Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 343: Tooth for Tooth

When Xiao Man led Huan'er and Pei'er into the room, Feng Yun looked very calm. He sat in front of the makeup mirror and said with his back to them:

"Take my court robe, put it into a slow bun, and wear it with a hairpin."

Huan'er and Pei'er looked at each other, and then exchanged glances with Xiao Man.

All three people were surprised.

Feng Yun's dress in Zhuangzi can be said to be extremely modest. He doesn't wear any jewelry except for hairpins when he goes out, so he doesn't look out of place when walking in the village.

She has high ambitions and her interests are never in those things in the boudoir, and the maid is used to her being like that.

This sudden need to dress up in a grand manner made them panic.

Huan'er and Pei'er's hands were shaking when they were dressing up.

Feng Yun straightened his shoulders and looked back.

"What are you shaking for?"

Huan'er lowered her face, "Servant, the maid didn't tremble..."

Pei'er whispered: "My lady is so serious, the maid is afraid."

Feng Yun hummed calmly and reached out to touch the moon charm hanging around his neck, "What are you afraid of? When we arrive at Taiping Garden in a while, remember to hold your chest high."

The Jin Dynasty has regulations on women's clothing. Madams above 2,000 stone wear silkworm clothes. Feng Yun has never worn this court dress, but the embroidery craftsmanship is particularly exquisite. The waist is wide and the texture is smooth, wrapping the soft waist. , picturesque and poetic.

She was originally a stunningly beautiful woman, but with such clothes and clothes, she had a delicate appearance and her hair was tied up in a high bun. When she walked out of the door, she immediately received a low gasp.

Everyone's eyes fell on Feng Yun.

In the fields outside Zhuangzi, villagers also climbed up the ridges to watch.

"Ms. Li Zheng is so beautiful that she cannot be compared to the immortals."

"I have never seen an immortal, I have only seen Lady Li Zheng..."

"Is this dress made of silk? It's so soft and light. I really want to touch it..."

"Bah, your hands digging for food in the field can't scratch your clothes even if you touch them? Only a beauty like Mrs. Li Zheng deserves to wear such clothes."

Feng Yun didn't say anything. Amidst the whispers of everyone, he got into the carriage, closed the curtain, and his face was hidden behind the curtain.

Normally when she sees people in the village, she will smile and respond with a few words. Today, her solemn face has a cold and solemn look, as if a storm is about to come and the building is filled with wind.

The villagers stepped aside, feeling a little nervous.

When they arrived at the Taiping Garden, they were ushered into the flower hall by the waiter. The eldest princess was not seen, but some royal family members and ladies from aristocratic clans came to see her one after another.

They were like watching monkeys, extremely curious about Princess Yonghuai.

Everyone in the capital knew that Pei Kuang insisted on marrying Feng's daughter in front of the two armies. Everyone in Beijing also knew that Prince Xuanping was bitten to death by Feng Yun's lynx.

But very few people have seen Feng Yun in person.

However, curiosity is curiosity, and ideas are ideas. In front of Feng Yun, they did not dare to be too presumptuous...

Until the eldest princess brought Pu Yangyi over, Feng Yun was smiling and accepting the judgment of the ladies' eyes without saying a word.

The eldest princess sat down and the atmosphere relaxed.

"Let's take the food and let's talk while we eat."

The eldest princess has a lot of face.

Everyone stood up, saluted and smiled.

"Thank you, Princess."

Feng Yun had almost no interaction with the eldest princess in her previous life, and had never seen her up close, so this face was still unfamiliar to her...

But the eldest princess's reputation as a nanny is so well-known that it's hard not to know.

She looks younger than Feng Yun imagined. Sitting next to Pu Yangyi, they look like sisters. Even her voice is actually gentler, more graceful, and more beautiful than Pu Yangyi's. She is not as direct or fast-talking as Pu Yangyi at all. language……

When the food and drinks were served, the ladies were laughing and joking, not serious at all.

One look at them revealed that they had a good personal relationship with the eldest princess.

They mingled with each other, talking about family affairs that Feng Yun had never heard of.

Sitting alone on one side like this seems a bit out of place.

Puyang Yi glanced at the eldest princess, saw that she was not moving, and smiled softly: "Mom, how could you ignore this distinguished guest? Princess Yonghuai is the most distinguished guest at our table. I propose a glass of water and wine on my behalf. How's that?"

Feng Yun raised his head slightly: "The county prince is polite. In front of the eldest princess, how can I dare to call you noble?"

A simple sentence, without a trace of smile, calm and composed, she said "dare not", but her sitting posture and posture all said that she was more noble than everyone here.

Only then did the eldest princess' eyes fall on Feng Yun, looking at her and admiring her.

"It is said that King Yonghuai married a fairy. When I saw him today, he was indeed well-deserved. Look at her skin and tender flesh. The Feng family in Xuzhou is a beauty. My younger sister will marry Qi Jun, and my elder sister will marry the king. Both of them are promising. "

Someone in the hall laughed.

The Feng family sisters had a bad relationship, and everyone knew they were quarreling over Xiao Lang.

The eldest princess's understatement hit Feng Yun's weakness.

Feng Yun's face didn't change, "It's a shame to Pei Lang, otherwise my wife would not know where to suffer."

