Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 36 The show begins

Puyang Jiu suddenly came to the farm, catching Feng Yun off guard.

A Lou winked at her in the yard.

Feng Yun calmed down, pretended not to know him, and returned the greeting.

"May I ask who this gentleman is..."

A Lou bowed and said, "I went to ask for a doctor, but all the clinics in the city were closed and no one was found. Guard Ao rushed back to the camp and asked the Puyang doctor to come..."

Ao Qi stared at Feng Yun, his eyes were fiery, as if holding a knife, "Didn't you say that the girl was not feeling well? I think the girl is interested in cooking and is in good health."

This little general Ao has a bad temper, and it is too difficult to get him to give a good face.

Feng Yun didn't know what A Lou said, looked at him, and gently pressed his forehead as if uncomfortable.

"I think it's because the heat is too intense. I couldn't stand it when I came here on the donkey cart just now. I had an unbearable headache, so I asked Alou to go to the city to find a doctor. I didn't expect that when I returned to the farm, the weather was cooler and I felt much better..."

Ao Qi was obviously not so easy to fool.

His eyes fell on the donkey cart in the yard, and then he slowly walked over, his handsome eyes gradually darkened.

Feng Yun's heart skipped a beat.

There was blood on the shaft that had not been wiped clean, but he didn't notice it just now. He didn't expect that Ao Qi would find it...

Ao Qi pointed with the handle of the knife, "What is this? Is the girl injured?"

Feng Yun leaned forward and responded lightly: "On the way back, I picked up an injured refugee. He looked very pitiful. It happened that the farm needed people to farm, so I took him in..."

Ao Qi glanced at her and pressed on step by step, "Puyang Medical Officer is here, let him help to check the injury."

Feng Yun pursed her lips and looked at Puyang Jiu. The medical officer had a not-so-serious expression from beginning to end, like an idler who came to watch the fun.

When their eyes met, Feng Yun knew that she could no longer refuse. She smiled slightly, said nothing more, and bowed to Puyang Jiu.

"Then I'll have to trouble the doctor Puyang. Ah Lou, take the doctor over to have a look."

She had just gone to the stove and burned the bloody clothes that Wen Xingsu had put on, and put the dragon-slaying sword under her bed. If Ao Qi and Puyang Jiu had any doubts...


Feng Yun suddenly thought of a possibility.

Wen Xingsu had a battle with the Beiyong Army, and four dead soldiers were killed. Then the Beiyong Army must have known that a Qi spy had escaped, and a wounded Qi person.

No wonder Ao Qi noticed the bloodstains and spoke so seriously...

Clearly, he came prepared.

However, they may have guessed that Wen Xingsu's military rank was not low, and they might not know that he was Wen Xingsu himself...

Feng Yun's heart was in turmoil, rising and falling like the tide, but her face did not show any sign. She lowered her eyes slightly and led them forward.

When they arrived at Wen Xingsu's room, she was about to enter the room when an arm stretched out to her.

"Lady, please stay." Ao Qi said coldly and mercilessly.

Feng Yun raised her eyebrows, "What does Guard Ao mean? You want to be my master in my house?"

Ao Qi said, "There are differences between men and women. The doctor from Puyang treats men's injuries. Ladies, please stay outside."

Feng Yun looked at him quietly.

Ao Qi also looked at her, strong and stubborn, as if he was wrapped up in some angry emotions, and his eyes rarely dodged.

Feng Yun frowned slightly, with a bit of inquiry in his eyes. Ao Qi looked back without saying a word, which gradually made her feel a little uncomfortable...

Finally, she was defeated. Under Feng Yun's stare, her ears turned red, and she was annoyed in her heart. She was inexplicably angry and glared back fiercely.

"Lady, why are you looking at me like this?"

Feng Yun smiled, "I was wondering what kind of crime Guard Ao was going to convict me of?"

Ao Qi stiffened unconsciously.

The sun shines in from the flower window, and the girl's skin exudes a jade-like luster, and then down is the slender neck and delicate collarbone...

She is calm and composed, and her temperament is pleasant. On the contrary, he, who came to ask for punishment, unconsciously lost his composure in front of her and became more and more nervous...

This Feng Shier Niang, took in the Qi army's spies and dared to question him in return, as if it was a matter of course...

Ao Qi was very angry, his face flushed.

Angry that she was fearless and looked like she had him in her hands...

I just don't want her to do what she wants. Ao Qi looked away from her eyes and snorted coldly, "Girl, don't do anything that will disappoint the general. Otherwise, no one can save you."

Feng Yun bowed slightly to him.

"Thank you, Guard Ao, for your advice. But I am a woman, my life is worthless. If the general wants me to live, I will force myself to smile, and if he wants me to die... What does it matter if I disappoint him or not?"

