Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 34 Past Grudges

In his previous life, Feng Yun didn't know that Wen Xingsu had secretly visited Andu before the beginning of autumn.

At that time, Feng Yun did not want any farm, and had been waiting silently for the good news from Qi Jun in the back house of the General's Mansion. Wen Xingsu had no way to see her, and she did not know these things.

Later, Xiao Cheng proclaimed himself emperor in early autumn, Chun Yuyan took the lead in promoting peace talks between Qi and Jin, and Wen Xingsu visited Andu County on behalf of the generals of the Qi army, and the two brothers and sisters were able to meet each other.

At that time, Feng Yun saw that he was injured and walked with a limp, thinking that he was injured on the battlefield...

Wen Xingsu didn't say anything. Feng Yun didn't know that he had come to Andu, didn't know that he was so seriously injured, and didn't ask him any more questions.

She only wanted to return to Qi State and Xiao Cheng's side as soon as possible, and she almost went crazy with anxiety for this.

However, the day before Xiao Cheng proclaimed himself emperor, Feng Ying had already moved into Prince Jingling's Mansion as the second daughter of Xuzhou Feng's unitary room, and became a veritable Princess of Jingling...

When Wen Xingsu told her this, she only cared about her heartbreak. She not only hated Feng Ying and Xiao Cheng, but also hated Wen Xingsu who comforted her and wanted to make peace with both sides...

She said many cruel words to Wen Xingsu and drove him out of the general's residence, saying that she would never see him again in this life.

But the eldest brother never seemed to blame her.

As long as she needs it, her eldest brother will be by her side——

Even later, when she returned to Qi, the civil and military officials of the entire dynasty, including his father, stood by Feng Ying. They insisted on the fact that she had served Pei Madang for three years and did not agree with Xiao Cheng's appointment of her as queen. It was Wen Xingsu who stood up and said to her:

"Who says you don't have a backer? My eldest brother is your backer."

"Xiao Zicheng dared not to appoint you as his queen, so my eldest brother overturned his throne!"

Feng Yun remembered these two sentences until his death.

The eldest brother was Xiao Cheng's confidant when he was young and a great contributor to helping him win the throne.

It was Wen Xingsu who stood up to turn the tide and angrily rebuked the officials, saying that she had made great contributions to the state of Qi and that she was the biggest helper in killing Pei Ran and defeating Pingcheng. Xiao Chengcai appointed her as his queen.

She was sad and happy at the same time. She stepped on her eldest brother's military achievements and rose to the throne. She wanted to be a good queen and a role model for the children.

Wen Xingsu has been fulfilling this promise throughout her life, making great contributions to Xiao Cheng and Nan Qi's battles on the battlefield, just to protect her honor and protect her son who has been questioned about his father since the day he was born...

Unfortunately, her eldest brother died before her.

Such a gentleman, upright and gentle Confucian general, he died, died in the war against Jin, died in the hands of Pei Lang...

She didn't know how much Pei Ran hated him and would give the order to cut his body into pieces, but whenever she thought of such a scene, she couldn't stop being frightened...

After Wen Xingsu's death, she had no one to rely on. A woman in the harem had no useful people around her. The servants and palace servants were all spies of the Feng family. She wanted to live up to her eldest brother's sacrifice and wanted to rely on him. She stood up to protect her child, but she was helpless.

It was difficult for her to survive, and she finally fell into Feng Ying's trap and wrote a bloody letter to Pei Madang.

"The eldest prince of of the bloodline of generals."

This letter finally fell into Xiao Cheng's hands and became the straw that broke the camel's back.

Xiao Cheng imprisoned her in the cold palace and allowed her to cry and plead, never to see her again.

It wasn't until her death that she learned from Feng Ying that they had planned to seduce her to resist the Jin Dynasty since she was driven out of Beijing by Pei Ran. Until she entered the palace as the queen, she was just a part of their disgusting plan. A miserable chess piece...

Feng Ying was poisoned and could not have children.

"If it weren't for the purpose of using your belly to give birth to a legitimate son between me and him, so as to consolidate my position in the court, do you think Xiao Lang would touch you?"

