Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 351 Emperor Prisoner

In the Taiping Garden, the eldest princess got the news of the great victory in the northwest. She sat up from the couch almost instantly, her back was soaked with sweat, and there seemed to be gold stars shining in front of her eyes.

"Plain, plain!"

Puyangyi hadn't heard her mother call her so urgently for a long time.

Taking three steps and two steps, she ran over quickly.

"Mom, do you want something to eat?"

The eldest princess's hair is messy and her eyes are sunken, but their eyes are exceptionally dark.

"Quick, let me help me get up and dress up."

Pu Yangyi felt relieved and quickly called the maid, then personally stepped forward to hold the eldest princess's arm.

"Mom, please slow down. You have been lying down these days and your body is weak..."

"It's okay, Mom is not." The eldest princess held Pu Yangyi's hand tightly, almost crying.

"Pingyuan, I'm lucky to have you. I'm lucky to have you this time."

If this daughter hadn't stood in the way, tried her best to persuade her, and then shamelessly went to Huaxi Village to get close to Feng Yun, then according to her temperament, in order to avenge her son, she and Feng Yun would have completely broken up, opposed, and had a feud...

Very soon, the eldest princess's lineage will probably be bloodbathed by Pei Madang...

It doesn't matter if she dies.

What should children and grandchildren do...

Both of his sons have little potential, and if they fall into Pei Man's hands, they will die a thousand times or ten thousand times, but it is not enough to satisfy his hatred...

The eldest princess felt chills all over just thinking about it. She bathed and changed clothes under Pu Yangyi's waiter, and drank some porridge, and her breath calmed down.

"When Pei Ran's victory came, Ruan Pu felt uncomfortable in Xijing..."

As if she had thought of something, she looked at Pu Yangyi and said, "Go and tell your second sister-in-law that from today on, you will no longer communicate with your mother's family. If you let me know, I will break her legs."

"Mom..." Pu Yangyi narrowed his eyes slightly and shook his head, "If one day, my mother is in trouble, and my husband's family does not allow my daughter to interact with my mother, how should my mother think about it?"

The eldest princess's eyes turned red.

"If it's to save my son, my mother is willing."

Puyangyi's eyes were also a little red.

Her mother.

Jinzhiyuye, who grew up in the royal family, is stronger than anyone else and has to fight to win or lose at all times...

But Pu Yangyi understands her, and it’s hard to blame her...

With so many people in the princess's mansion relying on her, how can she hold on to this place without planning or thinking?

"Mom." Pu Yangyi knelt down and leaned on the eldest princess's knee, "Let's not worry about the second sister-in-law's affairs. Although Uncle Ruan does not agree with His Majesty's departure from the capital, he has not done anything evil. Most of them are at odds with the new party. When King Yonghuai comes back and rectifies the political agenda, he will mainly focus on winning over him, and may not settle with him..."

After another pause, she said: "To take a step back, even if we have to settle the matter, the second sister-in-law married into our Puyang family and is not in her natal family, so any crime will not fall on her."

The eldest princess shook her head, "You don't understand, you don't understand the bloody nature of power. In the eyes of others, Ruan Pu is one of my party..."

Pu Yangyi said: "We still have Ayun. My mother played a role in His Majesty's departure from the capital. Ayun sees it and won't kill them all..."

The eldest princess looked at her daughter's innocent expression.

After a long moment, he closed his eyes and sighed.

"hope so."


After getting the news in the morning, Feng Yun sat in the south window of the study and looked at the newly blooming flowers in the courtyard. She didn't eat lunch and sat silently, neither talking nor moving. No one knew what she was thinking.

There was no news from Pei Madang, but she was calm and at ease. The general was "resurrected from the dead", but there was no happiness on her face.

When Xiaoman brought tea and melon seeds in, he even saw mist in the corners of her eyes, as if she had cried.


"Get out."

Feng Yun pushed everyone back.

I spent the entire afternoon cracking melon seeds silently, my mouth blistered, and then I opened the door and walked out as the sun set westward.

“Grandma, what’s for dinner?”

Grandma Han cried with joy when she saw her like this.

"Whatever the lady wants to eat, grandma will arrange it right now."

Feng Yun thought for a while and said seriously: "I want to eat pot roast duck, chicken breast and bamboo shoots, and I also want to eat the pickled radish made by grandma."

Grandma Han was stunned for a moment, looked at each other with the maids, and burst into laughter.

Looking at her impressive look, I thought I was going to eat some delicacies from the mountains and seas to celebrate, but ended up eating pickled radish?

"Okay, okay, wait, you'll be able to eat soon."

Feng Yun looked at everyone's happy faces, stood there for a moment, and then asked Xiaoman to call Alou over.

"You can arrange to kill a pig, add meat and vegetables to the whole village tonight, and steam some more meat buns, and the villagers will send a few to each household."

