Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 342 Mahe Tribe

The cold wind blew through the valley, whistling like a whimper.

The group of people meandered along the steep and bare rocks in the mountains. The mountains were steep and steep, and the cliffs were towering. They were moving very slowly, but there were so many people. From a distance, they looked like ants, straddling the middle of the mountainside.

There are no tall trees on the mountain. At first glance, the bare loess is extremely desolate.

Walking to the hinterland of the mountainside, I saw an old man wearing a sheepskin coat coming out of the valley. His back was stooped, but his voice was loud.

"Is the person coming ahead an envoy from Jin?"

Ao Qi said nothing, turned his face and nodded.

Ding Cong, the guard leading the horse, quickly raised his voice and shouted:

"This is my General Ao. Is this old man a member of Chief Mahe?"

The old man burst out laughing immediately, and stepped forward to salute and bow, "That's right, the chief asked me to wait here for all distinguished guests. General Ao, my surname is Xie. I have respected your name for a long time, so I am disrespectful and disrespectful."

"No need to be polite." Ao Qi was ordered to come to Cangyan Mountain. He ate and slept in the open air all the way without stopping. He was already very anxious and had no patience to listen to these polite words from him.

He saw from the old man's face that he was not from the Beirong tribe. He quickly helped the man up, returned the greeting and asked:

"May I ask, sir, have you ever met King Yonghuai and do you know his whereabouts?"

The old man smiled and said: "Please ask General Ao to go into De Valley and meet the chief in person."

This tribe is located in the canyon to the north of Cangyan Mountain. Among the various tribes in Beirong, it is also considered to be the most powerful. However, it has not participated in the twelve tribes' joint invasion of Shanxi and has been watching the fire from across the bank.

Although the news reached Zhongjing that Pei Madang was very likely to be killed, Ao Qi did not believe that his uncle would be so reckless and pursue hundreds of miles without knowing the enemy's situation, let alone that such a large army would attack silently. Disappear into Blackback Canyon.


Now that things have come to pass, let's make peace with them.

Ao Qi's eyes signaled that the large army was waiting outside, and he followed the old man into the valley with only a dozen followers.

The transmission of messages during wartime is the most difficult and prone to errors, especially in a place like Cangyan Mountain.

Ao Qi had heard about the steepness of the Black Back Canyon for a long time, but there was no news of his uncle leading the army deep into it. He, who was not familiar with the topography and climate of Beirong, could dare to rush into the Black Back Canyon - the legendary Death situation?

Therefore, he prepared to win over the chief and persuade him to form an alliance with the Jin Dynasty.

The reason why Chief Mahe did not form an alliance with the Twelve Tribes was because they had an old grudge over the turf. So, his way to win over the chief was to promise that once the Jin army eliminated the twelve tribes alliance, the Mahe tribe would dominate this land. With the support of the Jin Dynasty, Chief Mahe will be the local emperor here in the future.

No one can resist the temptation of power.

Chief Ma He received him warmly. Water, wine and beef were placed on the table, making him want to drink a lot.

Ao Qi follows goodness like a stream.

Never before had he discovered such an eloquent side to himself.

After all, he is Ao Zheng's son, and he has learned everything from his father's sharp tongue.

The young general wears iron armor and talks eloquently. His face has the passion of youth, but his expression and temperament are calm and decisive that should not be possessed at this age. His eyebrows are handsome and he is as tall as a pine tree. Such a character has turned the Mahe tribe upside down. I couldn't find one even when I came here.

During the banquet, there were more than ten young women accompanying them. One of them, with the largest eyes, the whitest skin, and the most beautiful girl, sat beside the chief. After entering the big tent from Ao Qi, her curious eyes fell on Ao Qi looked at him without blinking.

Ao Qi felt a little uncomfortable being stared at by her.

He glanced up with a strange expression, and Chief Ma He saw it.

The chief laughed and pointed at the girls.

"Whoever General Ao likes will be asked to serve in the tent tonight. If you come to my place, you are welcome, you are welcome..."

Ao Qi frowned slightly, cupped his hands and said: "The chief must already know the purpose of Ao Qi's visit to the Mahe tribe. Let's not beat around the bush. Please tell the truth what the situation was like for both parties after the battle at Cangyan Mountain. ? Where is my king now?"

"General Ao, don't worry." Chief Ma He stroked his thick beard with a smile on his face, but a hint of sadness in his eyes.

"The tribes of Beirong have submitted to the Jin Dynasty for many years and had no intention of becoming enemies of the Jin court. However, last year it was extremely cold and most of the livestock froze to death and no one could survive. So they had no choice but to go out to get some food. They were just stragglers. How could they be Yonghuai? Wang Dajun’s opponent?”

