Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 353: A Secret Visit

The sun rises from the horizon and shines on the tops of distant mountains. The warm glow falls on the water of Huaxi River, making waves sparkling. The fields are intertwined with ridges and ridges, and farmers are walking among them, shouting loudly and laughing heartily from time to time...

This is a sight that the six-year-old little emperor Yuan Shangyi has never seen before.

Feng Yun knew that he was curious, so he didn't ask anyone to prepare a car. He held his hand and walked from Zhuangzi to the farm tool shop to see the new farm tools coming out.

The guards followed from a distance, and Yuan Shangyi held Feng Yun very tightly.

He was nervous.

A novel, unknown world.

Partly curious, partly at a loss.

Feng Yun did not expose him, nor did he ask any questions. He allowed him to digest it slowly, and only told him the process of farm tools from molten iron to forming in a gentle voice...

Won Sang Yi didn't speak much, but he nodded frequently and was very well-behaved.

Feng Yun felt more and more that his temperament was a bit like Qu'er's, a very sensible child, so the little hand he held in his palm became softer and weaker.

Her heart almost melted.

One is a motherless child.

One is a mother who lost her child...

For a moment, Feng Yun felt that his empty heart had been filled to some extent.

In just a short journey from the farm tools workshop to the garment workshop, Yuan Shangyi and Feng Yun became closer to each other.

"Princess, are we going to see the cat?"

"That's right. Look at the little kittens." Feng Yun thought for a while and smiled again, "I'll take Your Majesty to look at the big cats another day."

Yuan Shangyi nodded.

Kong Yun'e's cat did indeed give birth to six kittens. I don't know who the cat's father is, but all the cats are extremely cute. One of them, in particular, has pear blossom white, big eyes, a pocketed mouth, and a more upright face, which is better than its brothers and sisters. Looks beautiful.

Won Sang Yi watched without blinking.

Kong Yun'e asked: "When the kitten is weaned, can I give it to Your Majesty?"

The cat was originally raised to relieve Kong Yun'e's son Hengyang's boredom. It was his little friend. When hearing what his mother said, Hengyang was not happy.

That was his favorite kitten.

"Auntie, it's mine, it's mine..."

Hengyang is only three years old, and he doesn't understand the concept of dignity at all. He has no respect for the little brother in front of him who is taller and older than him. He only knows that someone is snatching his beloved baby, and he stares at the kitten when he picks it up.

Yuan Shangyi was stunned.

He looked up at Feng Yun.

Feng Yun asked: "Do you want it?"

Yuan Shangyi hesitated.

The people in the palace told him that all the people and everything in the world belong to him. He is the emperor and can do whatever he wants...

He wanted this kitten, but he saw Hengyang's reluctance. After thinking for a moment, he shook his head...

Feng Yun had a smile on his face and didn't say much.

Kong Yun'e was a little flustered.

My son is ignorant, how can an adult be ignorant?

She saw the little emperor looking at the pear-white cat frequently, and she felt guilty and nervous and said that she would send the cat over when it grew older.

"Yun'e doesn't have to be like this."

Feng Yun smiled, comforted Hengyang with a few words, and left the Kong family with Yuan Shangyi.

"Your Majesty likes that kitten, right?"

Yuan Shangyi hummed softly.

Feng Yun looked down at him, "Then Madam Kong asked you if you wanted it, why did you shake your head?"

Yuan Shangyi pursed his lips, walked with his eyes lowered, and said nothing.

Feng Yun's eyes curled up, "It's because you saw that Hengyang likes it and you don't want to steal his things, right?"

Yuan Shangyi then hummed again.

This child really talks little. Feng Yun can't imagine how he will communicate with his minister Yonghuai when he grows up.

"Your Majesty is right to do this." Feng Yun encouraged him, "A gentleman does not take what others like. Your Majesty is a gentleman, and he will be a benevolent monarch when he takes charge in the future."

Yuan Shangyi's eyes darkened.

"I don't want to be the emperor, okay?"

Feng Yun's eyebrows jumped and his cheeks stiffened.

Fortunately, except for Xiao Man who was following her, the other guards stayed away. Otherwise, if the word got out, it would just be said that she was instigating the little emperor. I'm afraid it would not be good to the little emperor.

She was not as nervous as Dong Bai, nor was she as lecturing as Lady Lin. She just thought about it and whispered:

"You will think about this issue later when Your Majesty grows up. Now His Majesty is still young. He just needs to be a child and do as he pleases."

Yuan Shangyi: "As an emperor, you can't do whatever you want."

Feng Yun was stunned.

A child of few words has so much on his mind.

She smiled and moved away from the topic, "I'll take Your Majesty for a walk on the street later..."

As expected, Yuan Shangyi forgot what happened just now. He didn't say anything, but his face and eyes were all jumping with joy.

He is a child after all, with all his joy and anger on his face.

Returning to Zhuangzi from the garment workshop, Feng Yun had someone hitch an ox cart, and as agreed in advance, he took Yuan Shangyi to see the kiln lighting, and then walked slowly and leisurely to Andu City before the weather got too hot.

Won Sang Yi stared at the big buffalo without blinking.

