Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 347: A strong mother


Xuanguang Hall.

Queen Mother Duan looked at the little emperor sleeping with his eyes closed behind the bright yellow curtain. His face was as pale as paper and full of numb illness. The palace maids were coming and going outside, but she didn't seem to notice.

She had never given birth to an heir, and when the little prince first came to the palace, she was at a loss and didn't know what to do.

At that time, she didn't like children. They were delicate and fragile. She couldn't hold them or hold them, and they didn't crawl out of her belly. There was always a layer of separation between them.

But this little thing who lost her biological mother after she was born has been with her for six years. From the time she opened her eyes to look at her, to learning to talk to her, and then to learning to call her mother, I don’t know when she got used to having such a child. around...

She doesn't love him that much.

She just needed this baby.

Always thought so.

But when she really saw that his life was hanging by a thread, she realized that this need was not because this child could give her the distinguished title of Queen Mother, but also because she had already regarded him as her own child...

Queen Mother Duan looked at the child sadly, biting her lower lip for a long time and closing her eyes.

"Let them take it away."

Princess Yonghuai, who was far away in Huaxi, wrote her a letter.

She had never even seen herself, but she knew everything like the palm of her hand, and everything was said to her heart.

Empress Dowager Duan gently stroked the little emperor's quilt and murmured, "Just do it, just do it."

Xu Yong advised: "Your Highness, we still don't know what the situation in Huaxi is. How can we be so hasty and put His Majesty's life in the hands of a woman?"

Queen Mother Duan looked at him coldly, and suddenly thought of Princess Yonghuai's secret letter.

Once the little emperor dies, no matter how noble he is, all he has left is a cold temple name.

"Your Majesty, if everything goes according to your wishes, you must have a plan. The one who hopes that something will happen to your Majesty the most is Li Zongxun. The one who least wants something to happen to your Majesty is you and me."

You and I.

Two words bound her two people.

A helpless woman has few people she can rely on.

At this moment, Queen Mother Duan felt that Feng Yun understood her and that their interests were common. They both needed to save the little emperor's life in order to survive.

She stood up slowly, her eyes dark.

"If you don't get good medical treatment, Your Majesty will not be able to survive any longer. What about men, what about women? Whoever can cure Your Majesty, the Ai family will trust..."

Xu Yongdao: "What if Dr. Yao is a man who seeks fame and reputation?"

Queen Mother Duan slowly moved her eyes towards the dragon bed carved with dragons and phoenixes, and smiled coldly.

"That's better than doing nothing."

Today, Empress Dowager Duan's mouth was much sharper than usual, her expression was particularly cold and strange, and she spoke firmly, as if she suddenly had a backbone, and she was always contradictory.

Cold sweat broke out on Xu Yong's back.

"Queen Mother..."

"Shut up." Empress Dowager Duan's voice was hoarse, approaching him.

"You keep trying to stop me because you don't want His Majesty, okay?"

Xu Yong was shocked and knelt on the ground, "I don't dare, but..."

Xu Yong still wanted to persuade, but Queen Mother Duan's face darkened, "That's it."


Ye Chuang waited quietly outside Qianqiu Gate.

Wei Zheng walked over with his knife in hand, "Are you ready to drive?"

Ye Chuang said: "Ready."

Wei Zheng nodded lightly and said, "Follow me into the palace."

Looking at the heavy and thick palace walls from a distance, Ye Chuang felt heavy in his heart. This time when he came to Xijing, he was actually fully prepared - if things changed, he would not be able to go back.

He took Huaxi's specialties to visit General Pei in Xijing, and then went to the Xijing camp of the Beiyong Army. He met Helianqian and handed over the princess's secret letter.

Helianqian's eyes turned red immediately.

"Tomorrow, I will lead the troops and wait at the west gate to escort His Majesty."

Ye Chuang didn't know the content of the letter, let alone what kind of words Feng Yun used to impress Helianqian, a stubborn old man.

With He Lianqian's guarantee, Ye Chuang's heart is worth half of Panasonic.

But when he arrived at the solemn palace, he couldn't help but sweat in his palms when he thought that the person he was taking away was the Ninth Five Supreme Being.

Princess, you are really brave.


