Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 338 Prey Prey

When Xu time arrives, the sky gradually becomes dark.

Feng Yun was sitting in the room and could still hear people in the village talking quietly.

Spring has begun, and seeds have fallen to the ground, like visible hope. People in the village have been very energetic recently, and there are often people standing on the roadside at night watching the growth of crops...

When Feng Yun came out of the shower, Xiaoman was already waiting.

There are currently five maids in her room. In addition to Xiao Man, they are Huan'er and Pei'er who were rescued from Andu Mansion Prison.

However, the maids only did some chores, and the only one who often walked around was Xiao Man.

Grandma Han said several times that she didn't have enough people in the house, so she wanted to send more people over. However, Feng Yun was unwilling to have so many people around. After she was reborn, she was very defensive and would rather do personal things herself than find someone who couldn't find someone else. Trust people.

"Why is my wife's window open?" Xiaoman said and went to close the window.

Feng Yun took a look and said, "No, I just want to enjoy the cool breeze."

Xiao Man was slightly startled, then said "Hey" and came back to help her twist her hair.

"You go down first." Feng Yun took the towel and lowered his eyes and said, "I have to sit for a while before going to sleep. It will be completely dry after a while."

Xiaoman guessed what happened to her, but didn't ask, and took her to the door obediently.

Feng Yun wiped his hair for a moment, and then there was a noise outside the window.

She blew out the lights in the room, then walked over and opened the window.

Jin Ge looked back and climbed through the window.

"Princess." He was very respectful and saluted Feng Yun.

Feng Yun smiled and said, "It seems that Yun'e's words are more effective."

Jin Ge lowered his eyes and said in a calm tone, "I'm sorry, Princess, but I really can't get the list of Your Majesty's spies in Xijing and Andu, and it's hard to alert others. I'll ask Mr. Ren to find out..."

After a pause, he lowered his voice and said: "I accidentally learned a piece of news from Mr. Ren. I don't know if it will be useful to the princess."

Feng Yun smiled, "What's the news?"

Jin Ge said: "Xuanping Hou Qu Gong, this person has a close relationship with the eldest princess..."

"Oh." Feng Yun smiled and said disapprovingly: "He is not the only guest of the eldest princess."

Jin Ge said: "What I want to say is that this Marquis Xuanping has a close relationship with the Yecheng court."

Feng Yun understood what he meant.

Qu Gong, the Marquis of Xuanping, might be Li Zongxun's man.

This Jin Ge didn't miss anything about Xiao Cheng, and he didn't hesitate to tell him anything he found out about the Jin Kingdom.

Feng Yun smiled lightly and said, "It's useful, very useful."

Probably because of her vague expression, which was a bit ironic, Jin Ge hesitated for a moment, frowned, and said in a deep voice:

"Mrs. Huaman may not betray the princess, but the Feng family is very close to her. It is actually difficult for her to make a difference in Taicheng alone."

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows and looked at him, "Didn't you say that she is favored by the Sixth Palace? How can the Feng family look after her?"

"It's not the Feng family, it's..."

Jin Ge was silent for a moment, and then sighed lightly, "Your Majesty is not as shallow as the princess thought. Although he would favor Mrs. Huaman, which surprised the villain, but one thing is that your Majesty is by no means deceived by beauty, and is not stupid and incompetent. It's not that he can't see through what the Feng family is doing, it's that he acquiesces to it..."

As if afraid that Feng Yun wouldn't understand, Jin Ge looked at the smile on her face and added another sentence.

"How can a clear-minded emperor allow one person to dominate the harem? Favoring Mrs. Huaman is to suppress Mrs. Feng, and then suppress the Feng family and the Chen family. And acquiescing to the Feng family to watch over Mrs. Huaman is to balance the court. Don't let her become arrogant and cause trouble..."

Feng Yun smiled and said, "This is the way to be a king, right?"

In his previous life, didn't Xiao Cheng also tacitly allow Feng Ying to make things difficult for her and watch with cold eyes?

Jin Ge hummed, then realized that Feng Yun's eyes were colder than usual.

He lowered his head and cupped his hands, "If the princess has no other instructions, I will leave first. Mr. Ren did not return to Andu City tonight. I am afraid that he will miss me and become suspicious..."

Feng Yun looked up at the tall man in front of him and smiled softly.

"Go and treat Yun'e and Hengyang well."

Jin Ge stiffened and looked back at her.

