Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 346: The army is established by deception

Feng Yun asked several questions in a row, and Pang Gui answered them all, telling everything he knew. His attitude was so humble that he seemed to be ready to go to Huaxi to accept her cross-examination.

"The old and new parties in the DPRK are fighting to the death. Chief Wei didn't say much at first, but now that things have gotten worse, he can no longer be silent..."

Preserving the little emperor means preserving Wei Zheng's own glory and wealth.

Since Wei Zheng did not choose to go to Yecheng with Li Sangruo, there was only one way left for him in the future - to be loyal to the Xijing court and to be with Pei Ran.

Feng Yun looked at Pang Gui calmly.

"Master Wei is interested."

Pang Guidao: "Master Wei told Queen Mother Duan that there is a miracle doctor named Yao in Huaxi Village who specializes in treating difficult and complicated diseases..."

Feng Yun smiled and said, "Then Eunuch Xu also agrees?"

"I can't help but he disagrees." Pang Gui said, admiring his master very much. "At this time, there are not many trustworthy people around Queen Mother Duan. She knows very well that if something happens to His Majesty, nothing good will happen to her. In the end, even if she is a dead horse, she still has to give it a try. Nothing Eunuch Xu says can stop her. "

Feng Yun smiled, "Master Wei has waited for a good opportunity."

Pang Gui took the initiative and said: "The master asked me to bring a message to the princess. I will never forget the feeling of saving her life."

Feng Yun smiled slightly.

She didn't do it to save Wei Zheng in the first place, it was clearly for herself.

However, she never does anything that benefits herself at the expense of others.

If you have your own path, you will also help others build a bridge...

Feng Yun slowed down and asked the last question.

"Does Tiqisi have the sure letter from King Yonghuai?"

Pang Gui shook his head, "No."

In fact, Wei Zheng stood still at first, waiting for news about Pei Ran. In recent days, a large number of Tiqisi spies were dispatched. However, there was nothing they could do in the Cangyan Gobi and vast wasteland.

Pang Gui sighed, and his eyes dimmed.

"My condolences, Princess. Take care of the present moment first."

Feng Yun hummed, "When are you planning to set off?"

Pang Gui said: "The faster, the better."

Feng Yun smiled and said, "That depends on what Dr. Yao wants."


Yao Ru was reading medical books at home.

It was a manuscript of the Medicinal Classic that Feng Yun found from Zhuangzi. Some of the contents had long been missing. He had been searching for it for many years, but the book was extremely detailed.

The more Yao Ru read, the more curious he became about Lu Sanniang's marriage into the Feng family with five thousand books. He wished he could get into those five thousand volumes...

Feng Yun came in person, and Yao Ru didn't react until Wang led the people to the door of the medicine studio.

This medicine studio was only built in the spring. The craftsmen sent by Changmen and the people in the village helped each other and confiscated a copper plate. The Yao family only took care of a few meals and built such a big one on the left side of the house for him to soak. The seat of cardiopharmacology.

Yao Ru was tired of the disputes and was very satisfied with the current situation. When he learned that he wanted to treat the little emperor, he refused in his heart.

In the end, it was Feng Yun who convinced him with one sentence.

"Doctors don't pick patients, not to mention the life and death of the little emperor, which is related to the peace of the world..."

This sentence is serious.

But Yao Ru knew the weight of it.

Although Yuan Shangyi is only a six-year-old child, as long as he lives for one day, he will still be the emperor "who is destined to be destined", and the forces of all parties can at least achieve a short-term balance.

If the little emperor really dies, there will be another bloody storm.

Yao Ru said: "I can go to Xijing."

Feng Yun looked at him, shook his head and smiled.

"I know that Dr. Yao doesn't want to get involved in court disputes, and he also cares about Andu's family. If you go to Xijing, your future is uncertain, and I won't let you get involved in danger..."

Yao Ru was shocked.

How to treat the little emperor without going to Xijing?

Feng Yun said: "How can it be so easy to find a miraculous doctor? It is not impossible for the little emperor to go to the capital to seek medical consultation."

Yao Ru was frightened by her again.

"This, there is no precedent for this, right?"

Feng Yun looked at him, there was no flexibility in his eyes, only a cold and solemn air.

"If there is no precedent, create a precedent. Precedent is also made by people. Only if someone dares to be the first, then there will be a precedent."

Yao Ru was surprised.

Looking at her confident face, she didn't speak for a long time.

The little lady has such great courage.

He sighed quietly, his heart settled.

For him, it would be best not to take risks in Xijing.

Huaxi Village, Andu County, Shinshu, has become a place where he can settle down and live his life. He is willing to hide in this shell forever and enjoy the rest of his life with his family.

But he also knew that the person who clung to this shell was the seemingly frail woman in front of him.

For this reason, when it is time to pay, he cannot be vague.

Yao Ru clenched his fist hard and bowed deeply in front of Feng Yun.

"Everything depends on the princess's orders."


When Pang Gui left Huaxi, Feng Yun asked him to take a lot of things to Xijing. Luo Yue's body became heavier and heavier, and Feng Yun told Pang Gui to tell her that when she had time, she would go back to her parents' home in Andu.

Pang Guidu responded one by one.

Feng Yun sent Ge Guang to take more than ten Buqu with him. Fearing that there would be insufficient manpower, he also asked Ye Chuang to pick out a few personal followers from the guard camp and go with them.

Ye Chuang said: "When I arrive in Xijing, I will first go to the Beiyong Army Camp to meet my old brothers."

