Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 337: The Tree Stands Out in the Forest

The weather is getting warmer.

On a sunny day in mid-March, a group of official servants suddenly arrived in Huaxi Village.

The leader rode a tall horse, with a group of prisoners behind him, and entered the village on foot. However, he did not wander around for too long. He only stood at the long gate for a while, and then was taken to the farm tool shop.

Feng Yun was waiting there with a group of tribes.

Outside the door were piles of newly cast ironware and farm tools. The tribesmen stood tall and straight, full of energy, flushed faces, and very strong. It was obvious at a glance that they were full and well fed.

The prisoners couldn't help but feel envious when they looked at those songs.

Before coming to the village, the governor had told them the purpose of the trip.

Building roads, laying bridges, digging wells, mining...

The governor said that if you come here, you can not only eat three meals a day, but also alleviate your sins. Even if you commit a capital crime, you might be able to survive.

Before departure, many people were still confused and couldn't believe it.

In such a world, how can one eat three meals a day and still have enough to eat every time?

They also discussed privately whether they should execute them all so that they could have a full meal before they died.

Now they believe it.

Some of them are still thinking secretly in their hearts, how great it would be if they could also become Nagato's part.

But Bu Qu is a domestic servant and a confidant of Princess Yonghuai. How could it be their turn...

"Everyone..." The weather was getting hot, so Feng Yun put on light and soft materials. There were no complicated and gorgeous clothes. There was no embroidery or pattern on the skirt. It was pure and light. In the hearts of these prisoners, it was like a fairy from the Nine Heavens descending to the earth. Watching from a distance Then you know that you can't reach such a high level.

"Have you seen the iron tools here?"

"I saw it." He replied in an unorganized manner, seeming to have no energy.

Feng Yun smiled and said calmly: "Come down and line up to pick. Pick the hoe to build the road, the pickaxe to go up the mountain, the pole to carry the basket, the work is different, the treatment is different, it depends on your ideas, but there are One thing, whoever wants to cheat on me should go back to where he came from!"

Everyone cheered up, "Yes!"

Feng Yun nodded, motioned to Xing Bing to distribute the ironware, and then took He Qia back to Zhuangzi.

Offering tea, she asked: "Is there no trouble over there in Xijing?"

"No, no." He Qia waved her hand gently, indicating to the scribe to place the file he brought with him in front of her.

He Qia looked at Feng Yun's bright eyes and smiled slightly: "The records, documents, and the court's approval are all here. Princess, please take a look."

Feng Yun said: "I'd like to help you, Mr. Shi."

He Qia was Pei Ran's direct descendant. He was very direct when talking to Feng Yun. He watched her flip through the books and hesitated before saying:

"One thing I want to make clear in advance is that since the princess took the person away, the responsibility lies with the princess. If anything happens in the future, the governor's office will not care about it."

Feng Yun smiled and raised his eyes, "Is the treasury so short of food? Why does the governor look like he has no rice to cook with?"

He Qia sighed, "Isn't it? After the war, most of the treasuries in Xinzhou counties were empty. Taxes were reduced and exempted for the private sector. Shops were not yet in operation. In the year of heavy snowstorms, money and food could not be collected, and food was a problem. Where? They are all people who stretch out their hands for money and food..."

"Take your time. Everything is waiting for improvement, just wait for time."

Feng Yun knew the seriousness of the situation, so he smiled slowly and asked: "Is it Princess Ao's business in Xijing now?"

He Qia nodded, "The king is out on an expedition, Queen Mother Duan doesn't care about anything, and Prime Minister Ao's hair will turn gray due to worry. It's hard for a clever woman to make a meal without rice."

The establishment and development of a new dynasty is not that easy. Ao Zheng brought a group of new colleagues, not to mention anything else, and it took time to get used to the issuance of government orders. It can be said that there are constraints everywhere.

However, these are not matters that Feng Yun should or can manage at the moment.

She joked: "I told you to learn from Li Zongxun."

Seeing He Qia's embarrassment, she pointed at the record and said, "Everyone is here, right?"

He Qia nodded, hesitated for a moment and then said: "They are all criminals, but do you want me to leave some police officers to look after them for you?"

Feng Yun pursed his lips slightly and shook his head slowly: "It's just a crime, but it's just stealing to make ends meet. It's not a serious crime."

He Qia sighed a few times and lamented that the world was difficult.

Feng Yun heard the aftertaste from his words and smiled faintly, "Young Governor, please be at ease. The five hundred people you entrust to me are all under my control, and I won't let you worry at all."

He Qia Laohuai comforted him.

At the end, he lowered his head to take a sip of tea. He didn't know what he thought of, but he suddenly narrowed his eyes and said mysteriously:

"I would like to ask, how much food is stored in Changmen's village?"

Feng Yun didn't expect him to ask this, so he was startled, then smiled and narrowed his eyes.

"It's just a matter of time and again. Let's think of another solution."

