Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 349: The Way of the Unscrupulous Merchant

Puyangyi vaguely noticed that something was wrong with her mother in the past two days. She was restless, answered questions incorrectly, and had sad eyes. When she asked her, she didn't say anything...

Soon, she learned from others that her mother was going to summon the royal family members and officials of all ranks who had come to Andu for a temporary stay to come out to meet Baili and greet the Holy Spirit.

This made Feng Yun angry.

For some reason, Puyangyi actually felt a little happy.

Although it's a bit unfilial to think so...

The eldest princess has never suffered such a big setback in her life. Since she was a child, because she was the prettiest among the sisters and the most popular among the emperor, she could say that she got wind and rain when she wanted. At this moment, Feng Yun asked Feng Yun It’s such a mess, no one should be happy if it’s changed...

Pu Yangyi was happy because her mother had already suffered a loss. Even if she was punished by Feng Yun, as long as nothing else happened, she would no longer insist on seeking justice for her second brother. The grievances between the eldest princess's house and Feng Yun would still be resolved. You can probably get by.

Nothing is better than living in peace.

She is very happy now and doesn't want to fight for anything, as long as her family is healthy...

When she got up in the morning, she dressed like a butterfly and said many good things in front of the eldest princess, almost all of them talking about Feng Yun's Changmen Village.

She wanted to invite the eldest princess to go see it with her.

This season, there should be a lot of flowers blooming. If my mother goes there, she will definitely fall in love with them.

After all, she was conquered by Feng Yun in Zhuangzi at that time...

However, the eldest princess still refused.

She couldn't let it go completely.

Puyangyi was thinking about this and coaxed her mother to eat an extra bowl of rice. She happily went back to her room to take a nap, and then she asked her servant to set up a car and drive to Huaxi Village.

Feng Yun is looking at the roses that have just sprouted in the garden...

This tree is the original old rose pile in the village. No one took care of it. Years ago, Feng Yun personally did the winter pruning, fertilization, and flower wall traction for it. This year, it is as if the seedlings have been replaced. The buds There are many spots, many branches, and more flower buds. Some of them are early and have begun to show their color. With this weather, it will only take three to five days for them to bloom one after another...

A whole wall of flowers is beautiful just thinking about it.

"It's so beautiful!" Puyangyi was attracted by the big green leaves while still on the carriage.

"Stop." She jumped out of the carriage and walked over to Feng Yun with a smile...

Feng Yun turned around and narrowed his eyes.

This Pingyuan County Lord.

When we first met, we were still a bit airy.

Now that Feng Yun has become Princess Yonghuai, her airs are gone, and her whole soul seems to have relaxed. When she sees Feng Yun, she smiles crookedly, which makes Feng Yun wonder when he became friends with her...

It doesn’t count at all?

Pu Yangyi seemed not to understand the politeness on Feng Yun's face, so he embraced her generously as he approached.

"I said I would come to play with you, and here I am."

Just because Feng Yun was watching the flowers on the flower wall didn't mean he was interested in playing.

She stood up and slightly opened her sleeves, looked at Pu Yangyi and said:

"I've been busy lately, so I can't entertain the Lord of Pingyuan County. If there's nothing else, please come back."

Pu Yangyi squinted and smiled.

"When I first came here, I chased people away. There is no one like you."

Feng Yun:......

Zilaisu's temperament is really worrying.

Puyang Yi soon discovered that the small courtyard under construction in the south was just across this flower wall. The courtyard wall had been heightened, but it was obvious that new green plants and trees had been planted.

She looked a little envious.

"Can I move in?"

Feng Yun said: "When you become emperor."

Pu Yangyi slowly turned his head to look at her and burst out laughing.

"You really know how to curse."

She looked at the small courtyard and asked, "Is this prepared for His Majesty?"

Feng Yun hummed and acquiesced.

Pu Yangyi took a deep breath and suddenly had a whim or whim. Her eyes suddenly brightened up. She looked at Feng Yun and asked, "Do you still have land in your village? I want to buy the one close to your village and build a separate courtyard. Free. I can come and stay for a while and talk to you about my daily life..."

Feng Yun: "Yes."

Pu Yangyi opened his eyes wide, "Really?"


At that time, Feng Yun bought all the barren mountains and wild land in the village that could not be cultivated. The rest was considered as public land in the village. As the head of the village, she had the power to make the decision...


Feng Yun said: "It is for public use in the village and is inconvenient for buying and selling. If the county master wants it, he can only rent it."

"Rent?" Puyang Yi was a little dissatisfied.

As the saying goes, "The rich have endless fields, and the poor have no place to stand." The property of the princess's mansion includes countless fertile farmlands. Puyang Yi himself may not even know how much land and estates his family owns, and he has never thought about "renting" it at all.

“If you rent land, don’t you become a tenant?”

She couldn't afford to lose this person.

