Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 344 The general trend

When leaving Taiping Garden, Puyangyi saw Feng Yun to the door.

"I apologize to you on behalf of my mother."

Feng Yun smiled slightly and said, "Your Majesty's words are serious."

Puyang Yi clenched her sleeves, "Yunniang, I want to ask you something, is it okay?"

Feng Yun said humbly: "Excuse me, Lord County."

Pu Yangyi hesitated for a moment: "If one day, my mother-in-law does something wrong to you, will you hold grudge against her?"

Feng Yun was startled and met her gaze, "I am terrified. The eldest princess is the eldest princess and a noble person in Tianhuang. How dare a woman from the Feng family bear a grudge against His Highness? The county prince must not praise me and kill me."

Her voice was calm and there was no sense of alienation, but it was not the time for the two of them to have a long conversation when Pu Yangyi went to play in the village.

In the face of the general trend, people are too small, too small to change anything.

Puyangyi sighed, his eyes turning red.

"I don't know why things have developed to this point... In just a few months, there has been a huge change, as if the world has changed. People around me have changed without knowing it. My mother has changed, and so have you. "

Feng Yun saw her looking at him with sad eyes.

He opened his mouth, but it was difficult to say those cold words.

She and Pu Yangyi were not very good friends, but after getting together, they became close to each other...

But they all know that people follow the general trend. When faced with a choice, they raise the butcher knife, which way should they cut, or where should they cut...

Pu Yangyi stared at Feng Yun and said: "If something happens to King Yonghuai, I advise you to make plans early. Although I shouldn't say this, in troubled times, women must protect themselves. Doesn't Prince Yunchuan like you? You might as well go to Yunchuan with him to avoid the limelight..."

Does even Pu Yangyi think that her mother will attack her in order to seize power?

Feng Yun smiled, suddenly lowered his head, and held Pu Yangyi's hand.

There was sweat oozing out from her palms, and her face looked pale.

Feng Yun said: "Thank you, Lord County. I will consider it."

Pu Yangyi seemed to be relieved and suddenly stretched out his arms to hug her.

"It will get better, Yun Niang. I believe that in this world and in this world, there will always be a day when the sun and the moon are clear. You and I can live in a world without war, and we will be safe and peaceful every year."

Feng Yun raised his eyes and said, "Yes."

Pu Yangyi looked into her eyes and wanted to say something, but was stunned for a moment and couldn't say anything.

Ge Guang's voice came at this time.

Behind Feng Yun, in front of Puyang Yi.

"Madam, Mr. Da Lang is back."

Wen Xingsui was wearing battle armor, wearing a green cloak and a black cloak on his head. He looked like a knight who traveled around the world. His eyebrows were like daggers, and he was fierce. The wind and frost on his face added to his The exhaustion also made his whole body look more chilly. Riding on his horse through the streets full of flowers in spring in March, it was like a warm sun that melted the ice in Feng Yun's heart.

"Waist waist."

Puyang swallowed the words that hit his mouth.

She put on a smile and wanted to give Wen Xingshu a friendly smile, but his eyes did not move a little bit, and he completely ignored her who was right next to Feng Yun. He jumped off the horse and gave a hasty salute.

"I've met the county prince."

From the beginning to the end, Wen Xingsu's eyes did not fall on her, and he turned around and left with Feng Yun, as indifferent as if he was not the gentle and gentle General Wen she knew.

Pu Yangyi lowered his head and clenched his sleeves to hide his embarrassment.

It wasn't until they were far away that they looked back at the maid not far away.

"Go back."

The maid bowed.

She came closer and paused.

"Don't talk too much in front of my mother, or I'll cut your tongues out."

The maid lowered her head nervously, "I don't dare."

"Don't you dare? Huh! Don't think I don't know. You should report everything to grandma in detail. Forget about the past. From now on, if there is such a talkative slave around me again, I have to find a way out. Or just wait until I kill him."


Feng Yun took Ge Guang and Wen Xingsu to Yutangchun for a tip.

Running wildly all the way, Wen Xingsu was already hungry.

While eating, Feng Yun didn't ask him anything. He seemed to be thinking about something, and he was very silent.