He Qia touched his beard and looked at her, "I heard from people outside that Nagato's cellar has been dug to the third level, and the tribe has grown to three to five hundred people. Not to mention anything else, there are so many people. When it comes to eating, how much food has to be wasted..."

Feng Yun was secretly shocked, but his face remained expressionless.

"To be honest with you, the governor, there are not three hundred people in Buqu alone. But if you add in the maids, maids, handymen, and boys in the village, as well as all the people in the shops and workshops, the total of those three hundred people will be There are so many people.”

After a pause, he smiled and said, "But what did someone say in front of the Governor?"

He Qia shook his head and his voice became deeper, "He is just curious, how does the princess manage so many people to eat and drink..."

Feng Yun laughed, "The governor governs five counties and can handle hundreds of thousands of people with ease. I have a small Changmen Village with only a few hundred people, so what's the problem?"

The two looked at each other, and after a period of suppressed silence, He Qia laughed and talked about the spring planting, and Feng Yun also smiled and responded.

Before leaving, He Qia looked at Feng Yun and whispered earnestly: "Since the new dynasty has been established, it must want the people to return. In the past few years, there have been many forts, and the warlords have their own troops, which is a mess, which is not good for people's livelihood."

Feng Yun asked: "Why didn't the governor say it clearly?"

He Qia said: "A tree that stands out in the forest will be destroyed by the wind."

Feng Yun felt warm in her heart and smiled as she sent He Qia to the door of the manor, but her heart was shrouded in a shadow.

She knew what kind of person He Qia was.

If she hadn't heard something unfavorable to her, she wouldn't say such a thing.

In this new dynasty, or the divided Jin Dynasty, there are always people who want to reap the biggest fruits. -

After He Qia left, Feng Yun's uneasiness could not be put down.

In the evening, she went to the embroidery workshop to find Kong Yun'e.

Kong Yun'e was sitting and sewing clothes, Hengyang was leaning against her, holding a bamboo dragonfly in his hand. The mother and son were leaning against each other, both with satisfied smiles on their faces.

Feng Yun walked forward with a smile, bent down and touched Hengyang's head.


"Auntie..." The child was full of sunshine and grinned at her.

Kong Yun'e looked up and saw that it was her, and quickly stood up, "Why is Ayun here?"

"Come to see you." Feng Yun's face did not change, but Kong Yun'e seemed to understand something, patted Hengyang's little head, signaled him to go play by himself, and then took Feng Yun to the inner room.

She now lives here with Hengyang, which is equivalent to setting up a home for herself.

Life is peaceful and calm.

No one will say anything about her like in Taicheng. She is no longer the little widow of the Kong family who ruined the family and killed her husband.

She is now just Hengyang's mother, Kong Yun'e with a name.

"Does Yunniang have something to do with me?" She knew that Feng Yun was very busy and would not come here for no reason.

Feng Yun liked her straightforwardness and smiled, "Will Jin Ge come?"

Kong Yun'e's cheeks flushed slightly and she lowered her head.

"Yes. Sometimes I wait for Hengyang to fall asleep at night, come to take a look, and then leave..."

In fact, she didn't need to say it in such detail.

Feng Yun said, "Is he good to you?"

Kong Yun'e nodded, "Yes."

Feng Yun said again, "In your opinion, will he be loyal to me for you?"

Kong Yun'e was speechless.

After hesitating for a moment, she said, "It's hard to say."

Feng Yun hummed and said softly, "If he comes again, please tell him for me. Just say that I won't make it difficult for him, but just ask him to help me check if there are any spies of Xiao Cheng around the princess? How many traitors are hidden by Xiao Cheng in the new Xijing Dynasty?"

Kong Yun'e was slightly startled, realizing the seriousness of the situation, and immediately agreed.

"I will. I will ask him. Let him help Yunniang to check."

Speaking of this, she seemed to think of something, "Is there no letter from Daman?"

Soon after the peace agreement was signed, Xiao Cheng returned to Taicheng with Feng Ying and Madam Huaman.

But since Daman left, Feng Yun has not received any news from her.

It was only from Jin Ge and Ren Rude that she learned that Madam Huaman is now the new favorite of the King of Qi, and no one in the six palaces can match her. Even Feng Ying has to be careful in front of her...

Kong Yun'e looked at the flashing light in Feng Yun's eyes, suddenly lowered her head, twisted her handkerchief and asked awkwardly:

"Will she... betray you?"

Because she had betrayed Feng Yun before and was betrayed by others, Kong Yun'e could fully understand the feeling of being betrayed by someone she trusted, and she felt guilty and worried.

But Feng Yun smiled and didn't take it seriously.

"Let her do it."

This move, what she values ​​is different from what others think.

Daman is on her side, and it is better to do things for her.

Even if Daman betrayed her, it didn't matter. First, she didn't care what Xiao Cheng thought of her. Second, Daman was the thorn in Feng Ying's heart, and it was impossible to pull it out.

They wouldn't be together in the Qi Palace. It all depends on who has better skills. (End of this chapter)

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