Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 35: Big Brother's Recovery

Feng Yun looked down at Wen Xingsu's injuries, took out a piece of dried meat from the cabinet and stuffed it into his mouth, "Bite it if it hurts."

Then he calmed down and peeled off the clothing stuck to the wound bit by bit.

This process was very long, and her movements were very gentle, but the gentler she moved, the more torturous Wen Xingsu became.

Compared with the pain, it was more difficult for him to bear Feng Yun's delicate and gentle movements between his legs. That kind of subconscious reaction made him embarrassed, and inevitably a trace of shameful pleasure surged...

"Brother, just bear with it a little longer. You'll be fine soon. You'll be fine soon." Feng Yun saw his brows furrowed and his eyes closed tightly, as if he was suffering from great pain. He couldn't help but tremble his hands.

The more I want to tear it apart quickly, the harder it is to do so.

"Waist..." Wen Xingsu's lower back was numb and he was panting. His face was covered with sweat. The temperature rising rapidly from his lower abdomen was about to melt him. Pain and happiness, but also keeping calm and not having daydreams, it was difficult, very difficult, he had never been so sad.

"Don't be afraid, brother, it won't hurt." Wen Xingsu's voice was hoarse and he spoke with difficulty: "Just use a little force and tear it apart..."

Feng Yun took a look at his face.

Wen Xingsu is an old-school man, very traditional at heart, so even if the people are more enlightened now, he will not be as arrogant and extravagant as those young men from aristocratic families. The eldest brother is clean, honest, and gentlemanly...

Feng Yun couldn't bear his suffering, thinking that the long-term pain would be worse than the short-term pain, so he simply gritted his teeth, held down his leg, pulled the cloth stuck to the wound, and pulled hard...

"Well..." Wen Xingsu's muffled voice came in with a nasal sound.

Feng Yun also had sweat dripping down his cheeks.

Just now she closed her eyes and pulled the wound very hard, but Wen Xingsu froze for a moment and didn't say a word. His expression looked very strange.

"Does it hurt?" Feng Yun focused all his attention on Wen Xingsu's face and didn't pay attention to the abnormality in his lower abdomen. He thought it was because he was in severe pain and quickly sprinkled it with gold wound medicine.

"It doesn't hurt..." Wen Xingsu panted, with cold sweat dripping from his forehead. It was not only pain, but also the torment of being pulled back and forth to the limit without daring to react too much.

Feng Yun sprinkled powder on the wound, bandaged it and asked him to divert his attention, "Aren't you supposed to be leading troops in Xinzhou? How did you come to Andu?"

Wen Xingsu frowned slightly, "I'll pick you up... and take you home."

A very concise sentence explaining the purpose of your visit. He added: "Unexpectedly... when we were crossing the river, we encountered the patrolling Beiyong Army and almost lost our lives..."

Feng Yun: "It's too risky. How can you come to the territory of Beiyong Army alone?"

Wen Xingsu was silent for a moment, "I didn't do it alone, I brought four guards. They... were killed in battle."

Feng Yun's heart skipped a beat and his eyes filled with tears.

Wen Xingsu looked at her expression and was silent for a moment before saying, "Zi Yan has just taken office. He has many things to do. He has to prepare for war now, so he can't take care of you for the time being..."

Feng Yun chuckled lightly, "Brother, you don't need to explain to him, let alone care about my pity. I know who I am in Xiao San's eyes and who Xiao San is."

Wen Xingsu looked at her silently.

She was very calm, without the complaints and sadness she had when talking about Xiao Cheng before. When she mentioned this name, it was like talking about an insignificant stranger. Her whole body calmed down, as if she had grown up overnight.

Wen Xingsu was a little surprised, but didn't ask.

A seventeen-year-old girl was sacrificed to an enemy general by her own father. How could she remain as innocent and innocent as usual after facing such an embarrassing situation...

"Yaoyao, brother will protect you from now on."

Wen Xingsu spoke upright and seriously.

"After we get back together, if you don't want to go back to the Feng family, you won't go back. Just stay with your brother."

Feng Yun smiled slightly.

If there had been such a day in her previous life, and she had seen Wen Xingsu coming to pick him up, she might have left Andu with him without hesitation and returned to her hometown where she thought about it day and night...

But now, she is not that Feng Yun.

"Brother, I won't go back."

Wen Xingsu stared at her in confusion, "If you don't go back to Qi, where can you go?"