"The princess doesn't blame her anymore?"

Feng Yun slowly closed his eyes.

The wind tonight is very gentle, rustling through the window lattice, as if some emotion is peeling away from my heart bit by bit.

"Did she ask you to ask?"

Jin Ge said: "No."

Feng Yun was silent for a moment before saying, "I won't complain anymore."

Everything has a cause and effect, and it is all the causes that create today's results.

She feels that she is very good now and has nothing to miss about Feng Yun, who was always hurt in her previous life. Therefore, she does not want to blame Kong Yun'e anymore.

It is not easy for a woman to survive.

Kong Yun'e betrayed her in her previous life.

She used her in this life.

Just treat it as even.


At the end of March, the road leading to Xiaojieqiu was widened by half, and the excavation of the mine was carried out in an orderly manner according to Feng Yun's prior plan.

By the beginning of April, the weather was getting warmer and warmer. Feng Yun didn't see Ao Zai for several days in a row, and then he realized that something was wrong.

Ao Zai often goes to the mountains and sometimes doesn't come back at night. Feng Yun is worried, but he also knows that he belongs to the mountains and forests, so he won't restrain him too much.

But after not seeing each other for several days, I felt a little disappointed.

Grandma Han noticed it and persuaded her in a low voice.

"He is a wild animal after all. When he grows up, he doesn't want to be locked up in a house all day long..."

Feng Yun said, "I shouldn't have let him hide from people. Maybe he left because I said others would be afraid of him."

"How could that be?" Grandma Han laughed, "You've been raised since childhood, don't you know? He must have seen the spring getting warmer and went to the mountains to have fun. He will come back when he's had enough fun. Don't take it to heart."

Feng Yun nodded in response. She didn't say anything, but she felt that Aozai had grown up and would leave one day. She was happy for him, but also sad.

I couldn't sleep thinking about Aozai at night, but I was woken up by the sound of the window being pushed open. When I opened it, I saw a big cat head.

Under the windowsill was the prey that Aozai brought back, a deer.

Feng Yun didn't know how he dragged such a big deer back. She looked at Aozai's big face that looked like he was offering a treasure and rubbed it hard.

"Where have you been? I didn't see you, so I thought you weren't coming back."

Aozai's two front paws fell on the window, and he stretched his head in to rub the back of Feng Yun's hand.

Feng Yun made way, "Come in."

Aozi jumped in, rolled on the ground, and then hugged her legs and rubbed against them.

Feng Yun's skirt was almost pulled down by him. She was angry and amused, pulling her skirt, "Do you still think you are a baby?"

She bent down again and held his head, "Let me touch our Aozi's belly, is he full? It's round, um, he's very full, so, is the deer a gift specially brought back for his sister?"

Aozi licked her palm.

Feng Yun felt extremely satisfied.

Being loved by an animal is more heartwarming than being loved by a person.

Aozi, my dearest.

As usual, Feng Yun carefully checked Aozi's body and found that his hind feet were a little scratched and one of his claws was broken. She was immediately distressed and asked Xiaoman to ask Doctor Yao to come over.

Yao Ru had watched Aozai grow up, and thought it was just a docile big cat. She was not afraid of it, and carefully applied medicine to Aozai, and then went back happily with the medical fee.

"Aozai, be careful in the future, don't let yourself get hurt, it will be heartbreaking for me."

Feng Yun held Aozai's paw, hoping that he could stay with her forever, but she also felt that she couldn't be so selfish. She stuck to Aozai for a while with a conflicted heart, and then she remembered that there was still the prey he had brought back with great effort outside the window.

Feng Yun called two servants to clean up the deer.

The servants were very happy.

Xiaoman was also smiling.

It is said that following Aozai will never lack meat...

Aozai rolled over and over on the ground with joy and pride.

At this time, Ge Guang suddenly stood up from the window and called his wife.

"I found something on the ground. Did Aozai bring it back, or did someone drop it?"

Feng Yun looked over and saw Ge Guang holding a copper butterfly in his hand. Judging from the manufacturing process, it was expensive. It was used by nobles to tie their waists. Ordinary people could make waistbands with a piece of cloth or straw rope. They would not use such things and could not afford them.

"Give it to me."

Ge Guang handed the butterfly butterfly to Feng Yun.

Facing the lights in the room, the blood stains on the back of the butterfly butterfly were very conspicuous.

Everyone's eyes fell on Aozai. (End of this chapter)

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