Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 352 Who dares to violate

The little emperor had his own kitchen and cook, and he cooked in Yangxinzhai.

Yuan Shangyi had no appetite for today's dinner, so he put down his chopsticks after a small taste.

The maids and eunuchs gathered around him, recording what the emperor ate and how many bites he took. They coaxed and persuaded him, but he still stubbornly got off the table.

"The master said that not eating after noon is good for the stomach."

The servants sighed silently.

So many people couldn't coax a little kid.

"Your Majesty!"

A little eunuch came in happily, bowed to Yuan Shangyi, and held a food box in his hand.

"Princess Yonghuai sent someone to send it, saying that the farm had killed pigs, steamed buns, and made some food for your majesty to try."

Ms. Lin frowned.

Pork is cheap food.

Common people can't eat good food, so they think it is good.

Pork is almost not eaten in the palace.

She said, "I'll give it to you. His Majesty has just used it..."

"How dare you!" Yuan Shangyi's crisp voice suddenly rose.

He looked at Ms. Lin with dissatisfaction and pointed at the food box.

"You, bring it to my food table."

He had just been the emperor for a few months and was not used to calling himself "I". Except for the few clichés he had to repeat when he was in court, he rarely called himself that way, and he had never scolded anyone so harshly.

The lady was shocked.

Several servants also bowed their heads hurriedly.

The food box was placed on the table. In addition to the steamed meat buns and two dishes of side dishes, there was also a bowl of pig intestine bean soup with some green leaves.

There was also a small dish of pickled radish.

The lady looked at the pig intestine soup, tasted it, and was furious.

"Is the princess humiliating your majesty? Such dirty things as pig offal are actually presented to your majesty for consumption..."

Yuan Shangyi didn't say anything, but picked up a chopstick and put it in his mouth.

"Your Majesty!" The lady was shocked.

Yuan Shangyi lowered his eyelids: "It's delicious."

The rest of the words of the female historian were swallowed back.

The servants were silent, some served, some recorded...

The little emperor seemed to be particularly happy to eat this meal. If it weren't for the female historian Lin who saw that he was eating too much and stopped him, I'm afraid his stomach would burst...

Feng Yun knew the situation of Yangxinzhai in general.

But he never asked.

Unlike the "control" that everyone thought, from the day the emperor moved into Huaxi Village, except for asking about the condition of Doctor Yao and the little emperor of Puyang Jiu every day, other matters were all handled by the officials brought by the little emperor.

Yangxinzhai was like a place independent of Changmen, with full freedom and autonomy.

The second time Doctor Yao came in the early morning, talking about this matter, he laughed and sighed.

"Your Majesty is fine, but he ate too much dinner sent by the lady yesterday, and he had a little indigestion..."

After saying that, he frowned again.

"After all, he is a child. He is confined in Yangxinzhai all day long. He is not lively and agile, and it is difficult to take care of his body." Feng Yun nodded, "Thank you." Doctor Yao smiled and waved his hand, "Your Majesty listens to the doctor very much and cooperates very well..." He paused, as if he thought of something, and looked at Feng Yun again: "Last night, the Princess's Mansion sent someone to pass on a message, asking me to go to Taiping Garden to check the pulse of the prince..." He told Feng Yun just to hear what Feng Yun meant. Doctor Yao is not from Changmen Village, but since he moved to Huaxi Village, he gradually became like those people in the village, asking Feng Yun for help when he was undecided. Feng Yun snorted and laughed. "Doctors don't choose patients. The princess is sick, and Doctor Yao will treat it as he should." Yao Ru bowed deeply, "My lady is right." For many days in a row, Yao Ru would check on the little emperor in the morning and go to Taiping Garden in the afternoon. If he went to Taiping Garden in the morning, he would go to Yangxinzhai when he came back.

The villagers joked that Doctor Yao was now an imperial physician.

Yao Ru smiled and did not respond.

