Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 354 Food Crisis

As the saying goes, when locusts pass by, no grass will grow.

Liujia Village and Shenjia Village are across a long river, and next to Shenjia Village is Huaxi Village.

Not far apart.

Feng Yun owns a large field and is the leader of Huaxi Village, so he can't help but feel chilly in his heart.

She wanted to follow him for a look, but the sun was getting stronger and it would be very hot in the village. It would be extremely inconvenient to take Yuan Shangyi with him, so she suppressed her emotions and smiled at He Chuandong.

"If there is news, Mr. He will send someone to Huaxi Village to inform you."

He Chuandong cupped his hands and said, "Yes."

"Would you like to take a look, madam?" Yuan Shangyi turned his head sideways, with a glimmer of light in his eyes.

Feng Yun noticed his little thoughts.

Because she wanted to go, he was willing to go with her.

"Does Ayuan want to go too?"

Won Sang Yi nodded.

Feng Yun said: "But the weather is too hot. Aren't you afraid of the sun?"

He Chuandong felt frightened when he saw the little emperor's pale face, and then said: "The princess is right, it's hot outside, and your majesty is not well yet, so it's best not to go out."

This statement is the same as those in the palace.

Yuan Shangyi's brows suddenly wrinkled and he looked at Feng Yun.

"I wanna go."

He Chuandong was anxious and wanted to stop him, but Feng Yun smiled and nodded.

"Okay, let's finish our lunch and go together."


In the afternoon, Feng Yun and He Qia met at the city gate.

Like his son, He Qia was frightened by Feng Yun and the little emperor, but his reaction was better than that of He Chuandong. He bowed and quickly calmed down.

The emperor rode in an ox-cart, so of course he, a governor, could not ride in a horse-drawn carriage.

He Qia motioned to the people accompanying him to drive the carriage back, and took his son into Feng Yun's ox cart.

He Qia briefly described the situation reported by Li Zheng and couldn't help but sigh.

"It's true that misfortunes never come singly. Just after the snow disaster, locusts broke out again."

To make matters worse, He Qia was so worried that he couldn't care less about etiquette in front of the emperor and kept slapping his forehead.

"Such heavy snow didn't freeze the insect eggs to death?"

Feng Yun thought for a moment, "Locust eggs are laid a few inches below the ground, and are covered with snow, which helps locusts survive the winter. When the snow melts, the moisture in the soil increases, which helps locusts hatch..."

She talked freely.

He Qia was impressed.

"The princess actually knows a lot about the villagers' affairs."

Feng Yun smiled slightly, "It's all from the book. Talking on paper is nothing..."

He Qia's hair has turned gray from worry. When he meets someone who can "talk on paper", it's like a drowning man to a floating tree. He grabs her and won't let go.

"Then Princess, does she know of any good ways to control insects?"

Feng Yun said: "When we get to Liujia Village, let's take a look and talk."

He Qia responded with a smile.

When the two of them were talking, Won Sang-yi didn't interrupt, just like an obedient child in an ordinary family, listening silently.

Although he doesn't understand it very well, he likes the way the princess is omnipotent...

While in the palace, Empress Dowager Duan was in constant panic year after year. The negative emotions brought to the young Yuan Shangyi and shaped his current temperament.

Therefore, the calm and calm Feng Yun can give him a great sense of security.

Yuan Shangyi secretly held Feng Yun's hand...

Feng Yun looked down and gave him a water bag.

Seeing the way his eyelashes trembled when he drank water, the feeling of indebtedness to Qu'er came to my heart again...

Following her incompetent mother, is Qu'er like Yuan Shangyi, worried, frightened, and unable to live in peace?

If she could protect her child well, how could she end up like that...

It can't be made up for anymore.

Those regrets turned into a torn scar that kept spreading in his heart. Feng Yun's eyes deepened, showing sadness.

Yuan Shangyi noticed something, raised his head, looked at her, and suddenly reached out to stroke Feng Yun's brow.

"Madam, don't frown. Look, I drank obediently."

Feng Yun came back to his senses and smiled.

"I frowned because I thought of the locusts. It had nothing to do with A Yuan."

Yuan Shangyi said "oh" and suddenly stared blankly at the shaft of the car.

"Madam, look..."

Feng Yun turned his head, but before he spoke, He Qia raised his voice.


Yuan Shangyi asked: "Is this a grasshopper?"

When he stayed at White Horse Temple before, he had seen grasshoppers in the courtyard. He was not very afraid, and was even a little curious. The governor said that the pests that "no grass could grow" overnight were actually grasshoppers?

Seeing the child's curiosity, Feng Yun stretched out his hand and caught the locust with his handkerchief. Under He Xia's stunned eyes, he pointed at it and said:

"Grasshoppers are locusts, but locusts are not grasshoppers. The grasshoppers we usually call eat herbivores, don't like to migrate, don't like to swarm, and do less harm to crops. Locusts are the same kind, but different species. You see, it is big and has a head They are round, have big mouths, can fly over long distances, swarm when they appear, damage crops on a large scale, and are omnivorous..."

Speaking of this, she glanced at the little emperor.

"Generally, grasshoppers do not eat their own kind, but when there is no food source, locusts will choose to eat their own kind to protect themselves."

Yuan Shangyi turned pale when he heard this.

Feng Yun casually trampled the locusts to death in the bullock cart, threw them out, and said calmly: "In order to avoid being eaten by the same kind, the more locusts there are, the faster they travel. Only then can locusts cross the border, covering the sky and the sun, and the red ground for thousands of miles." As soon as I said..."

"Then why cluster?"

"To reproduce, to survive."

Every question must be answered.

Yuan Shangyi fell in love with this princess who was full of knowledge.

