Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 340: Fighting and defeating

Feng Yun thought for a long time.

If the hand holding the letter hadn't tightened slightly and her eyes were dark and deep, one would have thought she had no reaction at all.

"Is this why the Crown Prince wants to take me to Yunchuan?"

Chunyu Yan straightened his clothes and looked calm.

"The tunnel is not clear yet, Yunchuan still needs your help. You have not disclosed the method of making briquettes from graphite. I don't want this deal to go wrong again."

He said nothing about caring.

The arrogant appearance hides the inner discomfort.

Feng Yun's expression showed no change, and he looked at the marks on the letter over and over again, as if to confirm the authenticity of the content of the letter.

In order to avoid being used by others, this kind of secret message will have a mark somewhere that only the person knows.

The same goes for this letter.

Feng Yun saw a small flame lining the envelope.

Obviously, the reason why he let her see it with her own eyes instead of dictating it was to win her trust.

In other words, there is no doubt about the authenticity of the contents of the letter.

Feng Yun's eyes paused on the letter for a moment, and then he smiled faintly, "Cangyan Mountain is a long way away, and we still don't know what will happen. If I leave like this, I might be playing into someone's hands."

Chunyu Yan's heart moved slightly.

"You do not trust me?"

Feng Yun shook his head, "I believe the prince has good intentions."

She returned the letter to Chun Yuyan's hand and blessed him with blessings at the same time.

"But if I run away from the battlefield, does the prince think that I am still Feng Twelfth Mother?"

Chun Yuyan frowned.

"Are you so confident in Pei Wanzhi?"

"To be honest with you, I have thought about it a long time ago. I shouldn't have relied entirely on him. The mountains fall and the trees shake. No matter what, I have to rely on myself."

She finished speaking calmly, as if nothing had happened, and asked Chunyu Yan in detail about the tunnel excavation situation, borrowed a pen and paper to write down her thoughts, and then handed it back.

"If there are still problems, I will go to Yunchuan in late April."

It wasn't until the footsteps faded away that Chun Yuyan came back to his senses.

She's really gone.

No room left.

You can't even see that she is nervous or worried...

Do you believe in Pei Man's strength too much, or is this woman just too cruel?

Chunyu Yan felt quite unhappy.

He felt inexplicably bitter, but also had a vague respect for her.

If Pei Madang falls, it would be a big deal to her, but Feng Twelve doesn't seem to blink even if the sky falls.


When Feng Yun returned to Zhuangzi, Feng Liang had just returned from the village school. He did not study in broad daylight, was messing around in the yard, and insisted on being taken to ride horses. Normally Feng Yun would not tolerate him, let alone this time.

She directly asked the servants sent by the Feng family to be called over.

"Pack up all the belongings of the young master and the young lady of the Feng family, and take them back to Bingzhou immediately."

The servants were immediately shocked.

Seeing Feng Yun sitting firmly on the throne with an expressionless look on his face, he wanted to say something but did not dare to refute. After a while, he bowed his hands and his lips were trembling, but he could not understand what he said.

"Madam, you, please do well and go back like this. The little ones won't be able to do anything..."

Feng Yun waved his hand, his voice was cold.

"Limited to one hour, take it away."

An hour?

It was just meal time, and there was no time left for them to eat.

The servants' faces were ashen, each one uglier than the last.

Feng Zhen burst into tears and kept sobbing.

Feng Liang was extremely happy.

"It's time to go home, Azhen, we can finally go home."

The little kid didn't understand anything. He ran and jumped in the yard, full of excitement to escape from the cage.

The servants were even more desperate when they saw their master like this.

After looking at each other for a long time, one person boldly asked: "Can you please return the bundle of repairs sent by the Lord..."

Feng Yun curled his lips and said, "My disciples don't want to go to school, and they won't teach unless they are teachers. Have you ever heard of anyone who has the nerve to return Shu Xiu?"

The servants were speechless.

Every word sounded so infuriating.

But every word cannot be refuted.

Feng Zhen is young and more obedient, but Feng Liang is about to make a big change these days.

Now that I think about it, this kid is not simple. Maybe he was so presumptuous just to be packed back to Bingzhou by Feng Yun as soon as possible.

An hour flies by.

Feng Yun was still sitting in the study thinking, and Xiao Man came in silently, looking up at her from time to time, but saying nothing.

Feng Yun glanced at her.

"Want to keep your brother?"

Xiaoman was still a little hesitant at first, not knowing how to speak, but when he heard Feng Yun's question, he was shocked.

"How did the lady know?"

Feng Yun looked at her.

"You are waiting by my side. There is nothing I am embarrassed to say, except for your younger brother..."

Xiaoman touched his nose awkwardly and said with a smile: "My wife is wise. The maid wants to keep Yansheng here."

Seeing that Feng Yun didn't say anything, she added with a hint of sincerity, "Yansheng is young and doesn't know much about things. They say that he should learn from good people and follow his master's wife to dance with ghosts and gods... I'm afraid that he will follow my father in Feng's house and learn from others." broken."

Xiaoman's mother has passed away, and this younger brother has a place in her heart. Moreover, the child Jin Yansheng looks smart, doesn't talk much, and is diligent in doing things. Feng Yun observed that his temperament is very similar to Xiaoman's.

She said: "If you want to keep him here, then keep him, but there is one thing..."

