Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 350 Pei Cong's Great Victory

A hundred miles away, it is just outside Wanning City.

When Feng Yun and Wen Xing retraced their steps, the road was completely clean. The eldest princess, along with her royal family members and accompanying officials, were waiting in the rising sun.

The cool wind blew by his ears, and a low laugh came. Feng Yun turned his head and saw Chun Yuyan's face.

That mask was very dazzling in the sun, and he was dressed in fine and light robes. Perhaps because of the warming climate, he looked thinner, but his demeanor remained the same, and his evil nature remained...

"Why, Feng Twelve, don't you recognize me?"

Chun Yuyan raised his eyebrows and walked closer to her.

Feng Yun: "Why are you here?"

Chunyu Yan said with a smile in his voice, "I went out to welcome the Emperor of Jin Dynasty, how could I not come?"

"Did you say the same thing in Yecheng?"

"In Yecheng, I will respectfully welcome Emperor Chunde."

Feng Yun snorted, making him laugh angrily.

"It's refreshing for me to speak so shamelessly, Your Majesty."

"Both each other." Chun Yuyan's eyes suddenly fell on her face, with a smile on his lips, "Send your big cat to my village, and he will eat more and poop more every day, without giving him any food." Aren’t you so calm about money and food expenses?”

Feng Yun said: "Then I will bring Ao Zai back later."

When Chun Yuyan heard this, his face turned green.

Originally it was just a joke, how could he be willing to give Ao Zai back.

God knows how arrogant and happy he has been these days with Ao Zai by his side.

Who wouldn't be able to shy away from such a big cat?

He even felt that Ao Zai was naturally in line with his identity and temperament.

"Feng Twelve, let's discuss something..."

"No." Feng Yun saw the light in his eyes and knew what he wanted to do.

"When things settle down, I'll come and pick up Ao Zai."

Chun Yuyan's eyes darkened, he looked at the large group of people walking slowly from the official road in the distance, and he laughed softly, parting his lips and teeth.

"With such a hot potato, I'm afraid you won't be able to settle down."

Just at this moment, the eunuch shouted.

"Your Majesty is here!"

On the official road, flags and banners fluttered, and yellow covers were like clouds.

All the ministers bowed down and paid great respect.

Feng Yun and Chun Yuyan looked at each other and paid homage...

The sky is sunny today, but the wind is very strong, blowing the flags and yellow umbrellas swaying. Just like this turbulent dynasty, no one knows where it will go in the future...


At the end of March in the first year of Tianshou, the young emperor Tianshou left Xijing and moved to Andu County, Xinzhou to recuperate. The eldest princess led the clan officials to welcome Baili with great momentum.

It wasn't until the little emperor moved to the "Yangxinzhai" in Huaxi Village that people gradually began to suspect that the person behind this incident might be Princess Yonghuai who had been "living in seclusion" in Huaxi.

For a woman to do such an earth-shattering thing, countless people talked about it, and some people added fuel to the fire and spread various theories.

Each family is also making secret calculations.

Li Sangruo from Yecheng and Xiao Cheng from Taicheng were shocked when they got the news.

Li Sangruo was angry and hateful, and refused to believe it no matter what.

"Who does she think she is? She must have the support of the eldest princess. I don't know how this little bitch persuaded the eldest princess."

Xiao Cheng actually took it into his heart.

He read the words on the secret letter one by one so many times that he almost couldn't recognize the words before he woke up.

"She is so bold..."

Feng Yun has always lived in his heart, but Xiao Cheng felt that he almost no longer knew her.

Xiao Cheng thought he knew something about her temperament when they were a couple in their last life.

She is tough at heart, proud and arrogant, but she is very tolerant when things go wrong. When others advance, she retreats. Except for Xiao Qu, she rarely has her own opinions.

As for Feng Ying, because her mother's family was powerful and she had the backing of the Feng family, she was completely overshadowed by the limelight. Even though she was a queen, she had to be careful at all times and act with difficulty...

Sometimes even if he wanted to support her, he had nowhere to do it. Often he would help her, but he would hit the cotton with a heavy punch...

And in this life, she has great strategies and is considerate in dealing with situations, almost overshadowing the light of all women in the world...

Now Feng Yun is really suitable to be a queen, not the master of the harem who he lifted up with force.


She is not in the right place for her.

"Why did this thing come into existence?"

Xiao Cheng didn't know how Feng Yun was now in the whirlpool of power. He just felt that there was a deep black hole in his heart that would be difficult to fill.

"Do you think she will come back to Taicheng?" The emperor, who was so glorious in the court, showed a trace of inexplicable sadness to his "favorite concubine" in the harem.

Daman smiled.

Smiling ambiguously.

"Yes, brother-in-law. Sister A will definitely come back."

Xiao Cheng pursed his lips and looked at her without saying a word.

Inside, I felt unprecedented melancholy.