Feng Yun said: "Brother, haven't you heard? I am now Pei Man's concubine. It is natural for a concubine to follow her husband..."

There was a trace of pain in Wen Xingsu's eyes, "You are not allowed to demean yourself. You are the direct daughter of the Xuzhou Feng family, how can you be a concubine? My father does not make decisions for you, but my eldest brother does. You are Xiao Saburo’s first wife…”

"No more." Feng Yun told him calmly, "On the day I left the city to beg for surrender, I had severed the father-daughter relationship with Feng Jingting. I no longer have anything to do with the Feng family in Xuzhou, so naturally there is no need to marry into the Xiao family!"

She laughed again and stared at Wen Xingsu.

"When will Feng Ying go to Prince Jingling's Mansion? Have they agreed on a good date?"

Facing these clear and beautiful eyes, Wen Xingsu didn't know how to answer for a moment.

Of course Wen Xingsu was not completely ignorant of the calculations made by his mother and sister. He did not agree with this matter, but he had no way to influence the elders' thoughts, especially Xiao Sanlang who was not clear about it. He was not a human being to influence... …

"Yao Yao, brother, I can't help you." Wen Xingsu knew Feng Yun's feelings for Xiao Cheng and felt very guilty.

"This is my choice. Brother owes me nothing."

Feng Yun looked at him with some pity.

This stupid brother!

Feng Ying not only relied on the Feng family's influence, but also relied on his.

The Feng family had a say in the court. Not only did the eldest uncle, Feng Jingyao, become the minister, but the second and third uncles were all important ministers in the court. Otherwise, the least expected younger brother, Feng Jingting, would not be allowed to be the prefect of the county.

But the Southern Qi Dynasty was established for only more than 20 years, and it has changed three emperors. There are constant wars abroad, and there are many aristocratic families at home, and the royal family is fighting against each other. Wen Xingsu is the stepson of the Feng family. He can lead troops to fight. He is a rare general in the Southern Qi Dynasty. All parties value him very much. Wen Xingsu and Feng Ying are siblings who crawled out of the same mother's womb.

Of course, Feng Yun is not going to say this in front of Wen Xingsu.

Because Feng Ying not only doesn't care whether she marries Xiao Cheng, but she is even happy to see it happen. The scumbag and the slut should be a pair...

She doesn't know the ending of Xiao Cheng and Feng Ying in her previous life.

This time she wants to see it with her own eyes.

In order to restore the farmland, more than a dozen Meiling troops were left on the farm. Xing Bing was also here. Seeing a scarred man in Feng Yun's donkey cart, Xing Bing was shocked.

"Girl, what's going on?"

Feng Yun motioned him to carry the person in.

"Tell the people in the farm that he is an injured refugee. I took him back because I felt sorry for him."

Some of the soldiers were servants that Feng Jingting brought from Taicheng to Andu. However, Wen Xingsu had changed a lot in the past few years, so they might not recognize him. Feng Yun simply shut them up.

Xing Bing was confused, but did not ask any more questions.

After giving the order, he stepped forward to help carry the man.

Wen Xingsu was dizzy from the shaking of the donkey cart, and his face was pale. Feng Yun had him carried to the couch and lay down, and asked Xing Bing to wash him and change him into a clean shirt, and then went to the kitchen to prepare food.

Wen Xingsu was injured and needed to be nursed, so she took two eggs and mixed them with some white flour to make an egg pancake, and sent a servant to the pond to find a few tender snow lotus nodes.

The lotus seeds were still blooming, and the snow lotus roots were not very big, but they were sweet and crisp. Washing and stir-frying a dish, and stewing a bone soup, were all delicious.

As the sun grew bigger, the smoke from the house just rose to the sky, and there was a sound of horse hooves and shouting outside.

"Twelve Niang, the doctor is here."

Feng Yun asked Xiaoman to watch the fire, wiped her hands on her apron, and walked out of the kitchen.

Alou was talking to the other side of the main room, and was startled when she saw Feng Yun coming out of the kitchen.

Feng Yun was also stunned.

There was not only Alou in the yard, but also Ao Qi and a large group of guards, blocking the gate of the manor.

There was also a very eye-catching Puyang Jiu in the crowd.

Puyang Jiu brought a medical servant and carried a medicine box. He walked in front of the guards with a smile, and his eyes swept over like a probing look. When he saw Feng Yun at the door of the kitchen, he bowed slightly and bowed...

"Girl is polite..."

First update

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