Most people in the village were proud that the little emperor was recuperating in their village. They would stand up straight wherever they went. Even if others did not ask, they would "inadvertently" say it during the conversation.

"I am from Huaxi."

Doctor Yao was very calm and indifferent.

The eldest princess of Taiping Garden rewarded Doctor Yao with money and goods in order to establish a good relationship with Huaxi.

He did not refuse, but accepted them all, and then asked someone to purchase some medicinal materials to give back to the village.

Poor families, or elderly people and children with minor illnesses, came to the medicine house to get medicine, and the Yao family never charged money...

As his reputation grew, more and more people came to see him for treatment, and Yao Ru had to recruit a few medicine boys to help. The old father of the family, Mr. Yao, was old, but he also went out to prescribe medicine and consult patients.

The villagers learned that Yao Ru's medical skills were great because he had an old father who was even more skilled in medicine...


Time flies, and it's May in a blink of an eye.

The scorching sun scorched the earth like fire, and the grass was curled up by the sun. When people walked on the ground, smoke seemed to be coming out of their heads.

The summer cicadas kept chirping on the big trees outside the village, and at night, frogs croaked one after another by the stream...

Yangxinzhai was very stuffy.

Yuan Shangyi longed for everything outside.

Cicadas, frogs, streams, and blooming locust flowers...

When Doctor Yao came to see him in the evening, he suddenly looked up at the little boy standing next to the doctor.

"Yansheng, can cicadas fly?"

Twelve-year-old Jin Yansheng was sent by Xiaoman to work in Dr. Yao's medicine house. Secretly, he wanted him to learn some skills from Dr. Yao so that he could follow the right path and save people...

Doctor Yao happily agreed and took him with him usually.

But Yansheng was severely controlled by his father in the Feng family, and he had a strong sense of inferiority. When he went to Taiping Garden and Yangxinzhai, he did not dare to raise his head, and he never dared to look directly at the eldest princess and the young emperor.

Leng Buding heard the little emperor asking him, he subconsciously raised his eyes and faced Yuan Shangyi...

That's when I discovered it.

The little emperor is not scary at all.

He is very thin, very small, such a small child...

But he is the emperor.

Everyone has to respect him and be afraid of him.

Yan Sheng couldn't figure out why. His lips moved and two words came out weakly.

"Can fly."

Lin frowned when she saw this.

Unexpectedly, Yuan Shangyi asked again: "Do frogs grow in water or in the ground?"

Yan Sheng said: "In the water. You can also jump into the ground."

"Do frogs have wings?"


"Why do cicadas never fly into my yard?"

Yan Sheng thought about it.

"Your Majesty is the emperor, and the cicada is afraid of you."

His original intention was to compliment the young emperor, which was how his father talked to his master in the Feng Mansion.

Unexpectedly, after listening to this, the little emperor's already weak and pale face seemed to be a little more sick.

After a long while, he said: "It turns out that cicada is also afraid of the emperor..."

Doctor Yao took a look, smiled, kept the prescription, and left with Yan Sheng.

When he crossed the threshold, he turned back.

Sure enough, I saw Won Sang Yi following him with his eyes...

"He is a poor child." In Feng Yun's study, Yao Ru presented the pulse case, and the little emperor's eyes appeared repeatedly in his mind, and he couldn't help but sigh.

"Without his parents, there are people around him, coaxing and lying. As long as he doesn't cry or make trouble, and can report to his superiors, no one will care whether he is happy or unhappy, happy or unhappy..."

He shook his head.

Living like this, how good is it for you to be the emperor?

Feng Yun lowered his head and looked through the medical records carefully, then raised his head after a long while.

"It's never been better. Why?"

Yao Ru lowered his eyebrows, "This child has been ill since he was young. He is still ill at a young age and needs to be nursed back to health slowly... But being in the yard all day long is not conducive to recovery. He also needs to go out and move around. To maintain the body, you must also nourish the mind. ah."

