Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 345 Covering the sky with one hand

To avoid suspicion, Shi Yin and Yu Zhong left at night.

Feng Yun went back to his room and fell asleep again, but he had a confused dream.

She sat in the Queen's Luan Chariot and drove slowly and unsteadily through the long street.

Just like that year when she went to Jiming Temple to pray for blessings and returned to the city, but the person who came to pick her up was not the attendant of Qi Palace, but Pei Madang who was galloping over on a snowy horse.

In the dream, she was greatly frightened, and the hand holding the curtain trembled.

"Why are you here?"

In the dream, it seemed as if there was a huge boulder pressing on her chest, making her breathless.

"Go quickly, go quickly, don't be discovered."

This is Qi Palace. He, a Jin general, came here. If Xiao Cheng's people find out, he will not be able to leave.

Feng Yun was anxious and wanted to shout, but couldn't. Pei Madang, on the other hand, remained calm and carried her out of the car himself, his sharp brows slightly furrowed.

"What's wrong with Yun Niang? Did you go to offer incense to the Bodhisattva and got yourself confused?"

Low laughter came from all around.


"Your Majesty, I am joking with you."

Only then did she realize that something seemed wrong.

This is not in Taicheng.

Feng Yun looked at the man's face with wide eyes.

So familiar, so real.

She couldn't believe that she didn't have the feeling of dreaming.

"Why do they call you Your Majesty? Where am I?"

He grabbed Pei Ran violently again.

The strong and powerful arms were so real that she almost shed tears in the next moment.

"Pei Lang, are you here to pick up Qu'er?"

"Idiot, I'll pick you up." Pei Madang gently held her waist and refused to let her ride in the car. Instead, he put her on the horse, just like he held her waist that night in Xinzhou City. Walking along the long street under the gaze of countless people.

"Yunniang... are you having a nightmare?"

Following the wind, they walked farther and farther, farther and farther.

His voice carried along the wind, becoming fainter and fainter.

"General," she called.

There was a cluster of fire burning in her chest, which made her feel a little stuffy, but there seemed to be a hole in her heart, slowly swallowing up her consciousness...

Pei Madang in the halo gradually blurred...

Dreams are also very exciting.

She wanted to grab something, and hugged Pei Madang's arms tightly with both hands, like a hot summer afternoon, suddenly breaking into a heavy rain, covered in sweat, face covered with water stains, frightened, but powerless...

"You're here? Are you really here?"

"Well, Yun Niang, I'm here to pick you up."

He stared at her, his deep gaze seemed to look into her eyes...

"It's good to come, it's good to come." Feng Yun hid in his arms, suddenly laughed, and pressed his forehead against his shoulder. In a daze, his heart was filled with joy...

"Madam, get up."

Feng Yun was woken up from his dream and felt dizzy. It took him a while to realize what a ridiculous and magical dream he had.

"What time is it?"

Xiaoman opened a little gauze curtain.

"At Mao hour, the sun is out."

Feng Yun squinted his eyes, looked at the ray of sunshine, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"The king is still alive."

Xiaoman looked at her and said nothing.

Feng Yun said: "He told me about it in a dream."

Xiaoman's eyes turned red, and she suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

In fact, she would rather Feng Yun could cry loudly and vent her emotions like other women, instead of being so cold and dull as if nothing happened.

That would be fine if the lady is really that strong.

The sentence "He entrusted me with a dream" washed away Xiao Man's tear ducts.

Xiao Man bit his lower lip, almost crying.

Feng Yun was unusually calm.

"Brother, have you gotten up?"

Xiao Man said: "Da Langjun got up early and went there with the cutting dragon. He said he was practicing martial arts."

While the two were talking, Wen Xingsui came back, his face flushed but his expression even calmer than last night.

"Why don't you sleep a little longer?"

Feng Yun shook his head and poured him a cup of hot tea.

"I can't sleep. If I had known that eldest brother wanted to practice, I might as well let you go."

Wen Xingsu looked at her and said, "I went to the farm tool shop to have a look. There is also the village school you run."

Feng Yun raised his head and asked, "How?"

Wen Xingsu looked a little deeper and said, "Very good."

Feng Yun waved his hand, motioning for Xiaoman to get down, and then sat down.

"Brother, I had a strange dream..."

When Wen Xingsu was about to ask what the dream was, she paused, stared at him with twinkling eyes and said, "After waking up from the dream, I found that we had overlooked an important point."

"What?" Wen Xingsu asked.

"The little emperor of Xijing." Feng Yun looked at Wen Xingsu with a calm expression, sharp eyes, and a smile on his lips, "I want to take him by my side and take care of him."

She said this lightly.

It seems that he is not talking about the little emperor, but some abandoned kittens and puppies.

Wen Xingsu stared silently.

These days, Feng Yun was busy here and there without showing any signs of fatigue. Nothing seemed to have changed, and he never even mentioned Pei Ran.