This was his first time riding in a bullock cart, and it was still open.

Along the way, villagers greeted Feng Yun from time to time.

Yuan Shangyi stood next to Feng Yun, revealing a pair of novel eyes.

"Why don't they call the princess Princess? Why don't they greet the princess when they see her?"

Feng Yun smiled and said: "There are not so many restrictions in the village. Everyone is busy, carrying poles and baskets. How uncomfortable would it be if there were too many etiquette?"

Won Sang Yi asked: "Won't the princess think they are disrespectful?"

Feng Yun smiled softly, "Of course not, that makes me happy."

After saying that, it seemed like he had thought of something.

"When we enter the city soon, your majesty will do the same as them and just call me madam."

Yuan Shangyi thought for a moment, "What about me?"

The child was born very white, with expectant eyes, which was very heartbreaking to watch.

Feng Yun couldn't help itching his hands and tapped his nose.

"You are not Your Majesty when you go out today. Otherwise, if people all over the street come to kneel down and salute, what fun would there be?"

Yuan Shangyi nodded heavily.

It can be seen that he is very willing to do this.

Feng Yun tilted his head and asked with a smile: "Then what should I call you? Yuan Xiaolang? A Yuan?"

Yuan Shangyi: "Ah Yuan."

He answered quickly.

I'm afraid that Feng Yun made his own decision.

Because when A Yuan listened, he was much more approachable than the polite young man.

He likes to be close to the princess.

Feng Yun saw it, and raised the corners of his lips where the child couldn't see it, and his face was filled with soft light.

"A Yuan, please sit over here. I'll test you on whether you know the crops on the roadside..."

The ox cart was swaying as it entered De'andu City. The soldiers guarding the city recognized Feng Yun and were about to step forward to salute when Feng Yun stopped him with his eyes.

Just like ordinary people, she led Yuan Shang Yi through the endless flow of people, walking among various vendors among the people coming and going.

Meat buns cost three yuan each.

But the stalls were set up for a long time, and the fastest-selling items were the black-faced steamed buns in the steamer next to them.

Yuan Shangyi was puzzled, "Don't they all like meat buns?"

Feng Yun said: "One meat bun can buy two kilograms of brown rice."

She didn't go too deep.

Yuan Shangyi realized it himself.

"The lady is saying that they are reluctant to buy meat buns, why not buy brown rice?"

"Yeah." Feng Yun said: "One meat bun can't even fill my stomach, but two pounds of brown rice is enough for a family to cook porridge for two or three days..."

Yuan Shangyi nodded as if he understood.

Feng Yun took him to rice shops, cloth shops, butcher shops, and even incense shops and pawn shops.

Gradually, the excitement on Yuan Shangyi's face disappeared...

Feng Yun touched his head, "Are you tired?"

Yuan Shangyi frowned, "I used to think that being an emperor was the hardest part."

Feng Yun laughed and said softly: "Of course it will be hard to be a good emperor. The greater the responsibility and the heavier the burden, the harder it will be. But the better the emperor is, the harder it is, so the common people will have less trouble. "

Yuan Shangyi pursed his lips and nodded silently, but his pale cheeks were flushed with red.

Feng Yun saw the sun rising in the sky and the weather getting hotter. He put the child on the bullock cart and went to Yutangchun.

Wen Hui came out and was shocked when she saw Yuan Shang Yi.

"Oh, which young master is this lady from? He has a pink makeup and a pretty face, and he looks so good-looking..."

Yuan Shangyi's cheeks turned redder.

He said nothing and looked at Feng Yun.

Feng Yun took the child in his arms and said, "It's mine."

He gave Wen Hui another wink, bent down and wiped the sweat from Yuan Shang Yi's forehead, and said with a smile: "Go get some perilla juice. It's extremely hot. Look at the sweat on this end."

Wen Hui responded with a smile.

She didn't know Yuan Shangyi, and she didn't expect Feng Yun to lead the little emperor all over the street in a grand manner.

However, when He Chuandong came over for dinner at noon, he was shocked at first when he saw the guard sitting at the door. Then when he went to see Feng Yun, he was completely frightened.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty?"

That sunrise greeted Wanning. He Chuandong was traveling with his father. He had seen the Tianshou little emperor with his own eyes. When he suddenly saw him appearing here, he looked overly frightened.

Everyone knew that the little emperor was in poor health.

If the princess is brought out like this, she will bear a big responsibility.

Once the emperor has something wrong, how can he tell it clearly?

Feng Yun glanced at Yuan Shangyi and said seriously: "There is no need to be polite in congratulating you. Your Majesty is going out incognito today to inspect people's livelihood. You must not be discovered..."

He Chuandong's eyelids twitched and he quickly handed over his hand.

"I understand, I understand."

Feng Yun motioned for him to sit down.

He Chuandong waved his hand, "I'm going to have something to eat and leave. I'm going to visit Liujia Village with my father today..."

He Qiagui is the governor and goes to visit the village?

Feng Yun asked: "What happened?"

He Chuandong frowned, "The village chief reported to the county government that locusts were found in the village. The governor reported it to his father. My father was worried and planned to go to the village to take a look in person." (End of Chapter)

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