".

Feng Yun didn't ask any more questions. Pu Yangyi was not a scheming person, and what she said was probably true. After returning, the eldest princess will definitely ask about it, and she will also tell the eldest princess and Puyang Zong.

Asking too many questions will inevitably arouse people's imagination.

Feng Yun just said: "Where does the eldest princess live now?"

Puyang Yi said: "Taiping Garden."

Feng Yun's expression changed slightly and he didn't say much.

This Taiping Garden is the palace where Li Sangruo lived when he came to Andu in his previous life.

"What's wrong?" Pu Yangyi was thoughtful and noticed Feng Yun's inadvertent emotions, and asked with concern.

Feng Yun smiled and said, "I'm just surprised. I had to meet Brother Ling today. I only said I was from the Anduhe family. I didn't tell myself my family name. How did you know it was me?"

"Does this need to be said?" Pu Yangyi smiled, "I guessed it from his description. Apart from you, in Andu, where else can there be such a fairy-like beauty? What's more, you can make Crown Prince Yunchuan not hesitate to offend the eldest princess. Who else should I protect besides you?"

Wen Xingsu frowned when he heard the last sentence.

Feng Yun didn't react at all, "Yes, today it's all thanks to the crown prince's help. As expected of me and him, we have cooperated several times."

The meal was served quickly.

The servant came in and asked Feng Yun to sit at the table.

Feng Yun sent someone to invite Chun Yuyan to eat the delicacies brought back from today's hunt, and also invited Puyang Yi to have a night meal with him.

Puyangyi declined.

Even though she wanted to stay.

But firstly, she was anxious to return to her mother, and secondly, when she thought about what her second brother had done, she was not so shameless.

Of course, what's more important is Wen Xingsu's attitude change after learning about Puyang Zong.

People didn't even look at her, so why bother if she stayed here to ruin the scenery and affect other people's appetites?

Pu Yangyi politely said goodbye and left, leaving only an apology to Feng Yun.

Feng Yun took a rough look and saw that there were jewelry, tea cakes and cloths, all of which were good things from the palace. She was not polite and asked Alou to collect them and put them in the warehouse. Then she and Wen Xingsu went to eat and drink while chatting and laughing. Dinner in the hall.

"Brother, the prince of Pingyuan County is actually a good person."

She said this not to be a matchmaker, but to see that Wen Xingsu was estranged from Puyang Yi, and to clear Puyang Yi's name a little.

Wen Xingsu did not change much, and smiled faintly.

"Be close to gentlemen and stay away from villains. It is not appropriate to associate with a family that has accumulated evil. Yaoyao, don't associate with her anymore."

Feng Yun raised her eyebrows and lit a candle for Puyang Yi in her heart.

Obviously, because of Puyang Zong's incident, it is difficult for Wen Xingsu to have a good impression of Puyang Yi.

This marriage is probably impossible. (End of this chapter)

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