Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 341 Arrangements

There were rumors outside that the lynx raised by Feng Yun's family was responsible, but she asked who the "murderer" was?

He Chuandong felt a little embarrassed, lowered his head and took a sip of tea, and then said calmly:

"I don't tell lies in front of real people. I have indeed heard some rumors that are unfavorable to the princess, but there is no need for the princess to take it seriously. With my father here to take care of her, no one dares to embarrass the princess..."

Feng Yun thought of He Qia's secret advice, smiled lightly, looked at him and asked.

"Are you serious, or are you just being polite?"

He Chuandong didn't expect her to be so serious. He looked around and saw that there was no one else except Wen Hui. He immediately put down the tea cup and asked her solemnly.

"The princess tried again and again, but what happened?"

Feng Yun hesitated and said calmly: "No, it's just that the king told me when he left that the He family and his son are the people he trusts most, and he can trust them with his life. I wonder if it is the king's wishful thinking?"

He Chuandong took a deep breath, stood up, and bowed respectfully to Feng Yun.

"Princess, don't worry. My father and son are loyal to the king. Even if they die, they will not change their aspirations."

"Okay." Feng Yun looked straight at him and said without changing his expression: "Now the governor's office must be closely watched. I don't want to bother the governor all the time. I would also like to ask Mr. He to say something. Your Majesty goes deep into Cangyan Mountain. I am afraid of being plotted by Li Zongxun, and now my life and death are uncertain. In order to prevent changes in Xinzhou, please make plans in advance. "

He Chuandong's expression changed immediately.

"How could this be so..."

Feng Yun said: "I have sent people to Xijing to inquire about the news. I will have accurate information soon, so be prepared."

The expression on her face was too calm, as if the person who had the accident was not Pei Madang.

He Chuandong was shocked for a moment and couldn't believe it.

But he knew that the situation was serious, so he quickly calmed down, briefly asked Feng Yun what he thought, took a few bites of rice in Xiangyue Pavilion, and went straight back to resume his life.


Since Pei Madang returned to Beijing, a large number of troops from the Northern Yong Army remained in the five counties of Xinzhou today. Therefore, no matter how the situation changes, as long as Pei Madang's old troops are still loyal to him, the five counties of Xinzhou will be under the actual control of the Northern Yong Army. …

This was also the reason why Feng Yun refused to leave with Chun Yuyan.

If something unexpected happened to Pei Madang, how would she avenge him in the future once she left? How can I avenge my former self?

She must defend the five counties of Xinzhou and the base camp of the Beiyong Army.

After all, Pei Madang left half of the military talisman for her.

I'm just afraid that the tea will be cold when people leave.

After all, most people in the world are cold and indifferent. Before coming to Anducheng, Feng Yun was not at ease, but He Chuandong's response gave her a lot of confidence.

Taking ten thousand steps back...

Even if Pei Madang really died in Cangyan Mountain...

She can also rely on the Beiyong army and horses he left behind and the five counties of Xinzhou to preserve her strength and wait for the day to avenge him.

Before going out at noon, Feng Yun sent people out to inquire about the situation, and also sent people to the Beiyong Army Camp to inform Wen Xingsu and ask him to take time to visit Huaxi.

After arranging these things, she returned to the room feeling exhausted.


Ao Zai was lying next to the couch and stood up when he saw her coming in. He anxiously surrounded her and rubbed himself here and there.

"Don't be nervous, it's okay." Feng Yun hugged Ao Zai like a child, pressed his face against it, and said softly: "Sister, I have a lot of things going on recently, so I'm afraid I won't be able to take care of you. I want you to go to Yun Can you stay here for a while?"

There was a faint light in Ao Zai's eyes, as if he had understood everything. He rubbed his head against Feng Yun's shoulder and squeezed into her arms like a child.

"Yunzhuang is next door, very close. I'll come and see you when I have time. Crown Prince Yunchuan doesn't seem to be a good person, but he loves money. My sister will give him a lot of money and benefits. He will definitely treat you well. Wait until you avoid Since you are in the limelight these days, my sister will take you back..."

Those people must have a grudge about Young Master Xuanpinghou. Although Ao Zai has the ability to protect himself, he is still too simple compared to the vicious and vicious humans.

She didn't want Ao Zai to be in danger because of her negligence. Of course, the most important thing was that Yunchuan was neutral. Once something happened, even if Nagato didn't deal with them, it wouldn't affect Chun Yuyan.

Ao Zai nuzzled her with his head as if he had realized something.

Feng Yun then laughed and said, "Be good."

Then he said: "My sister will ask the prince to come over for dinner tonight, so you can go with him."

As expected, Chun Yuyan did not refuse Feng Yun's proposal.

He had been coveting this lynx that could understand human speech for a long time. He finally got the chance to take it home and raise it, and he was almost overjoyed.

But he still showed no mercy, just opened his mouth.

"Feng Twelve, you owe me another favor. How are you going to repay it?"

"Yes, yes, yes, I owe you." Feng Yun bowed and said with a smile: "I will be responsible for Ao Zai's food. The prince must make sure that he is full and well fed. How much it costs, the prince will tell you."