After eating, Ge Guang stood guard outside the door, and Feng Yun personally handed Wen Xingsu a warm towel.

"How is Xijing?"

Wen Xingsu took it and paused slightly.

"I didn't enter Xijing City."

Feng Yun raised his eyelids and looked at him silently.

Wen Xing traced back: "Yao Yao, do you remember that before King Yonghuai left, he had a drink with me until dawn?"

Feng Yun nodded without interrupting him.

Wen Xingsu looked straight at her, his eyes were red, and his face was solemn that Feng Yun rarely saw. "Well, he specifically told me not to leave Xinzhou. Even if he received the holy decree from Xijing, he didn't care. He must guard Xinzhou." Five counties, guard you..."

Feng Yun was quite surprised, "Then what did you do?"

Wen Xingsu lowered his eyelids and said, "It is indeed the Holy Will that came. Empress Dowager Duan said that the war situation in the northwest was urgent and that I needed my help, so she asked me to return to Xijing quickly. I knew something was wrong at the first sight..."

He glanced at Feng Yun faintly, his eyes full of pity.

"Either something happened to King Yonghuai and Empress Dowager Duan was left without a master, so she called me back to Beijing to lead troops to support. Or someone wanted to transfer me away from Xinzhou and let me leave the Northern Yong Army..."

"Which one does Brother think it is?"

"When I received the order, I felt that the majority of them were the former. Concubine Duan was a female prostitute, and she relied entirely on the support of King Yonghuai. If not for this, there would be no possibility of herself being in trouble. To be on the safe side, I did not go to Xijing, but went to Yunzhou in disguise , take the opportunity to find out what's going on, and give people the illusion that I have obeyed the order and left Shinshu..."

Here he stopped.

"How is Yunzhou? Is there any news about the king?" Feng Yun asked eagerly.

Wen Xing traced back: "I found out in Yunzhou that as early as half a month before I received the order, Ao Qi had led his troops to leave Yunzhou Shimenguan and go to Cangyan Mountain..."

Feng Yun: "In other words, the imperial court has no reason to call you back to Beijing?"

Wen Xing hummed, and when he looked at Feng Yun again, his eyes were slightly sad.

"There are rumors in the frontier that King Yonghuai led his troops to pursue him deep into the Black Bei Gorge. He was besieged by Li Zongxun's rebels and the Twelve Tribes. He encountered extreme weather conditions of sand, dust, rain and soil, and feared that something unexpected might happen..."

He was afraid that Feng Yun would be sad, so he looked comforting.

"But the rumors are just rumors, and the situation is still unclear. Ao is still young, but he acts cautiously. With him leading troops to support him, King Yonghuai will definitely be able to escape from danger."

"Thank you, brother." Feng Yun smiled sweetly.

"Why are you always thanking me?"

"I always want to thank you for always thinking about me."

Wen Xingsu was silent for a moment, looked at her for a long time, and then sighed inaudibly.

"I didn't do well, so I should tell you in advance so that you don't worry."

Feng Yun looked at each other and smiled.

"Brother is right to do this. If I had known about it in advance, I would have been less nervous and would have made people suspicious..."

She gently touched the corner of the cup and gently touched the corner of her lips, "I didn't expect that the king had already made arrangements before leaving, and thought of all the consequences..."

Wen Xingsu felt a little sad, but he had to admit, "Your Majesty is so wise."

Feng Yun pursed his lips with a smile and nodded.

"How will the court explain?"

Wen Xingsu: "I have written back to Xijing and returned to Andu under the orders of the general. Even if Xijing is displeased, I dare not embarrass him."

"Empress Dowager Duan is a soft persimmon, a wallflower, she doesn't have any ideas, she just depends on which way the wind blows. The king is alive, Xijing really doesn't dare to embarrass her."

What if Pei Ran is gone?

Feng Yun stared deeply at Wen Xing and said, "The road ahead is unpredictable. Before the king comes back, you and I must work together to protect the five counties of Xinzhou."

Wen Xing traced back: "Before I left, I had discussed it with Shi Yin, Yu Zhong and others. The Beiyong Army still has four main forces in the five counties of Xinzhou, namely Chijia, Landing, Zidian, and Chenghe. But there are One thing is that although the Northern Yong army is brave, it is difficult to control. To command this army, it must be King Yonghuai himself..."

