Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 348 Wishful Thinking

The weather has been sunny for days, and the crops in the crop fields are growing very fast.

The eldest princess received vegetables from Huaxi Village every day, and also gave Feng Yun some tea and clothes as gifts in return.

Outsiders looked at it and were all confused, wondering what the two men were doing.

Under the sun, everything is calm in Huaxi Village. The farmers are waiting for this season's harvest with eager anticipation in their eyes.

In the Taiping Garden, the eldest princess sat in front of the west window, looking at the golden glow on the high wall, her whole heart seemed to have sunk to the bottom of the valley.

Half an hour ago, she received a secret report from Xijing that the young emperor Tianshou had left the palace incognito. He was escorted by Tiqisi and Beiyong troops along the way...

The eldest princess's vision gradually blurred.

Yuan Sangyi had been in poor health since he was a child and often went to Baima Temple to live in seclusion. The aunt and nephew did not see each other often, and there was no relationship...

To be honest, she was not really close to Emperor Xifeng.

Emperor Xifeng was a man with means and scheming. The eldest princess didn't like him, but she had to agree that he was a powerful emperor with ruthless means. It’s a pity that life is short. If I had lived a few more decades, the Jin Dynasty might not be where it is now...

She sighed again.

"Mom." Pu Yangyi came over at some point and put a wind cloak on her shoulders.

"Do you really want to support A Yue to become emperor?"

A Yue is the son of King Zhuang Xian.

He was born to the eldest princess’s younger brother.

The eldest princess's expression changed and she stared at her.

"Where did you hear the gossip? Don't talk nonsense."

Pu Yangyi pursed her lips.

"There are no outsiders here, just my mother and daughter. Why should I hide it? You have done so many things, aren't you just to pave the way for Ayue?"

As he spoke, he lowered his eyes again and put his arms around the eldest princess.

"No wonder people say that my mother's heart is biased toward her parents' family. For Ayue's sake, my mother would give up anything, even the lives of me and my two brothers..."

The eldest princess suddenly looked sideways and glared at her.

"If you and your brother had a fight, I wouldn't run around like this..."

Pu Yangyi rolled his eyes, "Brother, it's him who failed to live up to expectations, but I didn't fail to live up to expectations..."

"You still have the nerve to say that?" The eldest princess looked at her daughter and suddenly felt a little sad. "You brothers and sisters have caused so many troubles for me since you were young. If your mother hadn't been the eldest princess, would you have survived until now? , it’s still undecided.”

Puyangyi was silent.

If her mother wasn't the eldest princess, she wouldn't be able to do that...

Thinking that she was a bit willful when she smashed up her ex-husband's family and then set fire to it and left, she lowered her head.

"My daughter also wants to protect her mother."

As soon as she acted coquettishly, the eldest princess softened her heart.

"You are so old, why are you still acting like a child?"

The eldest princess let out a faint sigh, and there was indescribable bitterness in her tone.

"Do you think my mother is willing to do this? The situation is compelling. If I don't stand up, will Dajin still have the surname Yuan?"

She looked at Pu Yangyi with deep helplessness in her eyes.

"Ye Cheng Chao will not say anything anymore. That old thief Li Zongxun is very scheming. Yuan Shuo calls me the royal aunt, but his biological father and I are just cousins. Do you think he will truly respect me?"

Pu Yangyi bumped her arm.

"But Shang Yi is your nephew..."

"Hmph!" said the eldest princess: "The imperial court in Xijing is excluding the clan, and Queen Mother Duan is clueless. The surname in Xijing is still Yuan at the moment, but she may change her surname to another one someday..."

"Mom." Pu Yangyi shook her arm and coaxed her, "You can't think like that. Shang Yi and A Yue are both your nephews. Whoever becomes the emperor, you will be the most noble elder. Princess, who dares to disrespect you..."

The eldest princess had a cold face and ignored her.

How could it be the same?

A biological brother's son is a biological nephew.

He is not the son of a younger brother who crawled out of his mother's womb, so there is a layer of separation between him.

Seeing that her mother was completely unmoved, Pu Yangyi winked coquettishly.

"Look at Princess Yonghuai, doesn't she give you vegetables and eggs every day in different ways, for fear that you won't be able to eat well? Isn't this respecting you enough?"

The eldest princess was furious when she looked at her daughter's innocent features.

"You can't tell what she is thinking?"

Before he finished speaking, a servant's voice came from outside the door.

"Princess, someone from Huaxi Village has come to deliver food."

The eldest princess is very angry today.

"Let them take it away! I don't need it."

The servant said: "Your Highness, Concubine Huai of Prince Yong personally sent her here today, asking to see the eldest princess."

The eldest princess was startled.

After a moment of silence, she looked at Pu Yangyi who kept winking at her.

"Please wait in the flower hall."

She asked the maid to come in and change, put on a set of clothes, took a look in front of the bronze mirror, and frowned again.

"Doesn't it look good?"

Pu Yangyi: "It's beautiful."

"No, no, it's too dignified."

After the eldest princess said this, she changed her clothes again.

Light-colored skirt, trailing to the floor and inlaid with gold.

"This outfit seems a little less dignified?"

So I changed to another set.

The brocade dress has wide sleeves and gold patterns wrap around the chest.

"More dignified than generous..."

Puyang Yi was dazzled.