Ah Lou responded with a smile.


There are more and more people in Feng Yunzhuang. In addition to the kitchen she uses, there is also a large kitchen. She prepares meals for the whole village every day, which costs a lot of money.

Since last year, Ah Lou has been raising piglets and breeding pigs in Yupu, but the pig pens were built next to the farm tool shop. Later, some residences and warehouses were added to accommodate people and store items.

Nagato's stall is getting bigger and bigger.

The population is also increasing...

If you open your belly to eat, one pig is not enough.

The news of King Yonghuai's victory had already been known to the whole village, and the dark clouds overhead seemed to have been lifted away in an instant.

Everyone in the village came to congratulate him.

Last time we had a flowing banquet, and this time we had meat buns. We were too embarrassed to just eat for free, so we just brought some of what we had at home...

You come and go, and the whole village has a steaming feeling.

Yuan Shangyi was stepping on the stairs at this moment, hiding behind the flower wall, watching the excitement outside, his two dark eyes staring straight, full of desire.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

The chamberlain Dong Bai was holding the ladder, his hands were shaking, he kept looking back and calling him at the top of his lungs.

"Come down quickly, don't let anyone see you. Your body is not strong yet, you can't get the cold wind..."

Yuan Shangyi turned around with clear eyes, looking at him, and then at the glow on the horizon.

"Why can't I go out and play?"

He eagerly looked at the smiles on the faces of those people outside, and listened to those extremely happy laughters, with ignorant expectation in his eyes.

"I don't want to be the emperor anymore."

Dong Bai was so frightened that his hair stood on end.

"Your Majesty, you must never say such words again...or else the villain...his head will fall off."

Yuan Shangyi drooped his eyes.

As the emperor, you are just a six-year-old child with a natural desire to explore the outside world. But he had been in poor health since he was a child, and because Empress Dowager Duan was afraid of Li Sangruo, he avoided and hid whenever he could.

What Yuan Shangyi has seen the most is the high walls and roofs of the palace...

Dong Bai sighed and helped him down the ladder.

"Your Majesty needs to take good care of his health. When he grows up, he will be fine..."

Won Sang Yi pursed his lips, as if he wanted to cry or not.

The queen mother also said that it would be fine when he grows up.

But when will he grow up?

When you grow up, can you be as happy as those people outside?

Yuan Shangyi suddenly raised his head and looked at Dong Bai.

"Why do the people here look so happy?"


Dong Bai was just a teenager, who had been castrated since he was a child and entered the palace. From Zhongjing to Xijing, what he had seen most was the routine in the palace, and he did not understand many truths.

He said: "Doctor Yao is here later. Your Majesty will ask him. Or ask the Puyang medical officers. They will definitely know."

Won Sang Yi nodded.

Dong Bai took the little emperor back to the house.

A palace female historian came out in a hurry, with sweat on her forehead. Seeing the emperor standing in front of her, she said "ouch", breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and cursed at Dong Bai.

"I just let you look at His Majesty for a while, why are you running around with him? How many times have I told you, this is not in the palace, and there are not so many imperial guards to protect you. If anything happens to Your Majesty, do you still want your head? "

Dong Bai opened his mouth, wanting to say something.

Finally he lowered his head and said, "Nv Shi Lin, I won't dare to do this next time."

Yuan Shangyi suddenly became angry, "It's none of his business, I just want to see them. There are so many people outside, and they are not protected by the imperial army. Why are they not afraid of danger, but I am afraid of them?"

This little emperor was not trained as a prince since he was a child. He only had a teacher teach him the ways of the emperor in the past two or three months, and he does not understand those principles.

Fortunately, he doesn't talk much. Most of the time he is silent and has no temper. The palace servants can take him with him without any worries.

Unexpectedly, today I became willful.

The female historian couldn't figure it out with him, so she could only smile and coax him.

"How can your Majesty be the same as them? Your Majesty is the Emperor and the most noble person in the world. They are just lowly civilians, so naturally they don't need anyone to protect them..."


Yuan Shangyi nodded thoughtfully.

"It will be great if I can be a civilian anytime."

The female historian is speechless.

He turned to glare at Dong Bai again, then took the little emperor's hand and walked into the house.

Yuan Shangyi suddenly paused, raised his head and asked:

"Nvshi Lin, when will Princess Yonghuai come to see me again?"

The female historian frowned, "Your Majesty asked the princess what she was doing?"

Yuan Shangyi thought for a moment, "Nothing."

Only then did the female historian smile a little, "Your Majesty, take good care of your health. When you get better, let your servants accompany you to ride a big horse in the yard."

When he gets better, he can only stay in the yard.

Yuan Shangyi had never seen a prisoner. He only heard from the Taifu and his mother that he felt that being an emperor and being a prisoner were roughly the same.

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