"Madam, you know more than the Master."

Feng Yun looked at him and said, "I also know these things from reading books. If A Yuan likes, you can often come to my farm to read books..."

Yuan Shangyi already knows a lot of words, but the books he read in the palace are all limited, and there are not so many miscellaneous books and leisure books to read.

He just likes these, and immediately nodded heavily.

"Madam, go back and tell Ms. Lin that I can come to see you from time to time."

Feng Yun said, "Okay."

It was really hot in Liujia Village, but the farmers did not stay in the house to cool off, but drove and killed locusts in the fields.

Wearing straw hats and braving the scorching sun, adults, children, and the elderly, the whole family went out.

The head of the village took several elders in the village to set up an altar in the village to worship the gods and pray for blessings to eliminate the locust plague.

Feng Yun took Yuan Shangyi out of the car and took him to a big tree with a lush crown to rest. He told Xiaoman and the guards to watch him, and he and He Qia went to the field.

It is normal to have locusts in the fields. As long as they are not in large groups, they will not become a disaster.

But the villagers said that the number of locusts this year has increased significantly compared with previous years. They have been hunting for three days, but the number has not decreased. So they have to use weapons to drive them away...

Feng Yun actually disagrees with the method of driving them away.

It is nothing more than going from one village to another.

The head of the village washed his hands by the well, walked over and bowed to He Qia.

"Governor, you have to help us think of a solution. The crops have been eaten up, and the whole village has no way to survive."

Liujia Village is the same as Shenjia Village. It is named after the surname and lives in a clan. Everyone in the village is surnamed Liu, and they are all relatives. If there is a locust plague, there is no place to borrow food...

He Qia does not know much about farming.

But after hearing about the horror of the locust plague and listening to Feng Yun's story just now, he was also anxious and sweating.

"I am thinking of a solution, I am thinking of a solution."

He was also angry.

In the past, he was a military commander who only cared about killing enemies.

Locust plagues have been a difficult agricultural problem since ancient times. Whoever encounters them is unlucky. Apart from catching and killing them, he couldn't think of any good solution...

So his eyes of help fell on Feng Yun's face.

The village head didn't know that the woman holding the child was the Princess of Yonghuai, and the child who stopped to watch under the shade of the tree was the king of a country.

He just thought Feng Yun was He Qia's family member, took a look, and said to He Qia:

"The price of grain has risen again this year, and no household in the village has surplus grain... Oh, it's so sad. If it were like Huaxi Village, it would be good, with farm tools, clothing, pottery kilns, and various workshops. Even if crops can't be grown, they won't starve..."

He Qia smiled awkwardly.

"Liu Lizheng can go to Huaxi and learn from them."

The head of the village shook his head, "In this world, who doesn't hide their own things? Who can teach others how to make a living? Besides, if they all go to the workshop, won't there be no one to plant the fields?"

It sounds reasonable, He Qia can only laugh.

Liu Lizheng is not the only one who is worried about food. As the governor of a state, He Qia is actually more worried than him...

Feng Yun suddenly said: "The locusts are not dense at the moment, so why don't we raise more chickens, ducks and geese in the village? With locusts, we can save food for feeding..."

The head of the village shook his head and looked at her with some contempt.

"Madam, you don't know, if there are too many insects, the ducks can't eat..."

Feng Yun smiled slightly, "That means there are not enough ducks."

When she said "many", she meant the kind of "many" in groups, not the few or dozens in the eyes of the head of the village.

Feng Yun turned to He Qia and said, "Maybe the governor can call on duck farmers in various counties to organize a large army of duck farmers to jointly eliminate locusts?"

People at that time liked to eat duck meat. There were duck farmers of considerable size everywhere in the counties of Xinzhou near the water. One family was not enough, so what about ten families, or a hundred families?

Duck farmers need food to feed, which is very expensive, but locusts are free.

If there is a government call and a little subsidy, they will definitely flock to it.

He Qia's eyes lit up, "Maybe we can give it a try. Thank you for your advice, Princess."

Liu Lizhang realized that the person in front of him was Princess Yonghuai, and also the head of Huaxi Village. Thinking of what he had just said, his face flushed and he kept apologizing.

Feng Yun smiled and shook his head, not caring. Under the leadership of the head of the village, he walked around the village and left with He Qia.

Back in Huaxi, she called a few squad leaders and sergeants to discuss matters under the big locust tree.

Huaxi Village was separated from Liujia Village by a long river, and they didn't know about the locusts yet, but they were all old farmers, and their faces turned pale when they heard about it.

"Madam Lizheng, we have to take precautions early."

Feng Yun nodded.

But apart from raising ducks, she couldn't think of a good way at the moment, so she reminded the farmers and went straight into the study.

She cherished books very much.

The storage of the human brain is limited.

Books are unlimited.

She wanted to find a useful method to treat locusts from the book.

However, from ancient times to the present, locusts have always been a difficult matter. She read until midnight, but there was no clue. Early the next morning, she called Xing Dalang, paid some money from the account, and bought batches of ducklings.

In the pond, the lotus flowers were in full bloom.

The ducklings swung over in rows and dived into the water, furry and very cute.

Yuan Shangyi lay on the other side of the flower wall and watched, and took Dong Bai to the farm.

Ms. Lin was full of anger, but she had been warned by Feng Yun yesterday, so she could only take her umbrella, water bag, and a few maids with her and follow him out.

As soon as she reached the pond, she almost fainted before she could even say anything...

Beside the little emperor, is that big thing a cat, a tiger, or a leopard?

It's so big, but Princess Yonghuai not only didn't chase it away, but actually allowed such a dangerous thing to get close to His Majesty? (End of this chapter)

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