Ao Qi's eyebrows jumped, and the whole person seemed to freeze.

From the day he entered the camp till now, Ao Qi had never seen Feng Yun say a single discouraging word. She was always calm and gentle, neither humble nor arrogant, and could handle the most important things calmly. Why did she say such words today...

What was even more annoying was that seeing her so sad, he felt uncomfortable for no reason and wanted to beat up the people who bullied her...

It seemed that what A'mu said was right. Beautiful girls must not be easily provoked, because it would make men lose their minds and fall into the abyss and never recover...

Ao Qi didn't want to do that, and immediately became alert. He became serious again, and his eyes swept over Feng Yun with dissatisfaction.

"Girl, don't worry too much. As long as the girl obeys the order, the general will not embarrass you--"

Feng Yun smiled and stepped aside, waiting silently.

In his previous life, Wen Xingsu died at the hands of Pei Jue. Could it be that the gears of history will eventually turn back here?

The hut was quiet.

After a while, Puyang Jiu came out of it. His hands were full of blood. Feng Yun's heart beat violently when he saw it, but he still had the patience not to rush in.

"Puyang Medical Officer, how are the injured?"

Puyang Jiu twitched the corner of his mouth and subconsciously caught her eyes. No nervousness was found, and he immediately raised his eyebrows.

"Please, lady, please send someone to bring a basin of water to cleanse your hands..."

Feng Yun glanced at Alou.

Waiting for Puyang Jiu to wash his hands is a long process.

There seemed to be something wrong with this husband. He changed the water again and again, and used the handkerchief one after another. Finally, he washed his noble "jade hands" and answered her questions.

"The girl's treatment was timely, and the medicine for the injury was used well. The patient's body and bones are also strong. If he takes a few more days, he will get better..."

Feng Yun smiled slightly and said, "Let the Puyang medical officer worry about it."

Puyang Jiu looked at Feng Yun with a meaningful look in his eyes: "The world is in chaos and chaos, and Andu County is not at peace either. It is better for girls not to randomly pick up people in the house. Be careful to attract wolves into the house, or you will get burned..."

Feng Yun lowered his head slightly, "The Puyang medical officer reminded me that the little girl will be cautious next time."

Puyang Jiu said nothing and glanced at Ao Qi.

"Then I'll take the first step, and the general will wait for my return."

General? Feng Yun's eyebrows moved slightly.

In other words, this incident has alarmed Pei Mad.

Then Puyang Jiu's injury inspection will definitely find something...

Feng Yun lowered his eyes and said goodbye: "Medical officer, please go slowly. Alou will see you off."

Puyang Jiu returned the favor, but hesitated to speak. Finally, under Ao Qi's urging, he told Feng Yun with a half-smile.

"The general has laid a dragnet to capture Nan Qi. If the girl is serious, she might as well take the initiative."

Feng Yun smiled and said, "This little girl is powerless and can't help the general."

Puyang Jiu saw that she had a way of pretending to be stupid. When things came to an end, she was still acting as if nothing had happened. He couldn't help but curled his lips in interest.

"Humans are bound to make mistakes. As long as the girl is willing to show her kindness, even if she makes a mistake, I think the general will give her a lighter sentence."

He just came close to telling him that the man in the room was Nan Qi Xizuo.

But he refused to say anything and wanted to make Feng Yun anxious.

Feng Yun also endured his temper and played riddles with him.

Before leaving, Puyang Jiu patted Ao Qi on the shoulder, "Watch it."

Puyang Jiu left with his medicine servant, but the soldiers of the Northern Yong Army in the yard did not withdraw.

Ao Qi still stood there motionless.

Feng Yun frowned, "Guard Ao, Zhuangzi doesn't have much food, but we haven't prepared meals for so many people..."

Ao Qi: "You don't have to prepare other people's meals. The lady should prepare a portion of the general's meals."

Feng Yun's heart sank slightly.

Staring at Ao Qi, she saw Ao Qi nodding affirmatively before she spoke: "Young lady still has time, prepare the food, and then think about how to beg the general for mercy."

Feng Yun:......

Well, although Pei Ran did not restrict her access to the general's mansion, he had been on guard against her from the first day she entered the camp. He sent out confidants like Ao Qi and Ye Chuang, and the battle was so big that it was not like treating an ordinary person. Concubine...

How could such a cautious Pei Man not know that she had saved a whole group of people?

Feng Yun glanced at the group of guards in the courtyard and smiled at Ao Qi.

"Guard Ao is right, please excuse me."

The season has changed again, winter has entered Chengdu in a second, and I caught a cold.

Book lovers should also take good care of their bodies.

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