Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 355 The prosperous era is coming

In the morning of May, there is a gentle breeze, lotus flowers are blooming, and the small wooden pavilion that is neither cold nor hot can be described as a fairyland on earth.

Lin Nvshi's face was not very pretty.

"I pay my respects to the princess."

She bowed at the foot of the pavilion, her fingers turned white and her smile was very stiff.

"Your Majesty, it's time to go back and take medicine."

In the entire Zhuangzi, only those who grew up in Yangxinzhai would call Feng Yun "Princess" when they came out.

She looked sideways, and there was obvious fear and dissatisfaction in Lin Nvshi's eyes.

She smiled calmly and said, "I'm going to dig lotus root strips in the pond and make new dishes. Your Majesty wants to see them. Bring the medicine over."

It was not too much to ask an attendant to bring the emperor's medicine to a wooden pavilion by the pond to drink, but what Ms. Lin wanted to do was to drag the emperor back to Yangxinzhai...

She stole a glance at the monster cat.

Ao Zai glanced at him with piercing eyes and licked his mouth. Ms. Lin did not dare to look at him and quickly lowered her head in fear.

"Back to Princess, it's time for Your Majesty to study."

This time, the little emperor Tianshou came to recuperate. In addition to the servants who served him in daily life, there were also two lecturers from the Hanlin Academy, who were mainly responsible for the little emperor's homework.

Feng Yun couldn't bear to say in public that he would not let the little emperor study, so he left him to watch others dig lotus roots.

"Your Majesty." She lowered her head and smiled calmly.

"Do you want to go back with Ms. Lin?"

This sentence itself includes obeying the emperor's wishes, and respecting itself in exchange for the awakening of the little emperor's sense of play.

Sure enough, Yuan Shangyi curled his lips.

"No. I want to see the lotus root strips being dug..."

At this point, he looked into Feng Yun's eyes. As if he suddenly realized something, he turned around and put his hands behind his hands. He glanced at Lin Nvshi with a solemn face.

"I want to understand the sentiments of the people. I will take a day off from bathing today."

Lin Nvshi was slightly startled.

Feng Yun was almost amused by the phrase "understand the sentiments of the people".

Won Sang Yi looks taciturn, but actually he is not stupid at all.

He knew exactly what to say based on his status.

Seal your throat with one word.

Lin Nvshi opened her mouth several times, neither trying to persuade nor not. She glanced at Feng Yun coyly and saw that the princess had no intention of persuading His Majesty to study, so she could only lower her head.

"This servant will go get the medicine."

Returning to Yangxinzhai, she asked her maid to put medicine on the stove and hesitated extremely while holding the letter for Xijing.

If Empress Dowager Duan was here and she said something about the importance of studying, Empress Dowager Duan would immediately ask the emperor to study. How could he be allowed to be so playful?

This princess clearly doesn’t want His Majesty to study hard? But if she secretly reported to Xijing, would it count as a report? If the news reached Ao Xiang, who knows what kind of turmoil would arise...


Yuan Shangyi sent away Lin Nvshi, his eyes sparkling, as if he suddenly had more confidence.

"Madam, did I do the right thing?"

Feng Yun thought about it.

"Occasionally, yes."

Yuan Shangyi's expression collapsed.

"That's right, isn't it?"

Feng Yun smiled and touched his head, "There's nothing wrong. It's human nature to have fun. Besides, His Majesty stayed not only to observe the people's conditions, but also to learn? What can't be learned in books can be learned in the fields. To a lot.”

Yuan Shangyi breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then why does the lady say that she does it occasionally?"

Feng Yun rolled his eyes, "Reading is boring, but it is necessary to read. If you often find excuses not to study, you will easily become lazy, which is not good."

When Yuan Shangyi heard this, he was slightly anxious.

"I will study hard."

Feng Yun hummed, "I believe A Yuan."

Yuan Shangyi happily lowered his head and stroked Ao Zai's back hair, "Ao Zai, you also believe in me, right?"

He didn't go to snatch the pear blossom white kitten from Lady Kong's house, but he got a big cat like this. Yuan Shangyi was very happy.

The child was so small that he didn't even have the consciousness of fear, so he naturally put his arms around Ao Zai's neck.

Ao Zai is wary of strangers, and he especially doesn't like strangers getting so close to him...

Ao Zai was extremely tolerant towards Yuan Shang Yi.

Zaizai raised his eyes and looked at Feng Yun.

Feng Yun touched its head, and Ao Zai slumped down and stopped being fierce.

It didn't look like a carnivorous beast, it was clearly a domestic cat.

Chun Yuyan had just come from Yunzhuang and saw this situation. The roots of his teeth felt a little itchy for no reason.

Good guy!

In Yunzhuang, he served Ao Zai delicious food and drinks, but this guy refused to be so close to him. That day he thought he had raised the cub, but he almost gave it away as soon as he put it around his neck with a warm hug...

Seeing the sky like a tiger or a leopard, he got angry at him and warned...

Why did he turn into a cat when he was in front of Feng Twelve?

"Huh!" The voice came first before anyone walked up to the wooden pavilion.

"Feng Twelve, is this how you burn bridges across rivers?"

Feng Yun looked back at him.

Wearing embroidered loose clothes, jade rings and ribbons, and sapphire hair crowns, he looks like a handsome young man from a troubled world, but he wears a frightening mask that makes him extremely arrogant.

She sighed internally.

It's been a long time since I saw Prince Yunchuan's face.

I just wanted to... appreciate it.

She smiled softly, "Didn't the prince go to Xinyi County? When did he come back?"