"It doesn't count." Feng Yun said with a smile: "Tenants rent land for farming and then rent it to the owner. You can dispose of the land as you like, and you can pay money once a year. You have high autonomy and are not restricted by use. Of course, If you want it, I can sell some of my own to you, but the price will be expensive.”

Pu Yangyi narrowed her eyes.

"How many?"

Feng Yun said calmly, "One acre of land costs half a million."

"How much did you pay for it?"

"Five thousand."

Puyangyi gasped after hearing this.

I have never seen such a profiteer.

She scolded, "You, the lion, have your mouth open."

Feng Yun smiled and said, "I'm short of money recently."

"I've never seen you doing business like this." Pu Yangyi almost made her angry, and she gritted her teeth, "That's good. One hundred thousand dollars per acre of land can be a deal."

"That's not possible." Feng Yun said: "When His Majesty enters the village, the price of land in Huaxi will definitely rise. When the county government wants to buy it at this price, he will not be able to buy it..."

She smiled again.

"If I didn't think about our friendship, I would hold it in my hand and wait for it to rise sharply, and I wouldn't sell you. You know, when the housing prices in Zhongjing were at their peak, they were as high as one million dollars, and it was still hard to find a good house. What does it matter?"

“Building a house is not expensive.”

"It's expensive."

Feng Yun smiled lowly and pointed in the direction of Jieqiu Mountain, "The barren area at the foot of the mountain can be bought for five thousand dollars. Does the county gentleman want it?"

Pu Yangyi pursed her lips.

She thought of the eldest princess' mansion in Zhongjing that was mostly burned down. It was given to her mother by the emperor. It was in the best location and was said to be worth more than tens of millions of dollars at the time...

"Wait until I ask and discuss it with my mother."

She usually spends a lot of money, eating, drinking and having fun. She doesn't have much private money at all. To do such a big thing, she needs the consent of the eldest princess.

When Puyang Yi returned to Taiping Garden, she felt very uneasy. She had trouble opening her mouth several times, coaxing and apologizing. Finally, she beat the eldest princess's legs and pinched her shoulders, which was very petty...

The eldest princess couldn't stand it anymore.

"Tell me, what happened again?"

Pu Yangyi laughed, "Mom, you got me wrong this time. I'm not the eldest brother or the second brother, how could I commit a crime?"

The eldest princess snorted coldly and did not answer.

Pu Yangyi spread his fingers and gestured with a slap.

"I just want to buy a piece of land in Huaxi Village and build a villa. It costs so much money..."

She was about to tell the eldest princess what Feng Yun said about how to increase value in the future. Unexpectedly, before she could speak, the eldest princess agreed.

"The idea is feasible. If the current situation remains unchanged, Huaxi will have great potential in the future."

After saying that, he looked at Pu Yangyi with great relief.

"You, you finally have some brains."

Puyang Ripple was stunned for a moment, and suddenly her heart swelled, and she felt like she was floating all over. For growing up, it was rare for her mother to praise her like this - especially for her ability and brains.

It seems that following Feng Yun's ideas, there is a lot to be done.

Puyang Yi was very excited and bowed deeply to the eldest princess.

"Mom, leave this matter to me and I promise to handle it properly."


Compared to Chun Yuyan, Feng Yun was not a profiteer. When Puyangyi came to buy land with grain, cloth and five baht, she personally took her to measure it and even helped her draw a design drawing on the spot.

"The county magistrate can refer to it."

Puyangyi looked at the picture, thinking about how the other courtyard would look like, and his eyes were filled with excitement.

"Okay, I'll do as you say."

He pushed the artwork back and clicked on the blank space.

"By the way, please help me choose a name."

Feng Yun:......

She said expressionlessly, "For such a big thing, let the eldest princess handle it."

Pu Yangyi thought about it, her mother was so strong, she might not take it to heart.

"Okay." She accepted it with a smile and looked around, "Isn't General Wen in Zhuangzi?"

Feng Yun smiled and said, "I have also left a piece of land for my eldest brother. When I have some free time later in the year, I will help him with the work."

Puyang Yi's hair almost stood up and she hugged Feng Yun.

"I told you earlier, then I want the land next to General Wen..."

Feng Yun thought for a while and nodded, "I have to pay more."


Wen Xingsu didn't know that he was being sold at a high price. He arrived at Huaxi Village at dusk the next day.

When he went out to meet the Holy Emperor, he had to accompany him and arrange security along the way.

Feng Yunchang came out of the shower, changed his clothes, and sat by the window drinking tea and admiring the flowers.

When Wen Xingsu walked in, when she mentioned this, she said, "I will go with my eldest brother when I pick him up."

The married woman who lives in Andu can actually wait in the city. Wen Xingsu didn't want her to work hard, but Feng Yun shook his head and said calmly:

"That's how it should be."

She wanted the little emperor to see her for the first time.

Give him such a sense of security.

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