The Queen Mother did not leave the palace today to attend to affairs, and the ministers gathered in the side hall to discuss, making endless noises.

News from the northwest front lags behind, and Pei Mad's whereabouts are yet to be determined. Some people choose to remain silent. Only the old and new parties represented by Ao Zheng and Ruan Pu have been arguing about seeking medical treatment for His Majesty from the morning until now, but they can't reach a conclusion.

Ao Zheng, with the dignity of the prime minister, expressed his position in public that Dr. Yao was indeed a miraculous doctor, but he had a weird temper and had sworn a poisonous oath and would not leave Andu, even if the king of heaven came.

It is not uncommon for people with abilities to be mostly eccentric.

But the person he wants to heal is the current Holy One.

How could the Holy Spirit leave Beijing to find a country doctor for treatment?

Each has his own reason.

The two people were arguing and their faces were red.

In the Xuanguang Hall, the imperial troops were on three floors inside and three outside, and they were completely surrounded.

Ye Chuang looked at the people at the palace gate from a distance and tightened his palms.

If the Forbidden Army refused to release the people, even if Helianqian led the troops to guard the city gate, how would they get the people out unless they launched a coup and seized it by force?

The car drove all the way and arrived at the entrance of Xuanguang Hall.

A Forbidden Army guard immediately stepped forward with his sword and said with a cold face:

"Stop anyone who comes."

Wei Zheng's face darkened, "Don't you know who I am?"

The commander of the Imperial Guard next to him recognized him and hurriedly stepped forward, "Master Wei. I have just been given an order not to allow idlers to enter the Xuanguang Hall without permission."

Wei Zheng sneered.

"So, I can be regarded as a motley crew..."

The commander of the Forbidden Army hesitated for a moment, then lowered his head and apologized: "I didn't mean that, I was just following orders, and I hope Lord Wei will do more..."

"By whose order?"

Wei Zheng pressed forward step by step, "In this city of Xijing, whose orders can surpass those of the Queen Mother and Prime Minister Ao?"

"It's Shangshu Ling..." The commander of the imperial army said in a weak voice, not daring to look up at Wei Zheng's cold face.

Wei Zheng shouted, "Get out of the way!"

The commander of the imperial army still refused to retreat.

Wei Zheng said: "According to the Queen Mother's oral instructions, I am taking Your Majesty out of the capital to seek medical treatment. Anyone who dares to stop him will be punished for the crime of deceiving the emperor and neglecting his superiors!"

He flicked his sleeves and was about to step forward.

"Master Wei, no!" The commander of the imperial army stretched out his arm to stop him, but Ye Chuang didn't say anything, just drew his sword and slashed.

The commander of the Imperial Guard was startled and took two steps back.

Just as Wei Zheng was about to rush in, a loud shout came from behind.

"Wei Zheng, are you planning to take His Majesty hostage and lead a rebellion?"

Wei Zheng turned his head and looked at the side hall.

It was the minister's servant who came after hearing the news and shot Ruan Pu.

He looked at the cars outside Xuanguang Hall, then his eyes fell on Ye Chuang and others, and then stared straight at Wei Zheng.

"Your Majesty, who is connected with all the people in the world, how can he easily leave Xijing and go to Andu? Wei Zheng, I advise you to stop at the cliff."

Wei Zheng raised his hands and said, "Is it true that in the whole world, your Majesty, as the emperor, cannot set foot in your own territory? What kind of truth is this, Ruan Shangshu?"

Ruan Pu snorted, "Master Wei, after leaving Xijing, who will protect your majesty's safety?"

Wei Zheng smiled and said, "One hundred thousand Northern Yong troops are stationed. There is no safer place in the world than Andu, but Xijing and Xuanguang Hall..."

He looked back and sneered:

"My minister dares to disrespect the Queen Mother's decree and openly deploy the imperial army to surround the Xuanguang Palace like an iron barrel. If Ruan Shangshu has other thoughts... I'm afraid that no one can protect your majesty's safety, right?"

Doesn't this mean that he has different intentions?

Ruan Pu's face darkened.

"Master Wei, be careful, you can eat randomly, but you can't talk nonsense..."