Ao Qidao: "The chief's words are wrong. Li Zongxun, a minister of the Jin Dynasty, confused the blood of the late emperor and established a new dynasty in Yecheng. He recruited troops and horses. The twelve tribes were originally subordinates of the Jin Dynasty. They colluded with the rebellious ministers who wanted to usurp the country and usurp the throne. They crossed Cangyan. He broke the alliance and burned, killed and plundered the Jin territory, which forced King Yonghuai to send troops. Chief Ma He values ​​​​love and justice and is the most sensible person. At this time, it is time to share the same hatred with the Jin army instead of looking for excuses for the rebels. "

The young general is heroic, outspoken, and has firm and decisive eyes. He is like a young lion, ready to stretch out his claws to clear the obstacles in front of him.

There was no trace of fear on Ao Qi's body.

Chief Ma He paused for a moment, raised his head, took a swig, and then wiped his mouth with his sleeve with a smile.

"In the battle at Cangyan Mountain, the twelve tribes of Beirong were severely damaged by King Yonghuai's army. They were completely defeated and had no power to resist. They had to flee deeper into the hinterland of the Black Back Canyon to the north..."

Ao Qidao: "But we have received news that Li Zongxun's secret tribe is ambushing in the hinterland of the canyon, and has already laid a dragnet..."

Chief Ma He shook his head and laughed, pointing to the sky.

"If there is a dragnet, it is one set by God. According to my opinion of the situation of the two armies, even if there is an ambush by Li Zongxun's team, King Yonghuai will not be completely wiped out..."

Ao Qi let out a long breath after hearing this.

"So, King Yonghuai is safe now?"

Chief Ma He frowned and said, "I can't guarantee this. A few days ago, there was a sudden burst of sand, dust, rain, and howling ghosts and wolves covering the sky. Even the locals may not be able to get out of such extremely bad weather phenomena. , I am afraid that King Yonghuai’s army is indeed in danger, and if there are no reinforcements to go forward, it will indeed be more disastrous..."

Ao Qi noticed that when Chief Ma He was talking, he looked at the old man named Xie from time to time.

His eyes flashed slightly, he smiled and cupped his hands and said, "I don't know what Chief Mahe has to say, but I hope you can give me some advice."

Ao Qi guessed that Chief Mahe had other desires.

However, Chief Mahe's words still exceeded his expectations.

The chief looked at the girl beside him and smiled slightly.

"We, the Mahe tribe, have always been at odds with the Twelve tribes. Although I am willing to escort General Ao into the canyon to find the king, this move will undoubtedly offend the Twelve tribes. By then... I will not mention my life or death for the time being. My daughter Amir, what should I do..."

Ao Qidao: "With the help of Da Jin, Beirong's vast territory is enough for Chief Ma He to show off his power, so why should he be afraid of the twelve tribes?"

Chief Ma He stroked his beard and shook his head, "General Ao doesn't know. I never want the war to spread to Cangyan Mountain. As you can see, the air here is so pure and the people here are so simple. They We shouldn’t be dragged down by war…”

Ao Qi smiled and said nothing.

Just listen to this nonsense, don't take it seriously.

Chief Mahe sighed when he saw that he remained silent.

"Beirong has a vast territory, but the climate is harsh, it is difficult to cultivate, and there is no life for people. Even if the Jin army helps me capture the Twelve Divisions, I will not be able to occupy such a vast land. Your people cannot survive here, and there is no use for it. How long will it take before you have to retreat to the south of Cangyan Mountain, and I will have to clean up the mess left behind..."

He shook his head.

"It's not worth it, it's not worth it."

Ao Qi snorted lowly.

I asked someone to send a message to him to come over and discuss the plan.

Now he "tactfully refuses" in person, which is simply because the conditions are not enough.

Ao Qidao: "The chief's worries are not unreasonable. In your opinion, what should we do?"

Chief Ma He looked to his side.

The girl named Amir lowered her head shyly, with a faint blush on her cheeks.

The chief said: "My daughter is not yet married. If General Ao is willing to marry her, and we are related by marriage, I will have no hesitation and will not have any hesitation or worries. Even if the Twelve Tribes come looking for trouble, we will be related by marriage." , I also have something to say.”


Feng Yun had been sleeping poorly these past few days. Even in the middle of the night, he would wake up suddenly when he heard the slightest noise.

Everyone in Zhuangzi knew that the lady was not in a good mood these days, and she was cautious in everything she said and did.

Returning from Laohukou that day, before receiving any news from Xijing, Feng Yun locked himself in the room with a sullen face, took a hot bath, covered his head and fell asleep, catching up on his sleep until dawn. Sure enough, something good came to your doorstep.

"Madam." Xiaoman yawned outside and said, "A eunuch who claimed to be the Taipingyuan came and said that the eldest princess invited the lady to come to the house to talk to her."

Feng Yun sat on the couch in silence for a moment before slowly smiling.

"Come in and help me change."

Today is a bit of a mess. Sisters, you don’t have to wait tonight. I saw everyone’s opinions and changed the update time to 12 noon. I will change my schedule tonight, adjust my status, and organize my outline.

thank you all……

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