Feng Yun thought about it and put down the medical records.

“Since it’s called Nourishing the Heart, it’s natural to focus on nourishing the heart.”

The two discussed Yuan Shangyi's condition for a while. Before leaving, Doctor Yao informed Feng Yun.

"The eldest princess is in good health. Today, the Lord of Pingyuan County asked me to pass on a message, saying that he would take His Highness to play in the village in the next few days..."

Feng Yun smiled and said nothing.

This is what Puyang Yi has always thought.

She wants her mother to walk more with her.

Yao Ru looked deeply and said hesitantly: "The eldest princess has also tested me several times..."

"What are you testing?"

"Test the king to see if there is any news, and ask the lady what she thinks of her. It seems to me that His Highness seems a little uneasy..."

How can the eldest princess feel at ease when she wonders all day long when Pei Madang will settle accounts with her?

Feng Yun smiled, "Then let her worry."

Wasn't she herself worried and uneasy?

It's been so long since the news of the great victory in the northwest, and the dog man didn't say a word to her as usual. Has he forgotten that he also married a wife?

Feng Yun didn't write a letter either.

He is on the march and has no fixed abode.

She also didn't want to show that she missed and worried so much that it would cause him to have random thoughts and shake his military morale...

That’s all.

Let's wait until the class teacher returns to court to calculate the general ledger.


The next day was another sunny day.

It's a good day, but the heart is full of worries.

The little emperor refused to drink the medicine. He lay on the couch saying he was dizzy and refused to get up or eat. No matter how much Lin Nvshi and Dong Bai coaxed him, they refused to say anything more.

Lin Nvshi was in a panic and walked around the room.

Dong Bai suggested, "How about asking Princess Yonghuai to come and take a look?"

The female historian turned around and scolded her.

"The princess is not a doctor, so what's the point of looking for her?"

Dong Bai shrank his neck and retreated silently. When the guards were not paying attention, he slipped away to Zhuangzi.

When Feng Yun hurried over, the female historian was still in the room scolding the wet nurse and the palace servants, saying that her majesty should not have been allowed to go to the courtyard to play in the sun yesterday.

Her voice was so loud that Won Sang Yi turned sideways and covered his ears with the quilt.

Feng Yun heard it from outside and strode in with a sullen face.

Two imperial guards stepped forward to stop him.

"Princess, stop."

Feng Yun looked over coldly and scanned them.

"Wait for the villain to pass the news." The guard did not look at her, lowered his head, and cupped his hands guiltily.

"No need." Feng Yun smiled meaningfully, his voice was cold, without anger, but it was irrefutable, "In my village, if I have the slightest intention, you will never see the sun tomorrow."

The guard's expression changed.

Suddenly, his face turned red.

I don't know if he is angry or ashamed.

Feng Yun didn't look at him and strode in with Xiao Man.

The coldness on his body made the guard unable to make any sound from his open mouth.

No one moved in the entire Yangxinzhai.

Lifting the curtain, Feng Yun raised his eyes and met Lin Nvshi's surprised gaze.

"Hello, Princess." Ms. Lin was a person who could adapt to the situation. Seeing Feng Yun's aggressive attitude, her knees softened immediately.

"I didn't know that the princess had arrived. I'm sorry for not welcoming you..."

"I'm here to pick up your majesty."

Feng Yun said it calmly, and Ms. Lin's face changed.

"Where are you going to take your majesty?"

Feng Yun glanced at her and was too lazy to answer.

Ms. Lin was very embarrassed.

Princess Yonghuai's arrogance made her uncomfortable, but she had to be careful and bowed, "Your majesty is recuperating. The doctor said that it is inconvenient for him to travel..."

"I asked the Puyang doctor and Doctor Yao, and they said that it's okay to go out." Feng Yun said, not even looking at her, and walked straight to the inner room and saluted outside the curtain.