The eldest princess lowered her sleeves and fiddled with the tea cup, "Prince Yonghuai and his wife were harmonious and extremely loving. We really envy us. I have pity on my daughter. Just like her mother, she is an unlucky person. She has been widowed for many years and has no good husband." Jun..."

Pu Yangyi frowned, thinking about what Pu Yang Zong had done and Wen Xingsu who was so cold to her, she suddenly felt angry.

"Mom, what are you talking about? You don't have to be laughed at. I am a widower of my own free will. It's not that I don't want to marry, but that I refuse to marry. There is no man I can like."

The eldest princess was disliked by her daughter, but she was not angry. She picked up the tea cup and took a sip. Then she looked up at Feng Yun, with a kind smile on her expression.

"Princess, please forgive me. Pingyuan is used to being savage, and I indulge her. I speak without considering the occasion. I am sorry to make you laugh."

Feng Yun said, "It's okay. The county lady and I have known each other for a long time and know each other well."

The princess looked at her and confirmed that she had no other meaning when she said "know each other well". Then she said helplessly, "It's also Li Zongxun's fault. He caused such a scandal, which made the country restless, the family business depressed, and we can't live a peaceful life."

She laughed again, "King Yonghuai has been on the expedition to the north for so long. Princess, you must be worried, right?"

Feng Yun: "The country is the most important, how can I take care of the love of children?"

The princess said, "Alang is not at home, and women will inevitably suffer some troubles..."

She changed the subject and asked unconsciously, "King Yonghuai left so many soldiers in Xinzhou, do they still listen to your orders?"

Feng Yun smiled: "How can I, a woman, have a say in military affairs?"

The princess sighed, "That's true. However, King Yonghuai is so devoted to you that he left all his wealth to you. Isn't it because he is afraid that you will be bullied?"

Feng Yun's heart moved slightly, and she smiled faintly:

"The princess is wrong. My husband has his own arrangements for state affairs, not for me. This kind of joke is not allowed. If someone with ulterior motives hears it, they will accuse the king again..."

The princess woke up as if from a dream, "What the princess said is very right. Look at my mouth, I speak without restraint. King Yonghuai is the most concerned about the overall situation. If my rebellious son had half of his steadiness, he would not do such a thing that humiliates the family and offends the princess..."

Feng Yun smiled lightly and said nothing.

The princess raised her eyebrows, and seeing her calm expression, her heart sank again and again.

It was not the first time she heard the name of Feng's daughter, but it was the first time she saw her.

It was at this time that she believed that this woman was not just a pretty fool...

She was so scheming that people could not see that she was scheming.

She was not too arrogant, nor too humble, and she was just the right wife of a powerful official.

In the past, the princess would not bother to pay attention to such a woman who had nothing to do with her, but now the situation was pressing...

As soon as Pei Cong died, some people in the capital were ready to make a move.

Born and raised in the royal family, no one did not want to be the one who held the power of the country.

Once she got on this ship, she could not afford to retreat.

Once the power falls into someone else's hands, all future generations will have to look at other people's faces, or even die in the power struggle, without a sound or a trace...

The eldest princess wanted to explore the control of the Feng brothers and sisters over the Beiyong Army, and find out Feng Yun's background, to see if she was just a canary kept by Pei Jue in the mansion, or if, as the rumors spread, she was actually Pei Jue's right-hand man, very popular in the Beiyong Army, and her talent and prestige could convince everyone.

The eldest princess decided to take another drastic measure.

"The news about Prince Yonghuai was originally told by the Queen Mother of Xijing, for fear that the princess would be sad, but I think it's not a good idea to keep it secret like this..."

Feng Yun smiled, "Are you talking about the news that my husband was killed in Beirong?"

The whole room was in uproar.

The ladies looked at each other in shock.

Even Puyang Yi showed surprise on her face.

Only the eldest princess was slightly startled, and her face was more surprised that Feng Yun said it in public.

This matter is really top secret. In order to avoid shaking the morale of the army, only a few people in the court knew about it. She didn't expect Feng Yun's news to spread so quickly...

She was getting more and more confused about this woman's background.

"King Yonghuai devoted himself to the country of Jin. If he really died in Cangyan Mountain, it would be a loss for Jin. It's really sad. I can't eat well or sleep these days. I'm worried every day. The princess is calm and doesn't seem to be sad at all?"

Feng Yun looked at her, "We are thousands of miles away. It's still unknown whether the news is true or not. Why should I be sad at this time? Even if something happens to the king, I can't be sad. Since it was the thief Li who harmed him, I will clear the obstacles, avenge him, and give him a tooth for a tooth..."

After a pause, he smiled faintly.

"The most useless thing in the world is sadness. Princess, don't you think so?"

When the princess's husband died, within half a month, the princess had a new love.

When the prince consort was alive, they were a loving couple. When others asked the princess why she was not sad, she said that sadness was the most useless thing in the world. She said that the prince consort loved her the most and couldn't bear to see her sad. As long as she was happy, the prince consort would be relieved.

Most of the ladies present knew about this matter.

Feng Yun suddenly said this, and the princess's face changed immediately.

Even Puyang Yi was embarrassed.

This was Feng Yun's tit-for-tat.

It came so quickly.

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