She dragged the eldest princess by the arm and said amusingly: "Yunniang is very beautiful, but she won't make you so panic. When she reaches my mother's age, she may not be as good-looking as you..."

The last time Feng Yun came to Taiping Garden, she really amazed all the noble ladies. The eldest princess didn't say anything, but she was jealous of the boss in her heart. She always felt that her momentum was inferior to her...

Pu Yangyi guessed her mother's thoughts and signaled the maid with her eyes not to take any more clothes.

"This outfit is very good. It has a thin waist and a cloud belt, and is elegant yet luxurious. Besides, Princess Yonghuai is not a man, so she doesn't care what my mother wears."

The eldest princess looked at her daughter, then at herself, and sighed.

"My mother is old."


Feng Yun was dressed extraordinarily plainly today, without any silk or satin hairpins or hairpins. She was clean and tidy and dressed like a country woman.


The eldest princess walked into the flower hall with all her jewels. The momentum that was trying to overwhelm her suddenly gave way.

Feng Yun smiled so beautifully.

The eyelashes are long and slightly raised, and the eyes are dark and slightly curved into a beautiful arc. She is charming in her plain clothes, and gorgeous without her hair. She is as dazzling as the ray of sunshine cast down from the high wall, and others are eclipsed in front of her...

Feng Yun stood up and saluted, "I have met Her Royal Highness the eldest princess."

The eldest princess walked around leisurely and sat down slowly on the main seat.

"Princess Yonghuai, please take a seat."

Pu Yangyi obviously didn't like the formal meeting between the two people. She acted coquettishly towards the eldest princess and walked towards Feng Yun.

"You didn't say you were looking for me when you came, but you looked for my mother. You never take me to heart..."

She said this as if she and Feng Yun were close friends who had such a good relationship that they could complain casually.

Obviously not...

Feng Yun couldn't offend her either.

She knew what Puyang Yi was thinking.

Be good and follow the flow.

"Why do you think I brought food? The eldest princess doesn't like these country foods. Isn't it just because you like to eat them?"

Puyang Yixing's eyes were like mist, as if he heard it in his ears, he stepped forward and gave Feng Yun a big hug.

"Yunniang, you are so kind, you always think about my preferences..."

Then he looked back at the eldest princess.

"Mom, what happened last time was obviously my brother's fault. They were the ones who offended Yun Niang first. Besides, it wasn't Yun Niang who hurt anyone, it was Yunchuan Crown Prince. Why should we put the account on Yun Niang's head? ?”

The eldest princess was extremely embarrassed.

After glaring at Pu Yangyi several times, she acted like she couldn't understand, acted like a coquettish idiot, and even brought the conflict between her and Feng Yun to the table, making her unable to get off the stage...

“No mistakes can be made in the plains.”

The eldest princess glanced at her as a reminder, smiled and said to Feng Yun:

"I have apologized to the princess about your brother. The princess has also forgiven your brother. Please don't mention it again after the matter is over."

Puyangyi smiled.

"That's great..."

"Pingyuan, please go down." The eldest princess really couldn't stand her. With such a troublesome daughter, she could easily become confused.

"I'll talk to the princess about something serious."

The eldest princess had a solemn face, Puyang Yi did not dare to disobey her order anymore, she responded with a dignified yes, blessed her body, and turned back to wink at Feng Yun.

"I'll come and play with you later."

Feng Yun smiled faintly and said, "Looking forward to it."

As soon as Pu Yangyi left, he closed the door and the flower hall became extremely solemn.

For a long while, only the crisp sound of the tea set could be heard.

Neither man spoke.

The eldest princess's heart sank slightly when she saw how calm Feng Yun was. She lowered her eyes and took a sip of tea.

"Princess, you don't go to the Three Treasures Palace for anything. If you have anything to say, just say it."

Feng Yun smiled lightly: "His Royal Highness sent so many things to Zhuangzi. I am here to express my gratitude today."

The eldest princess curled her lips coldly, "Really? I thought the princess wanted to say something else? She did such a big thing behind the scenes, and even persuaded your majesty to leave Xijing without even having to explain to me?"

"Forgive me, eldest princess." Feng Yun stood up and saluted the eldest princess.

"First of all, this matter is the order of the Queen Mother, and I dare not resist the order. Secondly, I think that Your Majesty is not in good health and needs to rest. There are many spies from the Yecheng court in Xijing. I don't know what they will do. What you do is not good for Your Majesty's growth..."

She raised her head and looked at the eldest princess with a smile.

"With the eldest princess as your biological aunt sitting in charge of Andu, no one would dare to act recklessly. Therefore, Andu is a good place for Your Majesty to recuperate."

The eldest princess looked at her quietly.

This woman is good at talking.

With a simple sentence, she was lifted up...

She said: "Princess, you have such a clever mouth. Now it's either you saying something or something else?"

"Thank you for the compliment, Your Highness." Feng Yun noticed her gaze, saluted with a smile again, and said loudly: "Your Highness, please take charge and summon the officials of Xinzhou to go out of the city for a hundred miles to welcome the Holy Master."

The eldest princess's expression changed instantly.

A good plan.

After this woman did such an unnatural act, she was actually asked to take charge of the matter. Not only did she drag her to the pirate ship, but she also wanted to put the blame on her?

Fortunately, she couldn't refuse.

When His Majesty comes to Andu, can she not greet him respectfully? (End of chapter)

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