Chunyu Yan's eyes squinted, "So, you can take Ao Zai away quietly without even saying hello?"

Feng Yun was wronged, "I told Mr. Qu."

Qu Ding is the old man!

Chunyu Yan cursed in his heart and raised the corners of his lips.

"Then I'm back, can you give me my godson back?"

Feng Yun rolled her eyes at him, "Prince, have someone calculate the food expenses for Aozai, and I'll have Alou settle it for you."

"Those who need it should come forward, those who don't should come backward." Chun Yuyan hummed in dissatisfaction, walked up to her, and saluted as if he had just seen the little emperor.

"Your Majesty is here? Chun Yuyan greets Your Majesty."

Yuan Shangyi returned the salute in a very polite manner, "Prince, no need to salute."

That day, the official road welcomed the emperor, but they only saw him from a distance.

Because of this salute, Chun Yuyan took a serious look at this six-year-old child...

It was a little different from what he imagined.

No prince in the palace, like him and his two half brothers, was as arrogant and extravagant as the rumors, and was weaker and paler than the rumors, as if he hadn't been exposed to the sun for many years, and was a few points whiter than him...

He smiled slightly, there was nothing to greet with a child, looking at Feng Yun and talking about this trip to Xinyi.

"The Yiguan Street used to be very lively, gathering merchants from all over the world. A bridge is being built at the Zhuhe Ferry next to my manor. In time, Mingquan will surely be crowded with people, shops, cars and horses, and prosperous... Every inch of land is worth a lot of money. I bought a large piece of land in one go. Feng Twelve, you made money again..."

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows, "Build a bridge?"

The Great Jin was divided into two, and then it was time to fight against the Northern Rong. The Xijing court was busy with its own affairs and had no time, energy and money to repair bridges and roads.

"Your Xiao Lang strongly advocated this matter." Chunyu Yan originally wanted to tease, but the tone of his voice was inexplicably a little sour.

"The road to the throne of the King of Qi is really smooth. Now the civil and military officials of Qi are loyal, the court and the country are peaceful, and the scholars, farmers, merchants and workers are all content with their own positions..."

"Oh", Feng Yun chuckled, "Really?"

Chun Yuyan lowered his eyes to look at her, "I'm afraid you will be upset if I tell you this, everyone in the south is praising Xiao Lang, the prosperous times are coming..."

Xiao Lang is in power, the prosperous times are coming?

Feng Yun's eyes are dim, as if smiling but not smiling.

Even if there is hatred and resentment, even if Xiao Cheng is cold to her, she has to admit that Xiao Cheng has ambitions and ideas in governing the country.

In the previous life, Qi was far inferior to Jin in military strength, because there was Pei Jue and the Northern Yong Army...

But if we talk about other things, the people live in peace, the land is prosperous, and the humanities and academics are far superior to the Jin court ruled by the father and daughter of the Li family.

In her previous life, she didn't have the chance to live to see the prosperity of Xiao Cheng coming from all directions, but she could guess that as long as Xiao Cheng didn't die, didn't get seriously ill, and governed Qi well, there would be a day when the Li family's father and daughter's kingdom would be cured in his ambition...

"Why don't you say anything?" Chun Yuyan looked at him with that kind of indifferent but aggressive look.

"Are you thinking about Xiao Lang or Pei Lang?"

The waves in Feng Yun's eyes subsided slightly.

He lowered his head to drink tea and laughed.

"The construction of the bridge and the expansion of the road at Zhuhe Ferry will benefit the trade between the two countries. Dajin doesn't spend a penny, only interest. What can I say?"

Chun Yuyan smiled and took the teacup and poured himself a cup.

Yuan Shangyi keenly grasped the key.

"Teacher, the world is bustling, all for profit; the world is bustling, all for profit. Why does the King of Qi spend his own money to let Jin benefit?"

"Good question." Feng Yun looked at him approvingly, as if he was not talking about Xiao Cheng, but an old friend, with a hint of ambiguous smile on his lips.

"This is the way of being a king. If you want to establish yourself, establish others; if you want to achieve yourself, achieve others; have the world in your heart, mutual benefit and win-win. Rowing a boat to ferry others also ferry yourself."

Yuan Shangyi seemed to understand, and nodded.

"I learned it."

Chun Yuyan suddenly felt a blockage in his chest, and he couldn't tell what it felt like...

It's okay to praise Pei Cong.

In her eyes, even Xiao Cheng is a person with "the world in his heart"...

What about him?

I'll calculate the food expenses of Aozai for you.

Chun Yuyan's teeth were sour.

"I didn't expect Feng Twelve to value her ex-husband so much?"

The word ex-husband made Feng Yun curl her lips.

Who said it wasn't her ex-husband? So many years have passed in the previous life.

She sneered in a low voice.

A faint mist was floating in her black eyes.

In an instant, the desperate and helpless Feng Yun in the Qi Palace appeared in his mind, crying bitterly.

She said: "Only the weak will sabotage others behind their backs and destroy their prestige. I praise him not for love, but for hatred."

Chun Yuyan choked.


At this moment, he no longer envied Xiao Cheng, his ex-husband.

The coldness in Feng Twelve's eyes was something he had never seen before.

It was not just hatred, but a cluster of flames of revenge that a person could not struggle against after carrying a lot of pain.

He didn't want to be involved.

"Feng Twelve."

Chun Yuyan was silent for a moment, the mask flashed a warm light in the sun, and the corners of his beautiful mouth were full of smiles.

"If you treat me to new dishes, I won't ask for Aozai's food money."

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