Wei Zheng sneered, "Please be careful what you say, Ruan Shangshu. I, Wei Zheng, dare to swear to heaven today that I will act only for His Majesty's health and have no selfish interests at all. Do you, Ruan Shangshu, dare?"

"I dare!" Before Ruan Pu's voice fell, a cold shout came from the side.

"How dare you!"

The person who came had his hands behind his back and a livid face. It was Ao Zheng who came a step behind him.

Ye Chuang and others stepped forward to salute.

Ao Zheng waved his hand and looked at Ruan Pu coldly.

"As human ministers, we should never give up if there is even a glimmer of hope. Now we are just watching His Majesty contract an illness and are not allowed to seek medical treatment. Old man, what are your intentions?"

Ruan Pu became angry when he saw him and gritted his teeth.

"Well, Ao Zheng, you have to go against me, right?"

"Bah!" Ao Zheng looked at him disdainfully, "How dare I, the majestic prime minister, go against an old man like you?"

"That makes no sense."

Before the split of the Jin Dynasty, Ruan Pu had a higher official position and louder voice than Ao Zheng. Now that Ao Zheng is the prime minister, he is still in his old position, and Pei Madang has not given him the right to assist the government.

During the Zhongjing Incident, he suffered from the fact that his family had no time to leave, so he could not go to Yecheng. How could he bear to see his former subordinates showing off their power in front of him?

Ruan Pu was so angry that he did not argue with Ao Zheng.

"No matter what, your Majesty cannot leave the capital today."

Ao Zheng looked at the forbidden troops.

"Do you want to listen to me or do you want to listen to me?"

"Of course you listen to me."

"I am the Prime Minister."

"So what, Prime Minister?"

Ruan Pu suddenly changed his face and said coldly: "Where are the forbidden troops? Take down the rebellious minister Ao Zheng quickly!"

Ao Zheng stiffened, "How dare you!"

He clapped his hands lightly and said in a deep voice: "Come here, tie up this old dog that is causing trouble to the country and government!"

The dull sound of footsteps sounded from behind the palace.

A group of attendants unsheathed their swords and guns and walked silently from behind the lonely palace. At some point, under the eaves and behind the walls, there were densely packed Forbidden Army guards and Tiqi Sitiqi...

People from all sides met and refused to give in to each other. They all raised their eyebrows and held their swords forward, and they crowded the passage in front of Xuanguang Hall.

"Everyone, stop it for the Ai family!"

A deep shout came.

Everyone followed the sound.

The door of Xuanguang Hall opened.

Empress Dowager Duan, dressed in plain clothes and with black hair, stood there with a haggard face. At a glance, her pale face looked like that of a dead person.

"No need to argue, just listen to the Aijia."

Everyone looked at each other.

Just yesterday, Queen Mother Duan was still hesitant. Why did she suddenly make up her mind and even Xu Yong couldn't persuade her?

"What?" Queen Mother Duan silently glanced at everyone.

Then he slowly raised his head and looked at the gate of Xuanguang Hall, slowly puffed up his chest, and puffed his sleeves in a deep voice.

"If it's the Ai family, doesn't it work?"

Ao Zheng came to his senses and bowed deeply.

"I sincerely obey the Queen Mother's decree."

Ruan Pu was stunned there until Ao Zheng glanced over with half-smiling eyes, and then he woke up as if from a dream.

"I accept your order."

From the establishment of the Xijing imperial court to the present, what Empress Dowager Duan has said the most is "according to Aiqing's words" and "what Aiqing said is good". She can't make up her mind about everything. She is light-hearted and shallow-sighted...

Who could have expected that she would suddenly become so powerful today?

Queen Mother Duan looked at everyone's reactions, and her anxious heart finally fell away.

What Princess Yonghuai said in her letter is absolutely right.

"The Queen Mother must stand up."

"Although women are weak, they are strong as mothers."

Only when she stands up will she have dignity and these people will listen to her. She is the Queen Mother, why should she look at the faces of the ministers? Even if they look down on her a thousand times or ten thousand times in their hearts, she is still the emperor's mother.

Although women are weak, they are strong as mothers.

For the life of her youngest son and for herself. This time, she must stand up.

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