Chunyu Yan snorted coldly.

"Who are you looking down on? I, Chun Yuyan, can't afford to raise a cat?"

Ao Zai lay at his feet, his head drooped.

Feng Yun laughed and said, "Okay, then there will be Prince Lao."

Chunyu Yan vaguely felt that something was wrong, and suffered a secret loss. However, he was very happy to win Ao Zai, his eyes were shining, and his mouth was smiling, and he didn't care at all.

A man and a woman alone often eat together, which is very inconvenient. After the food and wine were served, Feng Yun called over Xing Bing, his wife, and Kong Yun'e to accompany him.

During the dinner, when the situation in the world was mentioned again, Chun Yuyan looked calm and just watching the show, but Feng Yun suddenly asked him with a smile.

"Does the prince have business in Chuzhou?"

Chun Yuyan said, "So what?"

Feng Yun pondered for a moment, and suddenly lowered his voice, "I heard that the governor of Chuzhou, Zheng Shoushan, and the court of Yecheng are not getting along well. Is that true?"

Chun Yuyan narrowed his eyes and looked at Feng Yun.

This woman, how can she be so careless?

He felt cold in his heart, but his tone was calm: "Why are you asking about this?"

Feng Yun curled his lips, "What can I do? Just see if there is a chance to pry Li Zongxun's wall."

Chun Yuyan looked at her for a moment, and said seriously: "When the young Emperor Chunde ascended the throne, Zheng Shoushan was the first to express his submission and ask for a title. Do you think this wall can be dug?"

Feng Yun chuckled.

"The first to surrender and ask for a title is because the Chuzhou prefecture is too close to the Ge Pei army in Yecheng and too far from the Shiguan Beiyong army. There is no better choice... Besides, as long as the benefits are enough, there is no wall that cannot be dug?"

Chun Yuyan looked as if he had suddenly realized something.

"So it's because I didn't give you enough benefits... Feng Twelve, just tell me, what do you want?"

Feng Yun saw that he had gone off track, looked at her with a thoughtful and playful look, and sneered.

"I want Yunchuan Kingdom, will you give it to me, Prince?"

Chun Yuyan snorted heavily and rolled his eyes at her.

Feng Yun stopped joking, "I will dig into Zheng Shoushan's wall if I have a chance."

If he remembered correctly, Zheng Shoushan had rebelled against Li Zongxun in his previous life, but she couldn't remember what it was for the moment...

Of course, if it came to the time when she had to do that, even if there was no conflict between Zheng Shoushan and Li Zongxun, she would create a conflict for them.

Just like...

Hou Ping Hou to her.

There was no grudge.

She created a blood debt...

The person who planned it was really cruel.

However, it remains to be seen whether the person who used this shady trick was Xiao Cheng in the south, Li Zongxun in the east, or the princess of Andu...

Feng Yun was not idle during this period.

She issued many recruitment notices on the grounds that the farm tool workshop, mine, sugarcane forest and sugar factory in Mingquan Town needed a large number of people, and recruited a large number of young and strong people and some stragglers and refugees who went up the mountain during the war in the five counties of Xinzhou to fill the troops...

Xing Bing made a statistics. From the initial more than one hundred Meiling troops received by Andu County, to the present, the total number of troops in Changmen has exceeded one thousand. They are just distributed everywhere, and they are all under the guise of working and farming, so they are not too eye-catching.

In such an era, thousands of people can already fight a small war. With so many people in the Meiling troops, they should not be underestimated in the future.

Xing Bing was a very qualified soldier. He trained Meiling's troops in batches according to Feng Yun's requirements. The farm tool workshop also kept forging sharp weapons with hardness and toughness far higher than those used by farmers nowadays, but he never asked anything.

Even though he had long noticed Feng Yun's intentions, it was far from being as simple as guarding the crops in the farm and the business in the shop...

The person who went to Xijing to inquire about the news did not return for a long time.

The person who reported the news to the Beiyong Army camp came back in the early morning of the next day, with hurried steps, waking Feng Yun from her dream.

"My wife, the people in the camp said that General Wen received the order from Xijing and went to Xijing yesterday at noon. He is not in the camp..."

Went to Xijing?

Feng Yun felt cold in her heart and hurriedly sat up from the couch. She did not have time to put on her outer clothes. She just wrapped the wind cloak around her body, tied the belt, and called Ge Guang.

"Quick, you must ride out of the village immediately, and you must intercept Dalangjun before he arrives in Xijing, and let him return to Andu quickly."

Ge Guang was shocked, opened his mouth and wanted to ask something, but he noticed that Feng Yun's expression had changed, so he said "yes", bowed, and turned away.

Feng Yun's chest was heaving, and her heart was pounding.

Sitting on the edge of the couch, she looked at the hourglass for a long time before she calmed down.

The stars in the sky have not yet fallen, and they are bright. Tomorrow will be another sunny day.

Outside the endless Cangyan Mountain, the yellow sand is endless and boundless. Under the same cold moon, it seems like a different world.

Good night~~~~

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