Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 339 A sudden change in the situation

Ao Zai had no idea what was happening. He was lying on the ground and playing around at Feng Yun's feet. He was still not over the excitement.

Having been pampered since childhood, Ao Zai doesn't look wild at all, but looks more like a child who doesn't understand the world.

Everyone was silent for a moment, not quite believing that Ao Zai would kill anyone.

Ge Guang hesitated: "Could it be deer blood?"

If it's deer blood, where does it come from?

There wasn't much blood on the bed, making it hard to tell with the naked eye.

Feng Yun handed it to Xiao Man and told her to put it in a drawer. She scrubbed Ao Zai that night and let him lie down on the couch to sleep. Before dawn the next day, she asked Ge Guang to go to the city to inquire...

Ge Guang understood and rode out of Zhuangzi without asking any questions.

It only took about an hour to come back.

"Madam, the person who went up the mountain with Prince Danyang that day was a man named Qu Feng. He was the son of Marquis Xuanping. He disappeared on Xiaojieqiu Mountain yesterday. They are still looking for him right now and have dispatched the servants in the mansion. The governor was alarmed again, but it’s been a night, I’m afraid it’s going to be more bad than good…”

Feng Yun frowned and thought for a moment, then looked at Ge Guang.

"But if we find out clearly, why do they go to Xiaojie Hill again and again?"

Ge Guang lowered his head, "What He Pingyuan County Lord said is exactly the same. I don't know where I got the news. It said that there was a huge treasure in Xiaojie Qiu Mountain. It was made up with noses and eyes. It was said that there was a war in the former Qin Dynasty and a certain warlord robbed the national wealth. Hidden here, he was later killed in the war, and the whereabouts of the treasure have not been known since then..."

"I don't know my whereabouts, but I can let them know about it? I'm mining here, and they come here to hunt for treasure? Humph!"

After being thrown away by Chun Yuyan that day, Yuan Keng broke his leg and ribs, Pu Yang was beaten all over, and the others were not much better. Feng Yun also thought that someone would seek revenge.

However, things have passed without incident for so long, as if nothing had happened. The nobles from Zhongjing were busy building gardens and houses, gathering for dinners and banquets, and playing various games, but no one came to Nagato. Looking for trouble, no one even mentioned it.

This is naturally due to Pei Ran.

The current state of Jin is different from before. No one can cross Pei Madang in any place under the jurisdiction of the Xijing court. Even if others were at the frontier, no one would dare to come to Huaxi Village to cause trouble for Feng Yun.

The eldest princess felt so sorry for her son that she could only ask Puyang Yi to come with a gift to apologize instead of holding someone accountable...

But what about privately?

Feng Yun was silent for a moment and said calmly: "Send someone to keep an eye on you. I have a feeling that this matter is coming for us..."

There was silence for a while, and Ge Guang asked: "Could it be that I met Ao Zai on the mountain, and then..."

Feng Yun chuckled, "Ao Zai won't kill people for no reason."

Ge Guang said nothing.

Soon, there was new news.

The missing Mr. Qu was found at the foot of the mountain stream at Laohukou. He was covered in wounds, as if he had been bitten by wild beasts. His appearance was beyond recognition and his appearance was unrecognizable.

People confirmed Qu Gongzi's identity from the cloth left at the scene.

After receiving the news, Marquis Xuanping was extremely sad. In order to avenge his son, he summoned more than ten hunters from near Jieqiu Mountain, took their servants, and went into the mountains to hunt...

"I don't know which hunter told them that Mr. Qu's injuries looked like they were caused by a lynx."

"Marquis Xuanping also borrowed more than 200 people from the eldest princess and went up the mountain together, vowing to kill all the lynxes on Jieqiu Mountain..."

Ge Guang's voice was low-pitched and without any emotion, but Ao Zai seemed to understand. He suddenly became anxious and walked around the room, pacing restlessly.

He doesn't speak human language.

Feng Yun also had no way of knowing whether Qu Feng's death had anything to do with Ao Zai or Ao Zai's parents and relatives...

"Don't be afraid, my sister is here." Feng Yun touched Ao Zai's coat, thought for a moment, took out the cub from the drawer, and handed it to Ge Guang.

"Give it to the governor and say it was picked up by our miners on the mountain. By the way, wild beasts are often found on the mountain. It is best to inform the people not to go hunting in the mountain casually. After all, wild beasts are not human beings, and they do not understand the meaning of hierarchy. I don’t know any Marquis Xuanping…”

Ge Guang responded.

After He Qia got the quilt, he went to Qu's house and sent a condolence gift. In the afternoon, he posted a notice outside the governor's office, warning the people not to go to Jieqiu Mountain casually, as they might be attacked by wild beasts.

Feng Yun was a little nervous about Ao Zai, so he stopped letting him go out in the past few days, let alone go up the mountain.

Just at this moment, Chun Yuyan came to the door.

"Feng Twelve, it's time for you to fulfill your original promise."