Feng Yun smiled, "Okay."

Most of the troops that Pei Madang brought to Zhongjing followed him to the northwest. However, Ao Qi went to Xijing to settle down the court and brought about 5,000 people with him. Now they are on the outskirts of Xijing.

Ye Chuang came here and brought three secret letters.

One is for Empress Dowager Duan, one is for Ao Zheng, and the other is for Helianqian, the Xijing camp of the Beiyong Army.

Everything that needed to be explained was done last night. Feng Yun sent them outside Zhuangzi's door with only a smile on his face.

Ye Chuang's eyes lingered on her face for a long time, and he suddenly felt a sense of sadness.

He had never seen a young lady as strong as Feng Yun. She seemed to have endless energy and no matter how difficult it was, she could not be overwhelmed...

No wonder the general is so madly in love.

No wonder Ao Qi is addicted to it.

Ye Chuang took a deep breath, got on his horse, and cupped his hands.

"Princess, take care."

Feng Yun looked at him, smiled silently, and said to Ge Guang:

"Let's go to Xijing. You will be greeted by Guard Ye."

Ge Guang held up his hand and said, "I understand."

Pang Gui also turned his horse's head and saluted Feng Yun.

"Princess, don't send her away far away. Please come back."

Feng Yun nodded, glanced at them, and turned back to the house.

There is no time to give her grief.

As soon as the people going to Xijing left, Feng Yun called A'lou and ordered him to clear out the wing room on the south side of Zhuangzi near Huaxi. He also called in some people and worked hard for days to heighten the walls, repair and expand them, and create a quiet little town. hospital……

Ah Lou didn't know her plan, so he thought the lady wanted to live there by herself, so he didn't ask any questions and went straight to do it.

Feng Yun worked non-stop, called Xing Bing, and arranged for people to check the situation of various households in Andu, including Taipingyuan. By the way, he had someone pick a cart of fresh vegetables from the vegetable garden and sent it to Taipingyuan, saying that it was for the eldest princess. Try new things with a very humble attitude.

By noon, she appeared in Yutangchun with Xiaoman.

He Chuandong came here during lunch.

He and Wen Hui looked at each other, and Wen Hui invited him into the private room.

Two guards were guarding outside.

He Chuandong took out a letter from his arms.

"My father asked me to give it to the princess."

Feng Yun smiled and said, "Thank you for your help."

In the letter, He Qia not only expressed his loyalty, but also told Feng Yun about the current situation in Xinzhou. He has already been angry with the governors of the five counties of Xinzhou. If someone in Xijing tries to shake the position of the young emperor Tianshou, they will go all out and fight to the death.

Feng Yun calmly put down the letter and asked He Chuandong.

"Are all the family members in Andu?"

He Chuandong cupped his hands and said: "In the past, most of my grandparents and relatives lived in Zhongjing. Years ago, when my father was promoted to governor, he took all his grandparents over. Some uncles and others stayed in their old residence in Pingcheng, and some are still in Zhongjing."

He subconsciously glanced at Wen Hui again.

"I don't have a family myself, and I have talked about getting married once before. However, my daughter's family disliked me for joining my father in the army and not having much future, so they called for an end to the engagement. Since then, the marriage has been wasted until now..."

The children of aristocratic families can enter official careers by virtue of their family status, and there is no need to suffer in the army. Only children from poor families will choose to join the army, so those who join the army are considered to have no future.

Later, the war was wasted, which delayed the marriage. It was not until He Qia took charge of Andu that the father and son settled down...

He Chuandong spoke sincerely and honestly.

Feng Yun and Wen Hui looked at each other, burst into laughter.

She just wants to know if the He family is all in Andu. Before fighting to the death, she must first ensure the safety of the family and the children before going all out.

I didn't ask him this...

She had a smile in her eyes, "After this happens, shall I be the matchmaker for He Jun?"

He Chuandong's cheeks turned red, "It's naturally good to have the princess as your matchmaker."

Feng Yun said: "It's just that the He family has a high lintel, I don't know whether to choose or not?"

He Chuandong said: "My father and mother are fairly well-educated. In troubled times, there are many people who are well-matched. As long as the person is good, that's all."

Wen Hui lowered her head.

Feng Yun knew it well.

I went to Yutangchun for dinner every day, and I really fell in love with the female shopkeeper.

If it weren't for the wrong timing, she would definitely have taken up the matter immediately and made this couple happy.

"Now, I can only wait for you slowly."

After He Chuandong left, Feng Yun said this to Wen Hui.

"My wife is joking, Mr. He may not have meant this."

Wen Hui's eyelashes trembled slightly, her lips pursed, and she sighed slowly.

"I never imagined that I would be in this situation. As a lowly woman, I am very lucky to be able to live with my wife and have enough food and clothing. How could I dare to think of a wishful husband..."

"What about women?" Feng Yun looked at her with a smile, his bright eyes seemed to be full of power, and there seemed to be blazing flames burning crazily in his calm eyes.

"As long as we live, we can think about anything. We can want anything."

A goshawk flew over the tall Andu city wall and made a shrill cry.

Wen Hui looked up and saw Feng Yun's profile.

In the light and shadow, the woman sat upright and upright. She was so fragile that she seemed to be blown away by a strong wind at any time, but she was also so tough that her blood surged instantly, and her chest seemed to have awakened a destructive power that could swallow up thousands of miles...( End of this chapter)

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