"Sister, do you know how much Xiao Lang hates you? He said that as long as he thinks of you being suppressed by Pei Man for three years, he feels sick and wants to vomit. He has to think of my face every time before he can follow me. Your roommate..."

"No one has ever liked you, uncle or father. Everyone in the Feng family is ashamed of you. No one thinks you are a disgrace to the Feng family."

"Only my poor elder brother, he died for you, can you still live shamelessly?"

"Sister, just go and die."

"After you die, I will take good care of Yuchu."

"Yu Chu will not remember you, he will only remember me as the queen mother..."

"Oh, there is one more thing I forgot to tell my sister. You and that scoundrel Pei Ran are locked in Zhaode Palace and are about to starve to death. Do you think his biological father will have time to save him?"

That cry of "Daddy" made her heartbroken with pain as she was on the verge of death.

Throughout her life, her relatives abandoned her, Pei Madang chased her away, Xiao Cheng humiliated her, deceived her, and hated her. The only eldest brother who loved her died tragically in Pei Madang's hands. One of her sons will die with her. The other son will recognize the thief as his mother and forget her for the rest of his life...

"Pei Madang called, didn't he?"

She heard her own laughter. Although it was not that glorious to use Pei Madang to stimulate Feng Ying, she was glad that there was still someone who could make Feng Ying lose her composure.

Pei Madang, who killed Wen Xingsu and then rushed into Taicheng...

At that time, I had not seen her for many years.

The abandoned queen in the cold palace could not see the enemy general.

She closed her eyes.

It's strange to say that before she died, she saw Pei Madang rushing into Taicheng with blood all over his body and face. He was very slovenly, just like when they first met when they were camping at Yanzi Cliff outside Andu City, he was unshaven. , his eyes were fierce, as if he wanted to kill everyone with a knife...

He came in on horseback. In a place like the Cold Palace, the door lintel was too low, which made him look really majestic. He was so tall, his eyebrows were so sharp, and his breath was so thick...

He seemed to have walked for a long time before he walked up to her, holding the bloody Piyong Sword, and watched Feng Yun take his last breath.

"Waist waist..."

Feng Yun didn't know if it was a hallucination before his death.

Pei Ran called her.

She kept her mouth open, wanting to tell him, "Save the eldest prince, Qu'er is our son..."

She opened her mouth silently, and Pei Ran couldn't hear her.

Pei Madang will never know that she once gave birth to a son for him.

However, even if she had the chance to say it, Pei Madang probably wouldn't believe it. She had been childless for three years and got pregnant as soon as she left. How could a shrewd and cautious man like him believe her just because of such a word?

She later recalled and even suspected that those phantoms were just her desires before she died. It was because she was so looking forward to someone coming to save her Qu'er that she had the illusion that Pei Madang led his troops into the palace city and broke into the cold palace. …

Maybe, Pei Madang never came, never...

If that was Pei Ran, how could he have such a pained look in his eyes?

Pei Madang hated her because she believed the lies of Feng Jingting and Xiao Cheng, and it was she who caused the Beiyong Army to lose on the battlefield and cause countless casualties. It was she who caused the most humiliating defeat in Pei Ran's life. This man should be eager to cut her into pieces...

Unfortunately, he took revenge on Wen Xingsu.

"Waist?" Wen Xingsu noticed something strange about her, "Why are the circles under her eyes red?"

Feng Yun resisted the sourness in his eyes, sniffed, and finally calmed down his emotions. He pursed his lips and smiled, "Don't I feel sorry for you for being so seriously injured? Look at me, I'm so stupid..."

The cloth stuck to the wound, and she couldn't tear it off even after tearing off a corner.

The fair skin on the leg was stained red by the blood spurting from the wound, and it looked extremely ferocious——

Feng Yun's eyes were bleeding.

In her previous life, she had never seen Wen Xingsu's injuries, nor had she seen Wen Xingsu's death with her own eyes.

See you again in this life, and the pain will carry twice the power.

She couldn't let Wen Xingsu die...

The mistakes she made in her previous life will not be made again in this life. She not only wants to change her own destiny, but also changes the destiny of her eldest brother...

The National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival holiday is over like this. Do you feel like you haven’t had enough?

It doesn't matter, if we continue to fish, the Chinese New Year will be around the corner again.

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