Disordered, out of control, like an abyss.

The two faced each other in the study, talking about Feng Yun who was far away in Andu.

Outside the study, Feng Ying was waiting with chicken soup that had been stewed for two hours, trying to please her husband.

In the past, Xiao Cheng would have gone along with the situation and given her some face, as well as the Feng family and the Chen family.

He was too tired today.

Lying on the soft chair, he moved his fingers.

"Let her go back. I don't have to."

Big smile.

Stop Feng Ying outside the study.

"Your Majesty said that the chicken soup is for my use. Could you please Mrs. Feng to bring it to my palace?"

Feng Ying has been busy choosing a concubine for Xiao Cheng recently. She was surprised when she heard that her sister had done such a bloody thing again, so she wanted to find out.

Hearing Daman's extremely arrogant words, she was silent for a moment, signaled the palace people to follow, and followed Daman to the Huiyin Palace where she lived.

Huiyin Hall is right next door to the emperor's bedroom.

This position made Feng Ying very angry.

In front of Daman, she kept her expression and said a few words of gentle greeting before mentioning Feng Yun.

"The eldest sister is a person who does big things. Unlike women like me who live in deep palaces, there are few things to do as they please, but more helplessness."

Daman sneered, bent down and picked up the tortoiseshell cat, caressed its back fur, and said sarcastically:

"Isn't it enough for Mrs. Feng to find so many people to stare at me as she pleases? Mrs. Feng's helplessness is because she has no way to sleep with her, and she has no way to force His Majesty to canonize you as the Queen of Daqi, right?"

Feng Ying's face slowly turned pale as she looked at her wanton energy.

"If I can't be a queen, why can't you do it?"

"Of course I can't, and I don't want to." Daman gently held Tortoiseshell's face and stroked it lovingly with his fingers, "Being fed, housed and pampered like a cat makes me extremely happy, isn't it, Tortoiseshell..."

Feng Ying made her feel so disgusted that goosebumps fell all over the floor. She clenched her teeth tightly, turned around with a puff of sleeves, and retreated.

Daman looked at her back and raised his eyebrows.

"Deserved it."

Feng Ying froze, without turning her head, and said coldly:

"Then you and I will spend our time in this deep palace and see who laughs last."

These days, she not only placed eyeliners and people around Daman, she also suppressed her jealousy and wanted to win over Daman and let Daman be used by her...

In her opinion, Daman was just a person who received divine favor because he resembled Feng Yun, and could not really occupy Xiao Cheng's heart.

And she is very likely to be the first to be pregnant with a dragon. It will not do her any good to be an enemy of such a person. It's better to use both grace and power to control her firmly in the palm of your hand.


Daman is a shallow-sighted person who eats and drinks, is lazy, indulges in the emperor's favor, and has no ambition at all.

The news coming from the eyeliner every day is.

Mrs. Huaman is eating, drinking, playing, and accompanying His Majesty...

She never did anything else.

This made Feng Ying a little suspicious, whether she was the spy sent by Feng Yun, and whether she was really favored by Xiao Cheng...

Returning to Fanghua Hall, Ningxiu handed over a letter from Bingzhou.

In the letter, Feng Jingting told her that it was probably the eldest princess who took the initiative to move the young Emperor Tianshou into Huaxi Village.

He said that the royal family members only followed the eldest princess's lead. Without the eldest princess's wishes, no one could influence the current situation when there was no news from Pei Madang.

Feng Ying held the letter and looked forward to Pei Ran's death for the first time.

If he is dead, who can the eldest sister rely on?

Don't you have to rely on your mother's family?

She replied with a blank hand, "Father and mother should often walk around Huaxi. Blood is thicker than water. My brother-in-law's whereabouts are unknown and his life and death are uncertain. My eldest sister may be grieving. Family care is the most important..."


The temperature is getting higher and the weather is getting hotter.

Taiping Garden seems to be shrouded in a layer of twilight.

The eldest princess was forced to take on the reputation of controlling the little emperor and welcomed the holy driver to Andu with a forced smile. She was so angry that she stayed in bed for three days, unable to eat or sleep.

Puyangyi felt sorry for her mother and knelt down in front of the bed to serve her. The eldest princess was still upset.

She was angry that her daughter had turned her elbows outward and refused to obey discipline. She followed Feng Yun to persuade her and put her on the fire to make people laugh.

Angry at his lifelong reputation, he was eventually coerced by Feng's daughter into doing something he didn't want to do.

This feeling weighed heavily on my heart and would never go away. Puyang was lying in bed recovering from his injuries, and his daughter-in-law Ruan was melancholy and crying in the backyard every day, which made her very upset...

She is a noble woman from birth.

Reduced to this point, unwilling and unwilling, dormant at the feet of a court lady, all the pride of the past has been chopped off, unable to do anything, unable to turn over.

The palace servants serving meals filed in and out.

"Mom still refuses to eat?"