"Your Majesty, your servant."

There was no movement in the tent.

It was so quiet that it seemed like there was no one.

Is the child pretending to sleep?

Feng Yun was surprised for a moment and smiled, "The lotus in the pond has bloomed. Your Majesty, do you want to go and see it?"

Yuan Shangyi had heard her voice a long time ago.

Biting her lower lip, her little face was full of anticipation, but she tried her best to restrain herself.

Feng Yun added, "The kitten at Madam Kong's clothing shop has given birth to six kittens. Your Majesty, do you want to go and see them? The kittens are so cute."

Yuan Shangyi felt itchy.

He could bear it when talking about lotus.

Lotus can also be seen in the palace, it's nothing special.

He had never seen a kitten give birth to kittens...

He wanted to go, but everyone told him that he couldn't go out. He was the emperor. Once he went out, countless people would be nervous and frightened. Even Yan Sheng said that the cicadas in the village were afraid of him.

"Your Majesty..."

Feng Yun was still very gentle, with a little smile.

She was not like Ms. Lin, who would lose her temper at every turn. Although she didn't dare to scold him, she always took the palace people as a target.

The princess' voice was also very pleasant, as gentle as the breeze blowing by the flower wall, so gentle, so warm, so comfortable...

"There are new farm tools coming out of the farm tool workshop. People in the village have to go and see. A new pottery kiln has been built at Luotaopo in the west of the village. The first fire will be lit today. It's very lively everywhere. Your Majesty, don't you really want to go and see it?"

There was still no sound in the tent.

Feng Yun sighed faintly.

"Since your majesty is asleep, then sleep well. I'll take my leave..."

She bowed lightly, without turning her head or leaving.

Sure enough...

The next moment, the curtain was pulled open by the child from the inside.

The pale little face was blushed with shame.

"I want to go."

Feng Yun smiled and lowered her eyes to look at the child in front of her, "I heard that your majesty refused to take the medicine properly? You can't go out to play if you don't take the medicine."

Yuan Shangyi looked at her, feeling a little guilty, and said in a low voice: "The medicine is bitter. I can't drink it every day."

Feng Yun suddenly felt distressed.

Subconsciously, she thought of Qu'er...

Every time she took the medicine, she felt sorry for the child, but the child was sensible and felt sorry for her. Every time, he would say "not bitter, not bitter", and then he would obediently cooperate and drink it all in one breath with his eyes closed, and then grin at her with his little mouth.

He was only as big as Yuan Shangyi...

He was also locked up in the palace all day long, like a bird with broken wings...

How pitiful.

At that time, people in the Qi Palace always complained to Xiao Cheng that she was partial to Qu'er and did not love Yuchu.

In fact, how could a mother not love her own children?

It was not that she was partial, but that there were two children, and Qu'er suffered more. And Yuchu was still young and was well taken care of in the palace. She could only use limited motherly love...

"Princess." Yuan Shangyi saw her staring at him for a long time without speaking, and her little face was visibly depressed.

"I'll take the medicine. Take me to see the kittens and the pottery kiln, okay?"

"Okay." Feng Yun's emotions seemed to surge up in an instant. She bent down and hugged Yuan Shangyi with both arms.

"I brought delicious candied fruit. After you drink the medicine, we can secretly eat two. It's sweet."

Yuan Shangyi's eyes lit up.

Not because of the candied fruit, but because of this hug.

Few people would hug him so lovingly.

Even his mother was rare.

He thought only his mother would do this, but it turns out that the princess would do it too...

Another long chapter, muah~

Pei Jue: Yunniang didn't write to me. Did she forget that she was married?

Feng Yun: Busy, busy, busy (said as if he had written to her)

Pei Jue: Forget it, let her be quiet. After all, when I go back, she will probably be restless again...

Feng Yun: ? ? ? ?

Chun Yu Yan: The one who is restless is obviously me! ! !

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