He slowly raised his head and looked at Feng Yun, his tone low.

"Unless you have the Northern Yong Army Soldier Talisman in hand."

Feng Yun's heart skipped a beat.

After hesitating for a moment, she slowly raised her eyes.

"Half a military talisman, I don't know if it will work?"


That day, Wen Xingsu and Feng Yun talked secretly for an hour before leaving Yutangchun and going straight back to the camp.

The next night, as soon as Feng Yun fell asleep, he was woken up by a knock on the door.

"Madam, get up quickly."

It was Xiaoman who was urging.

In the flower hall were Wen Xingsu, Yu Zhong, Shi Yin, and Wu Maqi, the deputy general of the Red Armor Army who temporarily replaced Ao Qi after Ao Qi left. Several of them were wearing ordinary casual clothes and no armor. They were dressed like the crops in the village. Han is almost the same, obviously he came in disguise.

Feng Yun saluted them, "From now on, it's all up to you."

Seeing Feng Yun, a dignified man of seven feet, his eyes turned red.

"We have all heard about the king. My condolences to the princess."

Yu Zhong was a straightforward man. When they analyzed the situation in the camp, they basically concluded that Pei Ran was killed.

Otherwise, why has there been no news for so long?

With Pei Man's ability, as long as he is alive, it is impossible not to let people pass on the news.

Unless he was gone, the remaining troops were recruited by Li Zongxun, and there was extreme weather, which cut off contact with the outside world...

Everyone knows in their hearts that the longer it drags on, the less likely Pei Madang will survive...

But this fool just asked the princess to "sorrow her condolences" directly, which was too ignorant of roundabout ways.

Wen Xingsu was silent.

Shi Yin glared at Yu Zhong and said in a low voice:

"What stupid things are you saying? Didn't General Ao lead people to the Black Back Canyon? I believe there will be news soon."

Feng Yun figured out the meaning of his words and asked, "Do you believe Ao Qi?"

Shi Yin twitched his lips and nodded awkwardly, "The Mahe tribe volunteered to lead their troops to escort General Ao into the valley. With them leading the way, I think they will be able to find the king soon."

Yu Zhong snorted, "How can we hope for a tribe that behaves so absurdly?"

Feng Yun asked: "How absurd?"

Yu Zhong said dissatisfiedly: "Chief Mahe forced General Ao to marry his daughter. He had to be related by marriage before he would help. Ao Qi agreed."

The hinterland of the Black Back Canyon is extremely deep. During the day, the sun shines brightly. There is no water source, no animals and plants, and it is like a dead land without life. At night, it is extremely cold, dusty, and the wind howls like a ghost crying and wolf howling. The terrain is dangerous and treacherous. , without the help of local people, it is extremely difficult to survive...

Ao Qi worshiped his uncle so much, obviously compromising for Pei Ran.

Shi Yin's throat tightened and his voice was choked.

"Ao Qi is a man."

Feng Yun was stunned for a moment.

Everything turned around too quickly.

A spirited young man, a handsome young general, with red eyes and a brilliant smile, he was stubborn in catching fish in the pond, and he was as happy as a child holding Ao Zai. Everything was just before my eyes, as if it was yesterday. But he eventually grew up, became General Ao who could take charge of everything, and married a wife in the distant Cangyan Mountain...

The mountains and plains are endless...

She believed that Ao Qi was not acting impulsively, and he must have thought it over carefully.

She also hoped that the young lady from the Mahe tribe was worthy of him marrying...

Otherwise, how wronged he would be in this life.

Ao Qi: Don't get me wrong, I agreed, but I don't have a wedding or a bridal chamber. I'm still a child, how can I be so fast? Besides, doesn't my parents have to decide whether I can return to Beijing?

Chunyu Yan: Congratulations. Let's have fun together.

Xiao Cheng: Congratulations to General Ao.

Wen Xingsu: I won't congratulate you, right? There's nothing to be happy about, and I don't have a high status in my sister's heart anyway.

Pei Jue: ...Boy, let me remember you again.

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