Pu Yangyi walked to the eldest princess and said distressedly: "Why is my mother still unwilling to let go now? What's wrong with Your Majesty being in Andu? It's right under my nose. If there is any movement, my mother can immediately I know it, and because of this, I lose a powerful opponent, so I won’t lose anything if I let people make irresponsible remarks..."


The eldest princess pointed at her angrily, her anger so intense that she raised her palm to the top of her head and was about to fall down.

"A basin of dirty water is placed on my head. Your mother and I can't even breathe. What kind of sarcastic remarks are you going to make?"

Puyangyi closed her eyes and prepared herself for a beating.

The eldest princess sighed again and lowered her hands.

"Get out. I don't want to see you."

The servants were so frightened that they retreated outside the palace.

There was silence in the entire dormitory.

Pu Yangyi knew that her mother was depressed, and her heart felt like a big stone was weighing on her. When I went to Huaxi Village, I sighed at Feng Yun.

"My mother is getting depressed day by day. The doctor said that depressed qi damages the liver. If this continues, I'm afraid it will be difficult to recover..."

Feng Yun said: "Then let the Puyang medical officer go and take a look?"

Puyang Jiu came here with the driver this time and stayed in Zhuangzi.

"The eldest princess is suspected of being seriously ill. She may not be willing to trust another doctor. The Puyang medical officer is your family, so I guess she has nothing to worry about."

Puyangyi was embarrassed.

In fact, since her father passed away, the relationship between the eldest princess and the Puyang family has become distant. Except for those who greet me during the holidays, there is almost no contact.

Everyone in the Puyang family scolded my mother behind her back.

It's just a few complaints and you can't really do anything to her.

Pu Yangyi said: "Heart disease still needs heart medicine."

Feng Yun smiled faintly.

"I can't give you this medicine, I can't help you."

She always spoke flawlessly.

There was no trace of sympathy on Yun Danfengqing's pretty face.

Pu Yangyi glanced at her and lowered his eyes.

Also, she didn't seem to be in any mood even after Pei Madang's accident, not to mention that the eldest princess was seriously ill?

"I'd better fix the villa as soon as possible and bring my mother to live in the village to see if I can slowly eliminate the grudge."

This grudge is Feng Yun himself.

She knew it and laughed it off.

Since the little emperor came to Huaxi Village, she has had more things to do, and she has no energy to care about whether others are happy, resentful or hateful towards her...

What's more, as long as there are still people who hate her and complain about her but can't touch her, it proves that she is right, and she can still shock people - which also means that there is no news of Pei Madang's death.

There are all kinds of opinions on the streets, but she doesn't care.

As long as there was no official decree, she would just pretend that Pei Madang was still alive and had just gone to war.

No news is the best news.


The dull mood lasted until late April, when it suddenly reversed.

On April 20, good news came from the northwest.

King Yonghuai went deep into the Black Bei Gorge and defeated the twelve tribes alliance. Under extremely harsh weather conditions, he led his army across the Gobi wilderness, passed through no man's land, detoured Fenzhou, reached Rongzhou, and attacked Yecheng. The court was caught off guard.

Rongzhou occupied by the Yecheng court was captured by the Northern Yong Army, thus opening up the road from Rongzhou to Xijing.

Rongzhou has been a battleground for soldiers and horses since ancient times, and Pingcheng is the birthplace of the Yuan family's ancestors and an important pass for the security of the Jin Dynasty. Previously controlled by the Yecheng court, the city was blocked by fortresses and the city was in danger. It was as if there were enemies on the side of the bed, making it difficult for Beijing to be at peace. It was even more difficult to reach Li Zongxun's lair.

Pei Madang was able to find a chance of survival for the army he led in the face of extreme danger, preserve his own power, turn danger into safety, and defend the enemy thousands of miles away. This courage and courage shocked the whole world.

The messengers rushed through Andu City, shouting "Good News from the Northwest" all the way. The loudness surpassed the shouts of the merchants and the vocal music of silk and bamboo, and went straight to Taiping Garden, the Governor's Mansion, to Huaxi, and to everyone's ears... …

The earth shook, and the soldiers in the Beiyong Army camp roared like a mountain roaring and a tsunami.

"King Yonghuai is a thousand years old!"


"King Yonghuai!"

"King Yonghuai!"

The military trumpet sounded, and the loudspeaker came into use again. The shouts resounded through the sky, startling the eagles in the sky, and alarming all the people in the world...

You can imagine how the history books will be written. The birth of a hero is a pile of countless dead bones, and there are countless stories that spread quietly in unknown places...

This chapter is relatively long...just to write until the news of Pei Madang's victory...

Well, see you tomorrow.

Pei Ran: I seemed to appear, but I seemed not to appear.

Feng Yun: Alang, you are in my heart...always alive and remembering my feelings, just like a mountain.

Pei Ran: Is it a graveyard?

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