Feng Yun looked at his leisurely expression and was not in the mood to joke.

"I never make a promise to the prince."

"No?" Chunyu Yan snorted coldly, gestured to Xiang Zhong with his eyes, and said lazily: "Send it over to help Princess Yonghuai recall her memories."

Xiang Zhong lowered his head and presented a deed.

Feng Yun narrowed his eyes and remembered.

That was the cooperation contract that Feng Yun signed with his own hands for Yunchuan Graphite at Tujiawubao.

Among them were clauses that helped Chun Yuyan "open roads and tunnels in the mountains" so that Yunchuan graphite could be transported through the mountains. He also said that if necessary, he could go and check the terrain in person.

Feng Yun hesitated and said: "Didn't it start last winter? Burning fire, pouring vinegar, alternating hot and cold, supplemented by blasting. I remember Lord Tu said that the progress was very fast?"

Chun Yuyan narrowed his eyes slightly, "But now that we are encountering difficulties in excavation, it's your turn to take action."

Feng Yun asked: "What's the problem?"

Chun Yuyan raised his eyebrows, "If I know what the problem is, I will solve it myself, why bother you?"

This statement is very unreasonable, and it also reveals that Chun Yuyan is not interested in this matter.

"The prince wants to send me away and not let me stay in Andu?" Feng Yun restrained his expression and said lightly: "Do you know something?"

Chun Yuyan curled his lips, "I am not that kind."

He lowered his head to take a sip of tea and stood up.

"Tomorrow at 11:00 am, I will wait for you outside the manor."

"It's so urgent, I can't leave." Feng Yun saw his eyes looking back coldly, and smiled lightly, "The prince also saw it. I have so many businesses and so many things to do. How can I leave just like that? Isn't this embarrassing for me? No matter what, I have to wait until mid-April to see graphite in the mine."

Chun Yuyan smiled softly, staring at her approaching, with the corners of his robe flying, and a casual smile rose at the corners of his mouth.

"How many people are watching you right now? Are you pretending to be unaware, or are you really unaware?"

Feng Yun had no expression on her face, "Are you? Who would watch me? What's the benefit of watching me?"

"Nonsense!" Chun Yuyan almost bit his teeth to pieces.

"Feng Twelve, just pretend with me. Who doesn't know that you have a lynx? The son of the Marquis of Xuanping died in the mouth of that wild animal..."

"He was raised in my family, not a wild animal." Feng Yun looked back coldly without waiting for him to finish, "Whoever is not convinced can come to my manor to fight with me. I will just pretend not to see any tricks behind her back."

Chun Yuyan frowned and stared at her for a long time, with an unspeakable murderous look in his eyes, which made Feng Yun's back stiff. He suddenly grabbed Feng Yun's wrist.

"Come, follow me, I'll show you."

Feng Yun was slightly stunned, and after a long while, she opened her legs and followed him forward without struggling.

After walking through the corridor, Chunyu Yan let go of his hand when he saw Xing Bing and several of his men looking over.

Feng Yun followed him.

It took only a moment to get from Changmen Manor to Yun Manor.

Chunyu Yan's steps were as fast as the wind. Without stopping, he took Feng Yun to his study.

Rows of bookshelves and countless drawers were filled with intelligence and news from all over the place. The huge amount shocked Feng Yun.

Didn't this Yunchuan prince always show laziness and contempt?

Who would have thought that his business methods actually operated a meticulous and complex source of intelligence?

"Take a look." Chunyu Yan took out one of the wax-covered letters and threw it in front of Feng Yun. He sat down and slowly poured tea.

Feng Yun said nothing, opened it silently, and his pupils shrank slightly.

This was a secret letter sent from Xijing.

It is said that Pei Cong's army went west from Cangyan Mountain to pursue the Beirong tribe, but they fell into a trap.

The Beirong tribe and Li Zongxun had colluded long ago. When the Beirong suddenly invaded the Jin Dynasty, it was under the instruction of Li Zongxun.

It is also said that Li Zongxun began to train secret troops in Cangyan Mountain many years ago, and there were many of them. At the beginning of the invasion of Beirong, Li Zongxun specially ambushed several rebels to the west of Cangyan Mountain. There is high temperature, drought, bad climate, and dust storms. It is difficult to find water sources and difficult to recognize the road. Once the army mistakenly enters, there is no one to lead the way, and it is difficult to move forward.

The Beirong army and Li Zongxun's rebels set up a big trap here. King Yonghuai had been exhausted from running hundreds of miles since he was allowed to break through. He happened to encounter a sandstorm when he broke through. Li Zongxun's rebels took the opportunity to attack from behind.

There was no road in front and no reinforcements behind. Pei's army was defeated, with countless casualties. King Yonghuai was afraid that he had died.

The Xijing court received the news and sent people to Cangyan Mountain to verify it...

"If this is true, Feng Twelve, have you ever thought about whether the princess will let you go, and whether Xuanping Hou and Pingcheng Yuanshi will let you go?" (End of this chapter)

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