Xiaoman shocked her.

"Madam, please speak."

Feng Yun said: "You have to be responsible for your brother. If he does anything that Changmen does not tolerate in the future, you will bear full responsibility."

Before Xiaoman opened his mouth, Yansheng, who was standing outside the door, walked in and bowed deeply to Feng Yun.

"Madam, I will definitely study hard and be a good person. I will not drag you down, let alone my sister..."

Feng Yun had no expression and hummed.

"You can go and see the Feng family off."

After all, they received so much money, so it is also a favor to see them off.

Xiaoman and Yansheng responded and went down.

Yansheng held his breath and walked outside before slowly spitting it out.

"Sister, my wife is so fierce and scary."

Xiaoman pouted, "Don't be afraid, my wife is the best person in the world. As long as you are loyal to her and don't do anything to let her down, she will treat you very well."

Yansheng said, "I understand. It's just that my father..."

Xiaoman snorted, "Don't worry about him. He sold me at the beginning, and now he has sold you."

She took out a blue cloth purse from her bosom and handed it to Yansheng.

"You let Duan Si take it back to my father and say it's your filial piety money. From now on, you will cut off contact with the Feng family..."

Yansheng thought for a while and hung his head, "But I am a family slave, I am registered in the Feng family..."

Xiaoman laughed, "You don't have to worry about this. There is the Feng family over there, and there is also the Feng family here. It doesn't matter who you are. Besides, they can't control my wife's affairs. When you get to Changmen, you can rest assured."

Yansheng saw that his sister was so confident, and then he went down happily.

He likes Changmen.

The servants here have a high status, there are not so many masters who are scheming against each other, and they can also learn to read, learn arithmetic, and learn a lot of principles of dealing with people...

Except Feng Liang, who doesn't like Changmen?


In the afternoon, Feng Yun went to Andu in the name of purchasing.

It has been a while since the last time she came here, and she clearly noticed the changes in Andu City.

There are more people and vehicles entering and leaving the city gate, but there are fewer refugees who made He Qia overwhelmed a while ago. The city defense has become more strict, and there are more children of noble families in gorgeous clothes on the streets, many of whom speak with Zhongjing accents...

Feng Yun sat in Yutangchun for a while, and then saw He Qia's son He Chuandong.

Yutangchun is like his family's dining hall, and lunch is basically here every day.

It's just that he came late today, it's past lunch time, and there are few people in the hall. Wen Hui looked back, and a glimmer of light appeared in her eyes. She said something to Feng Yun and was about to go over to greet him.

Unexpectedly, Feng Yun smiled slightly.

"Bring some wine and food to Xiangyue Pavilion, don't let anyone disturb me, I want to talk to Mr. He."

Wen Hui was startled, "Madam, why are you looking for Mr. He..."

Feng Yun noticed her unusual expression and frowned.

"Why, inconvenient?"

Wen Hui's cheeks immediately blushed, and she lowered her head and said, "No, no, I don't know why Madam, why are you looking for Mr. He, just in case he asks, I can have an answer..."

Feng Yun thought of their marriage in the previous life, and a slight smile appeared at the corner of her lips.

"Are you so familiar with him now?"

Wen Hui's expression became more shy, which was rare for the head of Yutangchun.

"Mr. He often comes to take care of Yutangchun's business. Whenever there is any banquet in the governor's mansion, it will be arranged in Yutangchun. After a few visits, we are considered familiar with each other."

After He Qia was promoted to governor, his son also became an official of the governor's mansion, managing the documents of various departments for his father. He is a down-to-earth person.

Feng Yun knew what Wen Hui was thinking by looking at her expression.

"Don't worry, I won't make things difficult for him."

He Chuandong came to see Feng Yun very cautiously after learning of his invitation. He bowed several times before smiling and asking, "I wonder if the princess asked me to come here to give you any advice?"

Compared to the last time they met, Feng Yun found that this young man had matured a lot.

So he glanced at Wen Hui and smiled:

"Mr. He, do you hope it's a business matter or a private matter?"

The look she gave Wen Hui was very interesting.

He Chuandong was immediately embarrassed by her and bowed his head.

"Madam, you can speak frankly if you have anything to say."

Wen Hui also bowed her head and poured tea beside her.

Feng Yun smiled and said, "It's just a joke, Mr. He, don't take it to heart. It's just that when I first entered the city, I saw a lot of new faces on the street and more people were sent to the city defense. I was a little surprised. I happened to meet Mr. He and asked about it. If it's inconvenient, Mr. He, just pretend that I didn't ask..."

He Chuandong smiled gently.

"Princess, you are too kind. This is not a big deal. Recently, the princess has been staying in Andu temporarily. Many relatives and nobles have come to Zhongjing City. My father is very cautious. He has expelled the refugees and deployed the city defense."

"Didn't the governor receive the news from Xijing?"

Feng Yun suddenly changed the subject and asked He Chuandong stunned.

"What news?"

Feng Yun looked at his expression and smiled softly.

"Is it that the nobles are coming here for a short stay or a long stay?"

"It's hard to say." He Chuandong smiled and said, "But the other day, I accompanied my father to visit the princess. From what Her Highness said, she likes Andu very much and wants to live here for a long time..."

Feng Yun asked again: "Is there any progress on the matter of the son of the Xuanping Marquis? Has the murderer been found?" (End of this chapter)

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