But her cheeks were visibly thinner than they were during the New Year, and her eyes appeared to be larger.

Wen Xingsu looked at her face and felt very unbearable.

"what's your plan?"

Feng Yun's face was tense and he smiled faintly: "Yuan Shangyi is the only child of Emperor Xifeng. If he is gone, who else do you think the Jin Dynasty can make emperor?"

Either Yuan Shuo was supported by Li Zongxun, or another clan member from Xijing was promoted to learn Li Zongxun's methods and be respected as emperor...

The eldest princess obviously wants to take the latter path.

She did not choose Yecheng during the Zhongjing Incident, and there was already a rift between her and Li Zongxun. Even if Pei Man hadn't stopped her, she wouldn't have risked going to Yecheng again to become a famous eldest princess...

The Xijing court is currently divided into two parties.

One is the old officials before the Jin Dynasty was split. They are called the old party.

First, after the young emperor Tianshou ascended the throne, the newly promoted officials in the court were called the New Party.

The new party is headed by Ao Zheng, and the old party is headed by Shangshu Pushe Ruan Pu.

But as we all know, Ruan Pu's daughter married the prince of Danyang County. Ruan Pu was the father-in-law of Puyang Zong. The person behind him was the eldest princess who represented the Pingcheng Yuan family and the royal family.

The two parties are constantly at odds with each other.

"If something happens to the little prince, the eldest princess can find any of the clan members to come out, but what about us?"

This premise is that there is no Pei Mad.

With Pei Madang here, no one dared to touch them.

If Pei Madang is not here, then they are Qi people. Even if the New Party wants to protect it, it will be very difficult. It is conceivable that they will be unanimously targeted by the entire Xijing court...

Feng Yun said a lot.

She thought it would take some time to convince Wen Xingsu to agree with her idea.

After all, bringing the little emperor to Andu was too crazy.

However, Wen Xingsu did not hesitate at all.

"Whatever Ayun says, we will do it." This simple sentence is an unconditional support for her.

"It's just an emergency, so you have to think carefully."

Feng Yun said with a smile: "Brother, do you think I am too willful?"

Wen Xingsu's heart moved slightly and he placed the tea cup heavily on the table.

"You are the wife of King Yonghuai, so there is no harm in being more willful."

As long as Xijing does not announce the news of Pei Madang's death, the Xijing court will have to let King Yonghuai cover the sky with one hand.

"Yeah." Feng Yun nodded.

"Whatever we can think of, they can also think of, so we have to be fast."

God seemed to be on Feng Yun's side. Before she could finalize the rules of conduct, news came from Xijing.

"Your Majesty is ill."

The person who sent the letter was Pang Gui from Tiqisi.

Feng Yun had dealt with this man before and knew that he was Wei Zheng's confidant, so he asked straight to the point.

"Real illness and fake illness?"

Pang Gui said: "It's really sick."

Feng Yun asked again: "Which direction does Empress Dowager Duan's heart lean towards now? The new party or the old party?"

Pang Guidao said: "Empress Dowager Duan has no opinion. Ask the eunuch Xu Yong for domestic affairs, and ask the Prime Minister Ao Zheng for foreign affairs..."

Feng Yun said: "Whose intention was it to summon General Wen back to Beijing?"

Pang Gui shook his head, "Empress Dowager Duan listened to Xu Yong's slander, saying that once King Yonghuai died, the Northern Yong army would be in disarray. General Wen was from Qi, and he would most likely seize the opportunity to seize power and make the five counties of Xinzhou fall into the hands of the enemy again, so she took the first step. To be strong.”

Tiqisi walked in the forbidden gardens of the palace, and the information he got was all first-hand and should be accurate.

Then this great eunuch Xu Yong is worth digging into.

Feng Yun asked: "Then who wants you to send a letter to Andu?"

Pang Gui looked up at her and lowered his voice.

"What Lord Wei means."

He paused and then said: "The imperial doctors in the palace have repeatedly consulted, but there is no improvement. Empress Dowager Duan does not trust the imperial doctor's order and the Puyang medical officer..."

"Why don't you believe it?"

"Empress Dowager Duan believes that anyone with the surname Puyang is of the same mind as the eldest princess."

Feng Yun snorted coldly.

"The eldest princess is the little emperor's aunt, can she still harm him?"

"Whether the eldest princess will harm your majesty, I don't know, but Xu Yong will definitely tell Queen Mother Duan that the eldest princess has bad intentions and will harm your majesty, and then support King Zhuang Xian's son..."

King Zhuangxian was the younger brother of Emperor Xifeng and the eldest princess. However, the eldest princess and Emperor Xifeng were not of the same mother, but they and King Zhuangxian crawled out of the same mother's womb.

With such a relationship, as long as someone is provoking it in her ears, how could Empress Dowager Duan not be fooled when she learned that Pei Madang had an accident and had no one to rely on behind her? (End of chapter)

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